Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Autonomous: To Govern Oneself

The last eight months have been unprecedented, unexpected, some times agonizing, and some times awe-inspiring. Today continues the theme with a flurry of insights and messages that have me wishing I could write two or three books a week. With that ... I have carried some book titles in my thoughts for years. Some of them for forty years, believe it or not. Two that strike me today, inspired by the plethora of messages and visions of the morning.

"Victim No More" .. and .. "The Birth of a New Universe"

Through the years I've met many, many people who echo my thoughts. This is the only planet where a soul has to pay to exist. Humans abuse and use other humans. Other infinite souls! Truth is often silenced. Injustice is often accepted. More often than not because someone has an opinion about it and they have the power to make that opinion strong enough to manipulate results. Oh .. you know I could go on for a very long time naming all of the things on this planet that seem to be so foreign to what our Infinite Souls might like to experience in a reality. We also know that each of us chose to be on this planet at this time. Our experiences are what our souls need for our advancement, it seems. I know some would argue with me but .. there is no such thing as an "accidental incarnation." (smile)

And so to the un-written book titles...... "Victim No More" has been in my thoughts for around 45 years. I determined long ago that I did not want to be a victim of this 3-D 'reality.' The question then became .. how do I create such a freedom? The question has been a driving force for all these years. I had a crystal clear memory of a planet, a distant time, when souls were not victims. We lived our greatest spiritual gifts and Knowings. Every soul was recognized as an Infinite Soul with a value so distinct that it could not be measured. And every soul was treated as such. Respect. Compassion. Empathy. And I could (again) go on and on....... It took many years for me to realize that, no matter the circumstances or the suffering, I would not be a victim if my perspective was what it needed to be. If I perceive my experiences from the viewpoint of being an Infinite Soul, if I perceive my experiences as something I can gain wisdom from, I am not a victim. I am a participant. A participant in a very temporary 'reality.' Playing a role on a planet that seems larger than life but, in actuality, is so small that it is invisible when seen from a distance.

And now .. "Birth of a New Universe" .. There has been a thought since the day I arrived on this planet. A thought that goes with my life-time commitment to understand the ways of Energy. All things being Energy, 'reality' is an energy form. I came to realize that this current 'reality' is a consensual energy field. As a visual hint we can think of it as living inside a balloon with billions of souls who have agreed to breathe the same air. We are inside the energy form of our consensual 'reality.'

But..!! What seems like a trap may actually be an opportunity. Could this current experience be our souls effort to learn how to become our Truth, our Soul's power, despite the obvious challenges? Could this be an experience that is teaching us to create 'reality?' Perhaps learn to .. ahem .. turn water into wine? There have been multitudes of experiences through my years that tell me this is the Truth. But the last eight months (which no one would believe .. it's been SO other-worldly .. like an episode of "Twilight Zone" but even more bizarre) have cemented my thought-meanderings into knowing that my thoughts are true. With all things being Energy, a new energy field has come near Earth's current energy field. One of the main things one might notice is the energy of hope. The energy of possibility. The energy of an opportunity to free your mind and perspective from the 'balloon' of the current consentual field of thought/'reality.' This new energy field is of a higher dimensional frequency. It is, by far, less dense than the field of Earth's current 'reality.' As Infinite Souls, we exist as higher dimensional frequency Light/Be-ings/etc. If we are to raise our thoughts, our frequencies, our perspectives .. our energy field .. and merge with this 'new' energy field, does it not than stand to reason that we would be changing our own 'reality?' If not in an instantaneous 3-D way, certainly in a spiritual way. I believe that's the current Goal for many or us on this planet at this time. If we become our higher dimensional energy fields, we are infiltrating the density. Eventually the frequency will rise. Well .. doesn't that feel familiar to your soul?? (smile)