Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I Am Too Short To Get Off My 'High Horse'

When I was aboard The Esartania the other night, Commander Korton advised me that I was, in his words, 'a radical.'  I had never thought of myself in that way but I now find myself so grateful for his words that I'm beside myself with gratitude.  Something was triggered with his words.  A piece of myself rampaged it's way to the surface and has been vocalizing itself ever since.  And not in a quiet way, I might add.

I recall a planet where the people who were not 'in charge' were housed.  Their quarters were similar to bunk houses and their beds were similar to bunk beds.  People stacked like firewood.

A whistle so loud it would pierce the ears of God sounded at first light.  The people shuffled off to the long, plank tables.  They shoveled the morning porridge into their mouths without tasting it.  Well, honestly, it had no taste.  In a single-file line they shuffled to the mouths of caves.  Counted, they were pushed into the darkness.  There they labored for a full day, every day, mining for the riches of the earth, the planet.  The riches that would then fill the coffers of the 'masters.'

I remember the end like it was yesterday.   In a single fell swoop all life was over.  The planet fell silent and the morning whistle no longer blew.  I remember looking back to see the riches piled upon the ground.  They belonged to no one then.  They belong to no one now.

The freedom of death treated everyone equally.  The 'masters' stood, unclothed, beside the unclothed and weary workers.  Death seems to do that.  Bring equality where there was none.

I have a more recent memory.  Standing in the dimly lit control room, looking out upon the vast beauty of the Universe.  A single planet, so beautiful to observe yet so troubled.  The power and control of the few might have looked different than the planet where life had died.  But, in truth, it was no different.  People made rules.  Other people followed them.  People made decisions.  Other people listened to them.  People barked orders.  Other people obeyed.

I observed that people were assigned numbers.  And they were tracked throughout their lifetime.  Every move they made could be known, if someone cared to know.  They were asked to prove who they were ... time and time again.  No move could be made without first proving themselves.  What was the reason, I wondered.

A quiet voice at my shoulder advised me that the people were living in a vacuum of repression.  Repressing the truth of who they were outside of the prison they had chosen, the reality they had opted to manifest.

"The repression of one's full Truth," the quiet voice went on, "is the cause of anger, pain, fear, and giving one's power away to the lie that they are powerless.  No one person has power over another.  And yet that certainly is the way it appears."

"How does this continue?" I asked.  "And what can be done to end it?"

"The key here is self-responsibility.  If every person took the responsibility of his or her own Truth into himself, the full awareness of who they truly are would surface within them.  The realization that every person is an aspect of Divine Infinity and no one person has the permission of Infinity to control another.  No one soul would harm another.  People are controlled by fear.  If people stop harming each other, fear would subside.  If fear subsides, the need to control as well as the ability to control would begin to dissipate."

It all made so much sense to me then, as I stood gazing upon the distant beauty of the planet.  It all seemed so simple.  All it would take, I remember thinking, is for people to remember that they are Divine Aspects.  They would stop harming each other.  The fear would stop.  Giving one's power away to the people who were capitalizing on the fear would stop.  The lies that were used to control people would stop.  Well, I could go on but I'm sure you see my line of thinking.

Ahhhh, the innocence we stand in when we first gaze upon what, from a distance, seems to be a problem that is easily fixed.

Well, you know what I mean.  I'm certain you do.

For more about Lauren Zimmerman's work and books, please visit:

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Beyond Existence

As I stood on the edge of existence this morning, April 15, 2016, the memory of another time filled me with its presence.  Was it only a month ago?  Was it a year?  I wasn't sure, for all things were one and time was non-existent.  The memory was not a memory but instead was a piece  of my soul.  My own infinity.  My truth.

I have not spoken of it.  I thought I never would.  To have merged with the Presence that I call God and to have been taken to the edge of this existence, well, that was enough for me to speak out loud.  Far too much for most to accept.  But my experience hadn't ended there and I realize, on this day, that I am called to speak of it now.

Existence is only a small room in a home too large to fit into a word.  I stood on the edge of the 'doorway' leading out.  I looked upon the majestic sight of a billion other existences, shining like distant lights in the darkened night.

This time, like the last time, like the very first time, my soul was nothing but yearning.  The expanse of a billion existences was mine to explore.  Mine to love.  And love it I do. I am a solitary atom, free to gaze upon, perhaps touch, any atom within a billion existence.  I am alone.  But I am one with All.  I want to stand forever, looking upon the vastness that is too massive to describe.  It is more familiar to me than this place they call Earth.

But I am gently turned and I look back through the immensity of this existence and somewhere, somewhere beyond my vision's reach, there is a universe that holds the planet they call Earth.  And I know that I exist there at the moment.  It is real.  But not as real as the place where I now stand.

The voice I so often hear whispers to my moment and to my reason for living in a place so small.  I listened.  And coming back to Earth I find this piece I've posted here below.  I have no recollection of creating it.  But I take note now of the date on the file and on the piece itself.  It is this date.  Two years ago.  I am asked to share it now.  Along with the secret that is not a secret at all.

The word 'existence' would seem to suggest .. 'all that is.'  In my world, it does not.  There are a billion existences.  And they are beautiful beyond any minuscule Earth-words could possibly describe.  And as I speak of this now the reason is clear.  The souls on Earth are meant to break the habit of limited thinking.  It is possible to have awareness of All and still be limited to this infinitesimal reality we call Earth.  It is meant that Humanity learn to live with full awareness.  It is this avenue that will take Earth's reality to a different place of Being.

Infinite souls who are aware of All choose to view life from a different perspective.  One so all-encompassing it does not choose to act with violence, disdain, judgment, or any of the other actions that insult the soul of another.  Expand your mind.  Expand your reality.  Your reality will change.

April 15, 2014

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