Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's All About Perspective

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Your Soul Paid A Visit

You may remember. You may not. You saw me walking with The Master, talking quietly in the Heavens. Out of the corner of my eye I caught your surprise at seeing me. The essence of the moon cast a shadow on the single tear you shed. I felt your heart shred and turned to The Master for guidance. He touched my arm with his love and urged me on. You followed at a distance.

I heard your soul apologize. I stopped and once again caught The Master's eyes. He stopped as well and we turned to each other. Searching eyes. Searching souls. A triangle of pain that I knew had touched God Himself.

The Master spoke the words you could not. He spoke of your division, your search for your truth that hides somewhere behind all of the human things you have been, have said, have done. I gathered my bravery and shielded my heart with it. I turned to meet your eyes. Your humanness fought with your soul.

Which would prevail?

The Master's voice filled me with your words. The words you couldn't find. Or bring yourself to speak. He became you. He meant it as a gift to me.

I know the Truth of your Soul. The pain can no longer cloak you. We will meet again.

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