Showing posts with label earth changes called lauren zimmerman other worlds ets contactee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth changes called lauren zimmerman other worlds ets contactee. Show all posts
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Going Beyond
The story has remained untold, until now. Only bits and pieces will drop upon these pages for the entirety would take the time of all history to tell. And so it will be brief but with the hope that the droplets of insight and energy will assist your soul and your path upon this Earth.
The choice, in my opinion, was an easy one. They were here before me with evil on their minds and my sister was their target. Or so I was told, and so I thought, at the time. She would die. I offered them my life instead. They took me up on the deal and within minutes I found myself hearing the Voice of God urging me to leave everything behind and come into The Presence. I could say it was a spectacular experience but that would be an understatement. Let me just say that there is no adequate description.
To make light of it ... I puttered around in the 'non-world' for three days. I learned a lot. As I sit here today I wonder if I learned enough because the end result was the decision to return to Earth-life and carry on. (smile) I've wondered quite often why I made that choice. It was beyond awesome where I was. And Earth did not really exist. At least not from that perspective. And yet here is where I found myself and for the next 40 years or so I would deal with the dichotomy of the existence I shared with God and the existence I shared with humanity, even though humanity and Earth did not truly exist. At least from that perspective. Not so, from this Earth perspective. No. It was, and is, all too real.
For 40-plus years I worked at closing the gap of understanding. When I stepped into The Presence, nothing existed but the energy of God. The Presence of God. The all-consuming light. The all-consuming love. I could not see, feel, or even intuit Earth. Or the body that was laying in a hospital bed. But as the years passed I began to feel more and more that the gap was closing. I could sense a portal, if you wish to call it that. It was a doorway into what lies beyond what we perceive as 'existence.' The more I refused to let it go, the more tiny dribbles of insight were gifted to me.
There came a day, not long ago, when the doorway opened for me. The memory of having been there, and the memory of having come back through that door and having it shut behind me, came flooding back and I dissolved in tears. Not because I was sad but because I was overjoyed. My goal had been reached. And even if the door was only open enough to show me a sliver of light, it was enough to give me the impetus to keep the quest to understand alive.
Now I sit here today, drenched in the energy of understanding, and know why I returned. Returned from what is Real. Returned to what is un-real.
Ahhh, but it is real. The differentiation may be that it is not necessarily True.
What is True is the message my Infinite Soul wanted to bring back. The True that contains the enormity of what lies beyond what most can perceive or even imagine. It is so much greater than we allow our Earth-lives to imagine. The Truth that all things are possible. The Truth that there is nothing at all to fear. The Truth that there is no separation, of any kind. Which means that the energy you are, the Being you are, is a necessary 'atom' in the grander scheme of things. And the energy you are, and that you give to the all-that-is, registers everywhere. Without exception.
I returned to experience an entirely different 'reality'/life than the one that had been planned before I died. My soul orchestrated monumental challenges .. day after day after day. I passed through the portals of 'hell' a thousand times, using Earth-experiences. I overcame them all. Cancer, homelessness, poverty, betrayal, abuse, another 'death' or two, for good measure, I suppose. But on the heels of each, one miracle after another after another followed until miracles became the norm. (I call them miracles due to the limited language of Earth, but they are actually not. They are the norm .. in God's Reality.)
I kept saying 'yes' to God, 'yes' to every experience I was presented. My communion with my own Soul and what I wanted to learn, to understand, let me know that, through these experiences, I would be drawn closer to the understanding of the dichotomy that, literally, drives my reason for Being. The dichotomy between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be in this limited and dense experience of Earth.
I have done my best to bring the energy of The True to the density of this 3-D reality. I believe that, all things being energy, what we issue forth (as energy) touches everything because energy has no boundaries. The Truth is ... we are infinite souls. As God said to me ... if you compare your Earth-time to your infinity you will find that you've just lived about 15 minutes, even if you live on Earth 100 years. When we change our perspective(s), we change our lives. Each soul, without exception, has a goal, a reason for creating this Earth-experience. In my experience, viewing my life through the eyes of my infinity, my soul, enhances (to a great degree) what we can accomplish on behalf of our soul. Enhances what we get out of this experience and the time we spend here. There will come a time when each of us steps back through that doorway. But in the meantime, maybe we can bring some of what lies beyond it into this moment, into this experience. Perhaps .. just perhaps .. this is how we will heal this Earth and those who live here.
***** *****
Sunday, July 15, 2018
A Challenge

(Photo: Unknown creator)
I believe that, in my last blog, I mentioned that a 'portal' had opened, issuing new energy into the energetic field of this existence. It's been interesting since that day. Having known about the possibilities for years, and having awareness and a desire to connect with 'beyond' as one of my one main goals for many years, I dedicated a lot of time and energy to exploring this new 'portal' and the energy (possibilities) that came with it. Because it's entirely new to this existence, there was no way of predicting what might come next.
There are Beings who monitor the 'portal.' (Out of necessity I have to use 3-D words because .. well .. what else can I do? But, honestly, most of what is unfolding has no 3-D words.) I've given these Beings the title of 'The Protectors' because they protect/monitor the energy that passes through this 'portal.' To my knowledge, a portal/opening/exchange between this particular area of 'beyond' has never occurred. That said, logic suggests that monitoring this process would be essential.
I'll have to allow this blog to wander a bit. Bear with me. (Thanks .. :-) ) I'll repeat what I've said a million times. Everything is energy. Existence is energy. Existence has no walls, no boundaries. Therefore, all energy impacts all other energy. What I found though, quite some years ago, is that the word 'existence,' though it seems to indicate 'all that is,' it actually does not. I was shown, in a very physical way, that we currently live in one existence but there are one billion more outside of this one. Like cells in a body, each existence is a 'cell' and is separate from the other cells. There is no 'wall' between existences, just as there are no walls between cells, however, each cell/existence is a separate entity, for lack of a better way to put it.
Everything that impacts one of your cells impacts your entire body of cells, even if only in a small way. Everything that impacts this Universe impacts all of this existence, even if only in a small way. Extrapolate that out and, if you're willing to allow yourself to accept this bigger picture of many existences (cells, perhaps?), everything that impacts this existence impacts all other existences. Separate but not separate at all. Only limited perception/thinking perceives a separation of anything whatsoever. (You probably do not think of one of your cells being separate from all others, right?)
Everything is one.
I've gotten totally off-topic, but for a good reason. The mental groundwork is laid for .. the challenge.
It was yesterday that I felt a stir in the air of the room. Recognizing that I had a 'visitor,' I stopped to listen.
"What if you were to use your brain in a different way?"
I was intrigued. "Explain, if you would?"
"What if you were to choose a period of time, let's say 24 hours, to register energy instead of using your brain to think."
I fell in love with the idea instantly. I am an energy-junkie, if you will. (smile)
"Register energy." I pondered the thought. "And so you mean, feel, sense, intuit .. register .. the entirety of my being here in this time and place by 'reading' the energy of it, rather than processing it through thought?"
A thrill of excitement swept through me, as though this was a gift I had been aware of but had not opened. I could feel a smile coming from him. And then he was gone.
I began to 'play' with the suggestion. Stopping myself every time my brain wanted to form a thought. Inspecting everything by registering it as an energy form, rather than something I had to think about.
Not as easy as one might think. (Pun intended.)
I hadn't thought to write a blog or anything else about this, however, upon waking this morning this challenge was the first thing that I .. thought .. about. I instantly caught myself and flipped my brain into energy-registering-mode. Much to my surprise, instantly my inner sight registered the vision of a tall, ivory Being in the room.
Oh, this was going to be fun .. this challenge.
The Being turned and looked at me over his shoulder as he was leaving. "Perhaps it's something you can mention to others who might want to hear," he suggested. "If indeed the goal is to nurture a more awake and aware society to caretake this planet, human thinking and perception must change. Perhaps this is a Key."
Ah, what a wry smile he had as he disappeared.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. There is also a blue button ("FOLLOW") on the right-hand-side of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Thursday, April 12, 2018
All Things Possible
If memory serves me right, I was in my early twenties when I wrote this quote, which still remains one of my favorites.
"All the possibilities lie before me, like fallen leaves on Autumn grass."
It is only now, so many years later, that the thought occurs to me that I was setting my Earth-Path in motion. It seems that 'possibilities' have been the mainstay of pretty much every day of my life. Had I known (if this is actually true), I probably would not have written the quote ... or loved it so much. (smile) To a large degree, my 'mission' seems to be about showing the extent of what is possible to those who care to listen.
Now, on to the reason I am writing this blog. I know it's been a long (long) time since I've written. A lot has taken place since last I appeared here on the blog. What has me here now is a series of other-world events, if we choose to call it that. Higher dimensional stuff. Life-changing. Soul-awakening.
April 1st was the 44th anniversary of my life-after-death experience. I've always felt the date was significant, as the years passed, and, quite honestly, have been a bit surprised as the anniversaries have slid by without something major taking place. This year was the exception. April 1st took me back to the energy of passing over to 'the other side' and stepping into The Presence of God. The energy of The Presence took me over, as it had so many years ago, and my sense of Divine Peace was restored in a way I didn't realize was possible.
In 1974 I was 'gone' for three days. In this present year, I felt as though I was 'gone' for three days, and yet I was not. But April 4th dawned and as I felt my way back into the state of being awake it became obvious that something had changed. There have been quite a few 'walk-in' experiences through the years. Other higher-dimensional aspects of my Infinite Soul filtering in slowly or simply slamming in without even a head's up. The 'soul exchange' (we'll call it that) this time seemed to be much more evident than all of the others.
As the days have passed, the sense of being quite different has grown. Normally the 'new' energies have been something I quickly adapted to and so this experience was going differently than the others. Now, here on the 12th, it was a night like no other, leading into a waking acknowledgement that things are still changing.
One of the very first things I learned in 1975 had to do with all things being energy. With the understandings that followed, I have thought of myself as cells separated by space. This morning that thought was key in my quest to find out what was going on. I could see myself as cells separated by space but the cells seemed to have given my 'life' over to the space. (if that makes sense?) I felt like space. But not empty space. God-space. (It would take me an entire book to explain this, I'm sure, and so hopefully you're following my thoughts.)
Now, here's where my mention of possibilities comes into play.
Stepping away from everything 3-D, I allowed Divine Silence to take over and simply went into a state of deep meditation. The first vision of my internal state of being seemed to be that the cells had, indeed, allowed space to take over. There was a feeling of the cells being separated from the space in such a way that it was immediately evident. Not sure what to make of it, I simply waited and watched. A sudden force, perhaps best described as a wind, blew through me. All of the cells were pushed out of me. I was simply space. Space. Empty. But not. God-Space.
I was not alarmed at all. It was the most natural state of Being that I could imagine. A state of Being that I had been gifted with in 1974 and had been seeking to return to ever since.
I insisted that my brain stay silent. Do not try to interpret what's going on, I advised myself.
Suddenly I was in a huge room made of gold. Golden walls. Massive double doors, arched and made of gold. I sensed someone in the room with me. Glancing to my left I knew who this was. How I knew is impossible to tell. Ganesh. I had never heard of Ganesh in this lifetime and so how did I know this? It's normal for me to hear a voice tell me to look something up and so I made a note to myself to look this up when the experience was over. Sure enough. There was a picture of this Being ... looking exactly as I'd seen in the room.
(The following link is the one that most resonated with me as I looked for information: )
I have to admit, I am always secretly thrilled when I see or hear messages/visions that give me things that I don't consciously know. Such wonderful validation. Such a door-opening for possibilities. :-)
As I assimilated the presence and information about this Being/Image/Presence, there came another stirring in the golden room. This Being I DO know. Anubis. Anubis appeared to me several years ago and suggested that Divine Guidance from his energy might be welcome in my world. It was an absolute 'yes' from me and so I've had the Blessing of this Energy for the last five years or so.
We are Infinite Souls who exist within all time and space. Existence is ours to explore and experience.
Perhaps this blog is meant only to remind you.
(An edit a few minutes later: As I pondered all of this I was reminded to add something that I left out of this blog. As the meditation began I sensed the Presence of God and heard a voice. The voice said ... "We are a bit surprised that you survived all of the devastation that has come into your life. We are here to speak to you of great change."
Love to ALL
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Friday, February 24, 2017
Now In Paperback~!~
nLight Press
is incredibly pleased to announce that
"Moments Of Mastery"
is now available in paperback!
"MOMENTS" offers the higher dimensions of wisdom, healing,
and alternatives for creating peace harmony, and health, and serves
as a conduit for those seeking positive solutions to human relationships
and issues.
The basic goal of MOMENTS is to assist those who wish to create
a new reality, a new world by offering the highest vibrational
information possible to readers.
Simple, spiritual solutions to the issues that stand between
everyday life and inner peace.
Some heartwarming reviews:
"Moments of Mastery" was one of the best books I've read in my life!!! If you are looking for "TRUTH" and more "TRUTH"... Not much more than that I can say... I have also read "Called", "Mayan Tiles" and "Sea Spoke Today"... All AMAZING reads...
More wonderful information from Lauren. Should the reader contemplate on what she says within the pages of this book, your life can take paths you never expected but works and can make your life fuller and more understandable. I have enjoyed every book this author has written.
This book is so powerful that sometimes all it can be read in is moments.
All those questions you seek All those answers you yearn for
All those lessons still waiting are here.
There is no other like it. Will be No other like it.
But that's alright, because you will have it all after moments of Mastery.
What is written isn't learned in one lifetime. Or on One planet. Or just living with One race.
But by living With Love. Love Is the Answer To All. Buy This Book, You will Love it too.
engaging, clear and Truth-ful, this book brought me HOME. Essential
reading for those on light paths and/ or those looking to be.
***** *****
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
One Degree
It was not going to be a normal night. Visiting the massive craft that was overseen by Commander Wartauk was not unusual but when he gave her 'that look' and gestured for her to follow him, she knew things were about to get interesting.
The corridor that spanned the length of the craft stretched from one coast of the United States to the other yet navigating it took less than five seconds. Reaching the corridor's end, Commander Wartauk held a door open and nodded for her to proceed. This would be the first time she'd ever been in a part of the craft that was not what she thought of as the 'main floor.'
Descending one flight of stairs, she found herself staring at a docking bay that appeared to be about as large as the State of Texas. Perhaps larger. What caught her attention more than the size though was the embracing silence. There was activity all around. Beings moved from one small craft to another, obviously preparing for something. But somehow the hundred or so Beings, and all of the hustle, made no sound at all.
"We'll have to cover a lot of ground quickly," Commander Wartauk advised her.
She simply nodded as he looked down at her, expecting a reaction.
"We'll be visiting every planet in the solar system to place these."
She nodded again. It was obvious that he was assuming that she knew what was going on. She made a mental effort to kickstart her intuition and tune in to what was going on. Instantly it clicked in. Omg, was her first thought. It was her second thought as well. And her third.
Eyes wide with anticipation, she followed the Commander as he headed toward the small craft that was closest to the docking bay door. If you could call it a 'door.' It had to be about 1,000 miles wide, it seemed. She stood for a moment, gazing at the awe-inspiring sight of the Atlantic Ocean below.
Feeling the urgency of the Commander behind her, she turned to follow him as he boarded the small craft. It could not have been more than five seconds before they were hurtling away from Planet Earth, heading toward the first planet they were to visit that night.
Now back on Earth after a night that had been like no other, she sat silently. The enormity of what was taking place was magnificent to behold. The sense of great change coming upon an entire universe seemed somehow familiar to her. Perhaps events such as this had taken place before. In some other universe. In some other distant time. Perhaps she had witnessed it. Or maybe even participated. But this particular moment was tactile. It was odd, she knew, to think that she could almost taste the energy of change. But how else to explain that every atom of her being was seriously involved in the energy of what had just taken place. And what it meant to the future of Earth and its Universe.
How could this be explained? What simple words could be wrapped around something so vast?
One degree. One tiny turn of the energetic spin of a universe. One tweak of a Fibonacci-like spiral of energy that was once the birthplace of a universe.
What would come next?
The excitement thrilled up and down her spine. Her brain tingled with the thought of what might come. But it was morning. Her thoughts drew away from the infinite .. into the moment .. the day was waiting.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
This Craft.......
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This is not my picture .. but I've loved it since I first saw it. |
It was possibly 1992. (I'm not good with time, dates, calendars and so am not sure of the date.)
(adding a note ... after writing & publishing ...
Now that I am fully back on this planet .. I realize that I have the date completely wrong. It was about 2002. What can I say...... :-)
Excitement was in the air. I would fly to Denver where I would do book signings. CALLED was going to get it's send-off into the world. (I thought.)
For the first time in my experience of flying with someone else, my traveling companion and I were not seated together. Because this was such a huge event, and we were so excited, we were both a bit disconcerted. But I settled into my seat, alone, and put the seat belt on. Within seconds after take-off, I was not on the flight to Denver. I was somewhere else entirely.
There are no 3-D words to describe what took place or how it all happened. But then again, there are no 3-D words for most things I've experienced. And so, bear with me. I can only say this. I was not aboard the airplane. I was aboard a Craft. There was no physicality about me at all, there in the 3-D world of Earth. I was unaware of the entire flight that plane took to get to Denver. I was placed back into the plane just a minute or two before landing.
On some level of my soul's reality, I was aware of this Craft because there was no alarm at all when I found myself there. I was perfectly comfortable with greeting the Commander. Commander Wartauk was his name, which I somehow knew before he spoke it. He welcomed me aboard and began to show me around. Oh .. I should mention .. before I go too far into the story .. the Craft is as large as the United States.
Yes. That large. And it was sitting directly above the United States. Commander Wartauk showed me the perimeters of the Craft. In some fashion that I can't explain, we were able to travel from one end of the Craft to another in less than one second. I was enthralled. (Needless to say.)
We traveled down what I consider to be the central corridor. That took us from California to Florida. And then from the Canadian border on down to Mexico.
As we traveled the main corridor(s) we were passing door after door, room after room. All the while the Commander was explaining things he wanted me to know. There were 17 different ET societies that worked aboard the Craft. Their mission had everything to do with Planet Earth and not much to do with those who lived on the planet. The planet plays an essential part in the Universe and must be healthy in order to be in the role/position that it needs to be in. As well as .. an unhealthy planet impacts the entire Universe. Like a cancerous cell within a human body, the entire body becomes 'sick.' Such is the way with the Universe, if you think of it as a body. Which, in some ways, it is.
I found myself suddenly over Denver. We were standing in front of what can best be described as a podium made out of polyurethane. I'm sure that it wasn't, but the podium was clear and had a similar appearance in texture, etc. On top of the podium were maps. There were a stack of them. All clear. See-through, if you will. And so .. similar to thin-thin polyurethane sheets/film.
The Commander's shoulder gently touched mine as he leaned across me to lift the top map in order to show me the one underneath. A rush of honor swept through me. To be in this position. With this great Being. I fought back tears and looked at what he was showing me. I am still a bit unclear, even after years of thinking about this, what the maps were depicting and how to describe what he was showing me. The one most clear to me seemed to be a map of the system that feeds electricity to the city. To the region of Denver. Another seemed to be the underground sewage system. The one that I least understood, at the time, seemed to be a map of an energy-matrix, for lack of a better way to describe it. I didn't understand the matrix concept then, but I am ever so familiar with it now.
After the Commander had shown me all 12 maps he gently laid them down on the podium and .. voila' .. somehow I was above Florida. Standing in front of a podium. Looking at similar maps.
And then another city. And another.
There came a moment when I had apparently seen enough. I found myself standing, the Commander at my side, looking down at the entire Pacific Coastline. He pointed to 'openings' along the bottom of the Craft. Like skylights. But opening to the Earth below rather than the sky above. A mechanism that I could not possibly describe was issuing beams of light from the Craft to the surface of the planet. It is only now, approximately 24 years later, that I am able to identify what areas along the Coast were being 'hit' by these beams of light.
It was only months ago that I was shown the placement of what I call 'crystalline structures.' These 'crystals' are as large as a small town. They are crystalline in nature but are not exactly crystals as we know them.
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The depiction of the placement of the 'crystalline structures' is approx. ..but pretty darn close. There are more along the Coast but these are the 4 that I felt drawn to feature. |
After he was certain that I'd seen all of the 'light beams' for the Pacific .. voila' .. we were above the Atlantic Coastline of the United States. Beams of light were hitting along that Coastline as well. Whether there are 'crystalline structures' there .. I do not know. I've been working with the energy of the Pacific Region since 1975 and so am familiar only with this area. The portion of information about the north and south perimeters of the Craft were so fleeting that it couldn't have been more than a second or two. My memory is sketchy on this but .. if memory serves me right .. there was only one beam of light to the north, on the Canadian border, and one beam of light to the south, on the Mexico border. (approximately in the 'center' of the U.S.)
I have visited with Commander Wartauk many times since my first visit. This morning I was there again. I left with full-body-chills, which continued on for several minutes after I left the Craft. Along with the deeper insights I was given regarding my own purpose on this planet, the full impact of the energy of this Craft and it's purpose and influence touched every cell of my body. For the first time, Commander Wartauk asked me to share what he had given me 24 years ago. Though he didn't give his reason, the unspoken filled my entire being. I could not help but be overwhelmed.
In my 40+ years of interacting with other-dimensional Beings I can say that everything I have been given ends up having great significance. There has always .. always .. been huge significance and Truth. It may not always have been immediately known or understood. But as time passed, the reason was always revealed.
Such is the case with today's request to speak of this experience now, after my years of non-sharing.
Commander Wartauk and this Craft are part of another massive energetic effort that I have been witnessing with the Pacific Ocean. Everything is inter-connected and everyone is working together. I believe, with all that I am, that the energy of those who remain mostly unseen but who are here to save this planet, will impact in ways we cannot imagine. I also believe that the impact is why I was asked to share this story.
As you can see, the efforts of 'others' who are here to assist this planet have been on-going for years. What happened many years ago was preparation for what is happening now. What is happening now is preparation for what is to come.
There is so much more...... But, as always, it would take me a book .. or two or three .. or forty .. to tell all that I am witnessing. Your intuition and Knowing may be touched by this story. If so .. I've done my job. (smile)
++++ I'm going to add a personal note .... what I've not mentioned before, to those who follow my work ...... When I'm interacting with the higher dimensions, and when I'm writing, I don't eat, drink, sleep, or (really) function on this Earth-plane. That said, you'll see typos and mistakes quite often, I imagine. I do my best to bridge the gap and get things right .. but where I am when I'm 'out there' .. well .. there is no time or calendar .. and using 3-D fingers to type .. well .. you can probably imagine. (chuckle) Love to ALL and thank you so much to those who believe in my work and who put up with my idiosyncrasies.
For more information on the work of Lauren Zimmerman, and her books, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Monday, March 14, 2016
You Are Not Ascending
Ok, now that I have your attention with that title .. Breathe. (smile)
As several people have mentioned to me, I tend to say 'I could write a book about that,' a lot. Which is true. Every 24 hours of my Earth-experience seem to bring a plethora of insights, messages, 'metaphysical' experiences, etc. I find myself frustrated that I can't relay everything to everyone. But there are times when the insights .. ah-ha moments .. demand to be spoken, if only in a short blog. This subject matter could actually be an entire book, but this blog will have to suffice for the moment. And, yes, this 'topic' took less than a nano-second to be 'downloaded' into my awareness.
Please bear with me as I attempt to cover this ah-ha moment in this brief fashion. It is my Intention that the energy of this blog/offering will be 'dropped into' the reader's energy field and will then continue to unfold for those who are interested in this insight/message.
I have been working 'behind the scenes' with a few people .. working with a 'new' energy that is referred to as 'healing the impact.' This energy-work was given to me through my higher-dimensional connections and I found it so life-changing, and so intense, that I needed to slow things down and absorb as much as possible. The potential, after it was all explained to me, was beyond any of the work I've done up until this time. I mention this because I believe that this latest phase of energy-work is what led to this revelation, this blog.
..... Now for the point of the blog .....
We are infinite souls. The energy of who we are exists in all dimensions, all time, and all space. We are not separate from anything. It is our focus that keeps us where we are .. here in this 3-D reality.
I have heard about 'the ascension process' since 1975. But it has never resonated with me. Never one to argue, I've simply ignored the subject matter and gone about my merry little way.
That being said, it was a complete surprise when it was mentioned to me through Divine Guidance this morning. These words were spoken out loud .. loudly .. as I was meditating.
"No one is ascending. Everyone is simply returning."
Ok .. you have my attention. Go on, please.
"The work you have been doing ('healing the impact') has led you back to the energy of the moment before arriving on the planet. The point has been to eliminate the impact your Earth-experiences have had upon your energy field. When the impact is gone, the energy of your Truth has the space it needs to fully return and be infused throughout your body.
"The Truth is, every person is a multi-dimensional Being, and is existing in multiple dimensions. When it is called for, in order for the soul to have the experience, focus is placed on the third dimension and an aspect of the soul manifests within that dimensional frequency.
"The third dimension is one of the most dense. It offers some of the darkest energies and experiences that exist. When a soul chooses to focus on .. 'drop down into,' if you will .. a 3-D experience it is choosing to explore not only it's darkness but it's ability to function within that darkness. To learn from it. You learn your own Light when you learn your own darkness."
I love that. "You learn your own Light when you learn your own darkness."
I was flooded .. literally .. with 40 years worth of understanding in a matter of seconds. I won't go into all of that .. but .. wow .. what a morning! A life-changing morning.
Let's go back to why no one is ascending.
Can you tell me more?
"Every dimensional aspect of a person's soul is always .. always .. accessible. No one is separate from oneself. The only thing that causes one to lose touch with one's higher frequencies is their need to focus on the moment. On the 3-D experience and what is being learned. Every soul will stay submerged in their own darkness, their own tangible reality, if you will, until their soul no longer needs the knowledge that comes through that experience. Every soul is manifesting their experiences in order to reach the goal of understanding darkness. Darkness only exists in a reality-frequency that is tangible. If nothing is tangible, only light exists. There are no shadows. No solid forms that, simply by being in solid form, create darkness."
That's always been the way I've understood things. Yes. It makes total sense. It also helps put the 'argument' about whether we create our own reality or not into a little different perspective. Do you see what I mean?
"In other words; a soul shifts focus from it's own infinite light to a place within existence that allows darkness to exist. This leads us to why we say ... you are not ascending. You are returning.
"The energy work, the quest for understanding and spiritually evolving, is magnificent. Many are clearing their own darkness by accepting and understanding their own darkness. As the darkness clears, the higher dimensional frequencies are more accessible. More Light is coming into the darkness. In other words .. you each are learning your Light by understanding your darkness."
Wait a minute. Let me phrase it this way. People are not ascending into some distant and dreamlike reality that exists in fifth dimension. Or eighth. Or any other. People are returning to themselves. Incorporating .. infusing .. the higher dimensional frequencies of who they are into this 3-D density. This reality. This planet/world.
Oh .. I could go on for hours .. there was so much more that was offered this morning. But I need to stop now. I hope that this blog touches the souls of all who are interested and who can resonate with this offering. It is only my Intention to assist. May Blessings flow into the hearts of ALL.
Love and Truth to ALL
For more information on the books by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Thursday, February 4, 2016
I'm Going To Tell You A Story
A story that might be as many as a million years in it's unfolding would be impossible to tell. That was my first thought when it came to me that it was time to speak of what I know. But, as it always goes, the stories within me clamor louder with every minute if I refuse to set them free. And so here you are, dear reader. I will give you some pieces of this ancient, ancient story and allow your imagination (or your memory) to tell you the rest.
It was a dull and dreary morning, the air too thick to encourage the simple act of breathing. The smell of yesterday's dust still hung in the air. The people staggered from their cells and headed, with feet as heavy as lead, to the underground caverns where they slaved. Overseers eyed them closely, studying them like bugs that had been sprayed and were stumbling toward death.
Into the dark cavern where light never lived. Walls as dry as talc and air just as thick. But there was treasure there. Or so they had been told. Treasure that brought riches to the rulers of the land.
It was a piece of the Universe that had become a prison. A place that had been seen as a place of riches that would give the rulers power. Power over what, you ask. I cannot say. Only the controllers know their reasoning.
From the tiny, limited view of the solitary man who slaved in the darkness, gathering riches for the overlords, it was not clear that the Universe had suffered from a circumstance that caused a place of freedom to become a prison. He would mine for riches until he could no longer work. He would die. He would be replaced.
Something that was also unknown by the solitary man was that the overlords were not satisfied. They had done a re-con in 'the neighborhood.' Aha! There was a planet in the far regions that had new and different riches. Not only did it hold promise in that way but it was a planet unto itself. A solitary ball of life, floating in the Universe without a care. Nothing to impede an assault upon it's borders.
"So easily imprisoned," whispered one of the overlords to another as they stared at the planet with greed dripping from their eyes.
"The potential is so enticing," was the slimy reply.
The energy of dread raced through the Universe, touching every free thing, causing a sense of alarm whose origin was not known at the time. The memory of those words and the tangible exultation in the souls of the overlords still causes my spine to tingle with alarm. A million years cannot silence the high alert of danger.
The danger in the air caught the attention of many. A quickly organized group of advanced souls, we'll call them 'aliens' for the sake of the story, flew to Earth and methodically worked to set up places of power that would allow the people of Earth to stay connected, energetically, to the Truths of the rest of the Universe. 'Just in case,' was the pessimistic statement they used to assure the humans. Just in case.
Just in case the plan of the overlords was successful.
The plan was diabolical. But it was so complex and beyond the imagination that surely it was impossible. To even have been dreamt of it caused the mind to stumble and fall into a state of incredulity. It was not possible to enslave an entire planet. But just in case......
I remember standing, shoulder to shoulder, in solidarity and satisfaction, with my tall, rail-thin friend. Together we watched the placing of the final stone in the pyramid.
I smiled into his almond-shaped, deep-deep eyes as he turned to smile into mine. "I'm pleased with it," he said.
"As am I," I replied with a smile. I touched his thin arm with tenderness, knowing he was weary and trying to hide it from me. I turned back to the incredible sight of the massive pyramid, reaching toward the skies and the truths that lived there. "Always an energy of Truth." I murmured. "Even if the threat to them fails the efforts of placing these avenues of Truth will always stand as reminders."
I wonder now at my innocence for even as the words left my mouth I sensed a movement in the energy field above the glimmering desert. I turned to Commander Korton in surprise. He had sensed the same thing I had. The matrix had been placed. The prison had fallen over the borders of Earth. The overlords had taken control.
How long would it last? How invasive would it be? What consequences would befall the humans? What lies would they learn to believe? What truths would they forget?
I have not counted the years since that fateful day. There have been many. I stand here now, looking at the empty space where once a 'tower' of the matrix once stood. There is nothingness here now. But there is freedom.
One leg of the matrix is missing and the matrix can no longer stand. How long will it take to crumble with it's missing leg? Not long, I venture to say.
I have left much of the story out, of course. Pieces from then and pieces from now. Every day of my life, as I wander through the mysteries they gave me, reveals a piece of the unseen effort that has played out behind the scenes. The mysteries that have led to this step toward freedom. There are many here on Earth now who know the story. Who may have hidden it in the recesses of their minds. Or been distracted by the density in which they have had to live. Some say it has been a sacrifice to come to a place that has so much pain. I think not. I think it has been an honor.
We have come to free a planet from a prison woven with lies that were meant to make us forget our power and our Truth. We have reached a place of success. It was not known if it could be done. But we did it. It is not known how long it will take to replace the matrix, the lies, with the Truths. But time does not matter. What matters is the success. The first pillar has fallen. It is only a matter of time until the others follow.
From the author: In recent days the total infinity of my soul has been stirring. Like a dragon awakening from a century-long sleep. Memories have surfaced and they demand to be recognized as Truth. Ten thousand years ago feels like only yesterday. The secrets that 'others' have tried so hard to keep are no longer hidden. My reticence to speak of things is falling away. I guess my soul is much more vocal than 'I.' (smile)
I remember arriving on this planet and I remember my resistance. I knew of the matrix, the grid, the mind control, whatever term you care to use. I knew of the lies and I knew of the pain. Through the years I've wondered about my sanity for taking on such a journey. (I know I'm not alone in that thought.) But as these last months have given me revelation after revelation, insight after insight, I find myself in awe at what has, and is, unfolding.
In my humble opinion (and observation), we are here to free a planet from a deliberately placed prison built of energy and diabolical intention. I was only five years old when I remembered who had placed it. They were aware of that and did everything they could to stop me from my work to help achieve freedom. I know others who have walked the same path as I. Every effort has failed and here we are now ... on the steps of success that I never, honestly, thought I'd live to see.
We can celebrate now. Yes. But there is more work to be done. This Earth and its people are going to see changes that are going to stun many. Please know that every single thing that plays out has a Divine Reason. What looks 'bad' is just a necessary step that needs to be taken on this road to eventual freedom. Have no fear. We are on a mission that I can now steadfastly say will be successful. We are the change. And we are making it happen.
For more information on the books and work of Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Sunday, January 31, 2016
This Is My Silence
This world has always been filled with far too much noise, in my opinion. Noise of all kinds, both inner and outer. People scream. Thoughts scream. Pain screams. And then there's boom boxes...... But let me get back on track. (smile)
Thoughts interfere with inner silence and, in my experience, inner silence is where we meet God. As time moves on and (seemingly) takes me further away from those moments I spent with God while on 'the other side,' I find myself less and less able to listen to the outer world and more and more craving my inner world. Of course it's obvious why. My time spent with The Presence of God "over there" drives my very existence. And when circumstances cause me to question my existence and reason for being in this place and time, God is the only answer.
I find myself repeating that constantly.
God is my only answer.
My quest, since 'meeting God' in 1974 has been to understand God. I didn't realize what a challenge I was presenting to myself. But I don't regret a minute of it. I have, to a great degree, not made this a topic of conversation throughout the years. For many reasons. But one of the reasons is that I didn't feel qualified to speak. It seemed to me that I should know much more before I put tangibility to my thoughts.
Those of you who follow my work .. my wandering thoughts .. are probably aware of my decision to step back and go into silence for a while. I felt a personal transition edging it's way toward me and knew that it had everything to do with God and nothing at all to do with this little 3-D world. Since every transition brings me closer to God I don't need to tell you that I was very eager to follow wherever I was being led.
Which leads me to this......
As God's energy merged with me this morning a plethora of understandings came to me. Too many to put into a blog but it seemed like a good idea to address a small bit of what transpired.
Humanity functions largely through the process of power and control. One of the .. ahem .. 'downfalls' to that is the 'need' to control one's reality, one's life experience. Whether conscious or unconscious, most people tend to dwell on what they can 'do to' their lives. I use the words 'do to' instead of 'with' for a subtle reason. If you think of the difference and relate that to the issue of power and control, you'll 'get' the nuance. What are we missing out on if we have a strangle-hold on what we allow our life-experience to be?
As the floodgates opened to allow God's energy to flow this morning, the realization that most of Humanity is seeking to control their Earth-experience became crystal clear. The judgments we place upon everything .. literally everything .. creates a box where God does not live. What I mean by that is ... God is unlimited and has no judgment. We are given Divine Allowance to experience whatever we choose. Human society has become the decision-maker about what is and is not possible. What is and is not acceptable. What is and is not 'right' or 'wrong.' 'Miracles' are dismissed and phoo-phooed. (Is that how you spell that?) What happens when something or someone is dismissed and cast off as implausible? Or unacceptable? Normally it goes away, goes into silence.
And so we create a reality where God is limited in how that Divine and Infinite Energy can interact with our lives. WE decide what is possible and what is not. And so WE are the ones who have created the box in which we live. The limitations that form the reality we accept as 'real.'
If I had to sum up the point I'm trying to make, it would be this.......
What if we met God where God resides?
What if we allowed the full essence of God, Creator of All That Is, Infinity, or whatever term/vision fits for you, to take us (Humanity) where it's never gone before. What if we opened up to all that lives within the entirety of existence and allowed our lives to be touched by things we've never allowed ourselves to believe in before? What if we stopped telling ourselves what is and isn't possible and allowed Infinity to take us out of the box we've built?
Since I met God's energy in 1974, I have had miracle upon miracle upon miracle. Every day shows me more. Every day brings me closer to understanding. I want that for ALL people. Their is no boundary, no separation, between you and All That Is. Everything outside of this world, this reality, this Universe ... it's all available to you if you choose to allow it into your life.
What if you met God where God resides?
To view more of the work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Time, Healing, Grief, and Curtain Rods
I'll begin by saying that there is no one who knows the full story. It's too much for me to keep track of, much less someone who is standing on the sidelines or simply passing by. Suffice it to say that there are 40-plus years of 24/7 'events' that go beyond the norm. And that's putting it mildly.
That's my lead-in to explain the 'curtain rod' part of the blog title. Another 'other world' occurrence that is normal for me but not so much to others. It is 6:00am, still dark outside. The windows are closed against the chill in the air and the rain being scattered around by the wind. These particular curtains that keep me from seeing the world outside have what I call 'pull rods.' You know those rods that attach to the top of the curtain and hang down so that you can easily draw them? There are two of them to a set of curtains. One for the curtain that draws to the right. One for the left. (But you knew that without me telling you .. smile.)
The air in the room is still. The curtains are still. And I am still. Lost in thought, I stare across the room without seeing. That is until movement catches my eye. One of the curtain rods is swinging wildly. Spinning clockwise. Without a pause it turns to spin counter-clockwise. Now side to side. And back to spinning. The curtain is still. The other rod is still. The air is still. This rod has gone manic. But of course that's not possible.
You would have to be me, I suppose, with (again) 24/7 situations like this for many years, to understand what I did next. I decided to ask it what was going on. Does a curtain rod speak? Probably not. But whatever force was moving it does.
"You need to write the blog you're thinking about." The voice was out loud and crystal clear. It almost had a tangible quality to it, it was that powerful.
I actually had thought about a blog earlier this morning but had decided that it was unnecessary. Apparently 'someone' disagreed with my decision. The very second I opened this blog and typed the title, the rod became utterly still. Maybe it's my wild imagination but, as I type this, I feel as though it's watching me, preparing to go into wild gyrations if I change my mind about writing. Yes. Yes. I know it sounds weird. But then again ... my life is weird.
Do I feel bossed around by a curtain rod? hummm...... Let me think about that.
Well, let's get down to the reason for this blog that I wasn't going to write.
The day began with the thought of how many talented and great souls have left the planet in an amazingly short period of time. In three weeks we have probably lost more people than we have in a 'normal' 6-month period of time. I assume there's a party that we're not invited to? What great talent ... and our world will be lesser for it.
The thought of those left behind came to me, of course, which turned my thoughts to the 'process' of grief. They say that time heals all. I disagree. Time does not heal us when we are touched by grief. We are changed. We are different. We will never be the same. We learn to adapt. We bring our scars into our way of being and we learn to be someone we never thought we would be.
There is a sadness that lingers in the background of every thought. The world marches on but we see it differently. Our hearts respond to every word with a heightened sense of awareness of the energy behind that word. There is a new awareness behind the numbness that the scars bring into our world. What heals us is our adaptation to who we are now and the letting-go of who we were then. Everything happens for a reason and much of the time we will never know what the reason is. There is a certain level of peace that comes with that acceptance.
I feel tremendously blessed to have found my way to a much deeper level of understanding through the path of grief. I spoke of that in an earlier blog. Quite simply ... one cannot know God without knowing the scars of God. I imagine the pain we cause each other is, on many levels, the pain that God has to absorb. Heal. Accept. Whatever word you may wish to put to this.
Now to the bottom line 'message' of why this blog came to my thoughts in the first place. Some may have noticed, as the days, weeks, and now months, have passed, that I grow quieter. I think it became even more evident after a recent encounter with God. The words spoken to me were: "You are in a human body but you are no longer in the human experience."
That may seem like a dichotomy to many but it is completely understandable to me. And feels like a Truth that is so deep it touches the marrow of my bones. My soul's path has always been my primary concern/focus and ignoring what 'the world may think' barely comes into my thought processes. Which means that I am largely misunderstood, often judged, and rarely embraced for the choices I make. That said, I am in a place of making choices that may impact everything.
Following a life-changing .. soul-changing .. day (event) that will forever live in my soul's memory, I made my life all about helping others. I reached out to people around the world and offered my assistance in every way that I could manage. I received blessing after blessing as people allowed me to help them awaken to the truth of who they are, take their power back and claim their lives, find their purpose, and raise their vibration to their highest potential. I am honored, blessed, and tear-filled as I witness the changes in the lives of the people I've connected with.
As huge as the blessings were for me, and as grateful as I am to everyone who allowed me to touch their lives, I've come to realize that it's time to address a deeper level of healing for myself. I have changed in ways that I didn't think possible and have not given myself time to adjust to those changes. Nor time to realize what those changes mean to the rest of my life. I am going forward as a person who is entirely different than I ever thought I would be. And it's time to honor those changes and allow them to show me where my soul needs to go.
I don't know for certain where I'm going or what will happen next but those things don't concern me. I walk in total faith and Absolute Knowing that my moments are led by God. But what does concern me is the possibility that anyone might take my changes personally. My silence is a necessity as I dive deeper into my relationship with God. It does not exclude anyone, though it may appear that way. I believe, with my soul, that the healing of one helps the healing of ALL. What affects one, affects ALL. It is my Intention that, as my energy changes and heals, that ALL who share this planet will be touched by the healing. It is my hope that no one on this planet goes untouched by the touches that God gives to me.
With this, I can say ... web sites may change, social interactions will change, blogs/books/etc. may change. What will NOT change is my soul's love for every other soul and for this incredibly beautiful planet we share. My heart goes out to all who experience difficult times and the Knowing that I can share with you is that God sees every nano-second of your experience. You are not separate and you are not alone.
And the curtain rod is now still. I guess I have said what needed to be said.
With love to ALL from my soul to yours.
Lauren Zimmerman,
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Sunday, January 10, 2016
In the Dream..........
In the dream that was not a dream I sat perched on the wide, wooden railing of the porch. The wood was slightly rotting, the building's white paint peeling from the years and the dampness in the air. The porch was wide, with small tables and old, lay-back-and-rest chairs. People were talking amongst themselves as I sat contemplating the distant range of mountains and the slowly setting sun. God was painting the sky with the solemn but beautiful colors of a day ending. It crossed my mind to point the beauty out to the others but, with a quick glance, I knew they were in conversations that had no place for the ending of the day.
I turned back to the beauty of the day and night merging and became lost in the silence of my own mind. Suddenly a movement startled me. I blinked in shock as a brilliant-white dove flew to me. He rested for a brief second on my chest, his feet clinging to my blouse, his eyes gazing into mine. Perhaps it was two seconds, perhaps it was ten. He waited until I had fully registered his presence and his message and then took flight. I was stunned by the magic of his presence and the gift of his touch. And on his back had been written words painted with the brush of calligraphy. Letters painted with gentle swirls of a message I knew was from God.
The air whispered and told me that the words were from The Book of John. My heart somehow knew that the dove's name was John as well.
After a brief second of holding the miracle in my own silence I jumped up and ran to the others. Please listen to the miracle, to all of the miracles, I called. They shushed me and turned me away. I was interrupting them. Unfazed, I walked back to the railing and rested my palms on the rough, splintery wood. The sun was giving the day to the moon. The wings of the dove could be heard in the distance as it flew away from the gift it had just given.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Simple Truth In Pictures
My gratitude to "A.I: The Movie" for one of the best pictures I've ever seen portraying an interaction from one dimension to another. It gives me the perfect format to express some simple truths .. which I do with the hope that what is given will touch one person at a time. And one person at a time is how we, as a society, will create a kinder world.
My deepest wish for ALL, my deepest hope for ALL ... May your Holiday be truly blessed and may this New Year bring ALL of Humanity closer to PEACE ON EARTH.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
You Leave An Impression
The greatest gift in my life is the honor bestowed upon me by God; the welcoming visitations that are filled with insight and wisdom .. and 'hints.' My life is a constant study of the dichotomy between who we are as infinite beings in oneness with God and Awareness, and who we are when we exist in the density of this 3-D Earth-life. Perhaps it is my refusal to give up my need to understand that allows me the visitations. Whatever the reason, I am grateful for them and grateful for the ability to share some of the tidbits with those who may find interest in my mental meanderings.
The gift of last night's visitation was filled with so much that it left me wanting to touch every soul on this planet and, with that touch, somehow infuse them with the simple truths of the unnecessary dichotomy. The dichotomy that allows people to forget who they are in union with God.
Here's a really simple thought to ponder. If ALL is God, all people and things exist within the energy of God, and there is no separation between something that is all-one, then everything that happens to the one happens to the all.
Logical conclusion to draw from that fact ... what impacts one impacts all. All things being energy, and energy having no boundaries, the 'cause' that happens within the energy field of God 'affects' the entirety of God.
I have a memory of walking to work along the quiet morning streets of Sacramento. I was probably about twenty at the time and so it was some years ago. A woman riding a bicycle was approaching me. I am always lost in my own thoughts when I walk and so paid little attention. But when she came close enough to me she caught my eye. "God bless you," she said.
All these years later and the impact of that five-second encounter is still with me.
Every word you say, every action you take, every smile you give, every tear you cause ... you leave an impression. But you can extrapolate that realization out to a much greater degree. If you are leaving an impression on a person, you are leaving an impression on God.
Something to think about. Something to ponder.
Perhaps a KEY to causing change.
Perhaps a KEY to healing the belief in separation between you, God, ALL.
Perhaps a KEY to causing the healing of this human society in order to take a step forward into a kinder reality.
May this Holiday and the ending of this year, 2015, bring Humanity a little bit closer to Peace, to Love, to Oneness, and to Divine Unity with All That Is.
Love and Peace to ALL, from LZ
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
Healing Through Infinity
There is (and maybe always has been) much talk about having a human experience and the fact that it is a temporary experience for an Infinite Soul. I have zero doubt about the truth of that. Why then does the reality of Humankind continue to express itself with suffering, murder, abuse, and every other imaginable way of one Soul causing pain to another Soul? Why do humans allow themselves to forget the Infinite Truth of who they are and not express that Truth to the fullest extent possible here on Earth?
I had been 100% certain that I would wait a while before writing another blog but, left to my own devices (not working during this time), my natural state of being a writer and an explorer of dichotomies kicks in. As I sat contemplating this morning .. thinking about not writing a blog .. this idea for a blog came skipping in. It declared itself to be a great idea and so .. here we are .. exploring a question that I'm sure millions of souls have asked for thousands of years.
I, personally, have dedicated my life to the quest of understanding the dichotomies of life here and life on 'the other side.' Having spent some time there, having been exposed to the wisdom and the almost-unfathomable degree of love, compassion, and acceptance for ALL, I suppose it was a natural path for me to take .. the exploration of the unbelievable difference in who we are in one reality vs. another.
The piece of the puzzle that came tripping in to talk to me this morning (for the hundredth time) was about the process of loving beyond pain. The pain of this Earth-life is temporary. The love we find when the pain is gone is infinite. And we are each Infinite Love. Believe me. I've been there. I've seen it for myself. And the experience of knowing all souls as their expression of infinite love has not left my mind for a single moment since. There have been, of course, moments of such deep pain and confusion that I have fallen into a spiral of not understanding. The dichotomy, the separation between the Truth and this life-experience too great for me to fathom. But these moments became my tool, my path, to greater understanding. For it is pain (I speak of emotional pain, not physical) that drives the quest for understanding, for a deeper search, for answers. And one of the answers was this.......
If you know you are an infinite soul, if you embody and live that Truth, then you know that the emotional pain is temporary and not a part of the infinite truth of who you are, who the other person/people are. When you leave this temporary Earth-experience, you will not take the pain. It will not be a part of you. If it is not a part of your infinite soul then why would you embrace it as your Truth here on Earth? If you wish to walk the Truth of your soul here on Earth, then you can make no exceptions. You cannot pick and choose what is Truth for the infinite soul and say it is not Truth for the earthly body. To do so is to encourage a belief in separation. But you are not meant to be separate from your own soul.
What then is the answer? How do you arrive at a place of peace and leave the pain behind? It might sound 'new-agey' or unrealistic .. idealistic .. or whatever term you might wish to use .. but the answer is love. In soul to soul relationships we are pure love. There is nothing else. Anything other than a state of love is an un-truth in the soul's experience. I realize that I may sound totally 'out there' by stating that it is possible to Be Love despite everything that unfolds here on Earth. And yet it is my Truth. I live it because I've seen it for myself and it is an experience that one cannot forget. It is my hope and intention to pass this Truth along. Perhaps, one person at a time, this Truth can resonate around our planet and through this understanding we can change our world. I think it's a viable idea. But then again (smile) they call me idealistic. (I disagree.)
I can state for a fact that staying in a state of pure love, despite the worst of circumstances, is possible. I have lived it. If it is possible for me it is possible for you. Maybe I am just here to state the obvious. (smile)
I am Love. You are Love. We are One .. through Infinity.
To view more of Lauren's work/books, please feel free to visit:
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