Showing posts with label awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awakening. Show all posts
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Going Beyond
The story has remained untold, until now. Only bits and pieces will drop upon these pages for the entirety would take the time of all history to tell. And so it will be brief but with the hope that the droplets of insight and energy will assist your soul and your path upon this Earth.
The choice, in my opinion, was an easy one. They were here before me with evil on their minds and my sister was their target. Or so I was told, and so I thought, at the time. She would die. I offered them my life instead. They took me up on the deal and within minutes I found myself hearing the Voice of God urging me to leave everything behind and come into The Presence. I could say it was a spectacular experience but that would be an understatement. Let me just say that there is no adequate description.
To make light of it ... I puttered around in the 'non-world' for three days. I learned a lot. As I sit here today I wonder if I learned enough because the end result was the decision to return to Earth-life and carry on. (smile) I've wondered quite often why I made that choice. It was beyond awesome where I was. And Earth did not really exist. At least not from that perspective. And yet here is where I found myself and for the next 40 years or so I would deal with the dichotomy of the existence I shared with God and the existence I shared with humanity, even though humanity and Earth did not truly exist. At least from that perspective. Not so, from this Earth perspective. No. It was, and is, all too real.
For 40-plus years I worked at closing the gap of understanding. When I stepped into The Presence, nothing existed but the energy of God. The Presence of God. The all-consuming light. The all-consuming love. I could not see, feel, or even intuit Earth. Or the body that was laying in a hospital bed. But as the years passed I began to feel more and more that the gap was closing. I could sense a portal, if you wish to call it that. It was a doorway into what lies beyond what we perceive as 'existence.' The more I refused to let it go, the more tiny dribbles of insight were gifted to me.
There came a day, not long ago, when the doorway opened for me. The memory of having been there, and the memory of having come back through that door and having it shut behind me, came flooding back and I dissolved in tears. Not because I was sad but because I was overjoyed. My goal had been reached. And even if the door was only open enough to show me a sliver of light, it was enough to give me the impetus to keep the quest to understand alive.
Now I sit here today, drenched in the energy of understanding, and know why I returned. Returned from what is Real. Returned to what is un-real.
Ahhh, but it is real. The differentiation may be that it is not necessarily True.
What is True is the message my Infinite Soul wanted to bring back. The True that contains the enormity of what lies beyond what most can perceive or even imagine. It is so much greater than we allow our Earth-lives to imagine. The Truth that all things are possible. The Truth that there is nothing at all to fear. The Truth that there is no separation, of any kind. Which means that the energy you are, the Being you are, is a necessary 'atom' in the grander scheme of things. And the energy you are, and that you give to the all-that-is, registers everywhere. Without exception.
I returned to experience an entirely different 'reality'/life than the one that had been planned before I died. My soul orchestrated monumental challenges .. day after day after day. I passed through the portals of 'hell' a thousand times, using Earth-experiences. I overcame them all. Cancer, homelessness, poverty, betrayal, abuse, another 'death' or two, for good measure, I suppose. But on the heels of each, one miracle after another after another followed until miracles became the norm. (I call them miracles due to the limited language of Earth, but they are actually not. They are the norm .. in God's Reality.)
I kept saying 'yes' to God, 'yes' to every experience I was presented. My communion with my own Soul and what I wanted to learn, to understand, let me know that, through these experiences, I would be drawn closer to the understanding of the dichotomy that, literally, drives my reason for Being. The dichotomy between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be in this limited and dense experience of Earth.
I have done my best to bring the energy of The True to the density of this 3-D reality. I believe that, all things being energy, what we issue forth (as energy) touches everything because energy has no boundaries. The Truth is ... we are infinite souls. As God said to me ... if you compare your Earth-time to your infinity you will find that you've just lived about 15 minutes, even if you live on Earth 100 years. When we change our perspective(s), we change our lives. Each soul, without exception, has a goal, a reason for creating this Earth-experience. In my experience, viewing my life through the eyes of my infinity, my soul, enhances (to a great degree) what we can accomplish on behalf of our soul. Enhances what we get out of this experience and the time we spend here. There will come a time when each of us steps back through that doorway. But in the meantime, maybe we can bring some of what lies beyond it into this moment, into this experience. Perhaps .. just perhaps .. this is how we will heal this Earth and those who live here.
***** *****
Sunday, January 31, 2016
This Is My Silence
This world has always been filled with far too much noise, in my opinion. Noise of all kinds, both inner and outer. People scream. Thoughts scream. Pain screams. And then there's boom boxes...... But let me get back on track. (smile)
Thoughts interfere with inner silence and, in my experience, inner silence is where we meet God. As time moves on and (seemingly) takes me further away from those moments I spent with God while on 'the other side,' I find myself less and less able to listen to the outer world and more and more craving my inner world. Of course it's obvious why. My time spent with The Presence of God "over there" drives my very existence. And when circumstances cause me to question my existence and reason for being in this place and time, God is the only answer.
I find myself repeating that constantly.
God is my only answer.
My quest, since 'meeting God' in 1974 has been to understand God. I didn't realize what a challenge I was presenting to myself. But I don't regret a minute of it. I have, to a great degree, not made this a topic of conversation throughout the years. For many reasons. But one of the reasons is that I didn't feel qualified to speak. It seemed to me that I should know much more before I put tangibility to my thoughts.
Those of you who follow my work .. my wandering thoughts .. are probably aware of my decision to step back and go into silence for a while. I felt a personal transition edging it's way toward me and knew that it had everything to do with God and nothing at all to do with this little 3-D world. Since every transition brings me closer to God I don't need to tell you that I was very eager to follow wherever I was being led.
Which leads me to this......
As God's energy merged with me this morning a plethora of understandings came to me. Too many to put into a blog but it seemed like a good idea to address a small bit of what transpired.
Humanity functions largely through the process of power and control. One of the .. ahem .. 'downfalls' to that is the 'need' to control one's reality, one's life experience. Whether conscious or unconscious, most people tend to dwell on what they can 'do to' their lives. I use the words 'do to' instead of 'with' for a subtle reason. If you think of the difference and relate that to the issue of power and control, you'll 'get' the nuance. What are we missing out on if we have a strangle-hold on what we allow our life-experience to be?
As the floodgates opened to allow God's energy to flow this morning, the realization that most of Humanity is seeking to control their Earth-experience became crystal clear. The judgments we place upon everything .. literally everything .. creates a box where God does not live. What I mean by that is ... God is unlimited and has no judgment. We are given Divine Allowance to experience whatever we choose. Human society has become the decision-maker about what is and is not possible. What is and is not acceptable. What is and is not 'right' or 'wrong.' 'Miracles' are dismissed and phoo-phooed. (Is that how you spell that?) What happens when something or someone is dismissed and cast off as implausible? Or unacceptable? Normally it goes away, goes into silence.
And so we create a reality where God is limited in how that Divine and Infinite Energy can interact with our lives. WE decide what is possible and what is not. And so WE are the ones who have created the box in which we live. The limitations that form the reality we accept as 'real.'
If I had to sum up the point I'm trying to make, it would be this.......
What if we met God where God resides?
What if we allowed the full essence of God, Creator of All That Is, Infinity, or whatever term/vision fits for you, to take us (Humanity) where it's never gone before. What if we opened up to all that lives within the entirety of existence and allowed our lives to be touched by things we've never allowed ourselves to believe in before? What if we stopped telling ourselves what is and isn't possible and allowed Infinity to take us out of the box we've built?
Since I met God's energy in 1974, I have had miracle upon miracle upon miracle. Every day shows me more. Every day brings me closer to understanding. I want that for ALL people. Their is no boundary, no separation, between you and All That Is. Everything outside of this world, this reality, this Universe ... it's all available to you if you choose to allow it into your life.
What if you met God where God resides?
To view more of the work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Friday, August 7, 2015
One of the Biggest Lies of the Matrix?
As I thought about the points that need to be covered in the topic I'm about to address I realized that this could easily turn into a book. A very large book. And so, please read this blog with an open mind, using your intuition to expand the possibilities of what might be true and what might be a lie.
What I'm about to say may not be very popular. But as an explanation, let me say this: My entire life, since I 'died' in 1974, has been about finding the Truth and finding the deepest connection with God that is possible here in the density and suffering of this planetary reality. The road has been beyond belief and beyond explanation. My mind has been expanded to the point where I am able to 'process' the reality of one billion existences. The word 'existence' seems to suggest 'all that is.' I've been shown that such is not the case. The existence in which this Universe is real can be multiplied by one billion. I would not have believed it, or even thought about it, if I had not been shown this with my own eyes.
I was also shown myself (and many others) coming from 'another existence' and entering this one. Honestly, this is such a truth that I don't even have to wonder about the possibility. What I DO wonder about is why we came here. But that's a topic for another blog/book.
Now to the topic that may raise some eyebrows and question marks. I was never interested in the subject of twin flames until I met someone that I was convinced was mine. All of my Divine Guidance, and even The Presence of God, assured me that I was correct. But then things went terribly, terribly wrong and I was pushed into several million questions about the truth of twin flames and what this is really all about.
At one point in my questioning I found myself outside of this existence, looking back. Similar to the artwork/picture of the 'strings of universes' piece that is featured on the side of this blog .. but much, much larger. (Times one billion) I was 'one.' There was no 'split' of myself, nothing to suggest that I was one half of a soul, or one half of anything else at all. I was Whole. As I stood there pondering why I was One when I stood there, but didn't feel One when I was here, I witnessed myself 'split' as I stepped back into this existence. To me that suggested that 'twin flames' only existed within this 'region,' this existence. Which, of course, made me wonder why.
My nights and days are consumed by my inner search for Truth and so it goes without saying that I couldn't let this go. It seemed to me that the devastation of my 'twin flame' experience held the key. As it turned out, I was right. And so .. without further delay .. here's the Truth that was handed to me.
There is no such thing as a 'twin flame.'
Let me tell you how it was explained to me. Again, everything I was told would take up an entire book but in my zest for sharing Truths with you, I'll cover the key points and leave your intuition to do the rest.
This quote came from The Presence of God. "How can anything be more 'as one' than something else? If everything is As One within the existence of God, how is it possible that one person, or one thing, is more As One than another?"
I love pure logic.
Of course, now, my full attention is focused on learning more. I almost stopped breathing as I listened for more insights.
"How can you not be Whole? If you are as aspect of God, as all things are, how can there be a part of you missing? Let me tell you this. The search for 'your other half' is part of the programming of the current Earth reality. The BELIEF in separation within the current Earth reality is the cause of separation. The belief that there is a part of you that you need to find is the belief in separation. Belief in separation is a lie."
"Please go on," I murmured, listening intently.
"As long as people believe they are separate from their innate Divine Union with God, there is a crucial part of themselves not participating in their reality. You are dis-empowered. You are lost. You are seeking outside of yourself. You are feeling unloved, separated, unworthy. You are questioning your own value. You are thinking that you need something or someone else to give you the value of yourself that you, yourself, can't find. Therefore you can see that if the belief in having 'another half of yourself, a 'twin flame, if you will, is a belief that encourages you to be powerless. It suggests you are not Whole. As far as someone or something controlling you, what better way to do that than to have you constantly distracted by a search for something you think you don't have?"
"Indeed." The thought made me breathless because it made so much sense.
"I would suggest that if people are looking for something that seems to be missing they look for their relationship with their own Divine Union with All That Is."
I nodded. It had been my quest for over 40 years. "But let me ask you this. Why is it that when we step into this existence, if I can call it that, is there a feeling of separation? Why do we even bother to step into a lie? Why do we feel as though we are split in two and need to even bother looking for 'the missing piece' of ourselves?"
"How better to discover the truth of who you are then by revealing the truth of who you are not?"
"How better to discover the impact of cause and effect than by immersing yourself in a study of cause and effect? A study of what is True and what is not?"
"How better to understand your Oneness with All That Is than to pretend that you are not One with All That Is?"
I DO love Truth. Indeed. And ... how can anyone be more As One than anyone else ... in God's Reality?
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Saturday, August 1, 2015
To view more of Lauren Zimmerman's books & work, please visit:
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Empty the Suitcase!
You want to create another reality. You want to create a better world. You want to move forward. You want to leave behind the suffering, give birth to a world of compassion, equality, justice, and peace.
You want this for all Humanity.
You want this for yourself.
Your journey belongs to you and you alone.
The understanding that will complete your journey lies in the truth that you cannot take anything with you. It may seem to go beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend what is going to be asked of you. It is meant to be that way. The human mind is not the vehicle that will take you there.
You are an infinite soul and you are being asked to be infinite. Your human reality is and has been limited. The parameters have been set for centuries. The key here is .. God did not set the parameters. Mankind did. Which necessarily leads to the acceptance that the limitations of 'human reality' must be set aside if one is reaching for one's own infinite state of being. And it is the infinite state of being that is the vehicle by which you will travel to your next reality.
Leave behind your goals. Your soul may have another. Leave behind your dreams. Your soul dreams bigger than you do. Leave behind your pain. It has no place in the castle of your infinite truth. Leave behind your perceptions. Your soul sees things quite differently than your limited eyes.
Most people cannot conceive of a world, a reality, that has no limitations. A reality that is as big as God can dream. You are asked to be God's dream.
Note from LZ: The words above are inadequate to describe the place I'm in at this moment. It was imperative to get them written, to bring them out of me to give to you. I thought, when I took myself out of the place God has held me for the last hours, that I would end up writing an entire book, just based on my last hours. But now that I have set these words 'into the world,' I find that I have said as much as can be said here. The energy. The energy of what is unfolding. It goes into the world in a way that surpasses what we call 'Hope.' That is enough for the moment. And I am blessed to share the moment with all who follow and support my work and my place here on this planet, in this moment.
On a more grounded note ... one of the most interesting visions/messages during my last hours was this. It was meant to be a 'visual' of the journey and the necessary process to continue. Think of it like this....... You have an all-expense paid trip to a nudist colony. The car is waiting. You don't have to pack your clothes. You don't even need your flip flops. The sand is perfect on the beach you're headed to. Your feet will love it. You don't need to pack food. It will be provided. You don't even need your wallet or your purse. It's all expenses paid. Just show up.
That is the reality that awaits. Maybe only a few will make the journey at this time. It's a lot to ask. Perceptions, beliefs, hopes, dreams, suffering. Nothing can be packed. Nothing can be taken with you. If you want to build a new reality with God, you have to be willing to let God show you what you have never seen before.
The ultimate surrender. The surrender of who you think you are. Immersing yourself in the you that God knows you to be. Naked as the day your soul was born.
To view more of Lauren's books & work, please visit:
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Big Blue Harp
It is early morning, 3am, when I sense a movement in the Universe. Turning toward it, I see that there are five small crafts heading in my direction. Toward Earth. Which is where I am at the moment. My mind is suddenly filled with the intention of their visit. I sense their determination. Upon closer examination I'm able to see that each craft is only large enough to hold perhaps ten Beings. They fill my inner sight with shades of blue. Like a thousand streams, a thousand oceans, a thousand skies, the colors weave in and around each other, a perfect orchestra of beauty and drama, but as silent as non-existence.
They pull a memory from my past and place it in front of me. The re-play is as real as the actual moment. I am in another place. A glass of blue liquid has been placed in my hand. The ETs surrounding me urge me to drink it. I do. I feel it change me. They advise me that everything will come clear in the future. Here, in this moment, I wonder if that time is now.
Back in the time of the original offering of the deep blue liquid, I was introduced to several extraterrestrial Beings who gave me what I came to think of as 'generalized terms' for who they were. One of the societies they named 'the cobalt blue society.' Another was 'the sapphire blue.' They, and many others, drifted in and out of my days and nights and I was always able to take note of the events by the way everything seemed slightly altered after their visits. Now, with the swirling of so many vibrations of blue, it seemed evident that the five craft, and the occupants, were somehow connected to the societies who'd stepped into my life so many years ago. It wasn't long before they verified that fact.
They talked to me about the inter-connectedness of everything, a topic that has been taking center stage for almost a solid year now .. on a daily basis. Of course the deep blue liquid I'd been given years ago was somehow connected to their arrival and their reason for being in Earth's atmosphere. Which means that they had known of their journey here for over thirty years. And known that I would notice their arrival. I heard the words 'liquid preparation,' and chuckled. I also heard them mention the possibility of having me write a new book. When I heard their title suggestion, I laughed out loud. In case you ever wondered .. yes .. they do have a sense of humor. I'm not clear on whether I'd get in a whole lot of legal trouble and so I've declined their offer to write ..... "Fifty Shades of Blue." (chuckle)
They got serious and so did I. I watched as they began to emit 'strings' of blue into Earth's atmosphere. Every string was a slightly different shade than the next. Every string had its own frequency/vibratory tone. I heard them call it a 'cosmic harp.'
With perfect coordination between all, the 'strings' circled the Earth, none of them crossing, none of them touching. All in perfect harmony and all individually one, but somehow each was as one with every other.
All things being energy, every color has an energy of its own. It was clear that the subtle differences in each string, each color-tone, was deliberate and unique. Each frequency, because they were not touching, held its own frequency/vibration and yet there was perfect harmony. As I watched in awe, beauty unfolding before my eyes, taking in the enormity of it all, the purpose was whispered into my being.
"This is our contribution to the effort of Divine Harmony. This planet has come into a state of non-alignment and, though there are no mistakes and all things happen for a reason, it is time for a Universal effort to assist in the attempt to harmonize the energies of Earth with the energies of this Universe."
"You knew, thirty years ago, when I was given that blue liquid, that you would involve me in this," I said, pondering the bigger picture of what was going on. "And so you knew, thirty years ago, that the state of affairs of this planet would be exactly what it is today."
"That is true," was the reply.
"Another offering, validation, of the truth that nothing is by accident and everything within existence is known," I murmured.
I thought I heard a soft chuckle. They filled my mind with the memory of an art piece I had created about fifteen years ago. The piece is a depiction of 'musical blue,' for lack of a better description. The title of the piece is "Liquid Harmony."
What can I do but smile?
I knew there was much, much more to be garnered from this event and what would come next, but my agenda was not theirs. I was asked to do some energy work with just a few people. They told me that the people already knew who they were and that they would be contacting me. That's pretty much what happened. I came out of hiding .. again .. and delved into the request for energy work.
If you know me at all you know that there is never a television on or around when I do energy work. But, of course, today was the exception. Muted and out of sight. But maybe not. (smile) My client spoke of my work with the mind control grid, and the book titled "Call Me Dr. W.." We talked for a few minutes about the incredible importance of Humanity breaking free of the mind control grid and remembering the truth of who they are and learning to live without limits. I mentioned that it was pretty clear to me that the energy work I'd been called to do was, again, involved with helping break down the energy of the mind control grid. It's my opinion that we, Humanity, are in the process of taking our power back and stepping into the infinite energy of soul. And soul does not allow a limited reality.
A few minutes later, the silent energy of the television drew my attention.
Across the screen .. the words .. "Coming up next ... 'The Matrix.'"
Again ... what can I do but smile?
For information on other books & work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Saturday, June 21, 2014
Going Out On Yet Another Limb
(Artist unknown, but this piece of art was not created by me)
For some time now I have been receiving information about what I call a "secondary Earth." The vision appears as a larger Earth than the physical one, birthing itself in the atmosphere of this Earth. In other words, this Earth would be housed within the secondary one. The information suggests that this secondary Earth is a higher vibrational frequency, one that will allow for a different reality than this one, and one that is being 'built' by those people on Earth who seek to change the consensual reality of Earth into a kinder, more aware, more self-empowered, and more responsible-for-oneself and considerate-of-all way of living. (to name just a few of the 'characteristics' of the new reality)
That's one piece of what this blog is about. Another piece is related to a vision given to me by Archangel Metatron. Through the years he has appeared to me to talk about his efforts to bring a higher dimensional frequency 'grid pattern' to the current one in which Earth exists. (I'll leave a lot out of this blog for two reasons .. one, I assume most who follow my work know about Earth-grids and, two, there is enough information in all I'm trying to relay through my writing to fill ten or more books, and so please consider this blog as just a tiny overview of what's going on. If time allows, I will be writing much more about all of this, because there is much, much more than I'm including here.) The energy grid he discusses is diamond shaped. It was a short while ago that he appeared to me, asked me to join him on 'a fly-over,' and ended up taking me far above the Pacific Ocean. I watched as a massive diamond shape energy was 'laid over' the ocean, from around the New Zealand area all the way up to the Aleutian Islands. At the time I associated the work being done as being related to another continuous string of messages and visions about the energy of Lemuria and its people being 'reborn.' (From my understanding/memory, the society of Lemuria was more akin to the 'new' reality of kindness and oneness many people are now reaching for.) I watched as Metatron and many others 'activated' the diamond grid.
Now for the main reason for this blog. There was enough information given, in less than two minutes, to fill a 500-page manuscript. But it felt essential to create a small 'blast' of information to stimulate the minds/memories of those who follow my work. It has to do with the 'secondary Earth,' the Pacific Ocean, Lemuria, the 'new reality' being birthed, and much more. I was shown my clientele, the work I have done on my own and with my clients, the work I've done with various ETs through the many years, and the physical location of many people I've talked to through the last year or so. The magnificent work we've done with the mind-control-grid and Dr. W. and his codes, and how it all relates to the 'birth of a new reality,' is beyond huge. The 'non-coincidence' of everything and everyone was amazing, exciting, promising, hopeful, and FAR, FAR larger than anything we might ourselves to think about.
My hope, with this brief 'blast' of information/energy, is to reach those who are involved in what's going on. Those of you who I've talked to in New Zealand, Australia, British Columbia .. and those of you who have told me you feel called to the West Coast. Your physical location is NOT an accident. Your soul has come here to participate in one of the grandest efforts of existence that has ever been attempted. You cannot underestimate who you are or why you're here. You are being called to remember. You are being called to honor yourselves. You are being called to trust yourself. And trust the messages/inspirations/nudges that are coming to you from many, many higher dimensional sources.
The energy of the last five hours (it is now Saturday, June 21, 2014, 6:00am, Pacific time) has stimulated yet another 'phase' of energy work that is going into birthing a new consensual reality. The foundation of the new reality, the new 'secondary Earth,' is being built by you .. by all of us. There has been a great 'split' in the old energy grid. That 'split' runs through the entire Pacific Ocean, north to south. (I'm going to leave it at that, for the moment, and allow your intuition to tell you more.) The extraterrestrial and higher-dimensional Beings who are assisting with this endeavor are extremely excited but also appear to be in a 'high state of alert.' This is a critical stage of the shifts that are occurring.
It is being said to each of you ... Please take some time to remember who you are, to honor the path you've walked, the effort you've made, the progress you've made personally as well as the progress you've made on behalf of this effort. Do not underestimate what you've come to Earth to do and the magnificent job you will have done, when all is said and done. You are each much more than the Earth-life you are currently playing out. Remember. Rejoice. Celebrate. And most of you, honor yourself and listen for the next 'set of instructions.'
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
For some time now I have been receiving information about what I call a "secondary Earth." The vision appears as a larger Earth than the physical one, birthing itself in the atmosphere of this Earth. In other words, this Earth would be housed within the secondary one. The information suggests that this secondary Earth is a higher vibrational frequency, one that will allow for a different reality than this one, and one that is being 'built' by those people on Earth who seek to change the consensual reality of Earth into a kinder, more aware, more self-empowered, and more responsible-for-oneself and considerate-of-all way of living. (to name just a few of the 'characteristics' of the new reality)
That's one piece of what this blog is about. Another piece is related to a vision given to me by Archangel Metatron. Through the years he has appeared to me to talk about his efforts to bring a higher dimensional frequency 'grid pattern' to the current one in which Earth exists. (I'll leave a lot out of this blog for two reasons .. one, I assume most who follow my work know about Earth-grids and, two, there is enough information in all I'm trying to relay through my writing to fill ten or more books, and so please consider this blog as just a tiny overview of what's going on. If time allows, I will be writing much more about all of this, because there is much, much more than I'm including here.) The energy grid he discusses is diamond shaped. It was a short while ago that he appeared to me, asked me to join him on 'a fly-over,' and ended up taking me far above the Pacific Ocean. I watched as a massive diamond shape energy was 'laid over' the ocean, from around the New Zealand area all the way up to the Aleutian Islands. At the time I associated the work being done as being related to another continuous string of messages and visions about the energy of Lemuria and its people being 'reborn.' (From my understanding/memory, the society of Lemuria was more akin to the 'new' reality of kindness and oneness many people are now reaching for.) I watched as Metatron and many others 'activated' the diamond grid.
Now for the main reason for this blog. There was enough information given, in less than two minutes, to fill a 500-page manuscript. But it felt essential to create a small 'blast' of information to stimulate the minds/memories of those who follow my work. It has to do with the 'secondary Earth,' the Pacific Ocean, Lemuria, the 'new reality' being birthed, and much more. I was shown my clientele, the work I have done on my own and with my clients, the work I've done with various ETs through the many years, and the physical location of many people I've talked to through the last year or so. The magnificent work we've done with the mind-control-grid and Dr. W. and his codes, and how it all relates to the 'birth of a new reality,' is beyond huge. The 'non-coincidence' of everything and everyone was amazing, exciting, promising, hopeful, and FAR, FAR larger than anything we might ourselves to think about.
My hope, with this brief 'blast' of information/energy, is to reach those who are involved in what's going on. Those of you who I've talked to in New Zealand, Australia, British Columbia .. and those of you who have told me you feel called to the West Coast. Your physical location is NOT an accident. Your soul has come here to participate in one of the grandest efforts of existence that has ever been attempted. You cannot underestimate who you are or why you're here. You are being called to remember. You are being called to honor yourselves. You are being called to trust yourself. And trust the messages/inspirations/nudges that are coming to you from many, many higher dimensional sources.
The energy of the last five hours (it is now Saturday, June 21, 2014, 6:00am, Pacific time) has stimulated yet another 'phase' of energy work that is going into birthing a new consensual reality. The foundation of the new reality, the new 'secondary Earth,' is being built by you .. by all of us. There has been a great 'split' in the old energy grid. That 'split' runs through the entire Pacific Ocean, north to south. (I'm going to leave it at that, for the moment, and allow your intuition to tell you more.) The extraterrestrial and higher-dimensional Beings who are assisting with this endeavor are extremely excited but also appear to be in a 'high state of alert.' This is a critical stage of the shifts that are occurring.
It is being said to each of you ... Please take some time to remember who you are, to honor the path you've walked, the effort you've made, the progress you've made personally as well as the progress you've made on behalf of this effort. Do not underestimate what you've come to Earth to do and the magnificent job you will have done, when all is said and done. You are each much more than the Earth-life you are currently playing out. Remember. Rejoice. Celebrate. And most of you, honor yourself and listen for the next 'set of instructions.'
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Friday, April 19, 2013
What Part Are We Playing?

The mind-control grid sat before me like an unimaginable horror. Overcome with dread and revulsion, I struggled to turn away, hoping that there was such a thing as instant forgetting. But the Being with me would not allow and I found myself staring at possibly the most appalling thing I'd ever seen.
We know that all things are energy and that for tangible reality to exist there must be a grid of sorts to contain it. Even knowing this, and having sensed for many years that reality on Earth was being controlled by something I didn't understand, nothing could have prepared me for my present experience. The grid of energy before me was massive. Equal to the size of a galaxy, or possibly even larger. There was no way to gauge. Massive pillars of what I can only call 'control' lay criss-crossed and tumbled, seemingly random as they laid upon each other with what was obviously a crushing weight. I glanced at my momentary custodian, determining if he thought I had had enough of the appalling vision. But apparently not. With some type of movement that I couldn't see, he picked me up and placed me inside the massive workings of evil.
Revulsion rolled in my stomach like poison as I heard the innocence of Humanity quietly chatting among themselves and, in the background, heard the derisive comments offered by the unseen controllers of this incredible grid of deception. Before my stomach could physically rebel, I found myself lifted back out of the horror, standing once again on the exterior surface of nothingness that appeared to be similar to an ivory-colored Styrofoam.
I turned to my companion, who had dubbed himself 'Simon' due to the fact that his name was unpronounceable. "Why are you revealing this to me when it would seem obvious that I can do nothing about it?" I demanded, my upset overtaking my manners.
"Why do you assume you can do nothing about it," he asked calmly.
I glanced back at the structure so massive that it could engulf an entire galaxy. Knowing there is a reason for everything, I made up mind in that moment to understand.
When we come to fully understand that there is no separation, that we are all atoms of existence, invisibly connected to all that is, we become ready to take the next step in understanding. If we are all one, we are all participating in all that is. If we are participating in all, we are participating in that which imprisons us as well. What more appropriate time than now to expand our minds to accept a greater degree of understanding? What more appropriate time than now to accept a level of self-responsibility that very well could lead to equality and freedom?
This is just a very brief look into the recent 'universal wanderings' of my soul. I plan to offer much more but am so overwhelmed by the need to offer this small piece today that I take the chance of raising the reader's impatience with me. Please understand that the experiences alone consume me 24/7 and that, as time permits, I will bring you more. I feel more called to share and assist Humanity than I do to breathe, most days. And I thank you for your patience and for blessing my Journey by listening.
Lauren Zimmerman
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Past Loves & Wisdom
(The quote on this picture gives a deeper understanding of this encounter and the ultimate goal of understanding.)
It's an extremely rare thing for me to be feeling so poorly that I don't do anything at all. But here I was, not thinking anything but drifting quietly in my mind, looking for a place to rest where I didn't feel anything, if only for a moment.
I sensed the energy in the room shift and turned to look toward the source. There stood my ex, who is now on 'the other side.' I was not terribly surprised. He had been coming to get me every night for about two weeks and we'd been soaring through universes and understandings with a happiness I had long ago forgotten.
Delighted to see him, I greeted him before noting the somber look on his face. "What's going on?" I asked a bit hesitantly.
"I need to apologize to you."
"For what? You....."
He stopped me. "I don't need you to tell me I didn't do anything wrong. I know what I did. And I know what I didn't do. And I need you to know that I'm sorry. I impacted your entire life and I now know how I can fix what I did. I need you to hear me. I mean really hear me."
"Absolutely," I assured him. "You know I'll listen."
He moved a few steps closer to me and I could see how vital this was to him. His eyes spoke volumes. "You loved me with all that you are. You gave me all that you are. And I stayed in my own stupidity and ego and loved what you gave me. But I didn't let you know that I loved you. I didn't put the love behind the words. You knew that and heard only 'empty.' I can tell you that I didn't know how to love completely like you do. I can tell you that I was afraid. I can tell you that I was selfish and just wanted what you were giving without having it 'cost' me anything." He laughed. "We both know how selfish I was. No need to talk about that."
His voice became as soft as the touch of an angel. "But what you don't know is that I loved you. I never let you know that." He waved his hand in the air. "I'm the one responsible for all that you're been through since, with these other men."
I immediately jumped to his defense. "How do you figure that?" I almost shouted. "You can't lay that on yourself. I'm the one who let them in and allowed what I did. Not to mention that you have nothing to do with their bad behavior."
"But what I'm trying to tell you is that I DO." I felt his energy settle back, readying himself to explain. "When I refused to let you know that I loved you, even while I knew you were giving me everything including your eternal soul, you 'learned' that this world wasn't going to love you no matter how much you loved it."
I started to protest, but he stopped me.
"You knew with everything that you are inside yourself that I really did love you. But I didn't show you. I didn't tell you and I literally made an effort to keep the truth from you. And so, you doubted what you knew. Not only that I loved you but also that the type of love you believed in was not possible on Earth. But I showed you that it couldn't, or wouldn't, be expressed here. And so, that means you took what you learned from me, or thought you learned from me, and you went out into the world with that false belief."
The relationships, the failures, that came after him flashed through my mind like lightning. I simply sat staring at him in silence.
"You see," he said quietly, "you manifested that false belief every time you tried to love. Your desire to believe in the level of love that you thought was possible was overpowered by the belief that I gave you. That even if you feel that love is really there, it isn't. My refusal to give it to you made you doubt that you knew what was real and what was not."
"And you're here now because?"
He smiled with all the love he had never given me. "Because it's time for me to help you understand that you were right all along." He studied me in silence for a minute and finally stepped forward and kissed me so softly that I might have been kissed by the wing of a butterfly. "You need to know that you were right all along. And you need to know that I love you with everything I am, through all time and space."
He drew back and gave me a rather sad smile. "I'll see you when you get home."
(NOTE: I truly thank each of you who have written and who have posted comments. This has to be one of the most touching blogs that I've written and the fact that it is touching you means more to me than words can say. Don appeared to me a few hours after I wrote this. (he had asked me to write this) He thanked me and then told me that he believed his story would help many others to heal. He thanked me for helping him to be of Service to you. With love, Lauren)(Oh .. another thing .. for some odd reason the blog is not allowing me to comment on your comments and so please forgive that. I do read each comment personally.)
Lauren Zimmerman
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Spirit Guides, Alchemists, and Updates
My first introduction to Guides was through an
incredible exchange with someone in Sacramento, CA. He 'crossed over'
just days after our meeting and so obviously all of this was meant to
be. One of the Guides that, perhaps, many people don't realize
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they have is an alchemist. Our alchemist is capable of helping
us 'alter' food and water for our benefit. The man I met was a spiritual minister and in a 'billets reading' in
his church he picked mine out first and stood in front of the entire
room and said .. "The answer to your question is, set a full glass of
water next to the bed tonight and drink it in the morning."
Well, billets are little pieces of paper that you write a question on and a "psychic" answer is given. You can then imagine how many people turned to look at me as though I'd just walked down the steps of a spacecraft into the church. What kind of a question must I have asked?
The answer is .. I asked, 'are the beings that I'm seeing and hearing really real or am I imagining all of this?' (I had just gotten out of the hospital following my life-after-death experience and was now seeing and hearing Guides (and others) that numbered in the hundreds. Needless to say, I was having trouble sorting out what was going on.)
I did as the minister suggested and drank the full glass of water the next morning. It didn't taste like water at all. And through the years, most of my water hasn't. Your alchemist is waiting for you to ask for his/her assistance. Having a glass of water sitting, 24/7, gives them the opportunity to put what minerals (etc.) you need into the water. I've gone on to work with my alchemist, with food, by asking him to help transmute all food that I eat, taking out any bad and putting in any good that I may need. (I also use The Violet Flame to transmute food before I eat.)
I hope this helps .. not only you who are interested but the Guides who are watching me type. (smile) The dimensional frequencies are such that interacting with them now, and asking for their assistance, could not be more perfect.
Well, billets are little pieces of paper that you write a question on and a "psychic" answer is given. You can then imagine how many people turned to look at me as though I'd just walked down the steps of a spacecraft into the church. What kind of a question must I have asked?
The answer is .. I asked, 'are the beings that I'm seeing and hearing really real or am I imagining all of this?' (I had just gotten out of the hospital following my life-after-death experience and was now seeing and hearing Guides (and others) that numbered in the hundreds. Needless to say, I was having trouble sorting out what was going on.)
I did as the minister suggested and drank the full glass of water the next morning. It didn't taste like water at all. And through the years, most of my water hasn't. Your alchemist is waiting for you to ask for his/her assistance. Having a glass of water sitting, 24/7, gives them the opportunity to put what minerals (etc.) you need into the water. I've gone on to work with my alchemist, with food, by asking him to help transmute all food that I eat, taking out any bad and putting in any good that I may need. (I also use The Violet Flame to transmute food before I eat.)
I hope this helps .. not only you who are interested but the Guides who are watching me type. (smile) The dimensional frequencies are such that interacting with them now, and asking for their assistance, could not be more perfect.
On an entirely different 'note,' this last week has been pretty incredible as far as changes.
in Kindle format. There are free apps that can be downloaded, if you don't have a Kindle.
OTHER WORLDS: The Series (CALLED, THE MAYAN TILES) and MOMENTS OF MASTERY are now available to libraries world-wide, free of charge. If you would like to see the books in your local library, please request them and let your librarian know that they can visit this link to find the books ...... (LINK: )
And there is a new web site for my work. (LINK: )
nLight Press (dot com) is still up and running. The new web site is part of a slow process that is unfolding, taking me away from the publishing effort and (hopefully) allowing more time for writing the many books that are waiting to be written. A dear friend and soul-sister is going through the process of taking the reins for nLight Press.
Lauren Zimmerman
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Monday, August 20, 2012
Awakening to Universal Harmony & Awareness
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