Showing posts with label earth changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earth changes. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Empty the Suitcase!
You want to create another reality. You want to create a better world. You want to move forward. You want to leave behind the suffering, give birth to a world of compassion, equality, justice, and peace.
You want this for all Humanity.
You want this for yourself.
Your journey belongs to you and you alone.
The understanding that will complete your journey lies in the truth that you cannot take anything with you. It may seem to go beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend what is going to be asked of you. It is meant to be that way. The human mind is not the vehicle that will take you there.
You are an infinite soul and you are being asked to be infinite. Your human reality is and has been limited. The parameters have been set for centuries. The key here is .. God did not set the parameters. Mankind did. Which necessarily leads to the acceptance that the limitations of 'human reality' must be set aside if one is reaching for one's own infinite state of being. And it is the infinite state of being that is the vehicle by which you will travel to your next reality.
Leave behind your goals. Your soul may have another. Leave behind your dreams. Your soul dreams bigger than you do. Leave behind your pain. It has no place in the castle of your infinite truth. Leave behind your perceptions. Your soul sees things quite differently than your limited eyes.
Most people cannot conceive of a world, a reality, that has no limitations. A reality that is as big as God can dream. You are asked to be God's dream.
Note from LZ: The words above are inadequate to describe the place I'm in at this moment. It was imperative to get them written, to bring them out of me to give to you. I thought, when I took myself out of the place God has held me for the last hours, that I would end up writing an entire book, just based on my last hours. But now that I have set these words 'into the world,' I find that I have said as much as can be said here. The energy. The energy of what is unfolding. It goes into the world in a way that surpasses what we call 'Hope.' That is enough for the moment. And I am blessed to share the moment with all who follow and support my work and my place here on this planet, in this moment.
On a more grounded note ... one of the most interesting visions/messages during my last hours was this. It was meant to be a 'visual' of the journey and the necessary process to continue. Think of it like this....... You have an all-expense paid trip to a nudist colony. The car is waiting. You don't have to pack your clothes. You don't even need your flip flops. The sand is perfect on the beach you're headed to. Your feet will love it. You don't need to pack food. It will be provided. You don't even need your wallet or your purse. It's all expenses paid. Just show up.
That is the reality that awaits. Maybe only a few will make the journey at this time. It's a lot to ask. Perceptions, beliefs, hopes, dreams, suffering. Nothing can be packed. Nothing can be taken with you. If you want to build a new reality with God, you have to be willing to let God show you what you have never seen before.
The ultimate surrender. The surrender of who you think you are. Immersing yourself in the you that God knows you to be. Naked as the day your soul was born.
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Big Blue Harp
It is early morning, 3am, when I sense a movement in the Universe. Turning toward it, I see that there are five small crafts heading in my direction. Toward Earth. Which is where I am at the moment. My mind is suddenly filled with the intention of their visit. I sense their determination. Upon closer examination I'm able to see that each craft is only large enough to hold perhaps ten Beings. They fill my inner sight with shades of blue. Like a thousand streams, a thousand oceans, a thousand skies, the colors weave in and around each other, a perfect orchestra of beauty and drama, but as silent as non-existence.
They pull a memory from my past and place it in front of me. The re-play is as real as the actual moment. I am in another place. A glass of blue liquid has been placed in my hand. The ETs surrounding me urge me to drink it. I do. I feel it change me. They advise me that everything will come clear in the future. Here, in this moment, I wonder if that time is now.
Back in the time of the original offering of the deep blue liquid, I was introduced to several extraterrestrial Beings who gave me what I came to think of as 'generalized terms' for who they were. One of the societies they named 'the cobalt blue society.' Another was 'the sapphire blue.' They, and many others, drifted in and out of my days and nights and I was always able to take note of the events by the way everything seemed slightly altered after their visits. Now, with the swirling of so many vibrations of blue, it seemed evident that the five craft, and the occupants, were somehow connected to the societies who'd stepped into my life so many years ago. It wasn't long before they verified that fact.
They talked to me about the inter-connectedness of everything, a topic that has been taking center stage for almost a solid year now .. on a daily basis. Of course the deep blue liquid I'd been given years ago was somehow connected to their arrival and their reason for being in Earth's atmosphere. Which means that they had known of their journey here for over thirty years. And known that I would notice their arrival. I heard the words 'liquid preparation,' and chuckled. I also heard them mention the possibility of having me write a new book. When I heard their title suggestion, I laughed out loud. In case you ever wondered .. yes .. they do have a sense of humor. I'm not clear on whether I'd get in a whole lot of legal trouble and so I've declined their offer to write ..... "Fifty Shades of Blue." (chuckle)
They got serious and so did I. I watched as they began to emit 'strings' of blue into Earth's atmosphere. Every string was a slightly different shade than the next. Every string had its own frequency/vibratory tone. I heard them call it a 'cosmic harp.'
With perfect coordination between all, the 'strings' circled the Earth, none of them crossing, none of them touching. All in perfect harmony and all individually one, but somehow each was as one with every other.
All things being energy, every color has an energy of its own. It was clear that the subtle differences in each string, each color-tone, was deliberate and unique. Each frequency, because they were not touching, held its own frequency/vibration and yet there was perfect harmony. As I watched in awe, beauty unfolding before my eyes, taking in the enormity of it all, the purpose was whispered into my being.
"This is our contribution to the effort of Divine Harmony. This planet has come into a state of non-alignment and, though there are no mistakes and all things happen for a reason, it is time for a Universal effort to assist in the attempt to harmonize the energies of Earth with the energies of this Universe."
"You knew, thirty years ago, when I was given that blue liquid, that you would involve me in this," I said, pondering the bigger picture of what was going on. "And so you knew, thirty years ago, that the state of affairs of this planet would be exactly what it is today."
"That is true," was the reply.
"Another offering, validation, of the truth that nothing is by accident and everything within existence is known," I murmured.
I thought I heard a soft chuckle. They filled my mind with the memory of an art piece I had created about fifteen years ago. The piece is a depiction of 'musical blue,' for lack of a better description. The title of the piece is "Liquid Harmony."
What can I do but smile?
I knew there was much, much more to be garnered from this event and what would come next, but my agenda was not theirs. I was asked to do some energy work with just a few people. They told me that the people already knew who they were and that they would be contacting me. That's pretty much what happened. I came out of hiding .. again .. and delved into the request for energy work.
If you know me at all you know that there is never a television on or around when I do energy work. But, of course, today was the exception. Muted and out of sight. But maybe not. (smile) My client spoke of my work with the mind control grid, and the book titled "Call Me Dr. W.." We talked for a few minutes about the incredible importance of Humanity breaking free of the mind control grid and remembering the truth of who they are and learning to live without limits. I mentioned that it was pretty clear to me that the energy work I'd been called to do was, again, involved with helping break down the energy of the mind control grid. It's my opinion that we, Humanity, are in the process of taking our power back and stepping into the infinite energy of soul. And soul does not allow a limited reality.
A few minutes later, the silent energy of the television drew my attention.
Across the screen .. the words .. "Coming up next ... 'The Matrix.'"
Again ... what can I do but smile?
For information on other books & work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
A Transcendental State of Mind, A Choice
I think I may have said this a thousand times.....Energy has no boundaries therefore all energy impacts all other energy. It's time to take the truth of this up another notch. The path every soul walks, the life of every person on Earth (and elsewhere), will eventually impact the path of every other soul. We are all existing within Infinity, within this Existence, and everything we learn will be shared with every other soul. The quest is to understand all of existence, and we are the ones on that quest. The right of every soul to experience reality in whatever way they choose is a God-given right and is absolutely by Divine Design, whether we agree with it or not. (To disagree can be observed as a judgment and quite often judgment stems from the energy of fear.)
I rarely talk about my path and, honestly, I doubt anyone would believe me anyway. (chuckle) It has been 'quite something,' to put it mildly. (Make sure you have plenty of popcorn when you get Home and get to watch the movie .. lol) That said, there has been an all-consuming effort, daily, to find understanding. I believe, and I hope I'm correct, that it's all been about helping others awaken, lighting a path that others may want to follow to reach the common goal .. which is enlightenment.
Some of you may have noticed a big shift in my energy, as well as my online presence. As an explanation I will say that I've been pushed into the deepest voids, experiences, and heart-soul-changing times of my life .. perhaps of my infinity. But I never venture into any avenue without knowing that there is an extremely good reason, with an answer that will be revealed at the end of it all.
The answer has been revealed and the answer is a transcendental state of mind, a different way of being.
There are many who are on this Earth, at this time, with the goal of learning how to walk this Earth-path, as dense and painful as it is, with the full integration of their infinite soul. They seek the wisdom, understanding, inner power, and Divine Connection that is the truth of every soul in existence. They hope to bring the truth of who they are to the human experience, with the possibility of touching others and helping them do the same. The far-reaching goal has been, I believe, the goal of changing the consensual reality of the human race. Ending the unbelievable amount of suffering, imbalance, inequality .. and the list goes on.
Here is a tidbit of information that I hope resonates with those who are on this personal quest of integrating soul-energy into the human-Earth-energy of the present moment: If you are being emotionally mauled by the human condition, you may find yourself being ineffective as far as being able to utilize the power and wisdom of your infinite soul.
What does this mean? As an infinite soul, you know that this lifetime looks like five seconds. As a matter of fact, that was how it was explained to me by The Presence of God. Consider that you exist, as soul, through all time and space. How 'long' then is that? Let's just toss a number out there. What if your soul exists for one-quadrillion years. How long is this lifetime? Let's just say it's one hundred years. Fit one hundred into one quadrillion. How 'big' does the one hundred look in comparison?
The point of that little exercise is to shift perspective just a bit. When you shift your perspective, you shift your reality. The transcendental state of mind is a step into your own infinity and the perception of life through those eyes, so to speak. The 'enormities' that you face daily suddenly take their rightful place in the bigger scheme of things. When you 'take the heat off' of the moment, step into the energy of your infinite soul, the understanding of why you are here in this moment, why you are having this particular experience, has 'room' to come into your energy field. In other words, you clear the energy of questioning in order to allow the energy of answers.
I will go out on another limb, as I am prone to do, and say that I believe the energy of the quest, for those who specifically came to this Earth-experience for the purpose of learning how to achieve enlightenment in one of the densest energies in existence, has reached a point where the transcendental state of being is more possible than ever before. Yes, there have been individuals through time who have lived in such a manner. But I believe this is/has been an effort by a fairly large group of souls who created a coordinated effort in order to bring a 'big energy,' so to speak. A group who believed that, by bringing the energy of this quest, and its possible success, into the energy of this Earth-reality, the sheer power of numbers and the energy exuded would necessarily have to impact the energy of the consensual reality.
I believe that's where we're at. I believe that's been the goal. I believe the effort will continue for many, many years. And I believe we, as a whole, will succeed.
I also know that the road is not easy. But it wasn't meant to be. Now, having passed through what appeared to be 1,000 doors of hell, the reason for the path is crystal clear. You cannot understand 'heaven' without understanding 'hell.' All things in existence are within the energy of God, the creator of existence. If you seek to understand existence there can be no defining lines. If all is one, and you understand that, then you also understand that there is nothing that can be excluded. Our personal 'assessment' of what should or should not be allowed has to be set aside in order to allow our souls to enter the picture and bring the perspective of existence from that point of view. By doing so, we remove the human 'emotional charge.' Emotional chaos is largely responsible for the density of this current Earth-reality. If we hope to ease up the density, the neutrality of the soul's perspective may well be the path we need to choose.
On a personal note ... I am called to share this tiny tidbit of insight because it is meant to bring hope to those who are on the quest and who have wondered what their lives have been about. There are ten thousand volumes behind these few words, this blog, and for me, here in my own life, they do not come close to describing the transition I have made. I am in the process of adapting to an entirely new way of being. It is expansive. It is free. It is the vision of my own truth that I have held as a goal throughout my life. Through all of the experiences I have never lost sight of the fact that God has been guiding every single second, every single experience. I often questioned His belief in my ability to keep on going. I often questioned His sanity as well as my own. (smile) But if my path in some way inspires even one other soul, I am blessed to have walked it. To those who know me, thank you for believing in me. To those who support my work by trusting it, you have blessed my path with yours, without doubt. I can see a monumental difference in my life, from this point forward and I don't yet know how it will impact my work and what I do with my life from this day forward. But I want to thank each of you who share this path, and send you all the deepest blessings from my soul. You are infinite, as am I, and we will meet, when this is all over, and celebrate how incredible all of this has been for each of us.
Love and Gratitude to ALL From LZ
To connect with other work & books by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Leave the Boots At the Door
(Artist unknown)
Leave the Boots At the Door
You have worn the boots for a year. Chances are .. you walked through tears, you walked through pain. You walked through doubt, you walked through fear. You walked through memories. You walked through love. You walked through loneliness.
You walked through your days. You walked through your moments.
You lifted your head off the pillow every day, whether you thought you could or not. Every morning you slipped on the boots that would carry you through your day. You did your best to keep a positive thought. You dried your tears, lifted your head, prayed for better days, and promised yourself that things would get better. That you, yourself, would do better.
You forgave the yesterdays that seemed to have put you where you didn't really want to be. You looked to the tomorrows with hope. You cherished the moments of laughter, placing them gently into your heart's memories. You leaned on those memories when times were hard. You drank in the moments of love, the quiet touches that soothed your soul.
You slipped the boots off at the end of each day, knowing that you would have to put them on again tomorrow.
This is not just a new tomorrow that we see now. This is a new opportunity. This is a new hope. This is a new prayer that may well be answered.
Leave your boots at the door. The mud belongs to yesterday. The heaviness belongs to yesterday. Begin your new year by stepping through the door with bare feet and hope. Let yourself dance with the freedom of letting it all go. Let your feet be free. Let your heart be free. Let your soul be free.
From LZ: It is rare that I allow visions and messages and predictions about 'new year energy' to come into my energy field. However, this year I was 'over-ruled' by the power and intensity of what apparently needed to be said. Consistently filled with hope by countless visions and messages, this last month or so has been interesting, to say the least. I am shown the possibilities of people letting go of their old realities and embracing the new, in ways that I've never seen before. I've been shown people healing so much that has burdened them. I am seeing hearts open, souls fly, joy taking the reins.
I am seeing people infusing Truth into their lives in ways that are totally refreshing. People letting go of that which does not serve their joy, their truth, their hearts, their souls. People changing jobs, locations, and even 'missions' and purpose.
The resounding and relentless message is .. Let it go. Let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of the belief that things cannot change. Let go of that which does not serve your joy. Let go of the burden that tells you there is not a better tomorrow.
From what I am shown, the tomorrows of 2015 hold more potential for change, hope, joy, and miracles than I might ever have imagined. I know I'm going out on a limb with this 'prediction' but that's what I'm asked to do. Perhaps it is only for the purpose of laying the energy of hope upon the hearts of those who are weary .. or frightened .. or ready to throw in the towel. I don't know. But I DO know .. this was asked of me and as I type this I feel the energy of hope dancing it's way around this Earth.
I pray we all take the boots off. Leave them by the door of 2014. And dance with bare feet and joy.
For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's books & other works, please visit:
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Thursday, November 6, 2014
You Knew Exactly What You Were Doing
This blog is for those who 'know,' for those who, on whatever level within themselves, remember that they came to this incarnation with the intention of learning about the process of evolving from one vibrational frequency to another.
A brief explanation .... everything is energy and all energy has a frequency/vibration. Not only are we infinite souls who exist throughout all that is, but we exist in many different vibrational frequencies. In other words, we are not limited to being just this temporary 3-D body-of-the-moment.
Add to this the fact that we have existed, as souls, for however many years, centuries, eons. With that as a Truth, it would be impossible to assume that we came to this incarnation without any understanding or awareness of what we were doing.
Add to this that we were fully aware that the Earth itself would be transitioning. This time on Earth is, to my understanding, monumental. As it was told to me, by The Presence of God, there will be 1,000 years of the human race creating and evolving into a different reality. A spiritually-based reality that brings to the forefront the Divine Union of not only God but Soul, with full awareness and conscious interaction with both.
The topic I'm about to discuss would probably end up being a 1,000 page manuscript if I were to let myself tell you all that I've experienced regarding this topic. It will be painful to not share it all (smile) but in the interest of brevity, I am going to touch upon the highlights that I feel it's important to share in this moment. If you doubt my sanity, after reading what I have to say, please refer to all of the books, writing, etc. that I've shared through the years. Everything I'm about to tell you is as real as it gets.
The topic is what might be referred to as a 'walk-in' experience. I've had eight of these experiences, following the first one, the one that brought me to this incarnation when this body was four years old. In the recent days, there has been another of these experiences. One more tangible, more life-changing, than all of the others, excepting the very first one. The experiences that I've gone through have been higher-dimensional aspects of my soul, merging into the body. All but the first and last have been subtle. (There are other types of walk-in experiences that can be researched via the Internet. It's too large a topic for this blog to cover everything.)
The reason I feel it necessary to speak of this now, after having been silent about this all my life, is that this type of walk-in experience is going to be very prevalent for those who came into this incarnation with the intention of understanding how to spiritually and energetically evolve into a higher dimensional frequency of oneself. There has been much talk about the human race perhaps 'stepping into' a different world, being 'lifted up' to another reality, 'ascending,' etc. It has always been my understanding that it is we, each person individually, who will 'ascend themselves,' if you'll allow me to say it that way.
This 'new' aspect of myself has a more clear understanding of what has, is, and will happen, which is why I was so compelled to step out onto yet another 'limb' and be more vocal than usual about my personal experiences. Those who came to learn from the process of 'evolving a vibrational energy/reality' took on a tremendous task. One that will be soul-changing. Many of us took on some of the most extreme experiences imaginable in order to learn how to take the heaviest, densest, most pain-filled energy and transmute it into wisdom, thus altering the vibrational frequency. It is a process that we can call 'advanced alchemy,' if you like. It is also a fairly rare 'assignment.' Participating in altering the vibrational frequency of an entire reality is not exactly common. (said tongue in cheek)
The only way to tackle such a huge task is for each soul to tackle the job within themselves. This is what we've done. We have, and still are, changing our own dimensional frequency. When so many refer to 'the veils thinning,' this is what they refer to. The 'veils,' the energetic differences, between dimensional frequencies thins as one frequency becomes more similar to the other.
As a side note ... to have attempted to change Earth-reality itself, as a whole, would have been too similar to one of the main 'issues' that exists in this reality, which is the issue of power and control. It would have also called into speculation the issue of judgment. We are not here to judge anyone else's reality. Everyone is free to choose. Everyone is learning from the experiences they choose. To take the task of evolving on one's own shoulders, and act to change oneself, takes these issues off the table.
I promised to be brief and so I'll move on to the next thought in my mind. (there are so many) We have presented ourselves with tremendous challenges in an effort to learn how to transmute the heaviest energies imaginable. Everything has been part of the effort to rise above our human reactions, interpretations, judgments, and emotions and come to a greater understanding of how to interact with existence from a energy-based-knowing. Each experience, no matter how difficult, has been a stepping stone in your personal evolution and quest to understand. If, indeed, we are creators-in-training, it is essential to understand energy to the nth degree.
Now ... all of this being said ... and I've left much to your own imagination and intuition ... many people are coming to the point where higher dimensional aspects of their souls will be 'walking in.' Every person who has this experience will, more than likely, have a unique experience. Some will experience this process over a period of time, some will wake up and know for a fact that they are entirely different on this day. I can speak only to my own experiences when I say that my past processes have been fairly subtle, though recognizable. The current experience is not at all subtle. It is blatant, tangible, and .. ok .. a whole lot of fun. ( smile ) The knowing within oneself is expansive. The compassion is as deep as it gets. Attitudes and opinions feel as though they are coming from someone else entirely. The abilities (let's call them that) are enhanced. Personality can and probably will change. The higher dimensional frequency aspect of yourself knows much more. Is not weighed down by the hardships and emotional toll of the past experiences. Has an entirely different perspective on just about everything.
The higher dimensional aspect of yourself knows how to address the energy in which you live. If you have outstanding energy issues (illness, stuck energy, 'issues,' etc.), resist the temptation to view them in 'the same old way' and allow your inner knowing to guide you. Adopt the perspective that all things are energy and all energy can change/transmute. You are not a victim of your energy/issues any longer, once this 'walk in process' is complete.
As I think about why I felt, literally, forced to speak more publicly, I realize that it is because this is a process that WILL take place for many. It's imperative for me to tell you that you're not crazy, you're not imagining this. To question yourself, or the people going through this, will be to interfere with the magnificent flow of some of the greatest changes in energy this Earth and reality has ever undergone. WE are evolving the spiritual energy of Earth. WE are evolving ourselves. It was and is a monumental task. To define it in antiquated, Earth beliefs would be an injustice to the incredible journey we undertook, as souls. The journey that is unfolding a reality unlike anything we've ever witnessed.
Thank you to all who follow my work, offer me their trust, and support me with their belief in the path I walk. I am so blessed and grateful to each of you!
PS: If you find any typos, please forgive them. The words in my mind were flying faster than my fingers.
For more information on the books by nLight Press/Lauren Zimmerman, please feel free to visit:
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Saturday, June 28, 2014
Opting Out
In other words:
If you see me in the garden and I'm wearing a man's flannel shirt, a size or two too large, and it's flapping in the wind; and I'm not decorated with make-up and heels but instead am wearing my own skin and sloppy yellow rain boots, walk on by if it concerns you.
If you pass me in the early morning, walking on a dawn-touched beach, and I haven't yet brushed my hair, and that concerns you, walk on by.
If you expect me to decorate my face and body in order to please you, and I don't, and that concerns you, keep on walking and find someone who will.
If your caring about me depends on the ways of this world, and I am not in compliance, and that concerns you, find someone who will comply.
If the fact that I give my time on this Earth to my own soul's path, and not to yours, and that concerns you, find someone else who will play the role you need them to play.
I am here by request of God. You are here by request of God. If I know this about myself, and you don't know this about yourself, it is not my place to set aside my path with God in order to show you your path with God.
I will treat you as God would treat you. If you cannot offer me the same, that concerns me. Walk on by.
And for the companies interested in convincing females that they should spend money with items that subliminally promote low self-esteem, physical-appearance-competitions, and false and biased self-worth fictions, I opt out. It is not necessary for me to spend one hundred dollars on cosmetics and one thousand dollars on clothes to fit your description of what I should look like. I am me. God likes me this way and so do I. Your opinion, which does nothing but generate false opinions, so that you can pillage people's finances in order to continue your campaigns that make people question their own self-worth, does not interest me. Walk away. And PS ... don't call me either.
For females who want something to think about, when it comes to personal freedom: think about how many men you know who can't go to the store without putting on make-up or who have to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how people will perceive them when they go outside without designer clothes on. How many men are judged by the size of their chests or the size of their jeans? Maybe the path to personal freedom has a component of equality in more ways than society wants us to really think about.
Author's Note:
Why did I write this? Perhaps I've gone too far with my criticism of the lies that attempt to enslave Humankind. The constant barrage of ads, from every direction imaginable, make it impossible to accomplish the simplest task without running a raggedy line of defense trying to avoid the assault. Trying to simply check email or the weather is enough to have you grinding your teeth with unexpressed exasperation. I can't stop the conversation in my head that is asking all of these money-seekers if they think that annoying me to death will cause me to want to give them money for their mostly-unnecessary products.
For most of my years I have attempted to help people remember who they are, as infinite and powerful beings who have chosen this temporary and often-imprisoning Earth-reality. This little bit of writing is yet another attempt to insert some very logical, soul-compatible thoughts into the mind control grid that tells us how we should be and who we should be. This lifetime is temporary .. very temporary. To allow the 'rules,' judgments, peer pressures, fears, etc. to dictate our daily lives is to deny our own infinite truths. I am a huge fan of people taking back their power, staying 'no' to the illusions and lies, and living a life that allows them the freedom to be themselves.
It's funny. The term that pops into my thoughts is: "Just say no." We have the power to change Human reality by simply saying 'no.' We have the choice to opt out of the world that tells us who we should be .. and the power to build the world we choose. It may be that people tend to forget that WE are the majority and that without us, the 'machine' will not continue to run.
And on an even greater note; we have the choice to begin understanding that every person is an infinite soul and a direct connection to the Infinite Presence of God. By choosing to infuse this truth into our personal relationships, we are playing a pivotal role in changing the reality of the human race. There is no longer a need (or excuse) for abusing each other in any way. Think about it. Could you steal from, smack in the face, or otherwise injure an expression of God if that expression appeared suddenly before you? Could you judge the appearance of that expression? If it showed up in tattered clothes, barefoot and dirty from living on the streets, but you knew it was God, would you judge it? The frivolous things that humans decide are important enough to cause judgment of another are, in the bigger picture, insignificant to a degree that is so small it can't be measured. For me, the answer to the path to freedom is to focus my time and attention on the path of being as one with God and my own soul's infinity and reason for being on this planet. I opt out of giving my time, energy, and attention to the illusions and choose to live what is important in the greater scheme of existence.
We are all expressions of God. By acting like it, we can change Earth's reality. And how cool would that be? (smile)
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Saturday, June 21, 2014
Going Out On Yet Another Limb
(Artist unknown, but this piece of art was not created by me)
For some time now I have been receiving information about what I call a "secondary Earth." The vision appears as a larger Earth than the physical one, birthing itself in the atmosphere of this Earth. In other words, this Earth would be housed within the secondary one. The information suggests that this secondary Earth is a higher vibrational frequency, one that will allow for a different reality than this one, and one that is being 'built' by those people on Earth who seek to change the consensual reality of Earth into a kinder, more aware, more self-empowered, and more responsible-for-oneself and considerate-of-all way of living. (to name just a few of the 'characteristics' of the new reality)
That's one piece of what this blog is about. Another piece is related to a vision given to me by Archangel Metatron. Through the years he has appeared to me to talk about his efforts to bring a higher dimensional frequency 'grid pattern' to the current one in which Earth exists. (I'll leave a lot out of this blog for two reasons .. one, I assume most who follow my work know about Earth-grids and, two, there is enough information in all I'm trying to relay through my writing to fill ten or more books, and so please consider this blog as just a tiny overview of what's going on. If time allows, I will be writing much more about all of this, because there is much, much more than I'm including here.) The energy grid he discusses is diamond shaped. It was a short while ago that he appeared to me, asked me to join him on 'a fly-over,' and ended up taking me far above the Pacific Ocean. I watched as a massive diamond shape energy was 'laid over' the ocean, from around the New Zealand area all the way up to the Aleutian Islands. At the time I associated the work being done as being related to another continuous string of messages and visions about the energy of Lemuria and its people being 'reborn.' (From my understanding/memory, the society of Lemuria was more akin to the 'new' reality of kindness and oneness many people are now reaching for.) I watched as Metatron and many others 'activated' the diamond grid.
Now for the main reason for this blog. There was enough information given, in less than two minutes, to fill a 500-page manuscript. But it felt essential to create a small 'blast' of information to stimulate the minds/memories of those who follow my work. It has to do with the 'secondary Earth,' the Pacific Ocean, Lemuria, the 'new reality' being birthed, and much more. I was shown my clientele, the work I have done on my own and with my clients, the work I've done with various ETs through the many years, and the physical location of many people I've talked to through the last year or so. The magnificent work we've done with the mind-control-grid and Dr. W. and his codes, and how it all relates to the 'birth of a new reality,' is beyond huge. The 'non-coincidence' of everything and everyone was amazing, exciting, promising, hopeful, and FAR, FAR larger than anything we might ourselves to think about.
My hope, with this brief 'blast' of information/energy, is to reach those who are involved in what's going on. Those of you who I've talked to in New Zealand, Australia, British Columbia .. and those of you who have told me you feel called to the West Coast. Your physical location is NOT an accident. Your soul has come here to participate in one of the grandest efforts of existence that has ever been attempted. You cannot underestimate who you are or why you're here. You are being called to remember. You are being called to honor yourselves. You are being called to trust yourself. And trust the messages/inspirations/nudges that are coming to you from many, many higher dimensional sources.
The energy of the last five hours (it is now Saturday, June 21, 2014, 6:00am, Pacific time) has stimulated yet another 'phase' of energy work that is going into birthing a new consensual reality. The foundation of the new reality, the new 'secondary Earth,' is being built by you .. by all of us. There has been a great 'split' in the old energy grid. That 'split' runs through the entire Pacific Ocean, north to south. (I'm going to leave it at that, for the moment, and allow your intuition to tell you more.) The extraterrestrial and higher-dimensional Beings who are assisting with this endeavor are extremely excited but also appear to be in a 'high state of alert.' This is a critical stage of the shifts that are occurring.
It is being said to each of you ... Please take some time to remember who you are, to honor the path you've walked, the effort you've made, the progress you've made personally as well as the progress you've made on behalf of this effort. Do not underestimate what you've come to Earth to do and the magnificent job you will have done, when all is said and done. You are each much more than the Earth-life you are currently playing out. Remember. Rejoice. Celebrate. And most of you, honor yourself and listen for the next 'set of instructions.'
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
For some time now I have been receiving information about what I call a "secondary Earth." The vision appears as a larger Earth than the physical one, birthing itself in the atmosphere of this Earth. In other words, this Earth would be housed within the secondary one. The information suggests that this secondary Earth is a higher vibrational frequency, one that will allow for a different reality than this one, and one that is being 'built' by those people on Earth who seek to change the consensual reality of Earth into a kinder, more aware, more self-empowered, and more responsible-for-oneself and considerate-of-all way of living. (to name just a few of the 'characteristics' of the new reality)
That's one piece of what this blog is about. Another piece is related to a vision given to me by Archangel Metatron. Through the years he has appeared to me to talk about his efforts to bring a higher dimensional frequency 'grid pattern' to the current one in which Earth exists. (I'll leave a lot out of this blog for two reasons .. one, I assume most who follow my work know about Earth-grids and, two, there is enough information in all I'm trying to relay through my writing to fill ten or more books, and so please consider this blog as just a tiny overview of what's going on. If time allows, I will be writing much more about all of this, because there is much, much more than I'm including here.) The energy grid he discusses is diamond shaped. It was a short while ago that he appeared to me, asked me to join him on 'a fly-over,' and ended up taking me far above the Pacific Ocean. I watched as a massive diamond shape energy was 'laid over' the ocean, from around the New Zealand area all the way up to the Aleutian Islands. At the time I associated the work being done as being related to another continuous string of messages and visions about the energy of Lemuria and its people being 'reborn.' (From my understanding/memory, the society of Lemuria was more akin to the 'new' reality of kindness and oneness many people are now reaching for.) I watched as Metatron and many others 'activated' the diamond grid.
Now for the main reason for this blog. There was enough information given, in less than two minutes, to fill a 500-page manuscript. But it felt essential to create a small 'blast' of information to stimulate the minds/memories of those who follow my work. It has to do with the 'secondary Earth,' the Pacific Ocean, Lemuria, the 'new reality' being birthed, and much more. I was shown my clientele, the work I have done on my own and with my clients, the work I've done with various ETs through the many years, and the physical location of many people I've talked to through the last year or so. The magnificent work we've done with the mind-control-grid and Dr. W. and his codes, and how it all relates to the 'birth of a new reality,' is beyond huge. The 'non-coincidence' of everything and everyone was amazing, exciting, promising, hopeful, and FAR, FAR larger than anything we might ourselves to think about.
My hope, with this brief 'blast' of information/energy, is to reach those who are involved in what's going on. Those of you who I've talked to in New Zealand, Australia, British Columbia .. and those of you who have told me you feel called to the West Coast. Your physical location is NOT an accident. Your soul has come here to participate in one of the grandest efforts of existence that has ever been attempted. You cannot underestimate who you are or why you're here. You are being called to remember. You are being called to honor yourselves. You are being called to trust yourself. And trust the messages/inspirations/nudges that are coming to you from many, many higher dimensional sources.
The energy of the last five hours (it is now Saturday, June 21, 2014, 6:00am, Pacific time) has stimulated yet another 'phase' of energy work that is going into birthing a new consensual reality. The foundation of the new reality, the new 'secondary Earth,' is being built by you .. by all of us. There has been a great 'split' in the old energy grid. That 'split' runs through the entire Pacific Ocean, north to south. (I'm going to leave it at that, for the moment, and allow your intuition to tell you more.) The extraterrestrial and higher-dimensional Beings who are assisting with this endeavor are extremely excited but also appear to be in a 'high state of alert.' This is a critical stage of the shifts that are occurring.
It is being said to each of you ... Please take some time to remember who you are, to honor the path you've walked, the effort you've made, the progress you've made personally as well as the progress you've made on behalf of this effort. Do not underestimate what you've come to Earth to do and the magnificent job you will have done, when all is said and done. You are each much more than the Earth-life you are currently playing out. Remember. Rejoice. Celebrate. And most of you, honor yourself and listen for the next 'set of instructions.'
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Matrix 'Fail' - A story that could be true .. or not .. you decide
There were perhaps 2,000 attendees of the conference held in the outer regions of the Earth's atmosphere. Fire Woman turned away from the meeting as it began to wind down. With a determination that allowed no one and nothing to get in her way, she headed directly to her destination. Seconds later she stood outside the portal, her inner fire raging so clearly that she appeared to be nothing more than a small blaze. She stood at the portal of an underground base near an airport. The night was dark and bitter cold but the heat she emanated made the conditions inconsequential.
She'd been in the nether regions of the base only once before, but there was no hesitation within her. The Tall who was guarding the entryway took one look at her and whispered her name. 'Fire Woman.' He stepped back and allowed her to pass.
The other Talls looked up in surprise as she marched directly into the dark, cavernous space. Glancing to her left, she scoured the massive bank of computers. She thought she knew which one she wanted but she turned to the nearest Tall and demanded he point out the exact one that held the computer chip she was after.
Without a word, he pointed to the one she had suspected. Now a small crowd of Talls had gathered but none of them made a move to stop her. In her state of fire, she moved to the computer in question and as she walked she materialized a long, sturdy ax. Reaching the computer, she wielded the ax like a sword and brought it down with all her might upon the not-so-fragile casing of the computer. The strength of the ax blow split the computer in two.
Fire Woman turned to the Tall who had directed her to the computer. He had followed her into the depths of the computer room and now stood only a few feet away from her, watching her in utter silence.
"Point out the chip I need," she demanded.
Again he pointed, still in utter silence.
She pawed through the rubble of the now-dead computer and with a smirk of deep satisfaction grabbed the tiny chip. Raising it above her fiery head, she let out an almost-silent whoop of satisfaction. She turned and with a small nod of acknowledgment to the Tall who stood behind her, she made her way out of the darkened recesses of the computer banks and back into the light above ground.
A tall pillar of light waited for her outside. She glanced briefly at the airplane coming in for a landing and turned back to the figure she knew stood within the pillar.
"I have it," she said quietly.
"The chip that monitors the energetic belief that holds the people hostage?"
"Yes," she stated flatly. "Now I'll go tell them."
"And what will you tell them," he asked.
She spoke without hesitation. "It is solid if you believe it is solid. It is God if you believe it is God. You get to choose now. Your perception is your Key. Your understanding of God is your Answer."
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Friday, April 19, 2013
What Part Are We Playing?

The mind-control grid sat before me like an unimaginable horror. Overcome with dread and revulsion, I struggled to turn away, hoping that there was such a thing as instant forgetting. But the Being with me would not allow and I found myself staring at possibly the most appalling thing I'd ever seen.
We know that all things are energy and that for tangible reality to exist there must be a grid of sorts to contain it. Even knowing this, and having sensed for many years that reality on Earth was being controlled by something I didn't understand, nothing could have prepared me for my present experience. The grid of energy before me was massive. Equal to the size of a galaxy, or possibly even larger. There was no way to gauge. Massive pillars of what I can only call 'control' lay criss-crossed and tumbled, seemingly random as they laid upon each other with what was obviously a crushing weight. I glanced at my momentary custodian, determining if he thought I had had enough of the appalling vision. But apparently not. With some type of movement that I couldn't see, he picked me up and placed me inside the massive workings of evil.
Revulsion rolled in my stomach like poison as I heard the innocence of Humanity quietly chatting among themselves and, in the background, heard the derisive comments offered by the unseen controllers of this incredible grid of deception. Before my stomach could physically rebel, I found myself lifted back out of the horror, standing once again on the exterior surface of nothingness that appeared to be similar to an ivory-colored Styrofoam.
I turned to my companion, who had dubbed himself 'Simon' due to the fact that his name was unpronounceable. "Why are you revealing this to me when it would seem obvious that I can do nothing about it?" I demanded, my upset overtaking my manners.
"Why do you assume you can do nothing about it," he asked calmly.
I glanced back at the structure so massive that it could engulf an entire galaxy. Knowing there is a reason for everything, I made up mind in that moment to understand.
When we come to fully understand that there is no separation, that we are all atoms of existence, invisibly connected to all that is, we become ready to take the next step in understanding. If we are all one, we are all participating in all that is. If we are participating in all, we are participating in that which imprisons us as well. What more appropriate time than now to expand our minds to accept a greater degree of understanding? What more appropriate time than now to accept a level of self-responsibility that very well could lead to equality and freedom?
This is just a very brief look into the recent 'universal wanderings' of my soul. I plan to offer much more but am so overwhelmed by the need to offer this small piece today that I take the chance of raising the reader's impatience with me. Please understand that the experiences alone consume me 24/7 and that, as time permits, I will bring you more. I feel more called to share and assist Humanity than I do to breathe, most days. And I thank you for your patience and for blessing my Journey by listening.
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Monday, December 10, 2012
The Truth & Lies of Love
The scene was one I'd been in a thousand times before. The huge expanse of windows above the control panel gave a 190 degree vision of the Universe beyond. Only the dimmest of reflections came back at us, due to the low interior lighting.
The two tall-backed, black chairs sat directly in the middle of the control panel. As I silently approached from behind the chairs, my eyes caught his in the reflection of the glass. The human side of me felt tears slide down my cheeks. How does one explain the emotions of seeing a loved one who lives in such a different realm than oneself, knowing that the meeting will soon be over .. again. But I had been in a fragile mood anyway, feeling the heightening of energy around Planet Earth, knowing the changes that were coming for the people.
The air of the gigantic craft felt different than ever before. Though it held 100,000 beings, it felt so silent that I imagined we were alone. No sound, no nuance, no sign of life other than the two of us.
"Commander," I murmured quietly, taking my usual seat next to him.
"Dear One," he murmured back, with nothing more than a slight nod of his head.
I felt his mood engulf me as though we were becoming one. The solemnity of the moment felt like none other that I'd experienced with him before. "I've been feeling you constantly," I advised him quietly. "The distance between us feels less, and yet the distance between us feels more. I came to ask you why, if you can tell me?"
He turned away from me, would not meet my eyes, but spoke. Words that shook the very soul of me. I had not expected anything like this when I had made up my mind to talk with him. I stared at his slender back, tears streaming, until I realized that he was looking at me in the glass. Our reflections stared at each other, my tears falling like drops of liquid diamonds, reflected a dozen times by the curvature of the glass.
"I do not understand," I whispered to his glassed image.
"You will when you come back home," he said quietly.
We both stared silently ahead, not speaking, adjusting to the new energy that now lay between us. The dim light shifted somehow and our reflections fell away, leaving us both in our solitary darkness.
He was the first to break the spell we were under. Normally adroit at changing topics, this time he stumbled slightly. He and I would both think about his prior revelation for days, perhaps years, to come. But for now, the topic would turn to one of healing for Earth, which it so often did. "You know, one of the most common wounds of the human experience, one that must be healed in order for that society to move forward, is the feeling that one is separate from love."
I nodded, fully understanding but still unable to speak.
"When one loves on that planet, the first thought, the first expectation, is that one will be loved in return. After all, each of you come from love and so it is who you are and what you expect as your reality. It can be harsh to find that the rest of the world, or even a single person, does not give love in return."
"Indeed," I murmured, knowing the issue firsthand, all too well. My thoughts leapt immediately to the recent visitation from my ex, who now resided on 'the other side' and who had come to me to apologize for withholding love. I sensed a theme in the recent string of other-world experiences and messages.
"The results of not being loved can cause damage that never gets repaired," he continued. "One constantly, even if only subconsciously, finds fault with oneself, trying to understand what he or she did to cause another person not to love. After all, if one IS love than how does one not express that? And why? Why does a person step so far away from the love that they are, simply because they live upon a physical planet?"
It was a question I'd asked myself a hundred times or more. Why does the physicality of life on Earth cause one to lose one's self so completely?
"The separation from one's Truth, the fact that they are love, their origins are love, plays a monumental role in the belief of separation. Not loving creates a lie, which causes pain, which is also a lie because it is born of a falsehood."
"Indeed," I murmured thoughtfully.
"And then more lies are generated as each person searches one's self to find out 'what's wrong' with themselves. The truth unravels into a delirium of pain and lies, for no one is unlovable and no one is unloved. But when love is withheld, the natural thing to do is look for an answer to why. And the questioning begins, the lies grow, the pain crushes, and the truth is lost underneath it all."
"You are wise," I said quietly.
He nodded just slightly, without answering, but I heard his thought. "We are all wise. It's just that some have forgotten."
"Do you have any answers for all of this?" I asked, nodding slightly at the distant Earth, drifting silently in the distance.
"The energy is changing on Earth," he advised. "The opportunity for each person to become more as one with their own truth is upon them now. I speak of this key to healing for it is, indeed, a great key. One can not build a new reality upon a foundation of old pain and misunderstanding. Many think they have healed past the wondering of why they were not loved. But it is easy to toss such pain into a corner, toss a lot of platitudes upon it, and consider it healed. As the time for transition rapidly approaches, it would be wise for people to look within themselves for these secrets that they hide even from themselves. Find the truth that you really were, and are, loved, despite the 3-D appearance of things." He finally turned to me. "I can assure every person of this. Each person is loved by all others. I say that without hesitation. Life on Earth causes people to behave in ways that are not their truth. I am here to tell them what the truth really is."
He paused and scanned the great skies for a silent moment, his dark eyes sparkling with the bottomless compassion that I'd always known him to give. "Life on Earth has been a matrix of lies for a very long time," he finally said. "Things are about to get much more real." He turned to stare into my eyes with a gaze that was eternal. "If the people want to embrace the next layer of real, they need to begin within themselves."
My infinite feelings for him wouldn't allow me to speak. I simply nodded.
And then he said the same words to me that my ex had spoken to me, from 'the other side.'
"I will see you when you get home."
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Time Travel - A Very Real Experience
Even after 30+ years of incredible experiences I hesitate to share some of the more incredible ones. It's taken me a week to decide about sharing this one, but the urging of 'spirit' has grown louder on a daily basis and so, here we are.
This experience changed me in ways that I can't yet explain even to myself. For those who doubt the veracity of this story, I urge you to check out my years' of work that precede this reporting. I've made my life's work all about giving the Truth to others, to the degree that I can, in order to help expand human awareness. I've come to believe, in the days since this event, that this is a multi-dimensional experience that is alerting us to the fact that the current energy-reality of Earth is going through yet another transition. It seems to me that this transition will make it more possible than ever to connect with the Truth that we are infinite souls who, when we allow. All things being energy, and all energy having 'frequency parameters,' we are learning to live 'outside' of the temporary human boundaries of experience.
And so here is the event, exactly as it unfolded. The city and the time period are deliberately left out due to the fact that, if things happened as I was told they did, someone would be recognized as being responsible for murder. The purpose of the event was not to bring this person to justice but to assist the person who 'died.'
It was midnight when I was awakened by the sense of someone in the room. Having had an uncountable number of experiences with angels, I was not surprised to find a glowing image of an angel standing next to me. Her exact words were .. "A woman died and it was not her time. We would like your help."
Again, based upon years of experience with similar situations, I did not hesitate. I allowed myself to be transported by her, without question. When we arrived at our destination, we stood in front of a small, white home. There were flames coming from the windows.
The angel explained. "The woman who died here was not supposed to die. It was not her time. Her husband reported that he was trying to pull her out. But in fact, he was pushing her back in. She became so exhausted from fighting to get out that she fell back. The fire then had her in his grips, and he ran out to safety once he knew this."
I was horrified. "Why am I here? What am I meant to do to help?"
"We will go back in time several more days. I need you to appear to her and talk with her. Tell her she's in danger and then tell her what to do to prepare to leave this place."
Before I could blink we had gone back in time and I was standing next to the woman. She apparently sensed my presence. Whether she could see me or not, I don't know. I do know that I felt a tremendous sense of urgency. I told her what I'd been asked to say to her. She listened to me and believed. I watched her as she began rushing around, gathering some things that she wanted to take with her. I pointed out a secret stash that her husband had hidden and had her take just enough to get by for a few days. As I watched, one of the things that stood out was a small, white, stuffed bear.
Suddenly we both heard a car pull up. She began to panic. The angel appeared to me and told me what I needed to say to the woman. She was to suggest that her husband take her to see something about a mile from the house. Pretend to be excited about this and he will catch that excitement and go with you. And he did. I found myself in the back seat, talking to keep her calm as they drove the short distance. When they stopped and got out, the angel appeared again. She advised that the woman tell him that she'd forgotten something and would he go back for it? He agreed, ordered her to stand right there, he would be back in a minute.
As I watched him drive away I ordered her to run as fast as she could. We were in a neighborhood with many houses and the streets curved this way and that. I told her to run as fast as she could until she found a phone booth that was hidden from the street. I then gave her two names of people that she was supposed to call to come get her and keep her safe.
As I watched her run away, the angel appeared next to me again. Together we watched her until she was out of sight. The angel then returned with me and, once we were back in my room, went on to explain what city and what time period this event had taken place. She advised me to do an Internet search, telling me exactly what words to type into the search engine. I can't say that I was surprised to find an article, as well as a video, of the fire and the woman's death. The house in the video, with flames pouring from the windows, was the house that I had stood in front of. The date of the fire was one year ago, to the day.
Did this happen? Yes. Absolutely. Did the woman live? I have no idea. If she did, how could that be? If there was/is a video and newspaper article about her 'death,' how could events have been changed? And yet, well, I saw her escape. The angel assured me that I had changed this woman's path.
You can probably imagine the brain exercises that I've been through following this experience. One thing I've learned in all of my years of 'odd' is that there is a reason for everything. No matter how extreme or unbelievable things may have been, it has always been proven (eventually) that each experience was a 'precursor' into another layer of greater understanding of existence. I have no doubt that this event is a 'precursor.' As if to prove that to me, the days since this event have been extreme in their challenge of not-logical-at-all events and other-world-messages. As I listen to the messages and feel the depth of their Truth, I feel another layer of 'being human' breaking away, allowing the Truth of our infinite connection to all that is to surface even more. Our connectedness to all time and space, to powers beyond our comprehension.
My life's work has been all about helping others remember their own Truth and infinite soul. I looked for a reason for why I felt I had no choice but to go even further out on that proverbial limb of pushing the limits of logic by posting this. I came to believe that I am meant to share in order to break through yet another layer of 'human logic' and introduce yet another layer of 'possible.' Though this particular experience seems to challenge the borders of logic, it certainly does cause one to think about what exactly is possible. We may not understand how something like this could actually happen. We may not know for sure if the woman's path was actually changed. But it certainly does cause us to pause for a moment. Maybe, like the first tiny crack in a shell as a chick begins to break free from its shell, this could be that first tiny crack in the shell for humans beginning to live as 'galactic, universal beings,'instead of within the imprisoned belief system that we've been taught here on Earth.
Let's remember this ... I do not know the people involved, am not familiar with the city where this happened, had no knowledge of this house fire. And yet, at the angel's instruction, I found not only a news article but a video of the fire. The fire took place a year ago. The house in the video is the one I saw during my experience. How is there still a video online? How was the fire exactly where and when she told me? How could I have known? If nothing else, it certainly raises some questions.
Where there are questions, there are answers.
Presented as a gift to Human Enlightenment
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
This experience changed me in ways that I can't yet explain even to myself. For those who doubt the veracity of this story, I urge you to check out my years' of work that precede this reporting. I've made my life's work all about giving the Truth to others, to the degree that I can, in order to help expand human awareness. I've come to believe, in the days since this event, that this is a multi-dimensional experience that is alerting us to the fact that the current energy-reality of Earth is going through yet another transition. It seems to me that this transition will make it more possible than ever to connect with the Truth that we are infinite souls who, when we allow. All things being energy, and all energy having 'frequency parameters,' we are learning to live 'outside' of the temporary human boundaries of experience.
And so here is the event, exactly as it unfolded. The city and the time period are deliberately left out due to the fact that, if things happened as I was told they did, someone would be recognized as being responsible for murder. The purpose of the event was not to bring this person to justice but to assist the person who 'died.'
It was midnight when I was awakened by the sense of someone in the room. Having had an uncountable number of experiences with angels, I was not surprised to find a glowing image of an angel standing next to me. Her exact words were .. "A woman died and it was not her time. We would like your help."
Again, based upon years of experience with similar situations, I did not hesitate. I allowed myself to be transported by her, without question. When we arrived at our destination, we stood in front of a small, white home. There were flames coming from the windows.
The angel explained. "The woman who died here was not supposed to die. It was not her time. Her husband reported that he was trying to pull her out. But in fact, he was pushing her back in. She became so exhausted from fighting to get out that she fell back. The fire then had her in his grips, and he ran out to safety once he knew this."
I was horrified. "Why am I here? What am I meant to do to help?"
"We will go back in time several more days. I need you to appear to her and talk with her. Tell her she's in danger and then tell her what to do to prepare to leave this place."
Before I could blink we had gone back in time and I was standing next to the woman. She apparently sensed my presence. Whether she could see me or not, I don't know. I do know that I felt a tremendous sense of urgency. I told her what I'd been asked to say to her. She listened to me and believed. I watched her as she began rushing around, gathering some things that she wanted to take with her. I pointed out a secret stash that her husband had hidden and had her take just enough to get by for a few days. As I watched, one of the things that stood out was a small, white, stuffed bear.
Suddenly we both heard a car pull up. She began to panic. The angel appeared to me and told me what I needed to say to the woman. She was to suggest that her husband take her to see something about a mile from the house. Pretend to be excited about this and he will catch that excitement and go with you. And he did. I found myself in the back seat, talking to keep her calm as they drove the short distance. When they stopped and got out, the angel appeared again. She advised that the woman tell him that she'd forgotten something and would he go back for it? He agreed, ordered her to stand right there, he would be back in a minute.
As I watched him drive away I ordered her to run as fast as she could. We were in a neighborhood with many houses and the streets curved this way and that. I told her to run as fast as she could until she found a phone booth that was hidden from the street. I then gave her two names of people that she was supposed to call to come get her and keep her safe.
As I watched her run away, the angel appeared next to me again. Together we watched her until she was out of sight. The angel then returned with me and, once we were back in my room, went on to explain what city and what time period this event had taken place. She advised me to do an Internet search, telling me exactly what words to type into the search engine. I can't say that I was surprised to find an article, as well as a video, of the fire and the woman's death. The house in the video, with flames pouring from the windows, was the house that I had stood in front of. The date of the fire was one year ago, to the day.
Did this happen? Yes. Absolutely. Did the woman live? I have no idea. If she did, how could that be? If there was/is a video and newspaper article about her 'death,' how could events have been changed? And yet, well, I saw her escape. The angel assured me that I had changed this woman's path.
You can probably imagine the brain exercises that I've been through following this experience. One thing I've learned in all of my years of 'odd' is that there is a reason for everything. No matter how extreme or unbelievable things may have been, it has always been proven (eventually) that each experience was a 'precursor' into another layer of greater understanding of existence. I have no doubt that this event is a 'precursor.' As if to prove that to me, the days since this event have been extreme in their challenge of not-logical-at-all events and other-world-messages. As I listen to the messages and feel the depth of their Truth, I feel another layer of 'being human' breaking away, allowing the Truth of our infinite connection to all that is to surface even more. Our connectedness to all time and space, to powers beyond our comprehension.
My life's work has been all about helping others remember their own Truth and infinite soul. I looked for a reason for why I felt I had no choice but to go even further out on that proverbial limb of pushing the limits of logic by posting this. I came to believe that I am meant to share in order to break through yet another layer of 'human logic' and introduce yet another layer of 'possible.' Though this particular experience seems to challenge the borders of logic, it certainly does cause one to think about what exactly is possible. We may not understand how something like this could actually happen. We may not know for sure if the woman's path was actually changed. But it certainly does cause us to pause for a moment. Maybe, like the first tiny crack in a shell as a chick begins to break free from its shell, this could be that first tiny crack in the shell for humans beginning to live as 'galactic, universal beings,'instead of within the imprisoned belief system that we've been taught here on Earth.
Let's remember this ... I do not know the people involved, am not familiar with the city where this happened, had no knowledge of this house fire. And yet, at the angel's instruction, I found not only a news article but a video of the fire. The fire took place a year ago. The house in the video is the one I saw during my experience. How is there still a video online? How was the fire exactly where and when she told me? How could I have known? If nothing else, it certainly raises some questions.
Where there are questions, there are answers.
Presented as a gift to Human Enlightenment
Lauren Zimmerman
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