Showing posts with label inspirational quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirational quotes. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Leave the Boots At the Door
(Artist unknown)
Leave the Boots At the Door
You have worn the boots for a year. Chances are .. you walked through tears, you walked through pain. You walked through doubt, you walked through fear. You walked through memories. You walked through love. You walked through loneliness.
You walked through your days. You walked through your moments.
You lifted your head off the pillow every day, whether you thought you could or not. Every morning you slipped on the boots that would carry you through your day. You did your best to keep a positive thought. You dried your tears, lifted your head, prayed for better days, and promised yourself that things would get better. That you, yourself, would do better.
You forgave the yesterdays that seemed to have put you where you didn't really want to be. You looked to the tomorrows with hope. You cherished the moments of laughter, placing them gently into your heart's memories. You leaned on those memories when times were hard. You drank in the moments of love, the quiet touches that soothed your soul.
You slipped the boots off at the end of each day, knowing that you would have to put them on again tomorrow.
This is not just a new tomorrow that we see now. This is a new opportunity. This is a new hope. This is a new prayer that may well be answered.
Leave your boots at the door. The mud belongs to yesterday. The heaviness belongs to yesterday. Begin your new year by stepping through the door with bare feet and hope. Let yourself dance with the freedom of letting it all go. Let your feet be free. Let your heart be free. Let your soul be free.
From LZ: It is rare that I allow visions and messages and predictions about 'new year energy' to come into my energy field. However, this year I was 'over-ruled' by the power and intensity of what apparently needed to be said. Consistently filled with hope by countless visions and messages, this last month or so has been interesting, to say the least. I am shown the possibilities of people letting go of their old realities and embracing the new, in ways that I've never seen before. I've been shown people healing so much that has burdened them. I am seeing hearts open, souls fly, joy taking the reins.
I am seeing people infusing Truth into their lives in ways that are totally refreshing. People letting go of that which does not serve their joy, their truth, their hearts, their souls. People changing jobs, locations, and even 'missions' and purpose.
The resounding and relentless message is .. Let it go. Let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of the belief that things cannot change. Let go of that which does not serve your joy. Let go of the burden that tells you there is not a better tomorrow.
From what I am shown, the tomorrows of 2015 hold more potential for change, hope, joy, and miracles than I might ever have imagined. I know I'm going out on a limb with this 'prediction' but that's what I'm asked to do. Perhaps it is only for the purpose of laying the energy of hope upon the hearts of those who are weary .. or frightened .. or ready to throw in the towel. I don't know. But I DO know .. this was asked of me and as I type this I feel the energy of hope dancing it's way around this Earth.
I pray we all take the boots off. Leave them by the door of 2014. And dance with bare feet and joy.
For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's books & other works, please visit:
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Friday, April 19, 2013
What Part Are We Playing?

The mind-control grid sat before me like an unimaginable horror. Overcome with dread and revulsion, I struggled to turn away, hoping that there was such a thing as instant forgetting. But the Being with me would not allow and I found myself staring at possibly the most appalling thing I'd ever seen.
We know that all things are energy and that for tangible reality to exist there must be a grid of sorts to contain it. Even knowing this, and having sensed for many years that reality on Earth was being controlled by something I didn't understand, nothing could have prepared me for my present experience. The grid of energy before me was massive. Equal to the size of a galaxy, or possibly even larger. There was no way to gauge. Massive pillars of what I can only call 'control' lay criss-crossed and tumbled, seemingly random as they laid upon each other with what was obviously a crushing weight. I glanced at my momentary custodian, determining if he thought I had had enough of the appalling vision. But apparently not. With some type of movement that I couldn't see, he picked me up and placed me inside the massive workings of evil.
Revulsion rolled in my stomach like poison as I heard the innocence of Humanity quietly chatting among themselves and, in the background, heard the derisive comments offered by the unseen controllers of this incredible grid of deception. Before my stomach could physically rebel, I found myself lifted back out of the horror, standing once again on the exterior surface of nothingness that appeared to be similar to an ivory-colored Styrofoam.
I turned to my companion, who had dubbed himself 'Simon' due to the fact that his name was unpronounceable. "Why are you revealing this to me when it would seem obvious that I can do nothing about it?" I demanded, my upset overtaking my manners.
"Why do you assume you can do nothing about it," he asked calmly.
I glanced back at the structure so massive that it could engulf an entire galaxy. Knowing there is a reason for everything, I made up mind in that moment to understand.
When we come to fully understand that there is no separation, that we are all atoms of existence, invisibly connected to all that is, we become ready to take the next step in understanding. If we are all one, we are all participating in all that is. If we are participating in all, we are participating in that which imprisons us as well. What more appropriate time than now to expand our minds to accept a greater degree of understanding? What more appropriate time than now to accept a level of self-responsibility that very well could lead to equality and freedom?
This is just a very brief look into the recent 'universal wanderings' of my soul. I plan to offer much more but am so overwhelmed by the need to offer this small piece today that I take the chance of raising the reader's impatience with me. Please understand that the experiences alone consume me 24/7 and that, as time permits, I will bring you more. I feel more called to share and assist Humanity than I do to breathe, most days. And I thank you for your patience and for blessing my Journey by listening.
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Saturday, February 23, 2013
nLight Press Announces New Series of Books

nLight Press is pleased to announce the first three volumes of LISTENING TO WISDOM, by Lauren Zimmerman.
Sincere gratitude to all who have given such heartfelt and supportive reviews to the books! Your words mean more to me than words can express.
A sampling of reviews:
"Your best work yet. Your words touched my heart and what the sea and you know is true for all times." (by H.H.)
"This new book is fantastic and resonates with my life. Balancing the seen with the unseen, the clarity with which Ms. Zimmerman explains how two unlike energies can't share the same space in manifest form, and showing how we turn our experiences into burdens and forget everything before, all of it was so affirming and clear. I recognized all of it and could easily see the principles illustrated throughout my own lifetime. The ending couldn't have been more beautiful, magical, hopeful: a door beckoning. She uses the analogy of a chameleon in the most amazing way to drive her point home. She doesn't teach in the `traditional' sense, but in a uniquely Lauren Zimmerman way, painting a picture, holding it up and asking, What do you see? Are you in there? It's such a gentle way of allowing me to see and understand what I'm ready to see and understand. She turns on the light, and lets me look for myself. I truly admire and appreciate that." (by C.F.)
"Tissues are required in order to read this book! I love all of Lauren's books, but I almost let this little book slip by me. I should have known that my favorite author in the Universe would not write something that wasn't a profound blessing! Even though Lauren writes her stories as fiction, they are all very real and have actually happened to her! The connections that the Universe shares with her, and that she in turn shares with us are absolutely mind boggling! One of the most profound things that I have ever read were written in this little book for me to read last night! With just a couple of sentences she answered a question that has been haunting me for 53 years. She said "People hurt each other so that their own pain can be seen" ~ I didn't get it at first, but when I read on it made more sense than anything else that's been said to me since I was 12 years old! All of a sudden the blindness dropped from my eyes and mind and a bright light showed through that nearly floored me as I sat there bawling my eyes out ~ If you are a seeker of truth and have struggled a lifetime for certain answers, do yourself a favor and read this wonderful little book! You will be SO glad you did! I guarantee it! Thank you dear Lauren for once again helping me with my struggles of being a soul trying to live as a human being ~ My love and thanks go out to you, Lauren, to Agness, to our other worldly friends, and most of all to the Prime Creator of the Universe ~ I love you all ~" (by Mstikal Enchantments/klv)
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Today's Quote
It's been a while since I've written here .. and a LOT has happened during that time. One of my favorite things to offer is inspirational quotes, and I have many (many-many). That being said, I'm thinking that I may use this blog (or create another one), to share some of these quotes. Here's today's...........
"Humankind will not 'win' its way into a new reality by fighting with the old one. It will 'win' its way into a new reality by surrendering to the Truths of that new reality."
Copyright, Lauren Zimmerman, 2011
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