Showing posts with label lauren zimmerman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lauren zimmerman. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
The Midnight Hour
As a rule, nowadays, I am viewed as a spiritualist, if we might call it that. Even I, at times, forget that I am an artist first. An author. A person who finds joy in giving words the power to paint a picture. Hopefully a picture that stirs the depths of the reader's soul.
I have found that, when the painter of words within me is silent, busy with the days, it will finally rise at midnight, spewing words into the room too fast for me to catch and place on paper. On this night I caught them. Laid them carefully together in a row. Allowing them the freedom to paint their story. I give them now to those who enjoy .. 'just words' upon paper.
There came a midnight moment. Your soul, standing in the shadows, wakes me. Your presence brings the question back to me. The one I've asked myself so many times. Abandoned when no answer came.
Do the ones who cause harm lay awake in stagnant pools of memories? Or is it only the wounded ones who keep the night awake?
I refuse to ask the question of your soul again. I stare at you. Waiting. Will you speak?
As your silence fills the room I understand that it is your silence I must hear. I begin to hear your dread. Your soul replays the harm it's done. It drips with pain, filling the room with ancient tears.
It is then that I realize that we are separate. Perhaps we always were, though we often spoke of being one. I have moved away. Behind me is the ocean of tears. The bloody ribbons of memories and tangled words lay on the shore of what was.
The presence of your soul stirs mine and I begin to breathe again. Perhaps for the first time, really, since you chose to give me your sword instead of your truth. I am free. Wings made of light touch me. Lift me. I realize they are my own.
Floating in my soul's own light, I watch your silence as though it is tangible. Oh, wait. It is. You are gripped by the iron-strong steel of your own resolution.
I understand now. Your presence. Your soul. It has come to me to find it's freedom.
I cannot give you freedom. I can only tell you that it's already yours.
For more about LZ and her books, please visit:
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Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Soul Does Not Fall Silent
We put on pretty dresses. We slip on pretty shoes. Tighten the belt, straighten the tie, check the crease in your slacks ... smooth the lipstick and check the mascara. The mirror does not lie. We look ready for the day. One last glance into the mirror. Oh, yes. Remember to paint on the smile. Yes. We're ready to step into the living world that breathes outside the door.
Every person has a story. Every soul has a life. More often than not, the two are not the same. Perhaps it is time for that to change.
As a child I looked at the brutality of the world with wide-eyed wonder. Observing the damage one person does to another. Confused within my memory of being one with God. Wondering why everyone did not have that memory. And why they did not act upon it. How can one aspect of God destroy another aspect of God? There is no doubt that I am not the first person to contemplate the dichotomies of life. What a joy if I were allowed to be the last. If the world would suddenly blink itself awake, shake itself off, and begin living soul to soul, heart to heart, love to love. That's who we are. Do you remember that?
But our stories go on. Our hearts break. Our souls weep. Our smiles fade and our hope escapes us.
What would the story be if the infinite soul stepped into the broken heart? The healing of God unfolded and the story began anew?
I hear now the tapping of All Infinite Souls. Tapping upon the closed doors that hide the stories and the lies we tell ourselves. Truth is seeping in through the cracks in the veneer and the falsehoods. It is time to tell our Earth-stories to our own Infinity. To allow that vastness of our own Truth to wipe our tears, heal our hearts, teach us to live in the Knowing that All People are aspects of God.
One aspect of God does not steal from another. One aspect of God does not abuse another. One aspect of God does not murder another. And the list goes on.
Our souls are weeping as we continue to exist within lives that are not abundant with our own Truth. But our souls are at the door, calling.
They call me 'idealistic.' They call me 'insane.' To believe in a world that could be one of kindness and equality. Where the mayhem can stop, the callousness end, the quiet desperation fall away into nothing more than a distant memory. But the truth of it is ... we are Infinite Souls with the power to bring the Essence of God into every moment. Every word. Every action. Why then does another reality seem impossible? If it is only a matter of infusing the Truth of the Infinite Soul into the temporary body we wear?
We can heal through the avenue of Truth that is our Soul.
We can dry our tears, heal our hearts, tell our stories and then move on to a greater reality. One that we ourselves create. Create because we have the power to do so. It's not as if we don't have the tools. We ARE the tools. The avenue through which change can happen. We are aspects of God, which allows us the entirety of Existence to draw upon. I find it impossible to believe that we, as a human society, cannot create the miracle of a world that understands God .. and each other.
Take a moment to tell your story. Your eyes speak it anyway. Let your heart speak it too. Your soul will listen and your soul will dry your tears. Your soul will also bring you the greater essence of who you are. The essence of strength and truth that resides in your connection to your own infinity and God. When your story is told you may be ready to begin a new one.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Monday, February 16, 2015
"Where Is My Fernando" ... a new book by nLight Press
nLight Press is proud to announce the release of "Where Is My Fernando." Written and illustrated by Lauren Zimmerman, this story was written when Lauren was in her late-teens. It was/is so close to her heart that she kept it hidden from the world until now. But a dream in late-January caused her to open her mind to the possibility that it was time for the story to be released to those who love her work.
After almost a week of failed efforts in getting the book into the regular channels of distribution, and quite a few deep breaths, we realized that the only way that the book was going to go out was to send it out ourselves. Therefore, it is only available via nLight Press .. and only available as a PDF file. (PDF files can be changed into many other forms, including formats for various Readers .. a Google search can show you the way.) (PROBLEM SOLVED .. 'FERNANDO' IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM .. LINK IS POSTED BELOW)
This is the link that leads directly to the story behind the story, so to speak. You can find information about the book, wonderful reviews, and the ordering link, on the web page.
Our deep, deep gratitude for the heart-warming and enthusiastic reviews we've received! SO very grateful to each of you! New readers .. you can find the reviews on the link/web page.
Link for cut & paste:
We will be offering this download for a limited time only, after which we'll make another attempt to get it into our regular distributors.
"Fernando" is now available only through, for Kindle Readers. Free apps for reading Kindle books without a Kindle Reader are available. A Google search can help you find and download them.
As always, our deepest gratitude goes out to those who support the efforts of nLight Press and the work of Lauren Zimmerman. Your support and encouragement mean more than words could ever express.
For more information about this book & other books by nLight Press, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Heart's True Mission
My journey through time and space, during this lifetime, has been filled with things beyond what my 'imagination' might be capable of coming up with. That being said, the space of infinity often appears to be the same 'size' as the space taken up by an atom. I allow myself to live without limits. I allow my reality to breathe in and out, expanding to include infinity, or reducing my reality to a single atom. I'm saying this because it may take a slight adjustment in your thinking to follow the path laid out for me today. And I speak of this path because my thoughts could not help but travel to the many healers, the many who have sacrificed, the many who weep alone behind closed doors.
I found myself in a hallway. Or what I thought was a hallway. Darkened, with a floor of dirt the color of mahogany. The switch from one reality to another had been sudden and I stood for a moment, disoriented. I began to feel the residue of dried clay upon my skin. Brushing away what small bits were on me, I felt as though eyes were upon me. Looking up from my scrutiny of my dusty shoulder, I turned to my left. What I had thought was a wall was not. Blinking, I tried to take in the sight. Dozens upon dozens of people, baked into clay, encased in such a way that only their eyes moved. As I looked at each one, most of them turned away, unwilling to meet my eyes. With only eyes to be seen, I wasn't sure if I knew them or not. I felt the air move and sensed that there was a person who was free just a little further down the hallway. I walked toward him, a smile on my face as I recognized him.
"What are we doing here?" I asked. Unnerved by the sight of the encased people, I avoided looking in that direction again.
"This isn't a hallway," he told me. "This is your heart's main artery."
Shocked, I simply stared at him in confusion.
He waved his hand in the direction of the clay wall. "This wall is actually made up of people's indifference. Some .. many .. are those who dismissed you or thought you irrelevant. Your goal was love. The goal of all souls, if the truth be told, is only love, And I can tell you this ... if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely." He noticed, of course, my stare of disbelief as I tried to absorb the enormity of what he was suggesting. "It's true," he insisted. "The human heart was meant to carry the frequency of Universal Love into this dimension, into this reality. The fact that there is an inordinate amount of indifference in the human reality causes the innate desire of the heart to change its energy. It is meant to beat only with the knowing and vibration of love. Living with, and having to adjust to, or accept, indifference causes it to take on an unnatural pain and manifest it as a 'disease.'
I could not stop the images of a dozen people I knew who wanted only to love but who had learned the word 'indifference.' A dozen images. Two dozen images. One hundred. And soon there were too many to count.
The experience went on to include a journey to the edge of infinity, with many stops along the way as I learned from Masters in every dimension. My own experiences taught me as I traveled. I wept with other aspects of myself in other worlds. This Earth-experience .. for all of us .. reverberates through all time and space. In communion with God I faced the energy of indifference and allowed my heart to be healed.
I thought of writing more here on this blog. But everything within me tells me to keep it simple. Every person reading this knows the rest of the story, somewhere in their heart. And every person knows the possibility of hope that lives in the wisdom of the hallway, the gateway to the heart. I will just repeat what was said ...... "....if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely."
To read more of Lauren Zimmerman's work, please visit
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Lion's Passage - A Short Story
by Lauren Zimmerman
Copyright 2014: Lauren Zimmerman
All rights reserved.
Published by nLight Press
Dedicated to the spiritual evolution of Humankind.
She padded softly along the narrow path that stretched around the mountain like a spiraling ribbon. So narrow was the path that her ribs brushed the ancient solidity of the massive wall of rock. With her left, moccasined foot, she felt for a solid foothold among the small boulders that kept her from tumbling over the edge. It was a 4,000 foot fall. She would fall to her death. Undaunted, she moved forward, craving her destination. Willing to risk it all to reach it.
The crystal blue light that seemed to emanate from the crest of the mountain had beckoned her since childhood. Its mystery had consumed her daily. She remembered the first night she had witnessed it. It had called to her in her dreams that night. The following day she had waited for night to fall, hoping to catch a glimpse of what might only have been a dream. A distant, ethereal light that seemed to reach from this world to another. Another that she could not see but that her heart knew was somewhere out there. Out beyond that which she knew. Out beyond that which she could see. Out beyond that which seemed to imprison her.
The village had fallen silent as the day eased to an end. She finished her nightly chores and, perhaps for the first time ever, didn't squabble with her parents when they ordered her to bed. Shortly after donning her flannel night clothes, she had tiptoed to the tiny window. Drawing the tiny, ragged curtain away from the dull glass, she had peered across the landscape toward the massive mountain that shadowed her small town.
Like a beacon, the blue light seemed to come from the interior of the mountain, shining like a reaching arm into the sky. Reaching for what, she wondered. It was that question that drove her. It became an insatiable thirst. She must find a way to uncover the secrets of the mountain. But it was the tallest mountain in the land. And she was only a child.
She began to train daily, marching across the nearby hills, up and down, up and down, pushing herself to her physical limits after her morning chores were finished. Her parents, too busy, or perhaps too tired, to pay much attention, turned a blank eye to her small knapsack, the jar of water she kept there, and the small stash of nuts and seeds she hoarded like a chill-driven squirrel.
As she'd grown older, she began gathering material to make herself a larger backpack. She sewed the pieces together with threads of thick twine that were given to her by the village shop keepers. None of them questioned the strange girl with the wild hair and the gleam in her eyes that spoke to the fact that she dreamed of other worlds. Worlds far beyond the reaches of the tiny village that sat quietly in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
The day finally came when she knew that she would face the daunting task of the climb upward. Spring had brought a hint of warmth to the air. Quietly, she pushed her few belongings into the depths of her backpack, covered them with her few items of clothing, and fought with her rushes of excitement and fear. She dressed warmly, knowing it would be colder on the mountain. Feeling a thrill of the unknown run up her spine, she glanced for the final time through the dull glass of her tiny window, and went to tell her parents goodbye. As though they expected her departure, maybe even thought that she had left them long ago, they each gave her a brief hug, a pat on her thin shoulder, and a quick goodbye. As she walked away from the narrow doorway for her last time, she turned to wave goodbye. But they had already turned to their daily tasks. Straightening her shoulders, she turned back to face her future, as uncertain as it was.
Crossing the pasture range that separated the village from the base of the great mountain, she paused only once, taking her water bottle from her pack and sipping from it thoughtfully. Tilting her head back, she stared up at her destination. The daunting mountain seemed much taller, much more lethal, than it had seemed from her tiny window. Capping her bottle, pushing it into her sack, she continued on, tripping occasionally on the rocks that were strewn around the mountain's base. Were they there to deter her, she wondered at one point, stopping to rub her tired ankles.
Undeterred, she marched on. Soon the first step on to the winding path that would lead her into the unknown was upon her. She turned briefly to look back at the life she'd left behind. From this distance, there was only silence. The daily sounds that had been oddly comforting as well as irritating were far too distant to be heard. The rattle of wagon wheels. The call of one shopkeeper to another. The shouts of the occasional voices raised in anger. The squeals of children fighting over toys. All were now silent memories, ghosts of a past that seemed far removed. Nodding to herself, silently acknowledging that the world she had left behind was no longer hers, she took her first step on to the narrow, ribbon-like path that spun itself around the mountain.
The years passed. The child was gone. A woman now walked in the moccasins that seemed to never fray. They had become her companions. Something she trusted as the soft material allowed her to curl her feet around the rough edges of rocks that served to stop her occasional slips upon the mountain's edge. As she'd come to know the mountain, it had served up the infrequent cave, surprising her as she turned a corner, expecting the flat surface of the stone wall to be her brace, only to find a gaping wound etched deeply into the wall of the massive boulders. She often fantasized that bolts of lightning had ripped through the stone in an effort to shine its light into the darkness.
Bemused, she always set her fears aside and walked boldly into the pitch-black depths of every cave, hoping perhaps that the mountain would give her its secrets, knowing all the while that it would not. In every cave she had found a wolf. She had befriended each. They were so sleek and so beautiful she had lost her heart to them immediately. Many of them were wounded. Her hands, her love, sealed their scars, soothed them, made them let go of their pain and sleep.
In the depths of the caves she had sat and leaned her back against the cold walls. The wolves had come and laid their heads upon her lap. Her heart trilling with her love for them, she had stroked the ever-so-soft fur upon their heads, run her strong heads over their hearts, hoping, always hoping, that they would feel the love coursing through her fingers. It seemed imperative for her that they know the depths of her heart, just as they knew the depths of their own cave.
Were they wild things? Or was she? Fate brought baskets of distrust and laid them at her feet and soon she was gone. Every time leaving the depths of black, stepping into the light of day, stepping on to the strap-like ledge leading upward. Her tears fell over the mountainside, staining it with regret.
It was a deceptively sunny day, aching with cold, that brought the realization to her. Or was it only fantasy? She felt she had become the mountain. She was the light reaching for an unseen world. Was it true?
She wondered. If she was the mountain, if she was the source of the light, where had she hidden the secrets? Of what origin was this light? Could she find its source if she was hiding it even from herself? It had been years. She was weary. Her soul's bones ached. Exhausted, she sank down upon the narrow path and leaned against the stone-cold wall. In the distance, a wolf howled.
Having dozed where she had fallen, the next day dawned by giving her a taste of hope. Renewed, she stood and made her way along the path, ever upward. Rounding a corner, her eyes gave her the vision of yet another cave. The sight was tantalizing. A place to rest. Fresh water coursing along the back wall, coming from the cold depths of the great mountain. Turning away from the temptation, she stared across the landscape. Too far below to be heard, a river ran swiftly, jumping and pounding over moss-covered boulders. Eagles flew, brushing their wings across the sky. A sun-touched rainbow danced briefly with a distant waterfall.
Sensing that she was being watched, she turned. Ebony-black eyes, sparking with thoughts unspoken, stared at her from the mouth of the cave. The wolf's coat looked as though it hadn't been groomed in a moon's age. He had one paw lifted from the ground. She could see the pain in his eyes. She could see many things in his eyes. Her heart twisting with 'no,' she held out her hand to him even as the tears of many memories coursed through her. Trusting, he rested his chin in her hand briefly before lifting his head again and looking into her eyes. As her eyes met his, they knew each other. Through time and space and beyond anything comprehensible, they knew each other.
They stayed a while, she and the wolf. Not as long as with some of the others, but longer than eternity, for they became as one, fused through infinity. Fused through pain and fused through healing. Her touch healed him. His touch healed her.
They would travel to the top of the mountain together. They would find the source of the light. She told him about it during the silence of the nights, whispering of the hope she knew would be there. Would be there at the source. In the black of the night, his dark eyes shined. His light from within, she thought, and she reveled in it. The moon cried when she wasn't looking.
The day came when they would leave in search of the source. Her heart thrilled. Her hope soared. Stepping from the black of the cave into the day's light, she stretched her arms heavenward, as if embracing an unseen world. She dragged her pack into the light, rearranged its contents, and shrugged the weight of it onto her back. Soaking up the warmth of the sun, she waited, content.
The sun climbed high into the sky. She waited. It drifted down the other side of the world. And she waited. The freeze of the night took her to the edges of her own life. And she waited. She came to know the new silence well as the days passed. Incapable of moving, or even breathing, she waited. She was waiting for herself, she knew. They had become one, fused into infinity, destined to share eternity's breath. And yet still she waited.
She did not know that a year had passed. Time and life had frozen into a permanent grimace of acceptance. The sun took on a life of its own and tapped her, not so gently, waking her from her frozen sleep. Shaking inside and out, she shook herself awake. The only memory she had was of the light that streamed from the mountaintop. She turned her head, gazing upward. Her destination seemed closer than she had imagined it would be. The mountain's summit seemed to reach down in an effort to guide her. It was so close she could almost touch it. The sun's rays danced. With shaky legs, she stood. She felt the mountain's strength course through her, as though it were her life's blood. Revitalized, she reached up to grab the single branch of a forgotten tree and pulled herself up to the next foothold of the path. She tested the stone she was stepping to, wondering if it would hold. It did. The power of her own walk took over. Steadily she climbed. All doubt about reaching her destination, her fate, dissolved.
She didn't look back. She didn't look down. She stepped into the grandeur of the mountain's light. It reached upward. She reached upward. Another world engulfed her, swept her into the power of a peace she had never known.
"What is the source," she whispered to the mountain.
"You," the mountain answered.
For more information about the work and books of Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Matrix 'Fail' - A story that could be true .. or not .. you decide
There were perhaps 2,000 attendees of the conference held in the outer regions of the Earth's atmosphere. Fire Woman turned away from the meeting as it began to wind down. With a determination that allowed no one and nothing to get in her way, she headed directly to her destination. Seconds later she stood outside the portal, her inner fire raging so clearly that she appeared to be nothing more than a small blaze. She stood at the portal of an underground base near an airport. The night was dark and bitter cold but the heat she emanated made the conditions inconsequential.
She'd been in the nether regions of the base only once before, but there was no hesitation within her. The Tall who was guarding the entryway took one look at her and whispered her name. 'Fire Woman.' He stepped back and allowed her to pass.
The other Talls looked up in surprise as she marched directly into the dark, cavernous space. Glancing to her left, she scoured the massive bank of computers. She thought she knew which one she wanted but she turned to the nearest Tall and demanded he point out the exact one that held the computer chip she was after.
Without a word, he pointed to the one she had suspected. Now a small crowd of Talls had gathered but none of them made a move to stop her. In her state of fire, she moved to the computer in question and as she walked she materialized a long, sturdy ax. Reaching the computer, she wielded the ax like a sword and brought it down with all her might upon the not-so-fragile casing of the computer. The strength of the ax blow split the computer in two.
Fire Woman turned to the Tall who had directed her to the computer. He had followed her into the depths of the computer room and now stood only a few feet away from her, watching her in utter silence.
"Point out the chip I need," she demanded.
Again he pointed, still in utter silence.
She pawed through the rubble of the now-dead computer and with a smirk of deep satisfaction grabbed the tiny chip. Raising it above her fiery head, she let out an almost-silent whoop of satisfaction. She turned and with a small nod of acknowledgment to the Tall who stood behind her, she made her way out of the darkened recesses of the computer banks and back into the light above ground.
A tall pillar of light waited for her outside. She glanced briefly at the airplane coming in for a landing and turned back to the figure she knew stood within the pillar.
"I have it," she said quietly.
"The chip that monitors the energetic belief that holds the people hostage?"
"Yes," she stated flatly. "Now I'll go tell them."
"And what will you tell them," he asked.
She spoke without hesitation. "It is solid if you believe it is solid. It is God if you believe it is God. You get to choose now. Your perception is your Key. Your understanding of God is your Answer."
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Monday, April 1, 2013
A Narrative About .. Well .. A Couple of Things ......
Online Internet picture: Credit to:
39 years ago today I ‘died.’ April 1st. The irony is not lost on me. I don’t know for sure if the joke is on those who tried to take me out, or on me, since I’m still here .. causing trouble and taking names. (lol)
That was, obviously, a monumental time and event. But I felt called, as I struggled back into my body this morning, after having been ‘gone’ for the night, to make today a ‘different’ kind of day. The old no longer fits, like a wool suit turned inside out and one size too small. After thinking about it a while, the only thought that kept returning was the possibility of being more vocal about some of the incredible events of my life.
Which brings me to 1998. I was living in Sacramento, CA at the time. It was probably around midnight. As so often happens, I was awakened by the air in the room stirring. A metaphysical, other-dimensional force stirring me awake so that I might be fully aware of what takes place in the deep of the night. This night was no different. I went into high alert and waited. I didn’t have long to wait. The ceiling and roof began to dematerialize and I was staring at the night sky. But then I realized that it was not the sky. It was, instead, a massive craft. It wasn’t until I felt myself lifted above the house, where I floated, looking around at the night.
The craft was, as it turns out, the size of the United States. This wasn’t going to be the last time I would encounter it and those who lived aboard.
The craft does, literally, sit over the United States. Around the edges of the craft are what I call 'balancing lights.' They appear to be tangible, but not, beams of light that emit from the 'strip' that goes around the perimeter of the craft. The beams come directly down and touch various places on the Earth itself. For a visual then you can see that the perimeter of the craft is on the 'outskirts' of the U.S. and so the 'beams' touch along the various coastlines.
There came a time when I was invited aboard. Commander Wartauk welcomed me and advised that there are 17 extraterrestrial societies interacting with this massive craft. Together we strolled down what appeared to be a central hallway. In 'normal' vision it would be impossible to see from Denver, CO to the East Coast and yet, here in this hallway, I could see that far and had a clear vision of the eastern flank of the great ship. I suppose the dimensional shift between 'here' and 'there' had something to do with that phenomenon.
I could sense enormous rooms on either side of the hallway but, by some mental ability to control my actions, Commander Wartauk kept my eyes straightforward. Eventually we stopped and he turned me to my right. There in front of me was what looked like a podium made of a material that looked like polyurethane resin. Atop the podium were layers of what looked like clear, malleable plastic sheets. The Commander urged me to study them, and I did.
I was, at the time, physically in Denver, CO and so the maps I was being shown were of that area. (I was advised that there were similar podiums above various cities.) The sheets were maps of the area, with each sheet having a different 'vision' of the area. Meaning .. the top map resembled a normal map of the area, with streets and such. Lifting that sheet, there was a 'deeper vision' of the area, reflecting geologic patterns. The next, geologic anomalies. The next, the deep under the surface situation, etc. When it began to register in my mind that I was seeing underground tunnels, whether maintained by extraterrestrials or not, I instantly found myself back in my room in the motel room in Denver, CO.
Needless to say, the visit and what I had seen have stayed in my mind constantly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of that massive craft and wonder about the extreme amount of unseen and unknown that goes on in the world beyond the human reality of going to work and coming home. I put the reality of what I was shown while on 'the other side' together with all that happens daily, and nightly, and cannot help but ask myself what enormous experience we are involved in.
As I sit here on the anniversary day of my 'death' and look back at the unbelievable experiences that are not 'of this world,' I know that they ARE of this world. They are of the unseen and we are participants in something so much larger than most could even begin to imagine. I incorporate, in all of this, the January 16th visitation by yet another group of ETs, and am compelled to say .. or advise .. that human society appears to be on the verge of some major revelations about what reality truly is. I feel a great wake-up call coming. I, personally, am excited beyond words for I have sensed my entire life that there would come a day when the unseen would 'overpower' the seen and that this alone would help Humanity to awaken to far greater truths. I am blessed to be having this monumental experience, and blessed to be sharing it with so many who honor my work with their enthusiasm, their kindness, and their encouragement.
Lauren Zimmerman
As always, there is far, far more to the story and the events. And, as always, I thank you for understanding that it would be impossible to write down all details. There isn't enough time to do so. I write and offer what I do for the purpose of offering validation to those who have had experiences, to offer touches of hope for those who seek, and to offer encouragement to those who want their intuition to open more in order to embrace the fact that there is so much more in this reality than can be seen with the human eye. Thank you, dear readers, for understanding the need to keep things brief, and for accepting that there is barely enough time to have all of the daily (and nightly) experiences, much less enough time to write about all of it.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Saturday, February 23, 2013
nLight Press Announces New Series of Books

nLight Press is pleased to announce the first three volumes of LISTENING TO WISDOM, by Lauren Zimmerman.
Sincere gratitude to all who have given such heartfelt and supportive reviews to the books! Your words mean more to me than words can express.
A sampling of reviews:
"Your best work yet. Your words touched my heart and what the sea and you know is true for all times." (by H.H.)
"This new book is fantastic and resonates with my life. Balancing the seen with the unseen, the clarity with which Ms. Zimmerman explains how two unlike energies can't share the same space in manifest form, and showing how we turn our experiences into burdens and forget everything before, all of it was so affirming and clear. I recognized all of it and could easily see the principles illustrated throughout my own lifetime. The ending couldn't have been more beautiful, magical, hopeful: a door beckoning. She uses the analogy of a chameleon in the most amazing way to drive her point home. She doesn't teach in the `traditional' sense, but in a uniquely Lauren Zimmerman way, painting a picture, holding it up and asking, What do you see? Are you in there? It's such a gentle way of allowing me to see and understand what I'm ready to see and understand. She turns on the light, and lets me look for myself. I truly admire and appreciate that." (by C.F.)
"Tissues are required in order to read this book! I love all of Lauren's books, but I almost let this little book slip by me. I should have known that my favorite author in the Universe would not write something that wasn't a profound blessing! Even though Lauren writes her stories as fiction, they are all very real and have actually happened to her! The connections that the Universe shares with her, and that she in turn shares with us are absolutely mind boggling! One of the most profound things that I have ever read were written in this little book for me to read last night! With just a couple of sentences she answered a question that has been haunting me for 53 years. She said "People hurt each other so that their own pain can be seen" ~ I didn't get it at first, but when I read on it made more sense than anything else that's been said to me since I was 12 years old! All of a sudden the blindness dropped from my eyes and mind and a bright light showed through that nearly floored me as I sat there bawling my eyes out ~ If you are a seeker of truth and have struggled a lifetime for certain answers, do yourself a favor and read this wonderful little book! You will be SO glad you did! I guarantee it! Thank you dear Lauren for once again helping me with my struggles of being a soul trying to live as a human being ~ My love and thanks go out to you, Lauren, to Agness, to our other worldly friends, and most of all to the Prime Creator of the Universe ~ I love you all ~" (by Mstikal Enchantments/klv)
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Past Loves & Wisdom
(The quote on this picture gives a deeper understanding of this encounter and the ultimate goal of understanding.)
It's an extremely rare thing for me to be feeling so poorly that I don't do anything at all. But here I was, not thinking anything but drifting quietly in my mind, looking for a place to rest where I didn't feel anything, if only for a moment.
I sensed the energy in the room shift and turned to look toward the source. There stood my ex, who is now on 'the other side.' I was not terribly surprised. He had been coming to get me every night for about two weeks and we'd been soaring through universes and understandings with a happiness I had long ago forgotten.
Delighted to see him, I greeted him before noting the somber look on his face. "What's going on?" I asked a bit hesitantly.
"I need to apologize to you."
"For what? You....."
He stopped me. "I don't need you to tell me I didn't do anything wrong. I know what I did. And I know what I didn't do. And I need you to know that I'm sorry. I impacted your entire life and I now know how I can fix what I did. I need you to hear me. I mean really hear me."
"Absolutely," I assured him. "You know I'll listen."
He moved a few steps closer to me and I could see how vital this was to him. His eyes spoke volumes. "You loved me with all that you are. You gave me all that you are. And I stayed in my own stupidity and ego and loved what you gave me. But I didn't let you know that I loved you. I didn't put the love behind the words. You knew that and heard only 'empty.' I can tell you that I didn't know how to love completely like you do. I can tell you that I was afraid. I can tell you that I was selfish and just wanted what you were giving without having it 'cost' me anything." He laughed. "We both know how selfish I was. No need to talk about that."
His voice became as soft as the touch of an angel. "But what you don't know is that I loved you. I never let you know that." He waved his hand in the air. "I'm the one responsible for all that you're been through since, with these other men."
I immediately jumped to his defense. "How do you figure that?" I almost shouted. "You can't lay that on yourself. I'm the one who let them in and allowed what I did. Not to mention that you have nothing to do with their bad behavior."
"But what I'm trying to tell you is that I DO." I felt his energy settle back, readying himself to explain. "When I refused to let you know that I loved you, even while I knew you were giving me everything including your eternal soul, you 'learned' that this world wasn't going to love you no matter how much you loved it."
I started to protest, but he stopped me.
"You knew with everything that you are inside yourself that I really did love you. But I didn't show you. I didn't tell you and I literally made an effort to keep the truth from you. And so, you doubted what you knew. Not only that I loved you but also that the type of love you believed in was not possible on Earth. But I showed you that it couldn't, or wouldn't, be expressed here. And so, that means you took what you learned from me, or thought you learned from me, and you went out into the world with that false belief."
The relationships, the failures, that came after him flashed through my mind like lightning. I simply sat staring at him in silence.
"You see," he said quietly, "you manifested that false belief every time you tried to love. Your desire to believe in the level of love that you thought was possible was overpowered by the belief that I gave you. That even if you feel that love is really there, it isn't. My refusal to give it to you made you doubt that you knew what was real and what was not."
"And you're here now because?"
He smiled with all the love he had never given me. "Because it's time for me to help you understand that you were right all along." He studied me in silence for a minute and finally stepped forward and kissed me so softly that I might have been kissed by the wing of a butterfly. "You need to know that you were right all along. And you need to know that I love you with everything I am, through all time and space."
He drew back and gave me a rather sad smile. "I'll see you when you get home."
(NOTE: I truly thank each of you who have written and who have posted comments. This has to be one of the most touching blogs that I've written and the fact that it is touching you means more to me than words can say. Don appeared to me a few hours after I wrote this. (he had asked me to write this) He thanked me and then told me that he believed his story would help many others to heal. He thanked me for helping him to be of Service to you. With love, Lauren)(Oh .. another thing .. for some odd reason the blog is not allowing me to comment on your comments and so please forgive that. I do read each comment personally.)
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Spirit & Soul & 'Traveling' There
The 'other side' was fascinating, to put it mildly, but as this particular piece was unfolding, it was clear that this was one of the major Knowings that I needed to take back to life on Earth. Once I returned with this 'tidbit,' it became clear that there were not many who agreed with my 'take' on things. Nevertheless, this is what was given to me and so I present it to you ... food for thought.
I felt the Presence of God turning me gently toward the beginning of time. That might sound odd but if you think of all things existing simultaneously, the beginning has to exist somewhere, just as the future does. (but that's a whole new topic and so let me stick with this one for a minute) If I were to put 3-D words and phrases to what I 'saw,' which is what I am attempting to do, it would be described as an infinite, and very intense, 'batch' of densely packed 'light cells.'
I heard the Voice. I paraphrase the words here.
"The beginning is soul, an infinite source of light, existing through all time and space, here in this existence. As Soul, you look upon the entirety of all that is and desire nothing more than to explore it. With that comes the ability to send soul into existence, a journey far too magnificent and incredible to imagine, when one attempts to put that into words.
"Soul has the ability to form a cell of its own light into something that can travel on its behalf. Something that can make manifest its need to delve deeply into its own existence. That something, that cell of light, is the essence of spirit. The essence of spirit enters into a more tangible form of light, inserting itself into various aspects of existence in order to experience it in a very intense and personal way."
"And so, basically," I suggested, "soul takes an atom of itself and sends it forth to incarnate? And the term we use for that atom is 'spirit'?"
"Exactly. And so what you see within the human body is an atom of the infinite soul. That atom, that spirit, is an atom of the pure light of soul. It is never dis-connected from soul. It is always light. It is always soul. It is always infinite and eternal."
I studied the 'batch' of dense light thoughtfully. "This is soul that I am looking upon."
I turned my thoughts inward, to the essence of who I was in the moment, standing there as pure light, somehow being One and yet somehow separate. "What I am here, in this moment with you, is spirit then?" I looked back at the 'batch' of dense light. "And that is soul, my original source?"
"And instead of reuniting with my own soul I am taking this essence of myself back to Earth?" (I won't go into my thoughts and reactions to that, in this blog, but, trust me, that's another story ... or book)
"Yes. That's what you have agreed to. But what you will take back with you is this. This knowledge of your origin."
As though my soul had planted the thought into my spirit, an 'ah-ha' occurred to me. "But now that I know this, or will remember this when I get back to Earth, will I be able to use the knowledge to access my own soul? Or will I have to continue to feel that sense of separation that I had before?"
I could feel God smile, for lack of a better way to state the feeling that came over me.
"You have always managed to amuse me with the way your thoughts jump from one magnificent possibility to another. To answer you, yes, you will remember these words we've exchanged. Not only that but you will given various ideas of how to reinforce that connection to your origins, your Truth."
That has been the truth. Through the years I've been blessed with hundreds of ways to remember, to reinforce, to re-connect with the union between spirit and soul. This is one of those offerings.
As spirit we are a 'cell of light,' to put it simply. We have within us the ability to release our cell of light into existence, to travel where it may. That travel can be done as time-travel, bi-location, long-distance healing, remote viewing, etc.
Imagine, if you will, that you can gather that cell of light with the intention of re-connecting with the Truth of your own soul. Silence your thoughts entirely and focus only on the task of connecting with the spirit of light that is you. This lifetime is but a flash of time in your infinite being within this existence. Everything here can wait while you take these moments to remember and connect with your own Truth.
As you release your thoughts of the moment and feel yourself becoming as one with the cell of light that you are, imagine that your light will rise from this body. A fabulous visualization for convincing your human thoughts that it is ok to travel is to imagine yourself getting into a hot air balloon. The more you release your thoughts, the more you allow yourself to connect with your spirit, the cell of light that you are, the lighter the hot air balloon becomes. Before you know it, you are floating safely away from this Earth-body. The heaviness dissipates, the worries get set aside. You are floating away with your Truth.
With this visualization comes the intention of the freedom to reconnect with your the truth of who you are. You are momentarily free to be the cell of light, your spirit. Free to realize how temporary this lifetime is, and free to accept the vastness of your own Infinite Truth.
Once you become familiar and confident with your travel, you can begin to use this visualization tool to release your feeling of separation. When you begin to explore your Oneness, every manner of connecting with All That Is will be available to you. You can travel to others to assist them in their time of need. You can travel 'home' to your own soul and access your own infinite memories. You can simply float in your own freedom, giving yourself a break and coming back with a new perspective. The possibilities are endless ... literally.
If you decide to try this method of reconnecting, please remember to set up the intention of returning fully, to be grounded into your body and your life experience. As freeing as this experience is, you are here on Earth for a very good reason. Ground back into your body. Fill yourself up with the Divine Intention of making the most of every moment, bringing the best of who you are into your life, with the knowing that you ... and everyone around you ... is an infinite soul having a temporary Earth-experience.
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Time Travel - A Very Real Experience
Even after 30+ years of incredible experiences I hesitate to share some of the more incredible ones. It's taken me a week to decide about sharing this one, but the urging of 'spirit' has grown louder on a daily basis and so, here we are.
This experience changed me in ways that I can't yet explain even to myself. For those who doubt the veracity of this story, I urge you to check out my years' of work that precede this reporting. I've made my life's work all about giving the Truth to others, to the degree that I can, in order to help expand human awareness. I've come to believe, in the days since this event, that this is a multi-dimensional experience that is alerting us to the fact that the current energy-reality of Earth is going through yet another transition. It seems to me that this transition will make it more possible than ever to connect with the Truth that we are infinite souls who, when we allow. All things being energy, and all energy having 'frequency parameters,' we are learning to live 'outside' of the temporary human boundaries of experience.
And so here is the event, exactly as it unfolded. The city and the time period are deliberately left out due to the fact that, if things happened as I was told they did, someone would be recognized as being responsible for murder. The purpose of the event was not to bring this person to justice but to assist the person who 'died.'
It was midnight when I was awakened by the sense of someone in the room. Having had an uncountable number of experiences with angels, I was not surprised to find a glowing image of an angel standing next to me. Her exact words were .. "A woman died and it was not her time. We would like your help."
Again, based upon years of experience with similar situations, I did not hesitate. I allowed myself to be transported by her, without question. When we arrived at our destination, we stood in front of a small, white home. There were flames coming from the windows.
The angel explained. "The woman who died here was not supposed to die. It was not her time. Her husband reported that he was trying to pull her out. But in fact, he was pushing her back in. She became so exhausted from fighting to get out that she fell back. The fire then had her in his grips, and he ran out to safety once he knew this."
I was horrified. "Why am I here? What am I meant to do to help?"
"We will go back in time several more days. I need you to appear to her and talk with her. Tell her she's in danger and then tell her what to do to prepare to leave this place."
Before I could blink we had gone back in time and I was standing next to the woman. She apparently sensed my presence. Whether she could see me or not, I don't know. I do know that I felt a tremendous sense of urgency. I told her what I'd been asked to say to her. She listened to me and believed. I watched her as she began rushing around, gathering some things that she wanted to take with her. I pointed out a secret stash that her husband had hidden and had her take just enough to get by for a few days. As I watched, one of the things that stood out was a small, white, stuffed bear.
Suddenly we both heard a car pull up. She began to panic. The angel appeared to me and told me what I needed to say to the woman. She was to suggest that her husband take her to see something about a mile from the house. Pretend to be excited about this and he will catch that excitement and go with you. And he did. I found myself in the back seat, talking to keep her calm as they drove the short distance. When they stopped and got out, the angel appeared again. She advised that the woman tell him that she'd forgotten something and would he go back for it? He agreed, ordered her to stand right there, he would be back in a minute.
As I watched him drive away I ordered her to run as fast as she could. We were in a neighborhood with many houses and the streets curved this way and that. I told her to run as fast as she could until she found a phone booth that was hidden from the street. I then gave her two names of people that she was supposed to call to come get her and keep her safe.
As I watched her run away, the angel appeared next to me again. Together we watched her until she was out of sight. The angel then returned with me and, once we were back in my room, went on to explain what city and what time period this event had taken place. She advised me to do an Internet search, telling me exactly what words to type into the search engine. I can't say that I was surprised to find an article, as well as a video, of the fire and the woman's death. The house in the video, with flames pouring from the windows, was the house that I had stood in front of. The date of the fire was one year ago, to the day.
Did this happen? Yes. Absolutely. Did the woman live? I have no idea. If she did, how could that be? If there was/is a video and newspaper article about her 'death,' how could events have been changed? And yet, well, I saw her escape. The angel assured me that I had changed this woman's path.
You can probably imagine the brain exercises that I've been through following this experience. One thing I've learned in all of my years of 'odd' is that there is a reason for everything. No matter how extreme or unbelievable things may have been, it has always been proven (eventually) that each experience was a 'precursor' into another layer of greater understanding of existence. I have no doubt that this event is a 'precursor.' As if to prove that to me, the days since this event have been extreme in their challenge of not-logical-at-all events and other-world-messages. As I listen to the messages and feel the depth of their Truth, I feel another layer of 'being human' breaking away, allowing the Truth of our infinite connection to all that is to surface even more. Our connectedness to all time and space, to powers beyond our comprehension.
My life's work has been all about helping others remember their own Truth and infinite soul. I looked for a reason for why I felt I had no choice but to go even further out on that proverbial limb of pushing the limits of logic by posting this. I came to believe that I am meant to share in order to break through yet another layer of 'human logic' and introduce yet another layer of 'possible.' Though this particular experience seems to challenge the borders of logic, it certainly does cause one to think about what exactly is possible. We may not understand how something like this could actually happen. We may not know for sure if the woman's path was actually changed. But it certainly does cause us to pause for a moment. Maybe, like the first tiny crack in a shell as a chick begins to break free from its shell, this could be that first tiny crack in the shell for humans beginning to live as 'galactic, universal beings,'instead of within the imprisoned belief system that we've been taught here on Earth.
Let's remember this ... I do not know the people involved, am not familiar with the city where this happened, had no knowledge of this house fire. And yet, at the angel's instruction, I found not only a news article but a video of the fire. The fire took place a year ago. The house in the video is the one I saw during my experience. How is there still a video online? How was the fire exactly where and when she told me? How could I have known? If nothing else, it certainly raises some questions.
Where there are questions, there are answers.
Presented as a gift to Human Enlightenment
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
This experience changed me in ways that I can't yet explain even to myself. For those who doubt the veracity of this story, I urge you to check out my years' of work that precede this reporting. I've made my life's work all about giving the Truth to others, to the degree that I can, in order to help expand human awareness. I've come to believe, in the days since this event, that this is a multi-dimensional experience that is alerting us to the fact that the current energy-reality of Earth is going through yet another transition. It seems to me that this transition will make it more possible than ever to connect with the Truth that we are infinite souls who, when we allow. All things being energy, and all energy having 'frequency parameters,' we are learning to live 'outside' of the temporary human boundaries of experience.
And so here is the event, exactly as it unfolded. The city and the time period are deliberately left out due to the fact that, if things happened as I was told they did, someone would be recognized as being responsible for murder. The purpose of the event was not to bring this person to justice but to assist the person who 'died.'
It was midnight when I was awakened by the sense of someone in the room. Having had an uncountable number of experiences with angels, I was not surprised to find a glowing image of an angel standing next to me. Her exact words were .. "A woman died and it was not her time. We would like your help."
Again, based upon years of experience with similar situations, I did not hesitate. I allowed myself to be transported by her, without question. When we arrived at our destination, we stood in front of a small, white home. There were flames coming from the windows.
The angel explained. "The woman who died here was not supposed to die. It was not her time. Her husband reported that he was trying to pull her out. But in fact, he was pushing her back in. She became so exhausted from fighting to get out that she fell back. The fire then had her in his grips, and he ran out to safety once he knew this."
I was horrified. "Why am I here? What am I meant to do to help?"
"We will go back in time several more days. I need you to appear to her and talk with her. Tell her she's in danger and then tell her what to do to prepare to leave this place."
Before I could blink we had gone back in time and I was standing next to the woman. She apparently sensed my presence. Whether she could see me or not, I don't know. I do know that I felt a tremendous sense of urgency. I told her what I'd been asked to say to her. She listened to me and believed. I watched her as she began rushing around, gathering some things that she wanted to take with her. I pointed out a secret stash that her husband had hidden and had her take just enough to get by for a few days. As I watched, one of the things that stood out was a small, white, stuffed bear.
Suddenly we both heard a car pull up. She began to panic. The angel appeared to me and told me what I needed to say to the woman. She was to suggest that her husband take her to see something about a mile from the house. Pretend to be excited about this and he will catch that excitement and go with you. And he did. I found myself in the back seat, talking to keep her calm as they drove the short distance. When they stopped and got out, the angel appeared again. She advised that the woman tell him that she'd forgotten something and would he go back for it? He agreed, ordered her to stand right there, he would be back in a minute.
As I watched him drive away I ordered her to run as fast as she could. We were in a neighborhood with many houses and the streets curved this way and that. I told her to run as fast as she could until she found a phone booth that was hidden from the street. I then gave her two names of people that she was supposed to call to come get her and keep her safe.
As I watched her run away, the angel appeared next to me again. Together we watched her until she was out of sight. The angel then returned with me and, once we were back in my room, went on to explain what city and what time period this event had taken place. She advised me to do an Internet search, telling me exactly what words to type into the search engine. I can't say that I was surprised to find an article, as well as a video, of the fire and the woman's death. The house in the video, with flames pouring from the windows, was the house that I had stood in front of. The date of the fire was one year ago, to the day.
Did this happen? Yes. Absolutely. Did the woman live? I have no idea. If she did, how could that be? If there was/is a video and newspaper article about her 'death,' how could events have been changed? And yet, well, I saw her escape. The angel assured me that I had changed this woman's path.
You can probably imagine the brain exercises that I've been through following this experience. One thing I've learned in all of my years of 'odd' is that there is a reason for everything. No matter how extreme or unbelievable things may have been, it has always been proven (eventually) that each experience was a 'precursor' into another layer of greater understanding of existence. I have no doubt that this event is a 'precursor.' As if to prove that to me, the days since this event have been extreme in their challenge of not-logical-at-all events and other-world-messages. As I listen to the messages and feel the depth of their Truth, I feel another layer of 'being human' breaking away, allowing the Truth of our infinite connection to all that is to surface even more. Our connectedness to all time and space, to powers beyond our comprehension.
My life's work has been all about helping others remember their own Truth and infinite soul. I looked for a reason for why I felt I had no choice but to go even further out on that proverbial limb of pushing the limits of logic by posting this. I came to believe that I am meant to share in order to break through yet another layer of 'human logic' and introduce yet another layer of 'possible.' Though this particular experience seems to challenge the borders of logic, it certainly does cause one to think about what exactly is possible. We may not understand how something like this could actually happen. We may not know for sure if the woman's path was actually changed. But it certainly does cause us to pause for a moment. Maybe, like the first tiny crack in a shell as a chick begins to break free from its shell, this could be that first tiny crack in the shell for humans beginning to live as 'galactic, universal beings,'instead of within the imprisoned belief system that we've been taught here on Earth.
Let's remember this ... I do not know the people involved, am not familiar with the city where this happened, had no knowledge of this house fire. And yet, at the angel's instruction, I found not only a news article but a video of the fire. The fire took place a year ago. The house in the video is the one I saw during my experience. How is there still a video online? How was the fire exactly where and when she told me? How could I have known? If nothing else, it certainly raises some questions.
Where there are questions, there are answers.
Presented as a gift to Human Enlightenment
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
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