Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Soul Does Not Fall Silent

We put on pretty dresses. We slip on pretty shoes. Tighten the belt, straighten the tie, check the crease in your slacks ... smooth the lipstick and check the mascara. The mirror does not lie. We look ready for the day. One last glance into the mirror. Oh, yes. Remember to paint on the smile. Yes. We're ready to step into the living world that breathes outside the door.

Every person has a story. Every soul has a life. More often than not, the two are not the same. Perhaps it is time for that to change.

As a child I looked at the brutality of the world with wide-eyed wonder. Observing the damage one person does to another. Confused within my memory of being one with God. Wondering why everyone did not have that memory. And why they did not act upon it. How can one aspect of God destroy another aspect of God? There is no doubt that I am not the first person to contemplate the dichotomies of life. What a joy if I were allowed to be the last. If the world would suddenly blink itself awake, shake itself off, and begin living soul to soul, heart to heart, love to love. That's who we are. Do you remember that?

But our stories go on. Our hearts break. Our souls weep. Our smiles fade and our hope escapes us.

What would the story be if the infinite soul stepped into the broken heart? The healing of God unfolded and the story began anew?

I hear now the tapping of All Infinite Souls. Tapping upon the closed doors that hide the stories and the lies we tell ourselves. Truth is seeping in through the cracks in the veneer and the falsehoods. It is time to tell our Earth-stories to our own Infinity. To allow that vastness of our own Truth to wipe our tears, heal our hearts, teach us to live in the Knowing that All People are aspects of God.

One aspect of God does not steal from another. One aspect of God does not abuse another. One aspect of God does not murder another. And the list goes on.

Our souls are weeping as we continue to exist within lives that are not abundant with our own Truth. But our souls are at the door, calling.

They call me 'idealistic.' They call me 'insane.' To believe in a world that could be one of kindness and equality. Where the mayhem can stop, the callousness end, the quiet desperation fall away into nothing more than a distant memory. But the truth of it is ... we are Infinite Souls with the power to bring the Essence of God into every moment. Every word. Every action. Why then does another reality seem impossible? If it is only a matter of infusing the Truth of the Infinite Soul into the temporary body we wear?

We can heal through the avenue of Truth that is our Soul.

We can dry our tears, heal our hearts, tell our stories and then move on to a greater reality. One that we ourselves create. Create because we have the power to do so. It's not as if we don't have the tools. We ARE the tools. The avenue through which change can happen. We are aspects of God, which allows us the entirety of Existence to draw upon. I find it impossible to believe that we, as a human society, cannot create the miracle of a world that understands God .. and each other.

Take a moment to tell your story. Your eyes speak it anyway. Let your heart speak it too. Your soul will listen and your soul will dry your tears. Your soul will also bring you the greater essence of who you are. The essence of strength and truth that resides in your connection to your own infinity and God. When your story is told you may be ready to begin a new one.

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