Showing posts with label self-empowerment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-empowerment. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2017

Now In Paperback~!~

 nLight Press
is incredibly pleased to announce that 
"Moments Of Mastery"
is now available in paperback!

          "MOMENTS" offers the higher dimensions of wisdom, healing,
          and alternatives for creating peace harmony, and health, and serves
          as a conduit for those seeking positive solutions to human relationships
          and issues.

          The basic goal of MOMENTS is to assist those who wish to create
          a new reality, a new world by offering the highest vibrational
          information possible to readers.

          Simple, spiritual solutions to the issues that stand between
          everyday life and inner peace.

Some heartwarming reviews:

"Moments of Mastery" was one of the best books I've read in my life!!! If you are looking for "TRUTH" and more "TRUTH"... Not much more than that I can say... I have also read "Called", "Mayan Tiles" and "Sea Spoke Today"... All AMAZING reads...


More wonderful information from Lauren. Should the reader contemplate on what she says within the pages of this book, your life can take paths you never expected but works and can make your life fuller and more understandable. I have enjoyed every book this author has written.


This book is so powerful that sometimes all it can be read in is moments.  
All those questions you seek All those answers you yearn for
All those lessons still waiting are here.

There is no other like it.  Will be No other like it.
But that's alright, because you will have it all after moments of Mastery.
What is written isn't learned in one lifetime. Or on One planet.  Or just living with One race.
But by living With Love.  Love Is the Answer To All.  Buy This Book, You will Love it too.


Profoundly engaging, clear and Truth-ful, this book brought me HOME. Essential reading for those on light paths and/ or those looking to be.


***** *****

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Soul Does Not Fall Silent

We put on pretty dresses. We slip on pretty shoes. Tighten the belt, straighten the tie, check the crease in your slacks ... smooth the lipstick and check the mascara. The mirror does not lie. We look ready for the day. One last glance into the mirror. Oh, yes. Remember to paint on the smile. Yes. We're ready to step into the living world that breathes outside the door.

Every person has a story. Every soul has a life. More often than not, the two are not the same. Perhaps it is time for that to change.

As a child I looked at the brutality of the world with wide-eyed wonder. Observing the damage one person does to another. Confused within my memory of being one with God. Wondering why everyone did not have that memory. And why they did not act upon it. How can one aspect of God destroy another aspect of God? There is no doubt that I am not the first person to contemplate the dichotomies of life. What a joy if I were allowed to be the last. If the world would suddenly blink itself awake, shake itself off, and begin living soul to soul, heart to heart, love to love. That's who we are. Do you remember that?

But our stories go on. Our hearts break. Our souls weep. Our smiles fade and our hope escapes us.

What would the story be if the infinite soul stepped into the broken heart? The healing of God unfolded and the story began anew?

I hear now the tapping of All Infinite Souls. Tapping upon the closed doors that hide the stories and the lies we tell ourselves. Truth is seeping in through the cracks in the veneer and the falsehoods. It is time to tell our Earth-stories to our own Infinity. To allow that vastness of our own Truth to wipe our tears, heal our hearts, teach us to live in the Knowing that All People are aspects of God.

One aspect of God does not steal from another. One aspect of God does not abuse another. One aspect of God does not murder another. And the list goes on.

Our souls are weeping as we continue to exist within lives that are not abundant with our own Truth. But our souls are at the door, calling.

They call me 'idealistic.' They call me 'insane.' To believe in a world that could be one of kindness and equality. Where the mayhem can stop, the callousness end, the quiet desperation fall away into nothing more than a distant memory. But the truth of it is ... we are Infinite Souls with the power to bring the Essence of God into every moment. Every word. Every action. Why then does another reality seem impossible? If it is only a matter of infusing the Truth of the Infinite Soul into the temporary body we wear?

We can heal through the avenue of Truth that is our Soul.

We can dry our tears, heal our hearts, tell our stories and then move on to a greater reality. One that we ourselves create. Create because we have the power to do so. It's not as if we don't have the tools. We ARE the tools. The avenue through which change can happen. We are aspects of God, which allows us the entirety of Existence to draw upon. I find it impossible to believe that we, as a human society, cannot create the miracle of a world that understands God .. and each other.

Take a moment to tell your story. Your eyes speak it anyway. Let your heart speak it too. Your soul will listen and your soul will dry your tears. Your soul will also bring you the greater essence of who you are. The essence of strength and truth that resides in your connection to your own infinity and God. When your story is told you may be ready to begin a new one.

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It Was 1998 When the Message Came In.........


(This artwork is the actual cover design for the entire book that I had (have?) planned for the topic that I cover in this blog.)

It was November of 1998. I remember being wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, as the winter night was cold indeed. I felt the air in the midnight room stir, as I always do when The Presence of God sends a wave of energy to announce an incoming message. I eagerly await these messages. They represent the truth of my life and Being in a way nothing else does. This night was no exception and I lifted myself slightly, ready to reach for the paper and pen that's always next to me. As it turned out, the paper and pen were unnecessary because the message was so monumental that it changed me. You don't forget things that change you.

I will paraphrase what I was told for the message was long but the essence was short and to the point.

The years between 2000 and 3000, on this Earth, will be a time of every person coming to understand their connection to God, The Creator of All, the energy that created and sustains existence. The Divine Union between oneself and God will be understood as the only essential reality. All else is secondary. The end result will be that the consensual reality that takes place on this planet will alter in a way that is almost beyond belief, if we compare it to the reality that has played out here for thousands of years.

The bottom line is that each person is an infinite soul who is an atom of God, should we care to think of it that way. To understand that .. and live that .. to the utmost degree is the goal. When every person within a society lives the reality of Divine Union, the sabotage of each other and self will stop.

One of the main reasons I wanted to write about this today is that the obvious has become even more obvious. I have always maintained that there is a very distinct reason for everything. Everything. When we accept that, we allow ourselves to change our perspective and eliminate our judgment. Whatever you have experienced is an essential part of your path to understanding Divine Union. Your soul has created every experience and every internal reaction you need in order to reach the ultimate goal of understanding that you are an aspect of God.

As a fully-realized aspect of God, every action you take and every thought you have will be from that point of view. Your perspective and your 'Beingness' will change. With that comes what I am perceiving as .. 'the inevitable.' You will begin to walk on this Earth in a different way.

From my personal assessment of my own experiences, I cannot say that I fully understand why some of the most excruciating pain was necessary. But I no longer need to understand. There is a Divine Clarity surrounding every day that I've lived. I clearly see that, despite what my earthly interpretation of my life might be, every second of every day was meant to bring me to Divine Clarity of my personal Divine Union with God. Immersing myself fully into this Truth has brought a sense of peace and Divine Acceptance that allows me the gift of even more fully immersing myself into Divine Union. There is a meshing, a coming together, a merging. That cannot take place if we, ourselves, are blocking the union with our own questioning of the Path laid out for us to get there.

Divine Union does not mean that now you will 'see' every second of your future and what comes next. It does not mean that everything is immediately 'fixed.' It means, instead, that you have an infinite peace in the Divine Knowing that you are As One with God. You always have been. You always will be. And now the messy, gritty, painful .. temporary .. 3-D experience cannot distract you from that Truth.

I've always put off writing about this message from 1998. I had hoped to write an entire book, for the revelations along the way of my own Path have given me insight after insight after insight. Sharing them, I feel, might help ease the way for others. But .. today the call to address this was far, far too loud to be ignored. As with all of my blogs, there is an entire book behind the few words placed here. It is my hope that your heart receives the entire book just by reading these few words.

Love to ALL, from Lauren Zimmerman

To connect with other work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit:

Monday, June 22, 2015

What If...... (The Positives & Negatives of Life)

I have a feeling, as I sit down to write this blog (because it's screaming so loudly that I can't push it away), that there may end up being a 'category' of blogs that begin with .. "What If." For me, what if is an outstanding way of opening the mind to possibilities. If we want to create a different reality, or find 'larger' spiritual truths, opening up to the 'what ifs' could be an excellent place to begin.

We all know that the magnetic poles of the Earth are shifting. But do we know why? Scientifically we have explanations. But I tend to think in spiritual terms, for this life is nothing more than one of many temporary experiences of the infinite soul. That said, what if the magnetic pole shift (or our reason for each of us being here at this point in time, during this incredible Earth-shift) has to do with the positives and negatives of our soul's spiritual progression in understanding existence? What if, we as infinite souls looking for opportunities, chose the time of 'the shift' as a way of experiencing what it is to physically shift reality .. or our way of thinking .. as a society?

I've often wondered .. who 'labels' everything? Who decides what is positive and what is negative? Is it possible that the experiences that we consider the worst may not be considered the worst from God's perspective? What is God's perspective? And how can we, from the perspective of a human experience, know? What if God, the original creator of all that is within existence, has an entirely different take on everything than we do?

I'm not bringing this up to say that the horrors of Man's inhumanity to Man are not horrors. I think that people often treat each other atrociously, without respect or regard for the fact that every person is an aspect of God. I don't negate the pain and suffering. On the contrary, it makes my soul weep. But is it .. 'negative?' Are we enhancing the pain of the human experience by 'owning' the labels we have put on things?

That was the point that drove me to begin writing this blog. The thought that there might be a different way to perceive the reality of this Earth plane. What if there is a way to perceive things differently and what if that way is the way we begin to shift reality?

People often talk about the power of thought being behind the power of manifestation. If that is the case, what if we, as a human society, begin to think differently, thus beginning the process of creating a different reality?

In following this line of thinking, I had to address the suffering we experience during our most painful life events. At this moment, I am of the thought that we can't 'reduce' the pain we feel .. but we can change our thinking about whether it is 'negative' or not. Perhaps to attempt to 'reduce' our pain we would be, in fact, dishonoring what we feel and, in my mind, that probably isn't the way to go. It's important to honor each step of the human experience. We would not be having it if it weren't important to our infinite soul. But does the way we perceive, judge, evaluate, 'label' the pain actually enhance the pain? I think it's possible.

When we perceive (label) something as 'bad' we are in the process of judging and rejecting. When we reject something, we enhance the power it has over our experience. We place a weight, a value, upon it, which gives it more power .. more tangibility, if you will. When we judge/label, energetically we are bringing the 'energy of bad' into our energy field. But what if nothing is 'bad?' What if our perception, which absolutely must impact our energy field just by the mere fact that we 'own' it, is responsible for enhancing our pain?

It was not long ago that I had an interaction with The Presence of God. In that it was explained to me that my 'take' on what was going on was not the 'take' God had on things. My goal/quest has always been to see things through God's eyes, so to speak, in order to understand everything to a greater degree. And so if there is a discrepancy, more than likely I'm incorrect in my perception because, obviously, God is not. (smile) Which brings us back to the question ... what if the judgment of what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' is skewed? What if we shifted our thinking, as a society, to taking the massive energy of 'wrong' out of the energy field of the planet? What if we came to understand that nothing will exist unless God allows it and if God is allowing it, there is a greater purpose? When we accept that there is a greater purpose, whether we know what this is or not, we are in Divine Acceptance and nothing is 'wrong.'

If there is a greater purpose, than who are we to judge?

I am thinking ... what if we altered our way of speaking about life-events from ... 'that is wrong' .. to .. 'that is not Truth.'

Maybe this massive shift most of us are feeling, is about shifting from the un-real to the Real. Maybe this is about moving out of human-made illusions based on a lack of understanding God to a society that embraces greater and more far-reaching Truths.

And here's a thought ..... What if we are taking advantage of the Earth's pole shift, the magnetic reality of things, if I may stretch things a bit and state it in that way, to shift the reality that souls have upon this Earth-plane? hummm........... (Speaking of positive & negative 'charges' ....... )

To view more work and books by Lauren Zimmerman, please feel free to visit:

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Best Example of Illusion vs Reality That I Can Think Of.......

It's a pretty popular thought/concept/pondering ... is this reality an illusion? Are we living in some type of energetic 'cloud' where nothing exists and we are the ones creating the 'cloud?' Are we even existing or are we 'brains' living within ourselves, dreaming this Earth-experience?

Well, I don't have the definitive answer for that, though I have a lot of opinions. Since I don't have the ability to prove any of my thoughts (and who knows if they're right or wrong), I thought I'd ask for help in giving some insight into what we might actually APPLY to the current reality in which we live. This is the idea that came to me during the night .. a way to present my thoughts on Divine Perception vs human-brain-perception.

Let's say you and your lover decide you want to create a new life together. You both pack up everything and make plans to head out. You're beyond excited and so in love and everything seems directed by the Hand of God. You're all packed and ready to go, suitcases by the door, when you hear a car start outside. You look out and there goes your lover. Heading off into the proverbial sunset. He/she didn't just take the envelope that held your life savings. He/she took everything you ever believed in. Your self-worth. Your value. Your faith. Your belief in everything and everyone. Well, you get the picture.

'Reality' seems to tell you this.... You are hated to the degree that someone you love could discard you like a sack of garbage. You are less than nothing. You are unworthy. You cannot trust yourself. You cannot trust anyone else. There is everything wrong with you and nothing right with you. After all, wouldn't that be true if someone you love thinks you deserve to have your life and life savings stolen from you? If someone you love thinks you deserve to be left on the side of the road with nowhere to go and no one to go with? If you gave all that you had and, obviously, it wasn't enough? What is your value? What is your worth?

Let's add a little twist to the story. The one who left you standing alone with your life in your hands ... he/she is your 'Twin Flame.' The other half of your soul. The one Being in existence that you know is pure love. Pure love because the truth is that each of us, 'outside' of this reality we're currently experiencing, have the greatest love for ourselves (and, of course, the other half of our soul's infinite expression). This is the one person you instinctively know you can offer yourself to in the purest form of soul love there is. This is the other half of yourself, the one who is not capable of giving you anything but soul's love in return. The trust between you is infinite. Believable. And True. Or so it is .. 'outside' of this 'illusion' .. this world/reality that is here for the purpose of teaching our infinite souls.

Now we come to the Truth behind the illusion. Perhaps THIS is why people continue to poke around the topic of what is 'real' and what is not.

If we, here in this dirty, painful 'reality,' can learn to perceive our reality through the eyes of Infinite Soul, we have the power to change our life-experience. Perhaps we are here to learn how to be empowered no matter what 'illusion' seeks to dis-empower us?

Perhaps we are creating the greatest levels of suffering we can imagine (war, famine, murder, abuse, abandonment, betrayal .. and the list goes on and on) in order to understand that nothing whatsoever can destroy the real truth. Nothing we imagine/create can take away our power or keep us from the eventual 'success' of the Truth reigning over the 'illusion.' (Until .. perhaps .. the reality becomes .. never the two shall meet??? .. just a thought.......)

It may sound as though my mind is wandering as you continue reading but in actuality there is a string of thought that runs through every moment, every experience, every single second of my entire life. Everything .. everything .. is tied into everything else and everything pertains to my quest for spiritual understanding.

I am blessed beyond measure to have spent so much time on 'the other side.' It gave me time not only to 'hear' many great Truths, but to absorb them. I was able to bring those Truths back into this 'illusion,' if you want to call it that. My life then became a dichotomy. How is it possible that the greatest Truths of God and existence were so directly opposite of what was so real 'down here?' This blog is meant to touch on the possibility that the greatest Truths are hidden beneath the greatest pain. The pain is not the Truth. What it is trying to show you is the Truth.

As pure soul, every single person would understand that the pain handed back and forth between humans is not the truth. Not at all. As pure soul, we are the expression of Love. Love to a greater degree than can be named or measured or described. Here, on this planet, many are choosing to express the opposite of this truth. As we accept that, we have to ask why. As pure soul, we would never entertain a thought of war, or killing for sport, or destroying another person's life simply because we can. And so why do we do it?

I used to ask .. God, why do you allow this? I stopped doing that when I came to realize that God will allow people to create whatever they think they need to in the quest for knowledge and understanding. I came to realize that we are being given the choice to create hate or create love, which then turns things into .. why are we making this choice or that? This, I came to believe, is what is meant by 'free will.' Free will to choose how you want to express yourself within a 'region of reality' that allows you free expression. And that, of course, turns into a study of self-responsibility. The subject that is, perhaps, the most difficult for humans to look at.

When my thoughts wander to such avenues, my first thought is always .. then why don't we choose differently?

If 'reality' is an illusion then 'reality' is malleable. If we, as humans, are creating 'reality,' we have the power to create it differently. In an existence that is so large the human brain cannot contain the imagining of how large it is, do we really believe that pain is the only way to learn the greater Truths? Personally, I don't believe that to be the case. That being said, are we free to choose our beliefs? Absolutely.

I can sum it all up by saying ... we are infinite souls who know only love. We are not dis-empowered or destroyed by anything. If we think we are, we are living 'the illusion.' If we are creating 'the illusion,' we can create it differently. We can insert the Truths into the lies we tell ourselves and each other. In this way, we can change 'reality.' I am of the belief that we, as a society, a society that is consensually agreeing to 'out-picture reality,' are in a position of agreeing to create great change. I believe that some of our harshest and most painful lessons are playing out due to an all-out effort to prove that nothing can or will destroy us. No matter what lie we manifest outside of the Greater Truth of Love, the real truth will remain unwavering. Why then, do we not choose to create a reality that expresses that truth, instead of continuing to manifest lies to prove to ourselves that truth is truth? hummm .. I'm just sayin'.........

And while I'm in thinking-mode (smile) ... perhaps the one you would most trust would necessarily have to be the one who would 'destroy' you ... to show you that you cannot be destroyed.

PS: If I was to tell you how valuable God told me each of you are, while I was enjoying His Company on 'the other side,' you would have to listen to me yammer at you for a year or so. You are so much more valuable .. each of you .. than you can probably imagine. You are not the 'reality' you are living. You are an Aspect of God.

Please feel free to visit to find more books and information by Lauren Zimmerman, author, artist, life-after-death survivor, contactee .. and one-who-is-willing-to-go-out-on-any-proverbial-limb.

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Different Type of Dream

3am .. the time of waking dreams and revelations.
All things are inter-woven and the dream is no exception. It was only a week or two ago that I was taken so far outside of reality, if we want to call it that, that, once again, I was changed so dramatically that I became another person. Not a new experience, this becoming new type of thing. But this particular event was so incredible and so far beyond even my ever-reaching imagination that I knew instantly this was something I would never speak of. My nature is to share but after examination of my decision, I realized that relating the experience could possibly do more harm than good.

The changes however .. that is another story. What would come out of the intense and incredible change I'd gone through? The dream seems to be a precursor, and I find the possibilities exciting beyond words.

I am in a vast and crowded space that looks like nothing I've ever seen before. A man in a mud-colored robe stands beside me. On my right is a 'monster' so massive that all I can see is a portion of his face. He opens his mouth to bare his teeth and I am looking into an abyss that seemingly has no end. Each tooth is, I am told, 13 feet long. There are many.

The man in robes hands me an old, rusty, steel hammer. "Hit yourself in the head hard enough to pass out and you won't feel anything when he eats you. You'll live in his belly and you won't even be aware of the fact that you're in his belly. You'll just live."

I looked at the hammer in my hand. I looked at him. I looked at the 'monster.' And wondered if he thought I was insane. "Why would I do that?" I asked.

He pointed to a crowd of people that I hadn't noticed before. "They're all doing it." He shrugged nonchalantly, as though that was explanation enough.

Irritated with his nonsense, I turned away and watched as, one by one, people hit themselves with hammers and entered the crushing jaws of the 'monster.' They seemed robotic. They seemed fatalistic. They seemed not to know that they had a choice in the matter.

I turned back to the man in robes. "Take this," I demanded, shoving the hammer into his hand.

He looked incredibly surprised. "What are you going to do?" he cried, alarmed.

"I'm not going in there to live, I can tell you that," I snapped. I turned to my left instinctively. "Bring me the other option," I said loudly. In truth, I had no conscious idea of what I was talking about but apparently, on some level, I did know.

A man in a white robe appeared. He had a rope in his hand and on the other end of the rope was a 'monster' who appeared quite similar to the one who was occupied with eating people and storing them in his belly. This 'monster' was passive and obeyed instantly when the man in white robes quietly told him to roll over. In an instant his underbelly was in clear view. He laid on his back without resistance, waiting.

The white-robed man gestured at me to lay down on the exposed underbelly of the 'monster.' "We'll take you to another truth," he said quietly.

I crawled up onto the underbelly, doing my best to ignore the sensations of the extremely unusual texture of his skin and the uncomfortable 'feeling' of the experience. As soon as I was 'nestled' into the folds of the clammy skin, we were moving. We picked up speed. We were racing in the opposite direction of 'the trap.'

I didn't look back.

It was 4am. My 'transporation mode' was gone and I stood alone with the white-robed Master. We stood in the center of nothingness. I was cells separated by space and I was nothing at all.

"Pain is the controlling factor," he advised quietly. "You no longer have to agree to the reality of the lie."

"Pain is the controlling factor." Here .. at 6am .. I sit staring at my journal. "Pain Is The Controlling Factor" is the title of a book I began to write four years ago.

For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's work, please visit:

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Transcendental State of Mind, A Choice

I think I may have said this a thousand times.....Energy has no boundaries therefore all energy impacts all other energy. It's time to take the truth of this up another notch. The path every soul walks, the life of every person on Earth (and elsewhere), will eventually impact the path of every other soul. We are all existing within Infinity, within this Existence, and everything we learn will be shared with every other soul. The quest is to understand all of existence, and we are the ones on that quest. The right of every soul to experience reality in whatever way they choose is a God-given right and is absolutely by Divine Design, whether we agree with it or not. (To disagree can be observed as a judgment and quite often judgment stems from the energy of fear.)

I rarely talk about my path and, honestly, I doubt anyone would believe me anyway. (chuckle) It has been 'quite something,' to put it mildly. (Make sure you have plenty of popcorn when you get Home and get to watch the movie .. lol) That said, there has been an all-consuming effort, daily, to find understanding. I believe, and I hope I'm correct, that it's all been about helping others awaken, lighting a path that others may want to follow to reach the common goal .. which is enlightenment.

Some of you may have noticed a big shift in my energy, as well as my online presence. As an explanation I will say that I've been pushed into the deepest voids, experiences, and heart-soul-changing times of my life .. perhaps of my infinity. But I never venture into any avenue without knowing that there is an extremely good reason, with an answer that will be revealed at the end of it all.

The answer has been revealed and the answer is a transcendental state of mind, a different way of being.

There are many who are on this Earth, at this time, with the goal of learning how to walk this Earth-path, as dense and painful as it is, with the full integration of their infinite soul. They seek the wisdom, understanding, inner power, and Divine Connection that is the truth of every soul in existence. They hope to bring the truth of who they are to the human experience, with the possibility of touching others and helping them do the same. The far-reaching goal has been, I believe, the goal of changing the consensual reality of the human race. Ending the unbelievable amount of suffering, imbalance, inequality .. and the list goes on.

Here is a tidbit of information that I hope resonates with those who are on this personal quest of integrating soul-energy into the human-Earth-energy of the present moment: If you are being emotionally mauled by the human condition, you may find yourself being ineffective as far as being able to utilize the power and wisdom of your infinite soul.

What does this mean? As an infinite soul, you know that this lifetime looks like five seconds. As a matter of fact, that was how it was explained to me by The Presence of God. Consider that you exist, as soul, through all time and space. How 'long' then is that? Let's just toss a number out there. What if your soul exists for one-quadrillion years. How long is this lifetime? Let's just say it's one hundred years. Fit one hundred into one quadrillion. How 'big' does the one hundred look in comparison?

The point of that little exercise is to shift perspective just a bit. When you shift your perspective, you shift your reality. The transcendental state of mind is a step into your own infinity and the perception of life through those eyes, so to speak. The 'enormities' that you face daily suddenly take their rightful place in the bigger scheme of things. When you 'take the heat off' of the moment, step into the energy of your infinite soul, the understanding of why you are here in this moment, why you are having this particular experience, has 'room' to come into your energy field. In other words, you clear the energy of questioning in order to allow the energy of answers.

I will go out on another limb, as I am prone to do, and say that I believe the energy of the quest, for those who specifically came to this Earth-experience for the purpose of learning how to achieve enlightenment in one of the densest energies in existence, has reached a point where the transcendental state of being is more possible than ever before. Yes, there have been individuals through time who have lived in such a manner. But I believe this is/has been an effort by a fairly large group of souls who created a coordinated effort in order to bring a 'big energy,' so to speak. A group who believed that, by bringing the energy of this quest, and its possible success, into the energy of this Earth-reality, the sheer power of numbers and the energy exuded would necessarily have to impact the energy of the consensual reality.

I believe that's where we're at. I believe that's been the goal. I believe the effort will continue for many, many years. And I believe we, as a whole, will succeed.

I also know that the road is not easy. But it wasn't meant to be. Now, having passed through what appeared to be 1,000 doors of hell, the reason for the path is crystal clear. You cannot understand 'heaven' without understanding 'hell.' All things in existence are within the energy of God, the creator of existence. If you seek to understand existence there can be no defining lines. If all is one, and you understand that, then you also understand that there is nothing that can be excluded. Our personal 'assessment' of what should or should not be allowed has to be set aside in order to allow our souls to enter the picture and bring the perspective of existence from that point of view. By doing so, we remove the human 'emotional charge.' Emotional chaos is largely responsible for the density of this current Earth-reality. If we hope to ease up the density, the neutrality of the soul's perspective may well be the path we need to choose.

On a personal note ... I am called to share this tiny tidbit of insight because it is meant to bring hope to those who are on the quest and who have wondered what their lives have been about. There are ten thousand volumes behind these few words, this blog, and for me, here in my own life, they do not come close to describing the transition I have made. I am in the process of adapting to an entirely new way of being. It is expansive. It is free. It is the vision of my own truth that I have held as a goal throughout my life. Through all of the experiences I have never lost sight of the fact that God has been guiding every single second, every single experience. I often questioned His belief in my ability to keep on going. I often questioned His sanity as well as my own. (smile) But if my path in some way inspires even one other soul, I am blessed to have walked it. To those who know me, thank you for believing in me. To those who support my work by trusting it, you have blessed my path with yours, without doubt. I can see a monumental difference in my life, from this point forward and I don't yet know how it will impact my work and what I do with my life from this day forward. But I want to thank each of you who share this path, and send you all the deepest blessings from my soul. You are infinite, as am I, and we will meet, when this is all over, and celebrate how incredible all of this has been for each of us.

Love and Gratitude to ALL From LZ

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Friday, January 23, 2015

An Addendum For the "Energy Masters"

An Addendum for "The Gift of Separation .. Ten Fold" (the blog just prior to this one)
... for those who are as engrossed in the study of energy as I .. those who are, or who seek to be, 'energy masters.'

"The Gift of Separation" blog talked about the manifestation of the un-real in order to know the Real. The fact that you do not need to seek that which you already have. With that comes this.........

If all things are energy, which they are, the quest to become all that you can be is an energy. What if .. what if .. the energy of the quest was altered to be the energy of expressing the Truth of who you are through all time and space.

What if you did an 'energy substitution?'

Here's a possible key....... When you step into 'the void' between who this world/reality tells you that you are and the truth of your own infinite soul, you become 'neutral.' You cease to manifest/generate energy. You become the void. Motionless. Thought-less. An energy form that is, for the moment, neutral. You are not impacting anything or anyone. There is no thing and no one who is impacting you. You are using the energy of nothingness to 'switch gears,' to create an empty space with the goal of doing an 'energy substitution.'

The Universe does not allow an empty space, a void, to exist for long. The Law of Energy dictates that all space must be filled with energy. By 'dropping' the energy you have been you allow 'new' energy to take the place of the old.

What if you were to take all of the energy you are exerting to finding 'the answer' and shifted it over to knowing that you already have the answer?

You exist through all time and space .. infinitely. Which means that, if you do not allow the illusion of separation, all that you seek is existing somewhere within the reach of your infinite soul. Your Oneness with All That Is will then allow you to access .. well .. All That Is.

It is my steadfast belief that this time in Earth's 'reality' is ripe with the possibility of changing the energy of the consensual reality that plays out here. If that is true, then each person on this planet has the opportunity to step away from the falsehoods and infuse the energy of their own infinite truth into the life they are living. What if .. what if .. that is exactly what your mission, your purpose, for being here is?

For more information on the books and work of Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:

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The Gift of Separation .. Ten Fold

Art by L. Zimmerman
A piece based upon what she was shown when she was 'on the other side."

God gives you this illusion, this place in time, this place you call 'reality,' as a stepping stone for your soul's understanding.

The key component here, in this illusion, is the belief that there is such a thing as separation. The truth is that there is no such thing. The lives we manifest are tools for creating the un-real.

Living the belief of separation allows souls to work their way through every aspect of who they are. Emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc.; the belief in separation, as well as the fact that it appears very, very real here in this place and time, is the primary drive for souls to understand what the lack of separation really means.

Divine Union with all that is will be enhanced by your soul, ten fold, by the time you complete the lessons you are giving yourself, here in this lifetime. Divine Union allows only Divine Harmony with All. Separation allows only dis-harmony.

What better way to understand True Divine Harmony than to understand what it is not? What better way for the soul to learn, to enhance its ability to be in Divine Harmony with all that is, than to live the opposite? All things within existence must be learned and understood, including that which is 'un-real.' We, as souls, create the un-real in order to better understand the Real.

You are your past. You are your future. You are the question. You are the answer. You are the final result of what you are choosing to learn by manifesting this lifetime. Knowing this, understanding this, gives you yet another key to truth of who you are. You need not seek that which you already have.

To view more of Lauren Zimmerman's work and books, please feel free to visit:

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Friday, January 9, 2015

The Reason for 'Non-Existence' .. perhaps .. said tongue in cheek

There is a primary thought that hovers in my mind, dominates my reality, overshadows every thought, word, and action. Some have told me to 'get over it.' Some have urged me to figure it out and then let it go. And there's been a few other suggestions that probably shouldn't be mentioned in mixed company. (chuckle) But I could not listen to any suggestions, or change my obsessive quest, if we want to call it that. The answer to what plagued me had the potential to change my life, and possibly the lives of others. To let it go would be a betrayal of my soul. Or at least that's how I've thought of it.

Since we're talking about something based upon a 1974 event, we can safely say that it's been a long quest. Here, in 2015, The Presence of God now quietly shows up to speak of it, and the relief flows through me like healing of the highest order.

Those who have followed my work have heard me speak of this before. Bear with me as I speak of it again, but from the point of view spoken of by God.

It has been next to impossible to describe the time I spent on 'the other side,' which has led me to speak of it very little, at least in any depth. For the purpose of this missive, and for those who are new to my attempt to explain the reality of 'dying,' I'll try again. What has had me 'stuck' all of these years is the fact that, in less than a nano-second, this 3-D Earth and its reality did not exist. I stepped directly into the energy and presence of God when I 'died.' My question, my obsession, has been ... if this 3-D reality did not exist when I was in the Presence of God, why does it exist now? Or does it? What is this 'reality' we are living? And where is it? Where is it located if it could not be found while I was with God?

It's funny, now that I'm typing this, that a realization comes to me. It never, not even for a second, occurred to me to think that the reality of the Presence did not exist and 3-D did. No matter how solid, how 'real,' how much pain it inflicted to assert itself, 3-D could not convince me that it was 'real.' The moments spent with God could be cemented over with two million years of life on Earth and life on Earth could still never do anything to make itself more 'real' than the Presence. I can't state that strongly enough. And I feel my words are inadequate. It seems imperative for my infinite soul to impart the truth that 'dying' is not real.

Now back to the visitation by God, here in 2015.

The night was not quiet, as I had hoped it would be. I had to deliberately decide not to be irritated by people who thought that 3am was a good party time and force myself to stay calm within my own space. I had set out to use the night as an opportunity to connect with God and people were not going to stand in my way. As I felt the energy around and within me begin to shift into the very-familiar energy of Divine Union, I was thrilled to have succeeded in setting aside the 3-D 'stuff.' I was even more thrilled when I realized that the Presence of God was going to speak to me about the question I had carried with me since 1974.

His voice was immediate in the room. "It was not that the 3-D world of Earth did not exist, daughter. It was that you did not exist within it. Your energy, your focus, your spirit, your soul, was entirely removed. All things exist. Yes. But they do not exist in all realms and dimensions. In other words, 8th dimension exists but, due to its vibrational frequency, it does not exist within the parameters of 3rd dimension. The dimensional frequency where we met and spent time in 1974 did not allow for the reality of 3rd dimensional energy to exist in the same space."

Slightly miffed at the delay of the conversation (a delay of over 40 years), I replied. "We both know that I'm aware of the information you just gave me. I've worked that out during my many years of trying to figure out exactly what happened on that day of 'dying.' I suspect that You didn't make this great effort to reach me just to tell me what I already know."

I could feel the smile behind the words. "You're correct. I did not. I came to give you the energy of your own infinity. You are omnipresent. As infinite souls who are in Divine Union with the energy of God, all people are. However, the various realities throughout time and space cause a necessary shift in focus. A narrowing, if you will. To reside in any particular dimensional reality, in order to explore all of existence, which, after all, is what this is all about, one must narrow one's attention and focus on the minutiae of the moment."

He went on. "As aware as I was of your constant questioning, it served you best to allow you to work through the energy of your life in order to gain the various perspectives that you needed. To put it another way, you reached the ultimate goal of your existence when you joined my energy in 1974. I sent you back to the starting line, to begin the journey again, with the absolute knowing of the end result. The end result was the proverbial carrot on a stick to drive you forward into your own Knowingness."

"All infinite souls know all things," I offered.

"Indeed. But, as you are aware, various energy frequencies are capable of drowning out all others. Precisely why, during your experience of 'dying,' 3-D did not exist. Likewise, for so many people who reside momentarily in the 3-D vibrational reality, the Presence of God energy does not exist. Which leads to the belief that they are separate from God. Nothing and no one, as you know, is separate from God."

"Of course," I replied. If 1974 had taught me nothing else, it had taught me that.

I thought in silence for a brief moment. With a sudden, surprising tear appearing on my cheek, I said, "The moment when I stepped into your Presence, when everything else ceased to exist, is the moment above all others that I will cherish throughout my infinity. My time with you was Real. Everything else seems like an illusion. I think everything else has the taint of a lie upon it because nothing, in any way, comes close to matching the energy of what we shared."

"That is precisely why you had the experience," He said softly. I felt the gentle breath of his love on my soul. "It was meant that you come to know the Real. That you spend your time looking for the Real within the energy of the un-real. Knowing the energy of the Real as well as you do, you now infuse that energy into the energy of the life you lead. All energy impacts all energy. Do you see?"

I do. I see. I understand. Which is why I write. This blog. These books. Every effort and every word. My quest to infuse the energy of the Real into the lives of those who listen. My hope ... to help you remember.

For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's work, please feel free to visit:

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Leave the Boots At the Door

(Artist unknown)

Leave the Boots At the Door

You have worn the boots for a year. Chances are .. you walked through tears, you walked through pain. You walked through doubt, you walked through fear. You walked through memories. You walked through love. You walked through loneliness.

You walked through your days. You walked through your moments.

You lifted your head off the pillow every day, whether you thought you could or not. Every morning you slipped on the boots that would carry you through your day. You did your best to keep a positive thought. You dried your tears, lifted your head, prayed for better days, and promised yourself that things would get better. That you, yourself, would do better.

You forgave the yesterdays that seemed to have put you where you didn't really want to be. You looked to the tomorrows with hope. You cherished the moments of laughter, placing them gently into your heart's memories. You leaned on those memories when times were hard. You drank in the moments of love, the quiet touches that soothed your soul.

You slipped the boots off at the end of each day, knowing that you would have to put them on again tomorrow.

This is not just a new tomorrow that we see now. This is a new opportunity. This is a new hope. This is a new prayer that may well be answered.

Leave your boots at the door. The mud belongs to yesterday. The heaviness belongs to yesterday. Begin your new year by stepping through the door with bare feet and hope. Let yourself dance with the freedom of letting it all go. Let your feet be free. Let your heart be free. Let your soul be free.

From LZ: It is rare that I allow visions and messages and predictions about 'new year energy' to come into my energy field. However, this year I was 'over-ruled' by the power and intensity of what apparently needed to be said. Consistently filled with hope by countless visions and messages, this last month or so has been interesting, to say the least. I am shown the possibilities of people letting go of their old realities and embracing the new, in ways that I've never seen before. I've been shown people healing so much that has burdened them. I am seeing hearts open, souls fly, joy taking the reins.

I am seeing people infusing Truth into their lives in ways that are totally refreshing. People letting go of that which does not serve their joy, their truth, their hearts, their souls. People changing jobs, locations, and even 'missions' and purpose.

The resounding and relentless message is .. Let it go. Let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of the belief that things cannot change. Let go of that which does not serve your joy. Let go of the burden that tells you there is not a better tomorrow.

From what I am shown, the tomorrows of 2015 hold more potential for change, hope, joy, and miracles than I might ever have imagined. I know I'm going out on a limb with this 'prediction' but that's what I'm asked to do. Perhaps it is only for the purpose of laying the energy of hope upon the hearts of those who are weary .. or frightened .. or ready to throw in the towel. I don't know. But I DO know .. this was asked of me and as I type this I feel the energy of hope dancing it's way around this Earth.

I pray we all take the boots off. Leave them by the door of 2014. And dance with bare feet and joy.

For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's books & other works, please visit:

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Heart's True Mission

My journey through time and space, during this lifetime, has been filled with things beyond what my 'imagination' might be capable of coming up with. That being said, the space of infinity often appears to be the same 'size' as the space taken up by an atom. I allow myself to live without limits. I allow my reality to breathe in and out, expanding to include infinity, or reducing my reality to a single atom. I'm saying this because it may take a slight adjustment in your thinking to follow the path laid out for me today. And I speak of this path because my thoughts could not help but travel to the many healers, the many who have sacrificed, the many who weep alone behind closed doors.

I found myself in a hallway. Or what I thought was a hallway. Darkened, with a floor of dirt the color of mahogany. The switch from one reality to another had been sudden and I stood for a moment, disoriented. I began to feel the residue of dried clay upon my skin. Brushing away what small bits were on me, I felt as though eyes were upon me. Looking up from my scrutiny of my dusty shoulder, I turned to my left. What I had thought was a wall was not. Blinking, I tried to take in the sight. Dozens upon dozens of people, baked into clay, encased in such a way that only their eyes moved. As I looked at each one, most of them turned away, unwilling to meet my eyes. With only eyes to be seen, I wasn't sure if I knew them or not. I felt the air move and sensed that there was a person who was free just a little further down the hallway. I walked toward him, a smile on my face as I recognized him.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. Unnerved by the sight of the encased people, I avoided looking in that direction again.

"This isn't a hallway," he told me. "This is your heart's main artery."

Shocked, I simply stared at him in confusion.

He waved his hand in the direction of the clay wall. "This wall is actually made up of people's indifference. Some .. many .. are those who dismissed you or thought you irrelevant. Your goal was love. The goal of all souls, if the truth be told, is only love, And I can tell you this ... if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely." He noticed, of course, my stare of disbelief as I tried to absorb the enormity of what he was suggesting. "It's true," he insisted. "The human heart was meant to carry the frequency of Universal Love into this dimension, into this reality. The fact that there is an inordinate amount of indifference in the human reality causes the innate desire of the heart to change its energy. It is meant to beat only with the knowing and vibration of love. Living with, and having to adjust to, or accept, indifference causes it to take on an unnatural pain and manifest it as a 'disease.'

I could not stop the images of a dozen people I knew who wanted only to love but who had learned the word 'indifference.' A dozen images. Two dozen images. One hundred. And soon there were too many to count.

The experience went on to include a journey to the edge of infinity, with many stops along the way as I learned from Masters in every dimension. My own experiences taught me as I traveled. I wept with other aspects of myself in other worlds. This Earth-experience .. for all of us .. reverberates through all time and space. In communion with God I faced the energy of indifference and allowed my heart to be healed.

I thought of writing more here on this blog. But everything within me tells me to keep it simple. Every person reading this knows the rest of the story, somewhere in their heart. And every person knows the possibility of hope that lives in the wisdom of the hallway, the gateway to the heart. I will just repeat what was said ...... "....if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely."

To read more of Lauren Zimmerman's work, please visit

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Second Chances

The two stood in the light of God. The lifetime was over and now they were home.

Sarah's spirit let out a long sigh of weariness and relief. It had been a very long road. Giving Gabriel a brief smile, she touched him lightly and turned her attention back to The Presence, anxious to hear the understandings that would be coming.

With a touch so subtle that it couldn't really be called a touch, God urged them forward, into the deeper vibration of light. Arriving where they were urged to go, Sarah caught her breath and reached out to take Gabriel's hand. His grip was strong, urgent, clinging to her in a way that told her that he would never again let go.

Before them the life they'd lived was laid out in living color. In a row of color below this was laid out the life they had been meant to live.

Sarah's eyes welled with tears and she felt her heart breaking once again, just as it had when she had awakened from the dream that had shown her the life that had been meant to be. Though she could not see the eyes of God, she could feel them. Her appeal went out to existence. Why?

The Voice was gentle, caring, but stern. "You both allowed yourself to believe that love could not be yours. You allowed your experiences, the experiences you yourself chose, to guide you away from that which you knew was true."

The Voice paused and Sarah shivered as the truth penetrated her Being. Gabriel's hand was telegraphing his emotions as he absorbed the truth as well. Her eyes went to the picture of when they would have met. She found herself unable to look away.

"Nothing is ever lost forever," the Voice said quietly.

"But what it could have been," Sarah whispered, heartbroken. "What it should have been."

"You must look at what you learned," the Voice advised.

Gabriel spoke. Sarah's heart leapt in response. "I understand." His voice was thick with unshed tears. "I know the moment when I lost her to me." His eyes met Sarah's and she felt her heart break all over again. "I thought he hated me. I thought she hated me. I thought both of my parents hated me. They certainly treated me like they did. When I thought that, I began to hate myself. After all, if your parents hate you, how can you think you're worthy of love?"

Sarah's head dropped, remembering the stories Gabriel had told her about his childhood. The pain of wanting to love him until his pain was gone overwhelmed her in a way nothing else ever had.

The air went silent and Sarah realized they both were waiting for her to speak. Her voice shaking just slightly, she spoke what had been in her heart all of her years. "I thought I was unworthy of love when I put myself on that planet. I knew how painful it could be. I knew the level of suffering and hate. And I knew that it had the potential to change me." She gave a sigh as deep as life itself. "And I allowed it to do just that."

A force of energy so powerful it had the ability to move existence itself suddenly flashed into the space where they stood. A rush of hope so intense that Sarah's heart almost leapt from her chest. She looked up into the light of God, barely breathing, waiting to be told what this meant.

"There is another layer of hope," the Voice said. "I am filling you with the energy of who you were before you allowed yourself to become what you are not. You are love. Love is all that you are. To have allowed yourself to become something other than love, you lost love. You lost yourselves. You lost the reality of love that you were meant to live."

The Voice paused, allowing them to absorb the words they were hearing. Sarah barely breathed, her hope trembling through her like new life.

"You're being given a second chance. A chance to find the strength to be the love that you are, despite the exterior expressions of hate and suffering that exist in that part of existence. That part of existence thrives because it is the best avenue of learning souls can create as a test for themselves. It is the best learning tool of un-truth that can be imagined. And thus it lives. If you choose to become stronger than the tool of un-truth, you will thrive. Are you able to live your truth, the love that you are, in a world that gives you every opportunity to do the opposite?'

Sarah felt the tug of Gabriel's gaze and turned to him. The smile on his face was the light of God itself. For the first time in many, many years she allowed hope to refill her lagging energy. She nodded at him. Yes. They could, they would, do this.

The speed of Light took them back. Took them back to where it had all begun. The second chance began as the roar of a semi-truck passing by filled the room.

For information on the books by the author, please visit:

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Opting Out

In other words:

If you see me in the garden and I'm wearing a man's flannel shirt, a size or two too large, and it's flapping in the wind; and I'm not decorated with make-up and heels but instead am wearing my own skin and sloppy yellow rain boots, walk on by if it concerns you.

If you pass me in the early morning, walking on a dawn-touched beach, and I haven't yet brushed my hair, and that concerns you, walk on by.

If you expect me to decorate my face and body in order to please you, and I don't, and that concerns you, keep on walking and find someone who will.

If your caring about me depends on the ways of this world, and I am not in compliance, and that concerns you, find someone who will comply.

If the fact that I give my time on this Earth to my own soul's path, and not to yours, and that concerns you, find someone else who will play the role you need them to play.

I am here by request of God. You are here by request of God. If I know this about myself, and you don't know this about yourself, it is not my place to set aside my path with God in order to show you your path with God.

I will treat you as God would treat you. If you cannot offer me the same, that concerns me. Walk on by.

And for the companies interested in convincing females that they should spend money with items that subliminally promote low self-esteem, physical-appearance-competitions, and false and biased self-worth fictions, I opt out. It is not necessary for me to spend one hundred dollars on cosmetics and one thousand dollars on clothes to fit your description of what I should look like. I am me. God likes me this way and so do I. Your opinion, which does nothing but generate false opinions, so that you can pillage people's finances in order to continue your campaigns that make people question their own self-worth, does not interest me. Walk away. And PS ... don't call me either.

For females who want something to think about, when it comes to personal freedom: think about how many men you know who can't go to the store without putting on make-up or who have to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how people will perceive them when they go outside without designer clothes on. How many men are judged by the size of their chests or the size of their jeans? Maybe the path to personal freedom has a component of equality in more ways than society wants us to really think about.

Author's Note:

Why did I write this? Perhaps I've gone too far with my criticism of the lies that attempt to enslave Humankind. The constant barrage of ads, from every direction imaginable, make it impossible to accomplish the simplest task without running a raggedy line of defense trying to avoid the assault. Trying to simply check email or the weather is enough to have you grinding your teeth with unexpressed exasperation. I can't stop the conversation in my head that is asking all of these money-seekers if they think that annoying me to death will cause me to want to give them money for their mostly-unnecessary products.

For most of my years I have attempted to help people remember who they are, as infinite and powerful beings who have chosen this temporary and often-imprisoning Earth-reality. This little bit of writing is yet another attempt to insert some very logical, soul-compatible thoughts into the mind control grid that tells us how we should be and who we should be. This lifetime is temporary .. very temporary. To allow the 'rules,' judgments, peer pressures, fears, etc. to dictate our daily lives is to deny our own infinite truths. I am a huge fan of people taking back their power, staying 'no' to the illusions and lies, and living a life that allows them the freedom to be themselves.

It's funny. The term that pops into my thoughts is: "Just say no." We have the power to change Human reality by simply saying 'no.' We have the choice to opt out of the world that tells us who we should be .. and the power to build the world we choose. It may be that people tend to forget that WE are the majority and that without us, the 'machine' will not continue to run.

And on an even greater note; we have the choice to begin understanding that every person is an infinite soul and a direct connection to the Infinite Presence of God. By choosing to infuse this truth into our personal relationships, we are playing a pivotal role in changing the reality of the human race. There is no longer a need (or excuse) for abusing each other in any way. Think about it. Could you steal from, smack in the face, or otherwise injure an expression of God if that expression appeared suddenly before you? Could you judge the appearance of that expression? If it showed up in tattered clothes, barefoot and dirty from living on the streets, but you knew it was God, would you judge it? The frivolous things that humans decide are important enough to cause judgment of another are, in the bigger picture, insignificant to a degree that is so small it can't be measured. For me, the answer to the path to freedom is to focus my time and attention on the path of being as one with God and my own soul's infinity and reason for being on this planet. I opt out of giving my time, energy, and attention to the illusions and choose to live what is important in the greater scheme of existence.

We are all expressions of God. By acting like it, we can change Earth's reality. And how cool would that be? (smile)

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Healing the Lie of Separation: The Role of Twin Flames In the Here and Now

Credit for artwork: "adrenachromedreams" on

The 'description,' the understanding of Twin Flames is fairly common but, briefly put, in order to have the reader fully 'get' this blog, I'll explain it as it was explained to me while I was on 'the other side.'

The original creation of a soul was One. That One split itself into two 'components,' male and female, in order to fully explore existence from both points of view (male and female perceptions). The end result, when exploration is complete, or when existence calls for the Twin Flame Oneness, is that the soul will reunite itself into one. All things being energy, the Oneness will be an energetic union, despite how the two halves are presenting themselves at the moment. In other words, if they are currently in two different dimensional frequencies, or two different physical bodies, or whatever other scenario they may be in.

I'm going to refer back to the physical ET encounter of January 2013. At that time, and since, the united energy of Twin Flames has been a priority for these Beings. (In case I haven't mentioned it 'out loud,' these Beings exist in the energy of the Ursa Major Constellation.) Their interactions with me have centered on this topic. In asking why, I was informed that Earth and the current Universal Shift have a need for the unified energy of Twin Flames. Briefly explained ... two united are far more powerful than one standing alone.

Now we step into May 1st and the news that a 'new' society of ETs would be entering Earth's energy field. It was clear to me that the Beings of Ursa Major were 'ushering in' the 'new' ETs, providing an energetic portal for them. Watching and waiting to see who the visitors might be, I found myself surprised by a holographic appearance of one of them on May 1st. He was of the Antarian race, which is the name I've been given for the Beings who look vaguely like a praying mantis. (They don't, actually, but the resemblance is enough for the human brain to interpret them as such.)

Now when we add the configuration of Ursa Major, the 'puzzle' becomes even more fascinating. (For me the image of a praying mantis is crystal clear.)

The 'goings on' became more fascinating during a visitation in the night. A single Antarian graced the room with his presence. He was accompanied, in energetic-form, by several Ursa Major Beings.

I'll paraphrase the conversation.

The experience of being in human form has the huge potential of bringing with it the belief that one is separate. Separate from God, from soul, from 'home,' and from others. With that can come an incredibly deep belief that one is unlovable. The love that exists outside the 'borders' of Earth is so incredible, so all-inclusive and all-encompassing, that there are simply no words to describe it. Stepping from that love into this Earth-incarnation of judgment, abuse, suffering, etc. can embed some of the deepest lies imaginable.

Twin Flames are two halves of a whole, therefore it is impossible for the two halves to not know love for one another. This is the energy that is asked for at this time of Earth's energetic evolution. What this means is, despite all appearances, circumstances, expectations, differences, etc., Twin Flames are asked to BE the energy of their Original Oneness.

Our human expectations and understandings may urge us to believe that things have to be a certain way in order for us to energetically unite with the eternal love we have for the other half of our soul. When we meet in person, we 'expect' that a relationship will flourish and become an expression of the greatest love and bond imaginable. Sometimes that is true. Sometimes it is not. But if we focus upon the goal, the energetic need for the original energetic bond between two halves of a soul, we understand that, no matter how things appear in the physical realm, our united energy is healing back into oneness.

The reason this is vital, the reason Twin Flames are being asked to contribute to the spiritual evolution of Earth in such a way, is that Oneness is the universal goal that will contribute to the raising of Earth's vibration. When we understand that the biggest lie on Earth is the belief in separation, and that the belief in separation is responsible for the majority of Humanity's 'acting out,' we can see how vital it is to heal the belief in separation. Because Twin Flames are never really separate, because they are always One, it becomes clear that energetically aligning back into oneness is key in the healing process.

Believing that we were ever separate from the other half of our own soul is an excellent place to begin healing the belief that we are separate and that we are not loved. This, my friends, is the task that the ETs I've mentioned are here to assist with. They are here to assist Earth with a vibrational shift into a higher frequency. We are here to do the same.

Lauren Zimmerman

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Friday, April 19, 2013

What Part Are We Playing?

The mind-control grid sat before me like an unimaginable horror. Overcome with dread and revulsion, I struggled to turn away, hoping that there was such a thing as instant forgetting. But the Being with me would not allow and I found myself staring at possibly the most appalling thing I'd ever seen.

We know that all things are energy and that for tangible reality to exist there must be a grid of sorts to contain it. Even knowing this, and having sensed for many years that reality on Earth was being controlled by something I didn't understand, nothing could have prepared me for my present experience. The grid of energy before me was massive. Equal to the size of a galaxy, or possibly even larger. There was no way to gauge. Massive pillars of what I can only call 'control' lay criss-crossed and tumbled, seemingly random as they laid upon each other with what was obviously a crushing weight. I glanced at my momentary custodian, determining if he thought I had had enough of the appalling vision. But apparently not. With some type of movement that I couldn't see, he picked me up and placed me inside the massive workings of evil.

Revulsion rolled in my stomach like poison as I heard the innocence of Humanity quietly chatting among themselves and, in the background, heard the derisive comments offered by the unseen controllers of this incredible grid of deception. Before my stomach could physically rebel, I found myself lifted back out of the horror, standing once again on the exterior surface of nothingness that appeared to be similar to an ivory-colored Styrofoam.

I turned to my companion, who had dubbed himself 'Simon' due to the fact that his name was unpronounceable. "Why are you revealing this to me when it would seem obvious that I can do nothing about it?" I demanded, my upset overtaking my manners.

"Why do you assume you can do nothing about it," he asked calmly.

I glanced back at the structure so massive that it could engulf an entire galaxy. Knowing there is a reason for everything, I made up mind in that moment to understand.

When we come to fully understand that there is no separation, that we are all atoms of existence, invisibly connected to all that is, we become ready to take the next step in understanding. If we are all one, we are all participating in all that is. If we are participating in all, we are participating in that which imprisons us as well. What more appropriate time than now to expand our minds to accept a greater degree of understanding? What more appropriate time than now to accept a level of self-responsibility that very well could lead to equality and freedom?

This is just a very brief look into the recent 'universal wanderings' of my soul. I plan to offer much more but am so overwhelmed by the need to offer this small piece today that I take the chance of raising the reader's impatience with me. Please understand that the experiences alone consume me 24/7 and that, as time permits, I will bring you more. I feel more called to share and assist Humanity than I do to breathe, most days. And I thank you for your patience and for blessing my Journey by listening.

Lauren Zimmerman

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Monday, December 10, 2012

The Truth & Lies of Love

The scene was one I'd been in a thousand times before. The huge expanse of windows above the control panel gave a 190 degree vision of the Universe beyond. Only the dimmest of reflections came back at us, due to the low interior lighting.

The two tall-backed, black chairs sat directly in the middle of the control panel. As I silently approached from behind the chairs, my eyes caught his in the reflection of the glass. The human side of me felt tears slide down my cheeks. How does one explain the emotions of seeing a loved one who lives in such a different realm than oneself, knowing that the meeting will soon be over .. again. But I had been in a fragile mood anyway, feeling the heightening of energy around Planet Earth, knowing the changes that were coming for the people.

The air of the gigantic craft felt different than ever before. Though it held 100,000 beings, it felt so silent that I imagined we were alone. No sound, no nuance, no sign of life other than the two of us.

"Commander," I murmured quietly, taking my usual seat next to him.

"Dear One," he murmured back, with nothing more than a slight nod of his head.

I felt his mood engulf me as though we were becoming one. The solemnity of the moment felt like none other that I'd experienced with him before. "I've been feeling you constantly," I advised him quietly. "The distance between us feels less, and yet the distance between us feels more. I came to ask you why, if you can tell me?"

He turned away from me, would not meet my eyes, but spoke. Words that shook the very soul of me. I had not expected anything like this when I had made up my mind to talk with him. I stared at his slender back, tears streaming, until I realized that he was looking at me in the glass. Our reflections stared at each other, my tears falling like drops of liquid diamonds, reflected a dozen times by the curvature of the glass.

"I do not understand," I whispered to his glassed image.

"You will when you come back home," he said quietly.

We both stared silently ahead, not speaking, adjusting to the new energy that now lay between us. The dim light shifted somehow and our reflections fell away, leaving us both in our solitary darkness.

He was the first to break the spell we were under. Normally adroit at changing topics, this time he stumbled slightly. He and I would both think about his prior revelation for days, perhaps years, to come. But for now, the topic would turn to one of healing for Earth, which it so often did. "You know, one of the most common wounds of the human experience, one that must be healed in order for that society to move forward, is the feeling that one is separate from love."

I nodded, fully understanding but still unable to speak.

"When one loves on that planet, the first thought, the first expectation, is that one will be loved in return. After all, each of you come from love and so it is who you are and what you expect as your reality. It can be harsh to find that the rest of the world, or even a single person, does not give love in return."

"Indeed," I murmured, knowing the issue firsthand, all too well. My thoughts leapt immediately to the recent visitation from my ex, who now resided on 'the other side' and who had come to me to apologize for withholding love. I sensed a theme in the recent string of other-world experiences and messages.

"The results of not being loved can cause damage that never gets repaired," he continued. "One constantly, even if only subconsciously, finds fault with oneself, trying to understand what he or she did to cause another person not to love. After all, if one IS love than how does one not express that? And why? Why does a person step so far away from the love that they are, simply because they live upon a physical planet?"

It was a question I'd asked myself a hundred times or more. Why does the physicality of life on Earth cause one to lose one's self so completely?

"The separation from one's Truth, the fact that they are love, their origins are love, plays a monumental role in the belief of separation. Not loving creates a lie, which causes pain, which is also a lie because it is born of a falsehood."

"Indeed," I murmured thoughtfully.

"And then more lies are generated as each person searches one's self to find out 'what's wrong' with themselves. The truth unravels into a delirium of pain and lies, for no one is unlovable and no one is unloved. But when love is withheld, the natural thing to do is look for an answer to why. And the questioning begins, the lies grow, the pain crushes, and the truth is lost underneath it all."

"You are wise," I said quietly.

He nodded just slightly, without answering, but I heard his thought. "We are all wise. It's just that some have forgotten."

"Do you have any answers for all of this?" I asked, nodding slightly at the distant Earth, drifting silently in the distance.

"The energy is changing on Earth," he advised. "The opportunity for each person to become more as one with their own truth is upon them now. I speak of this key to healing for it is, indeed, a great key. One can not build a new reality upon a foundation of old pain and misunderstanding. Many think they have healed past the wondering of why they were not loved. But it is easy to toss such pain into a corner, toss a lot of platitudes upon it, and consider it healed. As the time for transition rapidly approaches, it would be wise for people to look within themselves for these secrets that they hide even from themselves. Find the truth that you really were, and are, loved, despite the 3-D appearance of things." He finally turned to me. "I can assure every person of this. Each person is loved by all others. I say that without hesitation. Life on Earth causes people to behave in ways that are not their truth. I am here to tell them what the truth really is."

He paused and scanned the great skies for a silent moment, his dark eyes sparkling with the bottomless compassion that I'd always known him to give. "Life on Earth has been a matrix of lies for a very long time," he finally said. "Things are about to get much more real." He turned to stare into my eyes with a gaze that was eternal. "If the people want to embrace the next layer of real, they need to begin within themselves."

My infinite feelings for him wouldn't allow me to speak. I simply nodded.

And then he said the same words to me that my ex had spoken to me, from 'the other side.'

"I will see you when you get home."

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