Showing posts with label nlight press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nlight press. Show all posts
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Going Beyond
The story has remained untold, until now. Only bits and pieces will drop upon these pages for the entirety would take the time of all history to tell. And so it will be brief but with the hope that the droplets of insight and energy will assist your soul and your path upon this Earth.
The choice, in my opinion, was an easy one. They were here before me with evil on their minds and my sister was their target. Or so I was told, and so I thought, at the time. She would die. I offered them my life instead. They took me up on the deal and within minutes I found myself hearing the Voice of God urging me to leave everything behind and come into The Presence. I could say it was a spectacular experience but that would be an understatement. Let me just say that there is no adequate description.
To make light of it ... I puttered around in the 'non-world' for three days. I learned a lot. As I sit here today I wonder if I learned enough because the end result was the decision to return to Earth-life and carry on. (smile) I've wondered quite often why I made that choice. It was beyond awesome where I was. And Earth did not really exist. At least not from that perspective. And yet here is where I found myself and for the next 40 years or so I would deal with the dichotomy of the existence I shared with God and the existence I shared with humanity, even though humanity and Earth did not truly exist. At least from that perspective. Not so, from this Earth perspective. No. It was, and is, all too real.
For 40-plus years I worked at closing the gap of understanding. When I stepped into The Presence, nothing existed but the energy of God. The Presence of God. The all-consuming light. The all-consuming love. I could not see, feel, or even intuit Earth. Or the body that was laying in a hospital bed. But as the years passed I began to feel more and more that the gap was closing. I could sense a portal, if you wish to call it that. It was a doorway into what lies beyond what we perceive as 'existence.' The more I refused to let it go, the more tiny dribbles of insight were gifted to me.
There came a day, not long ago, when the doorway opened for me. The memory of having been there, and the memory of having come back through that door and having it shut behind me, came flooding back and I dissolved in tears. Not because I was sad but because I was overjoyed. My goal had been reached. And even if the door was only open enough to show me a sliver of light, it was enough to give me the impetus to keep the quest to understand alive.
Now I sit here today, drenched in the energy of understanding, and know why I returned. Returned from what is Real. Returned to what is un-real.
Ahhh, but it is real. The differentiation may be that it is not necessarily True.
What is True is the message my Infinite Soul wanted to bring back. The True that contains the enormity of what lies beyond what most can perceive or even imagine. It is so much greater than we allow our Earth-lives to imagine. The Truth that all things are possible. The Truth that there is nothing at all to fear. The Truth that there is no separation, of any kind. Which means that the energy you are, the Being you are, is a necessary 'atom' in the grander scheme of things. And the energy you are, and that you give to the all-that-is, registers everywhere. Without exception.
I returned to experience an entirely different 'reality'/life than the one that had been planned before I died. My soul orchestrated monumental challenges .. day after day after day. I passed through the portals of 'hell' a thousand times, using Earth-experiences. I overcame them all. Cancer, homelessness, poverty, betrayal, abuse, another 'death' or two, for good measure, I suppose. But on the heels of each, one miracle after another after another followed until miracles became the norm. (I call them miracles due to the limited language of Earth, but they are actually not. They are the norm .. in God's Reality.)
I kept saying 'yes' to God, 'yes' to every experience I was presented. My communion with my own Soul and what I wanted to learn, to understand, let me know that, through these experiences, I would be drawn closer to the understanding of the dichotomy that, literally, drives my reason for Being. The dichotomy between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be in this limited and dense experience of Earth.
I have done my best to bring the energy of The True to the density of this 3-D reality. I believe that, all things being energy, what we issue forth (as energy) touches everything because energy has no boundaries. The Truth is ... we are infinite souls. As God said to me ... if you compare your Earth-time to your infinity you will find that you've just lived about 15 minutes, even if you live on Earth 100 years. When we change our perspective(s), we change our lives. Each soul, without exception, has a goal, a reason for creating this Earth-experience. In my experience, viewing my life through the eyes of my infinity, my soul, enhances (to a great degree) what we can accomplish on behalf of our soul. Enhances what we get out of this experience and the time we spend here. There will come a time when each of us steps back through that doorway. But in the meantime, maybe we can bring some of what lies beyond it into this moment, into this experience. Perhaps .. just perhaps .. this is how we will heal this Earth and those who live here.
***** *****
Thursday, April 12, 2018
All Things Possible
If memory serves me right, I was in my early twenties when I wrote this quote, which still remains one of my favorites.
"All the possibilities lie before me, like fallen leaves on Autumn grass."
It is only now, so many years later, that the thought occurs to me that I was setting my Earth-Path in motion. It seems that 'possibilities' have been the mainstay of pretty much every day of my life. Had I known (if this is actually true), I probably would not have written the quote ... or loved it so much. (smile) To a large degree, my 'mission' seems to be about showing the extent of what is possible to those who care to listen.
Now, on to the reason I am writing this blog. I know it's been a long (long) time since I've written. A lot has taken place since last I appeared here on the blog. What has me here now is a series of other-world events, if we choose to call it that. Higher dimensional stuff. Life-changing. Soul-awakening.
April 1st was the 44th anniversary of my life-after-death experience. I've always felt the date was significant, as the years passed, and, quite honestly, have been a bit surprised as the anniversaries have slid by without something major taking place. This year was the exception. April 1st took me back to the energy of passing over to 'the other side' and stepping into The Presence of God. The energy of The Presence took me over, as it had so many years ago, and my sense of Divine Peace was restored in a way I didn't realize was possible.
In 1974 I was 'gone' for three days. In this present year, I felt as though I was 'gone' for three days, and yet I was not. But April 4th dawned and as I felt my way back into the state of being awake it became obvious that something had changed. There have been quite a few 'walk-in' experiences through the years. Other higher-dimensional aspects of my Infinite Soul filtering in slowly or simply slamming in without even a head's up. The 'soul exchange' (we'll call it that) this time seemed to be much more evident than all of the others.
As the days have passed, the sense of being quite different has grown. Normally the 'new' energies have been something I quickly adapted to and so this experience was going differently than the others. Now, here on the 12th, it was a night like no other, leading into a waking acknowledgement that things are still changing.
One of the very first things I learned in 1975 had to do with all things being energy. With the understandings that followed, I have thought of myself as cells separated by space. This morning that thought was key in my quest to find out what was going on. I could see myself as cells separated by space but the cells seemed to have given my 'life' over to the space. (if that makes sense?) I felt like space. But not empty space. God-space. (It would take me an entire book to explain this, I'm sure, and so hopefully you're following my thoughts.)
Now, here's where my mention of possibilities comes into play.
Stepping away from everything 3-D, I allowed Divine Silence to take over and simply went into a state of deep meditation. The first vision of my internal state of being seemed to be that the cells had, indeed, allowed space to take over. There was a feeling of the cells being separated from the space in such a way that it was immediately evident. Not sure what to make of it, I simply waited and watched. A sudden force, perhaps best described as a wind, blew through me. All of the cells were pushed out of me. I was simply space. Space. Empty. But not. God-Space.
I was not alarmed at all. It was the most natural state of Being that I could imagine. A state of Being that I had been gifted with in 1974 and had been seeking to return to ever since.
I insisted that my brain stay silent. Do not try to interpret what's going on, I advised myself.
Suddenly I was in a huge room made of gold. Golden walls. Massive double doors, arched and made of gold. I sensed someone in the room with me. Glancing to my left I knew who this was. How I knew is impossible to tell. Ganesh. I had never heard of Ganesh in this lifetime and so how did I know this? It's normal for me to hear a voice tell me to look something up and so I made a note to myself to look this up when the experience was over. Sure enough. There was a picture of this Being ... looking exactly as I'd seen in the room.
(The following link is the one that most resonated with me as I looked for information: )
I have to admit, I am always secretly thrilled when I see or hear messages/visions that give me things that I don't consciously know. Such wonderful validation. Such a door-opening for possibilities. :-)
As I assimilated the presence and information about this Being/Image/Presence, there came another stirring in the golden room. This Being I DO know. Anubis. Anubis appeared to me several years ago and suggested that Divine Guidance from his energy might be welcome in my world. It was an absolute 'yes' from me and so I've had the Blessing of this Energy for the last five years or so.
We are Infinite Souls who exist within all time and space. Existence is ours to explore and experience.
Perhaps this blog is meant only to remind you.
(An edit a few minutes later: As I pondered all of this I was reminded to add something that I left out of this blog. As the meditation began I sensed the Presence of God and heard a voice. The voice said ... "We are a bit surprised that you survived all of the devastation that has come into your life. We are here to speak to you of great change."
Love to ALL
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Friday, February 24, 2017
Now In Paperback~!~
nLight Press
is incredibly pleased to announce that
"Moments Of Mastery"
is now available in paperback!
"MOMENTS" offers the higher dimensions of wisdom, healing,
and alternatives for creating peace harmony, and health, and serves
as a conduit for those seeking positive solutions to human relationships
and issues.
The basic goal of MOMENTS is to assist those who wish to create
a new reality, a new world by offering the highest vibrational
information possible to readers.
Simple, spiritual solutions to the issues that stand between
everyday life and inner peace.
Some heartwarming reviews:
"Moments of Mastery" was one of the best books I've read in my life!!! If you are looking for "TRUTH" and more "TRUTH"... Not much more than that I can say... I have also read "Called", "Mayan Tiles" and "Sea Spoke Today"... All AMAZING reads...
More wonderful information from Lauren. Should the reader contemplate on what she says within the pages of this book, your life can take paths you never expected but works and can make your life fuller and more understandable. I have enjoyed every book this author has written.
This book is so powerful that sometimes all it can be read in is moments.
All those questions you seek All those answers you yearn for
All those lessons still waiting are here.
There is no other like it. Will be No other like it.
But that's alright, because you will have it all after moments of Mastery.
What is written isn't learned in one lifetime. Or on One planet. Or just living with One race.
But by living With Love. Love Is the Answer To All. Buy This Book, You will Love it too.
engaging, clear and Truth-ful, this book brought me HOME. Essential
reading for those on light paths and/ or those looking to be.
***** *****
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
This Craft.......
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This is not my picture .. but I've loved it since I first saw it. |
It was possibly 1992. (I'm not good with time, dates, calendars and so am not sure of the date.)
(adding a note ... after writing & publishing ...
Now that I am fully back on this planet .. I realize that I have the date completely wrong. It was about 2002. What can I say...... :-)
Excitement was in the air. I would fly to Denver where I would do book signings. CALLED was going to get it's send-off into the world. (I thought.)
For the first time in my experience of flying with someone else, my traveling companion and I were not seated together. Because this was such a huge event, and we were so excited, we were both a bit disconcerted. But I settled into my seat, alone, and put the seat belt on. Within seconds after take-off, I was not on the flight to Denver. I was somewhere else entirely.
There are no 3-D words to describe what took place or how it all happened. But then again, there are no 3-D words for most things I've experienced. And so, bear with me. I can only say this. I was not aboard the airplane. I was aboard a Craft. There was no physicality about me at all, there in the 3-D world of Earth. I was unaware of the entire flight that plane took to get to Denver. I was placed back into the plane just a minute or two before landing.
On some level of my soul's reality, I was aware of this Craft because there was no alarm at all when I found myself there. I was perfectly comfortable with greeting the Commander. Commander Wartauk was his name, which I somehow knew before he spoke it. He welcomed me aboard and began to show me around. Oh .. I should mention .. before I go too far into the story .. the Craft is as large as the United States.
Yes. That large. And it was sitting directly above the United States. Commander Wartauk showed me the perimeters of the Craft. In some fashion that I can't explain, we were able to travel from one end of the Craft to another in less than one second. I was enthralled. (Needless to say.)
We traveled down what I consider to be the central corridor. That took us from California to Florida. And then from the Canadian border on down to Mexico.
As we traveled the main corridor(s) we were passing door after door, room after room. All the while the Commander was explaining things he wanted me to know. There were 17 different ET societies that worked aboard the Craft. Their mission had everything to do with Planet Earth and not much to do with those who lived on the planet. The planet plays an essential part in the Universe and must be healthy in order to be in the role/position that it needs to be in. As well as .. an unhealthy planet impacts the entire Universe. Like a cancerous cell within a human body, the entire body becomes 'sick.' Such is the way with the Universe, if you think of it as a body. Which, in some ways, it is.
I found myself suddenly over Denver. We were standing in front of what can best be described as a podium made out of polyurethane. I'm sure that it wasn't, but the podium was clear and had a similar appearance in texture, etc. On top of the podium were maps. There were a stack of them. All clear. See-through, if you will. And so .. similar to thin-thin polyurethane sheets/film.
The Commander's shoulder gently touched mine as he leaned across me to lift the top map in order to show me the one underneath. A rush of honor swept through me. To be in this position. With this great Being. I fought back tears and looked at what he was showing me. I am still a bit unclear, even after years of thinking about this, what the maps were depicting and how to describe what he was showing me. The one most clear to me seemed to be a map of the system that feeds electricity to the city. To the region of Denver. Another seemed to be the underground sewage system. The one that I least understood, at the time, seemed to be a map of an energy-matrix, for lack of a better way to describe it. I didn't understand the matrix concept then, but I am ever so familiar with it now.
After the Commander had shown me all 12 maps he gently laid them down on the podium and .. voila' .. somehow I was above Florida. Standing in front of a podium. Looking at similar maps.
And then another city. And another.
There came a moment when I had apparently seen enough. I found myself standing, the Commander at my side, looking down at the entire Pacific Coastline. He pointed to 'openings' along the bottom of the Craft. Like skylights. But opening to the Earth below rather than the sky above. A mechanism that I could not possibly describe was issuing beams of light from the Craft to the surface of the planet. It is only now, approximately 24 years later, that I am able to identify what areas along the Coast were being 'hit' by these beams of light.
It was only months ago that I was shown the placement of what I call 'crystalline structures.' These 'crystals' are as large as a small town. They are crystalline in nature but are not exactly crystals as we know them.
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The depiction of the placement of the 'crystalline structures' is approx. ..but pretty darn close. There are more along the Coast but these are the 4 that I felt drawn to feature. |
After he was certain that I'd seen all of the 'light beams' for the Pacific .. voila' .. we were above the Atlantic Coastline of the United States. Beams of light were hitting along that Coastline as well. Whether there are 'crystalline structures' there .. I do not know. I've been working with the energy of the Pacific Region since 1975 and so am familiar only with this area. The portion of information about the north and south perimeters of the Craft were so fleeting that it couldn't have been more than a second or two. My memory is sketchy on this but .. if memory serves me right .. there was only one beam of light to the north, on the Canadian border, and one beam of light to the south, on the Mexico border. (approximately in the 'center' of the U.S.)
I have visited with Commander Wartauk many times since my first visit. This morning I was there again. I left with full-body-chills, which continued on for several minutes after I left the Craft. Along with the deeper insights I was given regarding my own purpose on this planet, the full impact of the energy of this Craft and it's purpose and influence touched every cell of my body. For the first time, Commander Wartauk asked me to share what he had given me 24 years ago. Though he didn't give his reason, the unspoken filled my entire being. I could not help but be overwhelmed.
In my 40+ years of interacting with other-dimensional Beings I can say that everything I have been given ends up having great significance. There has always .. always .. been huge significance and Truth. It may not always have been immediately known or understood. But as time passed, the reason was always revealed.
Such is the case with today's request to speak of this experience now, after my years of non-sharing.
Commander Wartauk and this Craft are part of another massive energetic effort that I have been witnessing with the Pacific Ocean. Everything is inter-connected and everyone is working together. I believe, with all that I am, that the energy of those who remain mostly unseen but who are here to save this planet, will impact in ways we cannot imagine. I also believe that the impact is why I was asked to share this story.
As you can see, the efforts of 'others' who are here to assist this planet have been on-going for years. What happened many years ago was preparation for what is happening now. What is happening now is preparation for what is to come.
There is so much more...... But, as always, it would take me a book .. or two or three .. or forty .. to tell all that I am witnessing. Your intuition and Knowing may be touched by this story. If so .. I've done my job. (smile)
++++ I'm going to add a personal note .... what I've not mentioned before, to those who follow my work ...... When I'm interacting with the higher dimensions, and when I'm writing, I don't eat, drink, sleep, or (really) function on this Earth-plane. That said, you'll see typos and mistakes quite often, I imagine. I do my best to bridge the gap and get things right .. but where I am when I'm 'out there' .. well .. there is no time or calendar .. and using 3-D fingers to type .. well .. you can probably imagine. (chuckle) Love to ALL and thank you so much to those who believe in my work and who put up with my idiosyncrasies.
For more information on the work of Lauren Zimmerman, and her books, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
The Midnight Hour
As a rule, nowadays, I am viewed as a spiritualist, if we might call it that. Even I, at times, forget that I am an artist first. An author. A person who finds joy in giving words the power to paint a picture. Hopefully a picture that stirs the depths of the reader's soul.
I have found that, when the painter of words within me is silent, busy with the days, it will finally rise at midnight, spewing words into the room too fast for me to catch and place on paper. On this night I caught them. Laid them carefully together in a row. Allowing them the freedom to paint their story. I give them now to those who enjoy .. 'just words' upon paper.
There came a midnight moment. Your soul, standing in the shadows, wakes me. Your presence brings the question back to me. The one I've asked myself so many times. Abandoned when no answer came.
Do the ones who cause harm lay awake in stagnant pools of memories? Or is it only the wounded ones who keep the night awake?
I refuse to ask the question of your soul again. I stare at you. Waiting. Will you speak?
As your silence fills the room I understand that it is your silence I must hear. I begin to hear your dread. Your soul replays the harm it's done. It drips with pain, filling the room with ancient tears.
It is then that I realize that we are separate. Perhaps we always were, though we often spoke of being one. I have moved away. Behind me is the ocean of tears. The bloody ribbons of memories and tangled words lay on the shore of what was.
The presence of your soul stirs mine and I begin to breathe again. Perhaps for the first time, really, since you chose to give me your sword instead of your truth. I am free. Wings made of light touch me. Lift me. I realize they are my own.
Floating in my soul's own light, I watch your silence as though it is tangible. Oh, wait. It is. You are gripped by the iron-strong steel of your own resolution.
I understand now. Your presence. Your soul. It has come to me to find it's freedom.
I cannot give you freedom. I can only tell you that it's already yours.
For more about LZ and her books, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Thursday, October 22, 2015
It Was 1998 When the Message Came In.........
(This artwork is the actual cover design for the entire book that I had (have?) planned for the topic that I cover in this blog.)
It was November of 1998. I remember being wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, as the winter night was cold indeed. I felt the air in the midnight room stir, as I always do when The Presence of God sends a wave of energy to announce an incoming message. I eagerly await these messages. They represent the truth of my life and Being in a way nothing else does. This night was no exception and I lifted myself slightly, ready to reach for the paper and pen that's always next to me. As it turned out, the paper and pen were unnecessary because the message was so monumental that it changed me. You don't forget things that change you.
I will paraphrase what I was told for the message was long but the essence was short and to the point.
The years between 2000 and 3000, on this Earth, will be a time of every person coming to understand their connection to God, The Creator of All, the energy that created and sustains existence. The Divine Union between oneself and God will be understood as the only essential reality. All else is secondary. The end result will be that the consensual reality that takes place on this planet will alter in a way that is almost beyond belief, if we compare it to the reality that has played out here for thousands of years.
The bottom line is that each person is an infinite soul who is an atom of God, should we care to think of it that way. To understand that .. and live that .. to the utmost degree is the goal. When every person within a society lives the reality of Divine Union, the sabotage of each other and self will stop.
One of the main reasons I wanted to write about this today is that the obvious has become even more obvious. I have always maintained that there is a very distinct reason for everything. Everything. When we accept that, we allow ourselves to change our perspective and eliminate our judgment. Whatever you have experienced is an essential part of your path to understanding Divine Union. Your soul has created every experience and every internal reaction you need in order to reach the ultimate goal of understanding that you are an aspect of God.
As a fully-realized aspect of God, every action you take and every thought you have will be from that point of view. Your perspective and your 'Beingness' will change. With that comes what I am perceiving as .. 'the inevitable.' You will begin to walk on this Earth in a different way.
From my personal assessment of my own experiences, I cannot say that I fully understand why some of the most excruciating pain was necessary. But I no longer need to understand. There is a Divine Clarity surrounding every day that I've lived. I clearly see that, despite what my earthly interpretation of my life might be, every second of every day was meant to bring me to Divine Clarity of my personal Divine Union with God. Immersing myself fully into this Truth has brought a sense of peace and Divine Acceptance that allows me the gift of even more fully immersing myself into Divine Union. There is a meshing, a coming together, a merging. That cannot take place if we, ourselves, are blocking the union with our own questioning of the Path laid out for us to get there.
Divine Union does not mean that now you will 'see' every second of your future and what comes next. It does not mean that everything is immediately 'fixed.' It means, instead, that you have an infinite peace in the Divine Knowing that you are As One with God. You always have been. You always will be. And now the messy, gritty, painful .. temporary .. 3-D experience cannot distract you from that Truth.
I've always put off writing about this message from 1998. I had hoped to write an entire book, for the revelations along the way of my own Path have given me insight after insight after insight. Sharing them, I feel, might help ease the way for others. But .. today the call to address this was far, far too loud to be ignored. As with all of my blogs, there is an entire book behind the few words placed here. It is my hope that your heart receives the entire book just by reading these few words.
Love to ALL, from Lauren Zimmerman
To connect with other work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit:
(This artwork is the actual cover design for the entire book that I had (have?) planned for the topic that I cover in this blog.)
It was November of 1998. I remember being wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, as the winter night was cold indeed. I felt the air in the midnight room stir, as I always do when The Presence of God sends a wave of energy to announce an incoming message. I eagerly await these messages. They represent the truth of my life and Being in a way nothing else does. This night was no exception and I lifted myself slightly, ready to reach for the paper and pen that's always next to me. As it turned out, the paper and pen were unnecessary because the message was so monumental that it changed me. You don't forget things that change you.
I will paraphrase what I was told for the message was long but the essence was short and to the point.
The years between 2000 and 3000, on this Earth, will be a time of every person coming to understand their connection to God, The Creator of All, the energy that created and sustains existence. The Divine Union between oneself and God will be understood as the only essential reality. All else is secondary. The end result will be that the consensual reality that takes place on this planet will alter in a way that is almost beyond belief, if we compare it to the reality that has played out here for thousands of years.
The bottom line is that each person is an infinite soul who is an atom of God, should we care to think of it that way. To understand that .. and live that .. to the utmost degree is the goal. When every person within a society lives the reality of Divine Union, the sabotage of each other and self will stop.
One of the main reasons I wanted to write about this today is that the obvious has become even more obvious. I have always maintained that there is a very distinct reason for everything. Everything. When we accept that, we allow ourselves to change our perspective and eliminate our judgment. Whatever you have experienced is an essential part of your path to understanding Divine Union. Your soul has created every experience and every internal reaction you need in order to reach the ultimate goal of understanding that you are an aspect of God.
As a fully-realized aspect of God, every action you take and every thought you have will be from that point of view. Your perspective and your 'Beingness' will change. With that comes what I am perceiving as .. 'the inevitable.' You will begin to walk on this Earth in a different way.
From my personal assessment of my own experiences, I cannot say that I fully understand why some of the most excruciating pain was necessary. But I no longer need to understand. There is a Divine Clarity surrounding every day that I've lived. I clearly see that, despite what my earthly interpretation of my life might be, every second of every day was meant to bring me to Divine Clarity of my personal Divine Union with God. Immersing myself fully into this Truth has brought a sense of peace and Divine Acceptance that allows me the gift of even more fully immersing myself into Divine Union. There is a meshing, a coming together, a merging. That cannot take place if we, ourselves, are blocking the union with our own questioning of the Path laid out for us to get there.
Divine Union does not mean that now you will 'see' every second of your future and what comes next. It does not mean that everything is immediately 'fixed.' It means, instead, that you have an infinite peace in the Divine Knowing that you are As One with God. You always have been. You always will be. And now the messy, gritty, painful .. temporary .. 3-D experience cannot distract you from that Truth.
I've always put off writing about this message from 1998. I had hoped to write an entire book, for the revelations along the way of my own Path have given me insight after insight after insight. Sharing them, I feel, might help ease the way for others. But .. today the call to address this was far, far too loud to be ignored. As with all of my blogs, there is an entire book behind the few words placed here. It is my hope that your heart receives the entire book just by reading these few words.
Love to ALL, from Lauren Zimmerman
To connect with other work by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit:
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Announcing The New, Updated Web Site For nLight Press
One of my favorite pieces of art, of all-time. Not my art but thanks to the creator!
My deepest Gratitude to all who support my work. Without each of you, my 'mission' on this Earth would not have taken place at all.
I would like to announce the October 17, 2015 'birth' of a new, updated, sleek, user-friendly, and hopefully perfectly accurate web site for nLight Press. I have avoided the task of updating for over a year now. I knew how huge the task was going to be .. but nLight Press has always had a life of it's own. (A very demanding life of it's own, if I may say so. (chuckle) )
Please feel free to visit us there!
Link: nLight Press .. Dedicated to the spiritual evolution of Humankind
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Putting Logic and Soul On the Manifestation Table
If we're honest with ourselves, there's probably not many who wouldn't like to manifest something different in their lives. And there's plenty of opinions, books, techniques, etc. that address the possibilities. But what if all of the suggestions don't work and all you come away with is a degree of frustration that leads to a temporary self-loathing and the thought that you're just not good enough .. you're not doing it right .. someone 'up there' hates you and doesn't want you to have what you desire, etc.? (And the list of 'negatives' could go on but I'll leave it at this small list.)
This is just my humble opinion and an attempt to express my thoughts about the well-meaning attempts to show people how to change their lives. What I've argued with throughout the years is the fact that none of the techniques will work for you if it's not meant to be. What I mean by that is ... as infinite souls we have chosen this lifetime for the purpose of learning. With the soul's goal as a priority, the ego/personality goals take a back seat. If your soul needs a particular experience, be it poverty or lack or an unhappy relationship or any one of the other several trillion experiences that life has to offer, that's what you will end up with.
I think we all know that. Or at least I hope that we do. But here comes the temptation to believe that, with enough perseverance, dedication, positive thinking, etc., we can change that which is not meant to change. That's where my issue comes roaring to the surface. Do all of the 'techniques' raise false hopes? And, if so, is this just another lesson in dealing with the 'negative emotions' of the illusion, whether it be called 'mind control' or something else? And in addition, I find myself thinking ... if a manifestation technique is foolproof, wouldn't every prison be empty and turned into a flower shop or something? Doesn't every prisoner want to manifest freedom? And if 'techniques' worked for everyone, then reality would be different for everyone. No exceptions.
I am of the opinion that false hope is equal to no hope. It may actually have an additional 'yuck' added into the mix because if we allow false hope we are allowing a lie to direct our experience.
My point .. this blog .. came to my mind for two reasons. One is that I witness so many people who attempt to manifest and come away feeling much worse than they did beforehand. It hurts my heart to see something that is meant to be so positive and hopeful causing so much pain. If we attempt to manifest and are convinced that others are successful, then the question of why doesn't it work for us raises it's ugly head. That can lead to loss of hope, distrust of self, depression, self-doubt, and questioning oneself on a myriad of levels. The second reason I am writing this is that I was awakened four times during the night with 'an ethereal request' hanging in the air, asking me to address this issue. Honestly, I have a faint recall of having written about this topic before but it's too faint for me to remember when or where I might have stored the end result. What is interesting is .. if I've written about it before, why am I so strongly urged to write about it again?
After a time of prayer, this is the answer that I returned with.
All souls evolve and one of the avenues of evolution is the human experience. To dis-allow your experience is to dis-allow the soul's dedicated devotion of its own growth into greater wisdom and knowledge. It is far more courageous to understand how to gain wisdom from the experience than to seek to escape or change it. It was never told to any soul that the human pathway would be an easy one, but yet it can be. 'Easy' comes into being when you accept that which you yourself are creating. You yourself are creating this human experience. Every moment of it. Rejoice in the fact that you, from an infinite soul point of view, are choosing to manifest some of the most intense and gratifying experiences available. The end result of your pathway to knowledge will be gratifying times ten. Or perhaps even times a million.
When your soul has gained the wisdom from an experience you can rest assured that your reality will change. It is a natural law and irrevocable. This truth leads to the wisdom of surrender vs. force. The Earth experience offers a tremendous amount of knowledge of the energy of cause and effect. You can, with enough force, cause change. But if the change you cause through force is in opposition to the path set by your infinite soul, the effect may well create an experience not of your liking.
The answer to the prayer for understanding continued.
Quote: "You are asked to address this topic not only for the smaller focus of the individual but for the much larger focus of the changes coming to this planet and this human reality. Force has no place in the current spiritual evolution and dimensional frequency shift. The end result that is sought is Divine Harmony. Force has no place within the energy of Divine Harmony. There is and will continue to be a natural progression of events on and surrounding Earth. This is a process and the evolution of any process takes time. This is not a change that will easily accept attempts to force people or things to change. This is a time for surrender, trust, Knowing, and Allowing."
As I attempt to wind this down and stop 'talking' in this blog, I realize that there is much, much more to say on the various topics that have just been briefly touched upon. I leave it to time and circumstance, the natural revelation of wisdom that is seeping into this Earth-reality as the energy of lies is slowly being broken down and the mind control illusions continue to lose their grip. Patience, compassion, trust ... these are some of the key components we need as we continue traversing the monumental changes that we all can sense going on 'behind the scenes.' Truth is the goal and nothing within existence can stop the progress of Truth.
To connect with other work & books by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Monday, February 16, 2015
"Where Is My Fernando" ... a new book by nLight Press
nLight Press is proud to announce the release of "Where Is My Fernando." Written and illustrated by Lauren Zimmerman, this story was written when Lauren was in her late-teens. It was/is so close to her heart that she kept it hidden from the world until now. But a dream in late-January caused her to open her mind to the possibility that it was time for the story to be released to those who love her work.
After almost a week of failed efforts in getting the book into the regular channels of distribution, and quite a few deep breaths, we realized that the only way that the book was going to go out was to send it out ourselves. Therefore, it is only available via nLight Press .. and only available as a PDF file. (PDF files can be changed into many other forms, including formats for various Readers .. a Google search can show you the way.) (PROBLEM SOLVED .. 'FERNANDO' IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM .. LINK IS POSTED BELOW)
This is the link that leads directly to the story behind the story, so to speak. You can find information about the book, wonderful reviews, and the ordering link, on the web page.
Our deep, deep gratitude for the heart-warming and enthusiastic reviews we've received! SO very grateful to each of you! New readers .. you can find the reviews on the link/web page.
Link for cut & paste:
We will be offering this download for a limited time only, after which we'll make another attempt to get it into our regular distributors.
"Fernando" is now available only through, for Kindle Readers. Free apps for reading Kindle books without a Kindle Reader are available. A Google search can help you find and download them.
As always, our deepest gratitude goes out to those who support the efforts of nLight Press and the work of Lauren Zimmerman. Your support and encouragement mean more than words could ever express.
For more information about this book & other books by nLight Press, please visit:
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Lion's Passage - A Short Story
by Lauren Zimmerman
Copyright 2014: Lauren Zimmerman
All rights reserved.
Published by nLight Press
Dedicated to the spiritual evolution of Humankind.
She padded softly along the narrow path that stretched around the mountain like a spiraling ribbon. So narrow was the path that her ribs brushed the ancient solidity of the massive wall of rock. With her left, moccasined foot, she felt for a solid foothold among the small boulders that kept her from tumbling over the edge. It was a 4,000 foot fall. She would fall to her death. Undaunted, she moved forward, craving her destination. Willing to risk it all to reach it.
The crystal blue light that seemed to emanate from the crest of the mountain had beckoned her since childhood. Its mystery had consumed her daily. She remembered the first night she had witnessed it. It had called to her in her dreams that night. The following day she had waited for night to fall, hoping to catch a glimpse of what might only have been a dream. A distant, ethereal light that seemed to reach from this world to another. Another that she could not see but that her heart knew was somewhere out there. Out beyond that which she knew. Out beyond that which she could see. Out beyond that which seemed to imprison her.
The village had fallen silent as the day eased to an end. She finished her nightly chores and, perhaps for the first time ever, didn't squabble with her parents when they ordered her to bed. Shortly after donning her flannel night clothes, she had tiptoed to the tiny window. Drawing the tiny, ragged curtain away from the dull glass, she had peered across the landscape toward the massive mountain that shadowed her small town.
Like a beacon, the blue light seemed to come from the interior of the mountain, shining like a reaching arm into the sky. Reaching for what, she wondered. It was that question that drove her. It became an insatiable thirst. She must find a way to uncover the secrets of the mountain. But it was the tallest mountain in the land. And she was only a child.
She began to train daily, marching across the nearby hills, up and down, up and down, pushing herself to her physical limits after her morning chores were finished. Her parents, too busy, or perhaps too tired, to pay much attention, turned a blank eye to her small knapsack, the jar of water she kept there, and the small stash of nuts and seeds she hoarded like a chill-driven squirrel.
As she'd grown older, she began gathering material to make herself a larger backpack. She sewed the pieces together with threads of thick twine that were given to her by the village shop keepers. None of them questioned the strange girl with the wild hair and the gleam in her eyes that spoke to the fact that she dreamed of other worlds. Worlds far beyond the reaches of the tiny village that sat quietly in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
The day finally came when she knew that she would face the daunting task of the climb upward. Spring had brought a hint of warmth to the air. Quietly, she pushed her few belongings into the depths of her backpack, covered them with her few items of clothing, and fought with her rushes of excitement and fear. She dressed warmly, knowing it would be colder on the mountain. Feeling a thrill of the unknown run up her spine, she glanced for the final time through the dull glass of her tiny window, and went to tell her parents goodbye. As though they expected her departure, maybe even thought that she had left them long ago, they each gave her a brief hug, a pat on her thin shoulder, and a quick goodbye. As she walked away from the narrow doorway for her last time, she turned to wave goodbye. But they had already turned to their daily tasks. Straightening her shoulders, she turned back to face her future, as uncertain as it was.
Crossing the pasture range that separated the village from the base of the great mountain, she paused only once, taking her water bottle from her pack and sipping from it thoughtfully. Tilting her head back, she stared up at her destination. The daunting mountain seemed much taller, much more lethal, than it had seemed from her tiny window. Capping her bottle, pushing it into her sack, she continued on, tripping occasionally on the rocks that were strewn around the mountain's base. Were they there to deter her, she wondered at one point, stopping to rub her tired ankles.
Undeterred, she marched on. Soon the first step on to the winding path that would lead her into the unknown was upon her. She turned briefly to look back at the life she'd left behind. From this distance, there was only silence. The daily sounds that had been oddly comforting as well as irritating were far too distant to be heard. The rattle of wagon wheels. The call of one shopkeeper to another. The shouts of the occasional voices raised in anger. The squeals of children fighting over toys. All were now silent memories, ghosts of a past that seemed far removed. Nodding to herself, silently acknowledging that the world she had left behind was no longer hers, she took her first step on to the narrow, ribbon-like path that spun itself around the mountain.
The years passed. The child was gone. A woman now walked in the moccasins that seemed to never fray. They had become her companions. Something she trusted as the soft material allowed her to curl her feet around the rough edges of rocks that served to stop her occasional slips upon the mountain's edge. As she'd come to know the mountain, it had served up the infrequent cave, surprising her as she turned a corner, expecting the flat surface of the stone wall to be her brace, only to find a gaping wound etched deeply into the wall of the massive boulders. She often fantasized that bolts of lightning had ripped through the stone in an effort to shine its light into the darkness.
Bemused, she always set her fears aside and walked boldly into the pitch-black depths of every cave, hoping perhaps that the mountain would give her its secrets, knowing all the while that it would not. In every cave she had found a wolf. She had befriended each. They were so sleek and so beautiful she had lost her heart to them immediately. Many of them were wounded. Her hands, her love, sealed their scars, soothed them, made them let go of their pain and sleep.
In the depths of the caves she had sat and leaned her back against the cold walls. The wolves had come and laid their heads upon her lap. Her heart trilling with her love for them, she had stroked the ever-so-soft fur upon their heads, run her strong heads over their hearts, hoping, always hoping, that they would feel the love coursing through her fingers. It seemed imperative for her that they know the depths of her heart, just as they knew the depths of their own cave.
Were they wild things? Or was she? Fate brought baskets of distrust and laid them at her feet and soon she was gone. Every time leaving the depths of black, stepping into the light of day, stepping on to the strap-like ledge leading upward. Her tears fell over the mountainside, staining it with regret.
It was a deceptively sunny day, aching with cold, that brought the realization to her. Or was it only fantasy? She felt she had become the mountain. She was the light reaching for an unseen world. Was it true?
She wondered. If she was the mountain, if she was the source of the light, where had she hidden the secrets? Of what origin was this light? Could she find its source if she was hiding it even from herself? It had been years. She was weary. Her soul's bones ached. Exhausted, she sank down upon the narrow path and leaned against the stone-cold wall. In the distance, a wolf howled.
Having dozed where she had fallen, the next day dawned by giving her a taste of hope. Renewed, she stood and made her way along the path, ever upward. Rounding a corner, her eyes gave her the vision of yet another cave. The sight was tantalizing. A place to rest. Fresh water coursing along the back wall, coming from the cold depths of the great mountain. Turning away from the temptation, she stared across the landscape. Too far below to be heard, a river ran swiftly, jumping and pounding over moss-covered boulders. Eagles flew, brushing their wings across the sky. A sun-touched rainbow danced briefly with a distant waterfall.
Sensing that she was being watched, she turned. Ebony-black eyes, sparking with thoughts unspoken, stared at her from the mouth of the cave. The wolf's coat looked as though it hadn't been groomed in a moon's age. He had one paw lifted from the ground. She could see the pain in his eyes. She could see many things in his eyes. Her heart twisting with 'no,' she held out her hand to him even as the tears of many memories coursed through her. Trusting, he rested his chin in her hand briefly before lifting his head again and looking into her eyes. As her eyes met his, they knew each other. Through time and space and beyond anything comprehensible, they knew each other.
They stayed a while, she and the wolf. Not as long as with some of the others, but longer than eternity, for they became as one, fused through infinity. Fused through pain and fused through healing. Her touch healed him. His touch healed her.
They would travel to the top of the mountain together. They would find the source of the light. She told him about it during the silence of the nights, whispering of the hope she knew would be there. Would be there at the source. In the black of the night, his dark eyes shined. His light from within, she thought, and she reveled in it. The moon cried when she wasn't looking.
The day came when they would leave in search of the source. Her heart thrilled. Her hope soared. Stepping from the black of the cave into the day's light, she stretched her arms heavenward, as if embracing an unseen world. She dragged her pack into the light, rearranged its contents, and shrugged the weight of it onto her back. Soaking up the warmth of the sun, she waited, content.
The sun climbed high into the sky. She waited. It drifted down the other side of the world. And she waited. The freeze of the night took her to the edges of her own life. And she waited. She came to know the new silence well as the days passed. Incapable of moving, or even breathing, she waited. She was waiting for herself, she knew. They had become one, fused into infinity, destined to share eternity's breath. And yet still she waited.
She did not know that a year had passed. Time and life had frozen into a permanent grimace of acceptance. The sun took on a life of its own and tapped her, not so gently, waking her from her frozen sleep. Shaking inside and out, she shook herself awake. The only memory she had was of the light that streamed from the mountaintop. She turned her head, gazing upward. Her destination seemed closer than she had imagined it would be. The mountain's summit seemed to reach down in an effort to guide her. It was so close she could almost touch it. The sun's rays danced. With shaky legs, she stood. She felt the mountain's strength course through her, as though it were her life's blood. Revitalized, she reached up to grab the single branch of a forgotten tree and pulled herself up to the next foothold of the path. She tested the stone she was stepping to, wondering if it would hold. It did. The power of her own walk took over. Steadily she climbed. All doubt about reaching her destination, her fate, dissolved.
She didn't look back. She didn't look down. She stepped into the grandeur of the mountain's light. It reached upward. She reached upward. Another world engulfed her, swept her into the power of a peace she had never known.
"What is the source," she whispered to the mountain.
"You," the mountain answered.
For more information about the work and books of Lauren Zimmerman, please visit:
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Thursday, October 23, 2014
Visions and Possibilities .. you decide
"Visions and Possibilities .. you decide"
"A Deliberately Oblique Blog"
4am comes early but it is the normal waking hour for this author. Other worlds and dimensional realities seek attention, and have for years. This is what drives my passion for doing what I do. This morning was no exception and so let me tell you a story.
In the atmosphere of Earth there lives a massive ‘cube,’ for lack of a better description. Perhaps it has been here for centuries. It is large enough that the Earth could fit inside. I suppose we should be thankful that the task of putting it there never occurred. This cube is of a different dimensional frequency and therefore is difficult, if not impossible to see. The primary color, if you were to give it a descriptive term, would be indigo. But angles of vibrant, deep, royal blue can be seen when light touches it.
The cube drifts silently in the air, seemingly innocuous. It has the name of IXS. If you say the name out loud and it sounds similar to something else, that would be a mere coincidence, even though there is no such thing as a coincidence. I would have normally told you that the cube drifts in space like a silent nemesis, the worst enemy Humankind might ever have to deal with. However, as I watched the comings and goings, it was clear that the power of the past had faded. It seemed, perhaps, that a war had been waged, a war had been lost, and packing it in was the best decision that could be made now. Feeling no danger whatsoever, I lingered a while, gazing in through the ‘windows,’ watching the crew and the goings on. As I watched, my mind was filled with what might have unfolded in the past. There were clone-like entities, stand-ins, Beings who were placed in particular Earth-situations when it was necessary. There were arbitrators, those who negotiated with Earth’s ‘leaders,’ those who were in governmental positions around the globe and capable of manipulating the reality of ‘the lower classes.’ (their words, not mine)
I noticed a group of Beings who obviously, judging by their demeanor and the obsequious behavior of the others around them, held positions of authority. They stood, expressions grim but resigned, discussing the failure of their efforts and the (in their words) ‘leaking in of the truth.' They glanced up and watched in silence as several Beings in black suits came up from what apparently was a darkened stairwell. I knew instinctively that the stairwell led down to a docking bay. These Beings, at first glance, looked like humans but within seconds it was obvious they were not. They glanced quickly at the ones in authority. One shook his head his head in apparent disgust. I watched their silent retreat down the darkened hallway.
I won’t apologize for the big grin that came over me. Having been in ‘this fight’ since 1974, I didn’t even want to pretend that I wasn’t gleeful. I turned back to gaze at this planet. The energy grid, the energy itself, was different than I’d ever seen it before. There were, indeed, ‘leaks’ in the energy field. On closer inspection, the energy gridwork that would stabilize the energy of greater truths being able to make their way through the deliberately laid gridwork of lies could be seen. I’d watched the illusionary, controlling gridword begin dissolving in a much greater way, beginning in 1998. But it was clear now that a large hurdle had been leapt. The energy of truth was going to become rampant, galloping across the Earth’s surface like a wildfire out of control. I was ecstatic.
In a meeting earlier in the week, aboard a Craft that I had been visiting, there was a statement made. In the statement was the mention of a new ‘job title’ for some who had come in Service to the planet. The ‘title’ was ‘Universalist.’ One who no longer walks between worlds and realities, wondering what is true and what is not. One who has, through extreme efforts learned to overcome the effects of ‘human reality.’ One who has immersed him/herself in the energy of Universal Truths that override what is apparently ‘true’ (because of its tangible nature). A comment made by the Commander still rings in my thoughts. “There can be no argument, there WILL be no argument, about what is true and what is not, if one is talking about Universal Truths. Every question asked will come back with the same answer, without any degree of variation. The equivocation, the imbalances caused by illusions, will cease to exist. This, my friend, is one of the keys to Universal Harmony. One of the main keys.”
You can find more information about the author and the books that are currently available at:
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Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Matrix 'Fail' - A story that could be true .. or not .. you decide
There were perhaps 2,000 attendees of the conference held in the outer regions of the Earth's atmosphere. Fire Woman turned away from the meeting as it began to wind down. With a determination that allowed no one and nothing to get in her way, she headed directly to her destination. Seconds later she stood outside the portal, her inner fire raging so clearly that she appeared to be nothing more than a small blaze. She stood at the portal of an underground base near an airport. The night was dark and bitter cold but the heat she emanated made the conditions inconsequential.
She'd been in the nether regions of the base only once before, but there was no hesitation within her. The Tall who was guarding the entryway took one look at her and whispered her name. 'Fire Woman.' He stepped back and allowed her to pass.
The other Talls looked up in surprise as she marched directly into the dark, cavernous space. Glancing to her left, she scoured the massive bank of computers. She thought she knew which one she wanted but she turned to the nearest Tall and demanded he point out the exact one that held the computer chip she was after.
Without a word, he pointed to the one she had suspected. Now a small crowd of Talls had gathered but none of them made a move to stop her. In her state of fire, she moved to the computer in question and as she walked she materialized a long, sturdy ax. Reaching the computer, she wielded the ax like a sword and brought it down with all her might upon the not-so-fragile casing of the computer. The strength of the ax blow split the computer in two.
Fire Woman turned to the Tall who had directed her to the computer. He had followed her into the depths of the computer room and now stood only a few feet away from her, watching her in utter silence.
"Point out the chip I need," she demanded.
Again he pointed, still in utter silence.
She pawed through the rubble of the now-dead computer and with a smirk of deep satisfaction grabbed the tiny chip. Raising it above her fiery head, she let out an almost-silent whoop of satisfaction. She turned and with a small nod of acknowledgment to the Tall who stood behind her, she made her way out of the darkened recesses of the computer banks and back into the light above ground.
A tall pillar of light waited for her outside. She glanced briefly at the airplane coming in for a landing and turned back to the figure she knew stood within the pillar.
"I have it," she said quietly.
"The chip that monitors the energetic belief that holds the people hostage?"
"Yes," she stated flatly. "Now I'll go tell them."
"And what will you tell them," he asked.
She spoke without hesitation. "It is solid if you believe it is solid. It is God if you believe it is God. You get to choose now. Your perception is your Key. Your understanding of God is your Answer."
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Monday, April 1, 2013
A Narrative About .. Well .. A Couple of Things ......
Online Internet picture: Credit to:
39 years ago today I ‘died.’ April 1st. The irony is not lost on me. I don’t know for sure if the joke is on those who tried to take me out, or on me, since I’m still here .. causing trouble and taking names. (lol)
That was, obviously, a monumental time and event. But I felt called, as I struggled back into my body this morning, after having been ‘gone’ for the night, to make today a ‘different’ kind of day. The old no longer fits, like a wool suit turned inside out and one size too small. After thinking about it a while, the only thought that kept returning was the possibility of being more vocal about some of the incredible events of my life.
Which brings me to 1998. I was living in Sacramento, CA at the time. It was probably around midnight. As so often happens, I was awakened by the air in the room stirring. A metaphysical, other-dimensional force stirring me awake so that I might be fully aware of what takes place in the deep of the night. This night was no different. I went into high alert and waited. I didn’t have long to wait. The ceiling and roof began to dematerialize and I was staring at the night sky. But then I realized that it was not the sky. It was, instead, a massive craft. It wasn’t until I felt myself lifted above the house, where I floated, looking around at the night.
The craft was, as it turns out, the size of the United States. This wasn’t going to be the last time I would encounter it and those who lived aboard.
The craft does, literally, sit over the United States. Around the edges of the craft are what I call 'balancing lights.' They appear to be tangible, but not, beams of light that emit from the 'strip' that goes around the perimeter of the craft. The beams come directly down and touch various places on the Earth itself. For a visual then you can see that the perimeter of the craft is on the 'outskirts' of the U.S. and so the 'beams' touch along the various coastlines.
There came a time when I was invited aboard. Commander Wartauk welcomed me and advised that there are 17 extraterrestrial societies interacting with this massive craft. Together we strolled down what appeared to be a central hallway. In 'normal' vision it would be impossible to see from Denver, CO to the East Coast and yet, here in this hallway, I could see that far and had a clear vision of the eastern flank of the great ship. I suppose the dimensional shift between 'here' and 'there' had something to do with that phenomenon.
I could sense enormous rooms on either side of the hallway but, by some mental ability to control my actions, Commander Wartauk kept my eyes straightforward. Eventually we stopped and he turned me to my right. There in front of me was what looked like a podium made of a material that looked like polyurethane resin. Atop the podium were layers of what looked like clear, malleable plastic sheets. The Commander urged me to study them, and I did.
I was, at the time, physically in Denver, CO and so the maps I was being shown were of that area. (I was advised that there were similar podiums above various cities.) The sheets were maps of the area, with each sheet having a different 'vision' of the area. Meaning .. the top map resembled a normal map of the area, with streets and such. Lifting that sheet, there was a 'deeper vision' of the area, reflecting geologic patterns. The next, geologic anomalies. The next, the deep under the surface situation, etc. When it began to register in my mind that I was seeing underground tunnels, whether maintained by extraterrestrials or not, I instantly found myself back in my room in the motel room in Denver, CO.
Needless to say, the visit and what I had seen have stayed in my mind constantly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of that massive craft and wonder about the extreme amount of unseen and unknown that goes on in the world beyond the human reality of going to work and coming home. I put the reality of what I was shown while on 'the other side' together with all that happens daily, and nightly, and cannot help but ask myself what enormous experience we are involved in.
As I sit here on the anniversary day of my 'death' and look back at the unbelievable experiences that are not 'of this world,' I know that they ARE of this world. They are of the unseen and we are participants in something so much larger than most could even begin to imagine. I incorporate, in all of this, the January 16th visitation by yet another group of ETs, and am compelled to say .. or advise .. that human society appears to be on the verge of some major revelations about what reality truly is. I feel a great wake-up call coming. I, personally, am excited beyond words for I have sensed my entire life that there would come a day when the unseen would 'overpower' the seen and that this alone would help Humanity to awaken to far greater truths. I am blessed to be having this monumental experience, and blessed to be sharing it with so many who honor my work with their enthusiasm, their kindness, and their encouragement.
Lauren Zimmerman
As always, there is far, far more to the story and the events. And, as always, I thank you for understanding that it would be impossible to write down all details. There isn't enough time to do so. I write and offer what I do for the purpose of offering validation to those who have had experiences, to offer touches of hope for those who seek, and to offer encouragement to those who want their intuition to open more in order to embrace the fact that there is so much more in this reality than can be seen with the human eye. Thank you, dear readers, for understanding the need to keep things brief, and for accepting that there is barely enough time to have all of the daily (and nightly) experiences, much less enough time to write about all of it.
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
nLight Press Announces New Series of Books

nLight Press is pleased to announce the first three volumes of LISTENING TO WISDOM, by Lauren Zimmerman.
Sincere gratitude to all who have given such heartfelt and supportive reviews to the books! Your words mean more to me than words can express.
A sampling of reviews:
"Your best work yet. Your words touched my heart and what the sea and you know is true for all times." (by H.H.)
"This new book is fantastic and resonates with my life. Balancing the seen with the unseen, the clarity with which Ms. Zimmerman explains how two unlike energies can't share the same space in manifest form, and showing how we turn our experiences into burdens and forget everything before, all of it was so affirming and clear. I recognized all of it and could easily see the principles illustrated throughout my own lifetime. The ending couldn't have been more beautiful, magical, hopeful: a door beckoning. She uses the analogy of a chameleon in the most amazing way to drive her point home. She doesn't teach in the `traditional' sense, but in a uniquely Lauren Zimmerman way, painting a picture, holding it up and asking, What do you see? Are you in there? It's such a gentle way of allowing me to see and understand what I'm ready to see and understand. She turns on the light, and lets me look for myself. I truly admire and appreciate that." (by C.F.)
"Tissues are required in order to read this book! I love all of Lauren's books, but I almost let this little book slip by me. I should have known that my favorite author in the Universe would not write something that wasn't a profound blessing! Even though Lauren writes her stories as fiction, they are all very real and have actually happened to her! The connections that the Universe shares with her, and that she in turn shares with us are absolutely mind boggling! One of the most profound things that I have ever read were written in this little book for me to read last night! With just a couple of sentences she answered a question that has been haunting me for 53 years. She said "People hurt each other so that their own pain can be seen" ~ I didn't get it at first, but when I read on it made more sense than anything else that's been said to me since I was 12 years old! All of a sudden the blindness dropped from my eyes and mind and a bright light showed through that nearly floored me as I sat there bawling my eyes out ~ If you are a seeker of truth and have struggled a lifetime for certain answers, do yourself a favor and read this wonderful little book! You will be SO glad you did! I guarantee it! Thank you dear Lauren for once again helping me with my struggles of being a soul trying to live as a human being ~ My love and thanks go out to you, Lauren, to Agness, to our other worldly friends, and most of all to the Prime Creator of the Universe ~ I love you all ~" (by Mstikal Enchantments/klv)
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Past Loves & Wisdom
(The quote on this picture gives a deeper understanding of this encounter and the ultimate goal of understanding.)
It's an extremely rare thing for me to be feeling so poorly that I don't do anything at all. But here I was, not thinking anything but drifting quietly in my mind, looking for a place to rest where I didn't feel anything, if only for a moment.
I sensed the energy in the room shift and turned to look toward the source. There stood my ex, who is now on 'the other side.' I was not terribly surprised. He had been coming to get me every night for about two weeks and we'd been soaring through universes and understandings with a happiness I had long ago forgotten.
Delighted to see him, I greeted him before noting the somber look on his face. "What's going on?" I asked a bit hesitantly.
"I need to apologize to you."
"For what? You....."
He stopped me. "I don't need you to tell me I didn't do anything wrong. I know what I did. And I know what I didn't do. And I need you to know that I'm sorry. I impacted your entire life and I now know how I can fix what I did. I need you to hear me. I mean really hear me."
"Absolutely," I assured him. "You know I'll listen."
He moved a few steps closer to me and I could see how vital this was to him. His eyes spoke volumes. "You loved me with all that you are. You gave me all that you are. And I stayed in my own stupidity and ego and loved what you gave me. But I didn't let you know that I loved you. I didn't put the love behind the words. You knew that and heard only 'empty.' I can tell you that I didn't know how to love completely like you do. I can tell you that I was afraid. I can tell you that I was selfish and just wanted what you were giving without having it 'cost' me anything." He laughed. "We both know how selfish I was. No need to talk about that."
His voice became as soft as the touch of an angel. "But what you don't know is that I loved you. I never let you know that." He waved his hand in the air. "I'm the one responsible for all that you're been through since, with these other men."
I immediately jumped to his defense. "How do you figure that?" I almost shouted. "You can't lay that on yourself. I'm the one who let them in and allowed what I did. Not to mention that you have nothing to do with their bad behavior."
"But what I'm trying to tell you is that I DO." I felt his energy settle back, readying himself to explain. "When I refused to let you know that I loved you, even while I knew you were giving me everything including your eternal soul, you 'learned' that this world wasn't going to love you no matter how much you loved it."
I started to protest, but he stopped me.
"You knew with everything that you are inside yourself that I really did love you. But I didn't show you. I didn't tell you and I literally made an effort to keep the truth from you. And so, you doubted what you knew. Not only that I loved you but also that the type of love you believed in was not possible on Earth. But I showed you that it couldn't, or wouldn't, be expressed here. And so, that means you took what you learned from me, or thought you learned from me, and you went out into the world with that false belief."
The relationships, the failures, that came after him flashed through my mind like lightning. I simply sat staring at him in silence.
"You see," he said quietly, "you manifested that false belief every time you tried to love. Your desire to believe in the level of love that you thought was possible was overpowered by the belief that I gave you. That even if you feel that love is really there, it isn't. My refusal to give it to you made you doubt that you knew what was real and what was not."
"And you're here now because?"
He smiled with all the love he had never given me. "Because it's time for me to help you understand that you were right all along." He studied me in silence for a minute and finally stepped forward and kissed me so softly that I might have been kissed by the wing of a butterfly. "You need to know that you were right all along. And you need to know that I love you with everything I am, through all time and space."
He drew back and gave me a rather sad smile. "I'll see you when you get home."
(NOTE: I truly thank each of you who have written and who have posted comments. This has to be one of the most touching blogs that I've written and the fact that it is touching you means more to me than words can say. Don appeared to me a few hours after I wrote this. (he had asked me to write this) He thanked me and then told me that he believed his story would help many others to heal. He thanked me for helping him to be of Service to you. With love, Lauren)(Oh .. another thing .. for some odd reason the blog is not allowing me to comment on your comments and so please forgive that. I do read each comment personally.)
Lauren Zimmerman
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