Online Internet picture: Credit to: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Zeta
39 years ago today I ‘died.’ April 1st. The irony is not lost on me. I don’t know for sure if the joke is on those who tried to take me out, or on me, since I’m still here .. causing trouble and taking names. (lol)
That was, obviously, a monumental time and event. But I felt called, as I struggled back into my body this morning, after having been ‘gone’ for the night, to make today a ‘different’ kind of day. The old no longer fits, like a wool suit turned inside out and one size too small. After thinking about it a while, the only thought that kept returning was the possibility of being more vocal about some of the incredible events of my life.
Which brings me to 1998. I was living in Sacramento, CA at the time. It was probably around midnight. As so often happens, I was awakened by the air in the room stirring. A metaphysical, other-dimensional force stirring me awake so that I might be fully aware of what takes place in the deep of the night. This night was no different. I went into high alert and waited. I didn’t have long to wait. The ceiling and roof began to dematerialize and I was staring at the night sky. But then I realized that it was not the sky. It was, instead, a massive craft. It wasn’t until I felt myself lifted above the house, where I floated, looking around at the night.
The craft was, as it turns out, the size of the United States. This wasn’t going to be the last time I would encounter it and those who lived aboard.
The craft does, literally, sit over the United States. Around the edges of the craft are what I call 'balancing lights.' They appear to be tangible, but not, beams of light that emit from the 'strip' that goes around the perimeter of the craft. The beams come directly down and touch various places on the Earth itself. For a visual then you can see that the perimeter of the craft is on the 'outskirts' of the U.S. and so the 'beams' touch along the various coastlines.
There came a time when I was invited aboard. Commander Wartauk welcomed me and advised that there are 17 extraterrestrial societies interacting with this massive craft. Together we strolled down what appeared to be a central hallway. In 'normal' vision it would be impossible to see from Denver, CO to the East Coast and yet, here in this hallway, I could see that far and had a clear vision of the eastern flank of the great ship. I suppose the dimensional shift between 'here' and 'there' had something to do with that phenomenon.
I could sense enormous rooms on either side of the hallway but, by some mental ability to control my actions, Commander Wartauk kept my eyes straightforward. Eventually we stopped and he turned me to my right. There in front of me was what looked like a podium made of a material that looked like polyurethane resin. Atop the podium were layers of what looked like clear, malleable plastic sheets. The Commander urged me to study them, and I did.
I was, at the time, physically in Denver, CO and so the maps I was being shown were of that area. (I was advised that there were similar podiums above various cities.) The sheets were maps of the area, with each sheet having a different 'vision' of the area. Meaning .. the top map resembled a normal map of the area, with streets and such. Lifting that sheet, there was a 'deeper vision' of the area, reflecting geologic patterns. The next, geologic anomalies. The next, the deep under the surface situation, etc. When it began to register in my mind that I was seeing underground tunnels, whether maintained by extraterrestrials or not, I instantly found myself back in my room in the motel room in Denver, CO.
Needless to say, the visit and what I had seen have stayed in my mind constantly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of that massive craft and wonder about the extreme amount of unseen and unknown that goes on in the world beyond the human reality of going to work and coming home. I put the reality of what I was shown while on 'the other side' together with all that happens daily, and nightly, and cannot help but ask myself what enormous experience we are involved in.
As I sit here on the anniversary day of my 'death' and look back at the unbelievable experiences that are not 'of this world,' I know that they ARE of this world. They are of the unseen and we are participants in something so much larger than most could even begin to imagine. I incorporate, in all of this, the January 16th visitation by yet another group of ETs, and am compelled to say .. or advise .. that human society appears to be on the verge of some major revelations about what reality truly is. I feel a great wake-up call coming. I, personally, am excited beyond words for I have sensed my entire life that there would come a day when the unseen would 'overpower' the seen and that this alone would help Humanity to awaken to far greater truths. I am blessed to be having this monumental experience, and blessed to be sharing it with so many who honor my work with their enthusiasm, their kindness, and their encouragement.
Lauren Zimmerman
As always, there is far, far more to the story and the events. And, as always, I thank you for understanding that it would be impossible to write down all details. There isn't enough time to do so. I write and offer what I do for the purpose of offering validation to those who have had experiences, to offer touches of hope for those who seek, and to offer encouragement to those who want their intuition to open more in order to embrace the fact that there is so much more in this reality than can be seen with the human eye. Thank you, dear readers, for understanding the need to keep things brief, and for accepting that there is barely enough time to have all of the daily (and nightly) experiences, much less enough time to write about all of it.
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An amazing experience, thanks for sharing...
Great sharings. Having no doubts of further communions, a thankyou.
I am always so happy to hear from you about the things you have seen and done, and appreciate more than words can say how grateful I am for you taking the time to share them with us. God bless you, Lauren.
Thanku for writing!!!! Happy Anniversary <3 So glad to be connected to u :)
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