Showing posts with label life after death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life after death. Show all posts
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Going Beyond
The story has remained untold, until now. Only bits and pieces will drop upon these pages for the entirety would take the time of all history to tell. And so it will be brief but with the hope that the droplets of insight and energy will assist your soul and your path upon this Earth.
The choice, in my opinion, was an easy one. They were here before me with evil on their minds and my sister was their target. Or so I was told, and so I thought, at the time. She would die. I offered them my life instead. They took me up on the deal and within minutes I found myself hearing the Voice of God urging me to leave everything behind and come into The Presence. I could say it was a spectacular experience but that would be an understatement. Let me just say that there is no adequate description.
To make light of it ... I puttered around in the 'non-world' for three days. I learned a lot. As I sit here today I wonder if I learned enough because the end result was the decision to return to Earth-life and carry on. (smile) I've wondered quite often why I made that choice. It was beyond awesome where I was. And Earth did not really exist. At least not from that perspective. And yet here is where I found myself and for the next 40 years or so I would deal with the dichotomy of the existence I shared with God and the existence I shared with humanity, even though humanity and Earth did not truly exist. At least from that perspective. Not so, from this Earth perspective. No. It was, and is, all too real.
For 40-plus years I worked at closing the gap of understanding. When I stepped into The Presence, nothing existed but the energy of God. The Presence of God. The all-consuming light. The all-consuming love. I could not see, feel, or even intuit Earth. Or the body that was laying in a hospital bed. But as the years passed I began to feel more and more that the gap was closing. I could sense a portal, if you wish to call it that. It was a doorway into what lies beyond what we perceive as 'existence.' The more I refused to let it go, the more tiny dribbles of insight were gifted to me.
There came a day, not long ago, when the doorway opened for me. The memory of having been there, and the memory of having come back through that door and having it shut behind me, came flooding back and I dissolved in tears. Not because I was sad but because I was overjoyed. My goal had been reached. And even if the door was only open enough to show me a sliver of light, it was enough to give me the impetus to keep the quest to understand alive.
Now I sit here today, drenched in the energy of understanding, and know why I returned. Returned from what is Real. Returned to what is un-real.
Ahhh, but it is real. The differentiation may be that it is not necessarily True.
What is True is the message my Infinite Soul wanted to bring back. The True that contains the enormity of what lies beyond what most can perceive or even imagine. It is so much greater than we allow our Earth-lives to imagine. The Truth that all things are possible. The Truth that there is nothing at all to fear. The Truth that there is no separation, of any kind. Which means that the energy you are, the Being you are, is a necessary 'atom' in the grander scheme of things. And the energy you are, and that you give to the all-that-is, registers everywhere. Without exception.
I returned to experience an entirely different 'reality'/life than the one that had been planned before I died. My soul orchestrated monumental challenges .. day after day after day. I passed through the portals of 'hell' a thousand times, using Earth-experiences. I overcame them all. Cancer, homelessness, poverty, betrayal, abuse, another 'death' or two, for good measure, I suppose. But on the heels of each, one miracle after another after another followed until miracles became the norm. (I call them miracles due to the limited language of Earth, but they are actually not. They are the norm .. in God's Reality.)
I kept saying 'yes' to God, 'yes' to every experience I was presented. My communion with my own Soul and what I wanted to learn, to understand, let me know that, through these experiences, I would be drawn closer to the understanding of the dichotomy that, literally, drives my reason for Being. The dichotomy between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be in this limited and dense experience of Earth.
I have done my best to bring the energy of The True to the density of this 3-D reality. I believe that, all things being energy, what we issue forth (as energy) touches everything because energy has no boundaries. The Truth is ... we are infinite souls. As God said to me ... if you compare your Earth-time to your infinity you will find that you've just lived about 15 minutes, even if you live on Earth 100 years. When we change our perspective(s), we change our lives. Each soul, without exception, has a goal, a reason for creating this Earth-experience. In my experience, viewing my life through the eyes of my infinity, my soul, enhances (to a great degree) what we can accomplish on behalf of our soul. Enhances what we get out of this experience and the time we spend here. There will come a time when each of us steps back through that doorway. But in the meantime, maybe we can bring some of what lies beyond it into this moment, into this experience. Perhaps .. just perhaps .. this is how we will heal this Earth and those who live here.
***** *****
Thursday, April 12, 2018
All Things Possible
If memory serves me right, I was in my early twenties when I wrote this quote, which still remains one of my favorites.
"All the possibilities lie before me, like fallen leaves on Autumn grass."
It is only now, so many years later, that the thought occurs to me that I was setting my Earth-Path in motion. It seems that 'possibilities' have been the mainstay of pretty much every day of my life. Had I known (if this is actually true), I probably would not have written the quote ... or loved it so much. (smile) To a large degree, my 'mission' seems to be about showing the extent of what is possible to those who care to listen.
Now, on to the reason I am writing this blog. I know it's been a long (long) time since I've written. A lot has taken place since last I appeared here on the blog. What has me here now is a series of other-world events, if we choose to call it that. Higher dimensional stuff. Life-changing. Soul-awakening.
April 1st was the 44th anniversary of my life-after-death experience. I've always felt the date was significant, as the years passed, and, quite honestly, have been a bit surprised as the anniversaries have slid by without something major taking place. This year was the exception. April 1st took me back to the energy of passing over to 'the other side' and stepping into The Presence of God. The energy of The Presence took me over, as it had so many years ago, and my sense of Divine Peace was restored in a way I didn't realize was possible.
In 1974 I was 'gone' for three days. In this present year, I felt as though I was 'gone' for three days, and yet I was not. But April 4th dawned and as I felt my way back into the state of being awake it became obvious that something had changed. There have been quite a few 'walk-in' experiences through the years. Other higher-dimensional aspects of my Infinite Soul filtering in slowly or simply slamming in without even a head's up. The 'soul exchange' (we'll call it that) this time seemed to be much more evident than all of the others.
As the days have passed, the sense of being quite different has grown. Normally the 'new' energies have been something I quickly adapted to and so this experience was going differently than the others. Now, here on the 12th, it was a night like no other, leading into a waking acknowledgement that things are still changing.
One of the very first things I learned in 1975 had to do with all things being energy. With the understandings that followed, I have thought of myself as cells separated by space. This morning that thought was key in my quest to find out what was going on. I could see myself as cells separated by space but the cells seemed to have given my 'life' over to the space. (if that makes sense?) I felt like space. But not empty space. God-space. (It would take me an entire book to explain this, I'm sure, and so hopefully you're following my thoughts.)
Now, here's where my mention of possibilities comes into play.
Stepping away from everything 3-D, I allowed Divine Silence to take over and simply went into a state of deep meditation. The first vision of my internal state of being seemed to be that the cells had, indeed, allowed space to take over. There was a feeling of the cells being separated from the space in such a way that it was immediately evident. Not sure what to make of it, I simply waited and watched. A sudden force, perhaps best described as a wind, blew through me. All of the cells were pushed out of me. I was simply space. Space. Empty. But not. God-Space.
I was not alarmed at all. It was the most natural state of Being that I could imagine. A state of Being that I had been gifted with in 1974 and had been seeking to return to ever since.
I insisted that my brain stay silent. Do not try to interpret what's going on, I advised myself.
Suddenly I was in a huge room made of gold. Golden walls. Massive double doors, arched and made of gold. I sensed someone in the room with me. Glancing to my left I knew who this was. How I knew is impossible to tell. Ganesh. I had never heard of Ganesh in this lifetime and so how did I know this? It's normal for me to hear a voice tell me to look something up and so I made a note to myself to look this up when the experience was over. Sure enough. There was a picture of this Being ... looking exactly as I'd seen in the room.
(The following link is the one that most resonated with me as I looked for information: )
I have to admit, I am always secretly thrilled when I see or hear messages/visions that give me things that I don't consciously know. Such wonderful validation. Such a door-opening for possibilities. :-)
As I assimilated the presence and information about this Being/Image/Presence, there came another stirring in the golden room. This Being I DO know. Anubis. Anubis appeared to me several years ago and suggested that Divine Guidance from his energy might be welcome in my world. It was an absolute 'yes' from me and so I've had the Blessing of this Energy for the last five years or so.
We are Infinite Souls who exist within all time and space. Existence is ours to explore and experience.
Perhaps this blog is meant only to remind you.
(An edit a few minutes later: As I pondered all of this I was reminded to add something that I left out of this blog. As the meditation began I sensed the Presence of God and heard a voice. The voice said ... "We are a bit surprised that you survived all of the devastation that has come into your life. We are here to speak to you of great change."
Love to ALL
Lauren Zimmerman
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Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Soul Does Not Fall Silent
We put on pretty dresses. We slip on pretty shoes. Tighten the belt, straighten the tie, check the crease in your slacks ... smooth the lipstick and check the mascara. The mirror does not lie. We look ready for the day. One last glance into the mirror. Oh, yes. Remember to paint on the smile. Yes. We're ready to step into the living world that breathes outside the door.
Every person has a story. Every soul has a life. More often than not, the two are not the same. Perhaps it is time for that to change.
As a child I looked at the brutality of the world with wide-eyed wonder. Observing the damage one person does to another. Confused within my memory of being one with God. Wondering why everyone did not have that memory. And why they did not act upon it. How can one aspect of God destroy another aspect of God? There is no doubt that I am not the first person to contemplate the dichotomies of life. What a joy if I were allowed to be the last. If the world would suddenly blink itself awake, shake itself off, and begin living soul to soul, heart to heart, love to love. That's who we are. Do you remember that?
But our stories go on. Our hearts break. Our souls weep. Our smiles fade and our hope escapes us.
What would the story be if the infinite soul stepped into the broken heart? The healing of God unfolded and the story began anew?
I hear now the tapping of All Infinite Souls. Tapping upon the closed doors that hide the stories and the lies we tell ourselves. Truth is seeping in through the cracks in the veneer and the falsehoods. It is time to tell our Earth-stories to our own Infinity. To allow that vastness of our own Truth to wipe our tears, heal our hearts, teach us to live in the Knowing that All People are aspects of God.
One aspect of God does not steal from another. One aspect of God does not abuse another. One aspect of God does not murder another. And the list goes on.
Our souls are weeping as we continue to exist within lives that are not abundant with our own Truth. But our souls are at the door, calling.
They call me 'idealistic.' They call me 'insane.' To believe in a world that could be one of kindness and equality. Where the mayhem can stop, the callousness end, the quiet desperation fall away into nothing more than a distant memory. But the truth of it is ... we are Infinite Souls with the power to bring the Essence of God into every moment. Every word. Every action. Why then does another reality seem impossible? If it is only a matter of infusing the Truth of the Infinite Soul into the temporary body we wear?
We can heal through the avenue of Truth that is our Soul.
We can dry our tears, heal our hearts, tell our stories and then move on to a greater reality. One that we ourselves create. Create because we have the power to do so. It's not as if we don't have the tools. We ARE the tools. The avenue through which change can happen. We are aspects of God, which allows us the entirety of Existence to draw upon. I find it impossible to believe that we, as a human society, cannot create the miracle of a world that understands God .. and each other.
Take a moment to tell your story. Your eyes speak it anyway. Let your heart speak it too. Your soul will listen and your soul will dry your tears. Your soul will also bring you the greater essence of who you are. The essence of strength and truth that resides in your connection to your own infinity and God. When your story is told you may be ready to begin a new one.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Friday, January 23, 2015
The Gift of Separation .. Ten Fold
Art by L. Zimmerman
A piece based upon what she was shown when she was 'on the other side."
God gives you this illusion, this place in time, this place you call 'reality,' as a stepping stone for your soul's understanding.
The key component here, in this illusion, is the belief that there is such a thing as separation. The truth is that there is no such thing. The lives we manifest are tools for creating the un-real.
Living the belief of separation allows souls to work their way through every aspect of who they are. Emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc.; the belief in separation, as well as the fact that it appears very, very real here in this place and time, is the primary drive for souls to understand what the lack of separation really means.
Divine Union with all that is will be enhanced by your soul, ten fold, by the time you complete the lessons you are giving yourself, here in this lifetime. Divine Union allows only Divine Harmony with All. Separation allows only dis-harmony.
What better way to understand True Divine Harmony than to understand what it is not? What better way for the soul to learn, to enhance its ability to be in Divine Harmony with all that is, than to live the opposite? All things within existence must be learned and understood, including that which is 'un-real.' We, as souls, create the un-real in order to better understand the Real.
You are your past. You are your future. You are the question. You are the answer. You are the final result of what you are choosing to learn by manifesting this lifetime. Knowing this, understanding this, gives you yet another key to truth of who you are. You need not seek that which you already have.
To view more of Lauren Zimmerman's work and books, please feel free to visit:
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Monday, April 1, 2013
A Narrative About .. Well .. A Couple of Things ......
Online Internet picture: Credit to:
39 years ago today I ‘died.’ April 1st. The irony is not lost on me. I don’t know for sure if the joke is on those who tried to take me out, or on me, since I’m still here .. causing trouble and taking names. (lol)
That was, obviously, a monumental time and event. But I felt called, as I struggled back into my body this morning, after having been ‘gone’ for the night, to make today a ‘different’ kind of day. The old no longer fits, like a wool suit turned inside out and one size too small. After thinking about it a while, the only thought that kept returning was the possibility of being more vocal about some of the incredible events of my life.
Which brings me to 1998. I was living in Sacramento, CA at the time. It was probably around midnight. As so often happens, I was awakened by the air in the room stirring. A metaphysical, other-dimensional force stirring me awake so that I might be fully aware of what takes place in the deep of the night. This night was no different. I went into high alert and waited. I didn’t have long to wait. The ceiling and roof began to dematerialize and I was staring at the night sky. But then I realized that it was not the sky. It was, instead, a massive craft. It wasn’t until I felt myself lifted above the house, where I floated, looking around at the night.
The craft was, as it turns out, the size of the United States. This wasn’t going to be the last time I would encounter it and those who lived aboard.
The craft does, literally, sit over the United States. Around the edges of the craft are what I call 'balancing lights.' They appear to be tangible, but not, beams of light that emit from the 'strip' that goes around the perimeter of the craft. The beams come directly down and touch various places on the Earth itself. For a visual then you can see that the perimeter of the craft is on the 'outskirts' of the U.S. and so the 'beams' touch along the various coastlines.
There came a time when I was invited aboard. Commander Wartauk welcomed me and advised that there are 17 extraterrestrial societies interacting with this massive craft. Together we strolled down what appeared to be a central hallway. In 'normal' vision it would be impossible to see from Denver, CO to the East Coast and yet, here in this hallway, I could see that far and had a clear vision of the eastern flank of the great ship. I suppose the dimensional shift between 'here' and 'there' had something to do with that phenomenon.
I could sense enormous rooms on either side of the hallway but, by some mental ability to control my actions, Commander Wartauk kept my eyes straightforward. Eventually we stopped and he turned me to my right. There in front of me was what looked like a podium made of a material that looked like polyurethane resin. Atop the podium were layers of what looked like clear, malleable plastic sheets. The Commander urged me to study them, and I did.
I was, at the time, physically in Denver, CO and so the maps I was being shown were of that area. (I was advised that there were similar podiums above various cities.) The sheets were maps of the area, with each sheet having a different 'vision' of the area. Meaning .. the top map resembled a normal map of the area, with streets and such. Lifting that sheet, there was a 'deeper vision' of the area, reflecting geologic patterns. The next, geologic anomalies. The next, the deep under the surface situation, etc. When it began to register in my mind that I was seeing underground tunnels, whether maintained by extraterrestrials or not, I instantly found myself back in my room in the motel room in Denver, CO.
Needless to say, the visit and what I had seen have stayed in my mind constantly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of that massive craft and wonder about the extreme amount of unseen and unknown that goes on in the world beyond the human reality of going to work and coming home. I put the reality of what I was shown while on 'the other side' together with all that happens daily, and nightly, and cannot help but ask myself what enormous experience we are involved in.
As I sit here on the anniversary day of my 'death' and look back at the unbelievable experiences that are not 'of this world,' I know that they ARE of this world. They are of the unseen and we are participants in something so much larger than most could even begin to imagine. I incorporate, in all of this, the January 16th visitation by yet another group of ETs, and am compelled to say .. or advise .. that human society appears to be on the verge of some major revelations about what reality truly is. I feel a great wake-up call coming. I, personally, am excited beyond words for I have sensed my entire life that there would come a day when the unseen would 'overpower' the seen and that this alone would help Humanity to awaken to far greater truths. I am blessed to be having this monumental experience, and blessed to be sharing it with so many who honor my work with their enthusiasm, their kindness, and their encouragement.
Lauren Zimmerman
As always, there is far, far more to the story and the events. And, as always, I thank you for understanding that it would be impossible to write down all details. There isn't enough time to do so. I write and offer what I do for the purpose of offering validation to those who have had experiences, to offer touches of hope for those who seek, and to offer encouragement to those who want their intuition to open more in order to embrace the fact that there is so much more in this reality than can be seen with the human eye. Thank you, dear readers, for understanding the need to keep things brief, and for accepting that there is barely enough time to have all of the daily (and nightly) experiences, much less enough time to write about all of it.
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Past Loves & Wisdom
(The quote on this picture gives a deeper understanding of this encounter and the ultimate goal of understanding.)
It's an extremely rare thing for me to be feeling so poorly that I don't do anything at all. But here I was, not thinking anything but drifting quietly in my mind, looking for a place to rest where I didn't feel anything, if only for a moment.
I sensed the energy in the room shift and turned to look toward the source. There stood my ex, who is now on 'the other side.' I was not terribly surprised. He had been coming to get me every night for about two weeks and we'd been soaring through universes and understandings with a happiness I had long ago forgotten.
Delighted to see him, I greeted him before noting the somber look on his face. "What's going on?" I asked a bit hesitantly.
"I need to apologize to you."
"For what? You....."
He stopped me. "I don't need you to tell me I didn't do anything wrong. I know what I did. And I know what I didn't do. And I need you to know that I'm sorry. I impacted your entire life and I now know how I can fix what I did. I need you to hear me. I mean really hear me."
"Absolutely," I assured him. "You know I'll listen."
He moved a few steps closer to me and I could see how vital this was to him. His eyes spoke volumes. "You loved me with all that you are. You gave me all that you are. And I stayed in my own stupidity and ego and loved what you gave me. But I didn't let you know that I loved you. I didn't put the love behind the words. You knew that and heard only 'empty.' I can tell you that I didn't know how to love completely like you do. I can tell you that I was afraid. I can tell you that I was selfish and just wanted what you were giving without having it 'cost' me anything." He laughed. "We both know how selfish I was. No need to talk about that."
His voice became as soft as the touch of an angel. "But what you don't know is that I loved you. I never let you know that." He waved his hand in the air. "I'm the one responsible for all that you're been through since, with these other men."
I immediately jumped to his defense. "How do you figure that?" I almost shouted. "You can't lay that on yourself. I'm the one who let them in and allowed what I did. Not to mention that you have nothing to do with their bad behavior."
"But what I'm trying to tell you is that I DO." I felt his energy settle back, readying himself to explain. "When I refused to let you know that I loved you, even while I knew you were giving me everything including your eternal soul, you 'learned' that this world wasn't going to love you no matter how much you loved it."
I started to protest, but he stopped me.
"You knew with everything that you are inside yourself that I really did love you. But I didn't show you. I didn't tell you and I literally made an effort to keep the truth from you. And so, you doubted what you knew. Not only that I loved you but also that the type of love you believed in was not possible on Earth. But I showed you that it couldn't, or wouldn't, be expressed here. And so, that means you took what you learned from me, or thought you learned from me, and you went out into the world with that false belief."
The relationships, the failures, that came after him flashed through my mind like lightning. I simply sat staring at him in silence.
"You see," he said quietly, "you manifested that false belief every time you tried to love. Your desire to believe in the level of love that you thought was possible was overpowered by the belief that I gave you. That even if you feel that love is really there, it isn't. My refusal to give it to you made you doubt that you knew what was real and what was not."
"And you're here now because?"
He smiled with all the love he had never given me. "Because it's time for me to help you understand that you were right all along." He studied me in silence for a minute and finally stepped forward and kissed me so softly that I might have been kissed by the wing of a butterfly. "You need to know that you were right all along. And you need to know that I love you with everything I am, through all time and space."
He drew back and gave me a rather sad smile. "I'll see you when you get home."
(NOTE: I truly thank each of you who have written and who have posted comments. This has to be one of the most touching blogs that I've written and the fact that it is touching you means more to me than words can say. Don appeared to me a few hours after I wrote this. (he had asked me to write this) He thanked me and then told me that he believed his story would help many others to heal. He thanked me for helping him to be of Service to you. With love, Lauren)(Oh .. another thing .. for some odd reason the blog is not allowing me to comment on your comments and so please forgive that. I do read each comment personally.)
Lauren Zimmerman
***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Spirit & Soul & 'Traveling' There
The 'other side' was fascinating, to put it mildly, but as this particular piece was unfolding, it was clear that this was one of the major Knowings that I needed to take back to life on Earth. Once I returned with this 'tidbit,' it became clear that there were not many who agreed with my 'take' on things. Nevertheless, this is what was given to me and so I present it to you ... food for thought.
I felt the Presence of God turning me gently toward the beginning of time. That might sound odd but if you think of all things existing simultaneously, the beginning has to exist somewhere, just as the future does. (but that's a whole new topic and so let me stick with this one for a minute) If I were to put 3-D words and phrases to what I 'saw,' which is what I am attempting to do, it would be described as an infinite, and very intense, 'batch' of densely packed 'light cells.'
I heard the Voice. I paraphrase the words here.
"The beginning is soul, an infinite source of light, existing through all time and space, here in this existence. As Soul, you look upon the entirety of all that is and desire nothing more than to explore it. With that comes the ability to send soul into existence, a journey far too magnificent and incredible to imagine, when one attempts to put that into words.
"Soul has the ability to form a cell of its own light into something that can travel on its behalf. Something that can make manifest its need to delve deeply into its own existence. That something, that cell of light, is the essence of spirit. The essence of spirit enters into a more tangible form of light, inserting itself into various aspects of existence in order to experience it in a very intense and personal way."
"And so, basically," I suggested, "soul takes an atom of itself and sends it forth to incarnate? And the term we use for that atom is 'spirit'?"
"Exactly. And so what you see within the human body is an atom of the infinite soul. That atom, that spirit, is an atom of the pure light of soul. It is never dis-connected from soul. It is always light. It is always soul. It is always infinite and eternal."
I studied the 'batch' of dense light thoughtfully. "This is soul that I am looking upon."
I turned my thoughts inward, to the essence of who I was in the moment, standing there as pure light, somehow being One and yet somehow separate. "What I am here, in this moment with you, is spirit then?" I looked back at the 'batch' of dense light. "And that is soul, my original source?"
"And instead of reuniting with my own soul I am taking this essence of myself back to Earth?" (I won't go into my thoughts and reactions to that, in this blog, but, trust me, that's another story ... or book)
"Yes. That's what you have agreed to. But what you will take back with you is this. This knowledge of your origin."
As though my soul had planted the thought into my spirit, an 'ah-ha' occurred to me. "But now that I know this, or will remember this when I get back to Earth, will I be able to use the knowledge to access my own soul? Or will I have to continue to feel that sense of separation that I had before?"
I could feel God smile, for lack of a better way to state the feeling that came over me.
"You have always managed to amuse me with the way your thoughts jump from one magnificent possibility to another. To answer you, yes, you will remember these words we've exchanged. Not only that but you will given various ideas of how to reinforce that connection to your origins, your Truth."
That has been the truth. Through the years I've been blessed with hundreds of ways to remember, to reinforce, to re-connect with the union between spirit and soul. This is one of those offerings.
As spirit we are a 'cell of light,' to put it simply. We have within us the ability to release our cell of light into existence, to travel where it may. That travel can be done as time-travel, bi-location, long-distance healing, remote viewing, etc.
Imagine, if you will, that you can gather that cell of light with the intention of re-connecting with the Truth of your own soul. Silence your thoughts entirely and focus only on the task of connecting with the spirit of light that is you. This lifetime is but a flash of time in your infinite being within this existence. Everything here can wait while you take these moments to remember and connect with your own Truth.
As you release your thoughts of the moment and feel yourself becoming as one with the cell of light that you are, imagine that your light will rise from this body. A fabulous visualization for convincing your human thoughts that it is ok to travel is to imagine yourself getting into a hot air balloon. The more you release your thoughts, the more you allow yourself to connect with your spirit, the cell of light that you are, the lighter the hot air balloon becomes. Before you know it, you are floating safely away from this Earth-body. The heaviness dissipates, the worries get set aside. You are floating away with your Truth.
With this visualization comes the intention of the freedom to reconnect with your the truth of who you are. You are momentarily free to be the cell of light, your spirit. Free to realize how temporary this lifetime is, and free to accept the vastness of your own Infinite Truth.
Once you become familiar and confident with your travel, you can begin to use this visualization tool to release your feeling of separation. When you begin to explore your Oneness, every manner of connecting with All That Is will be available to you. You can travel to others to assist them in their time of need. You can travel 'home' to your own soul and access your own infinite memories. You can simply float in your own freedom, giving yourself a break and coming back with a new perspective. The possibilities are endless ... literally.
If you decide to try this method of reconnecting, please remember to set up the intention of returning fully, to be grounded into your body and your life experience. As freeing as this experience is, you are here on Earth for a very good reason. Ground back into your body. Fill yourself up with the Divine Intention of making the most of every moment, bringing the best of who you are into your life, with the knowing that you ... and everyone around you ... is an infinite soul having a temporary Earth-experience.
Lauren Zimmerman
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