Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Heart's True Mission
My journey through time and space, during this lifetime, has been filled with things beyond what my 'imagination' might be capable of coming up with. That being said, the space of infinity often appears to be the same 'size' as the space taken up by an atom. I allow myself to live without limits. I allow my reality to breathe in and out, expanding to include infinity, or reducing my reality to a single atom. I'm saying this because it may take a slight adjustment in your thinking to follow the path laid out for me today. And I speak of this path because my thoughts could not help but travel to the many healers, the many who have sacrificed, the many who weep alone behind closed doors.
I found myself in a hallway. Or what I thought was a hallway. Darkened, with a floor of dirt the color of mahogany. The switch from one reality to another had been sudden and I stood for a moment, disoriented. I began to feel the residue of dried clay upon my skin. Brushing away what small bits were on me, I felt as though eyes were upon me. Looking up from my scrutiny of my dusty shoulder, I turned to my left. What I had thought was a wall was not. Blinking, I tried to take in the sight. Dozens upon dozens of people, baked into clay, encased in such a way that only their eyes moved. As I looked at each one, most of them turned away, unwilling to meet my eyes. With only eyes to be seen, I wasn't sure if I knew them or not. I felt the air move and sensed that there was a person who was free just a little further down the hallway. I walked toward him, a smile on my face as I recognized him.
"What are we doing here?" I asked. Unnerved by the sight of the encased people, I avoided looking in that direction again.
"This isn't a hallway," he told me. "This is your heart's main artery."
Shocked, I simply stared at him in confusion.
He waved his hand in the direction of the clay wall. "This wall is actually made up of people's indifference. Some .. many .. are those who dismissed you or thought you irrelevant. Your goal was love. The goal of all souls, if the truth be told, is only love, And I can tell you this ... if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely." He noticed, of course, my stare of disbelief as I tried to absorb the enormity of what he was suggesting. "It's true," he insisted. "The human heart was meant to carry the frequency of Universal Love into this dimension, into this reality. The fact that there is an inordinate amount of indifference in the human reality causes the innate desire of the heart to change its energy. It is meant to beat only with the knowing and vibration of love. Living with, and having to adjust to, or accept, indifference causes it to take on an unnatural pain and manifest it as a 'disease.'
I could not stop the images of a dozen people I knew who wanted only to love but who had learned the word 'indifference.' A dozen images. Two dozen images. One hundred. And soon there were too many to count.
The experience went on to include a journey to the edge of infinity, with many stops along the way as I learned from Masters in every dimension. My own experiences taught me as I traveled. I wept with other aspects of myself in other worlds. This Earth-experience .. for all of us .. reverberates through all time and space. In communion with God I faced the energy of indifference and allowed my heart to be healed.
I thought of writing more here on this blog. But everything within me tells me to keep it simple. Every person reading this knows the rest of the story, somewhere in their heart. And every person knows the possibility of hope that lives in the wisdom of the hallway, the gateway to the heart. I will just repeat what was said ...... "....if human indifference was eradicated in the human race, the trauma of heart dis-ease would be radically reduced, if not eliminated entirely."
To read more of Lauren Zimmerman's work, please visit
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
nLight Press Announces New Series of Books

nLight Press is pleased to announce the first three volumes of LISTENING TO WISDOM, by Lauren Zimmerman.
Sincere gratitude to all who have given such heartfelt and supportive reviews to the books! Your words mean more to me than words can express.
A sampling of reviews:
"Your best work yet. Your words touched my heart and what the sea and you know is true for all times." (by H.H.)
"This new book is fantastic and resonates with my life. Balancing the seen with the unseen, the clarity with which Ms. Zimmerman explains how two unlike energies can't share the same space in manifest form, and showing how we turn our experiences into burdens and forget everything before, all of it was so affirming and clear. I recognized all of it and could easily see the principles illustrated throughout my own lifetime. The ending couldn't have been more beautiful, magical, hopeful: a door beckoning. She uses the analogy of a chameleon in the most amazing way to drive her point home. She doesn't teach in the `traditional' sense, but in a uniquely Lauren Zimmerman way, painting a picture, holding it up and asking, What do you see? Are you in there? It's such a gentle way of allowing me to see and understand what I'm ready to see and understand. She turns on the light, and lets me look for myself. I truly admire and appreciate that." (by C.F.)
"Tissues are required in order to read this book! I love all of Lauren's books, but I almost let this little book slip by me. I should have known that my favorite author in the Universe would not write something that wasn't a profound blessing! Even though Lauren writes her stories as fiction, they are all very real and have actually happened to her! The connections that the Universe shares with her, and that she in turn shares with us are absolutely mind boggling! One of the most profound things that I have ever read were written in this little book for me to read last night! With just a couple of sentences she answered a question that has been haunting me for 53 years. She said "People hurt each other so that their own pain can be seen" ~ I didn't get it at first, but when I read on it made more sense than anything else that's been said to me since I was 12 years old! All of a sudden the blindness dropped from my eyes and mind and a bright light showed through that nearly floored me as I sat there bawling my eyes out ~ If you are a seeker of truth and have struggled a lifetime for certain answers, do yourself a favor and read this wonderful little book! You will be SO glad you did! I guarantee it! Thank you dear Lauren for once again helping me with my struggles of being a soul trying to live as a human being ~ My love and thanks go out to you, Lauren, to Agness, to our other worldly friends, and most of all to the Prime Creator of the Universe ~ I love you all ~" (by Mstikal Enchantments/klv)
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