Tuesday, December 22, 2015

You Leave An Impression

The greatest gift in my life is the honor bestowed upon me by God; the welcoming visitations that are filled with insight and wisdom .. and 'hints.' My life is a constant study of the dichotomy between who we are as infinite beings in oneness with God and Awareness, and who we are when we exist in the density of this 3-D Earth-life. Perhaps it is my refusal to give up my need to understand that allows me the visitations. Whatever the reason, I am grateful for them and grateful for the ability to share some of the tidbits with those who may find interest in my mental meanderings.

The gift of last night's visitation was filled with so much that it left me wanting to touch every soul on this planet and, with that touch, somehow infuse them with the simple truths of the unnecessary dichotomy. The dichotomy that allows people to forget who they are in union with God.

Here's a really simple thought to ponder. If ALL is God, all people and things exist within the energy of God, and there is no separation between something that is all-one, then everything that happens to the one happens to the all.

Logical conclusion to draw from that fact ... what impacts one impacts all. All things being energy, and energy having no boundaries, the 'cause' that happens within the energy field of God 'affects' the entirety of God.

I have a memory of walking to work along the quiet morning streets of Sacramento. I was probably about twenty at the time and so it was some years ago. A woman riding a bicycle was approaching me. I am always lost in my own thoughts when I walk and so paid little attention. But when she came close enough to me she caught my eye. "God bless you," she said.

All these years later and the impact of that five-second encounter is still with me.

Every word you say, every action you take, every smile you give, every tear you cause ... you leave an impression. But you can extrapolate that realization out to a much greater degree. If you are leaving an impression on a person, you are leaving an impression on God.

Something to think about. Something to ponder.

Perhaps a KEY to causing change.
Perhaps a KEY to healing the belief in separation between you, God, ALL.
Perhaps a KEY to causing the healing of this human society in order to take a step forward into a kinder reality.

May this Holiday and the ending of this year, 2015, bring Humanity a little bit closer to Peace, to Love, to Oneness, and to Divine Unity with All That Is.

Love and Peace to ALL, from LZ

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