Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dimensions Merge: An Essay About the Return of the Lionnine Planet

A small group of ancient souls sat together under the waning light of the distant moons. Having completed their latest existence-challenge they had decided to gather for a soul-storming/brain-storming session. What would their next challenge be?

Klasidra, who was weary from the last challenge, which had been in the 7th dimension and quite exhausting, offered a suggestion. "Why don't we,instead of picking out a planet that already has built-in challenges, think about manifesting our own? We've covered so much of the absolute must-understand things that have been set in place for eons. Why not try something new?"

"You mean something like start-from-scratch and see what we can manifest?" Arteia asked.

Klasidra nodded her head excitedly. "Exactly! I mean, we've been doing all of this challenge stuff, learning stuff, for eons. Maybe we should be trying out our own wings, so to speak." She grinned at one of the others who had unconsciously glanced over her shoulder at her new-born wings.

BeLinda, who was normally quite silent, responded to the energy of the excitement. "Do you know," she asked Klasidra, "as ancient as we are and as far as we have come, would we be trusted to manifest something of our own?"

"From all I have come to understand, if a soul considers manifesting with the Intention of pure Divine Union with The Creator of All, knowing that their creation/manifestation is in Divine Alignment and will not adversely impact other souls, it is possible that a plan such as this would be approved," Klasidra advised. "I will spend some time in Divine Communion to get a firm answer to your question. It's a good question."

With the plan approved, Klasidra and the others excitedly began sketching what they perceived as the perfect planet, the perfect reality. The Universe they chose for their planet offered them all of the energy and beauty they desired. The planet quickly became a reality. Moons of silver, suns of cool gold. Flora and fauna bathed the air in the most gentle of scents that were silently blown about by the mild winds. The serenity the souls found as they slowly relaxed into the energy was so powerful that some wanted to name the planet "Tranquility." But Klasidra felt something beautiful was missing. She talked with the others. As they listened each one began to see her inner vision and they agreed. They had seen the magnificence of a creature an eon or two ago on a distant planet. It had been named Lion. As a group, they agreed. This was a splendid vision and the thought of having such magnificent creatures walking among them sounded like adding another piece of beauty to their new world. And so The Lionnine Planet was born. Together the group sketched the images in had hidden in their memories and slowly their imposing lion-companions came to life. Klasidra was beside herself with joy. Quickly she named her manifestation. Magmus would be his name. Standing four feet tall at his shoulders, Magmus almost towered above her. When his gaze fell upon her it was gentle. The trauma-energy her soul had been through began to fade into nothingness. She was protected. She was free.

As the ancient souls learned their inherent powers of manifestation they also learned what worked and what did not. The slighest flucuation in energy, any introduction of disparity in the tranquil energy, was immediately noticed and the idea discarded. They had all seen realities that had no interest in Divine Alignment for the good of All. They wanted none of it!

No one really knows how much time passed. There was no time. There was quiet solitude and peace and the ancient souls bathed in the energy, healing themselves and learning to believe in themselves. One by one, the ancient souls created their own lion and lionness Protectors. There were days when the only sound was the soft pad of lion footsteps as the Protectors walked the land slowly, scanning the far-reaching, star-studded skies. But as the days and nights grew into years, dreams began to take over Klasidra's nights. She didn't tell the others. She wrapped the energy of the dreams in purple-twilight-light, keeping them secreted in her soul. It would devastate the peace of The Lionnine Planet if the others knew exactly why they had been allowed to create such a spectacular and perfect reality. But the time would come when there would be no choice. She knew that. And as the importance of the dreams grew more urgent she knew, finally, that it was time. She gathered the others and as they came to their inner circle of communion they could instantly tell that the mood was somber. Each quietly took their seats and turned silently toward Klasidra, who had remained standing. Magmus stood majestically by her side.

Her voice was soft but clearly heard by all. "Each of you will understand this well. We have traveled through time and space for eons. We have had experiences throughout this existence and many others. We knew we were gathering understandings and wisdoms. And when it came time to learn our soul's true powers, and we were trusted with the knowledge of manifestation, we were given this incredible opportunity. We have succeeded. Probably in ways we never believed we could .. or would. But now it appears that it is time for us to face another challenge."

The others looked at her curiously, some with hesitant expressions taking over their normally-gentle smiles.

"We are being asked now to leave our creation and venture once again into the lower dimensions of planetary realities."

An involuntary gasp escaped Arteia. "No," she cried softly. Her eyes welled up with tears. The others nearby laid their hands upon her shoulders.

BeLinda, breaking her usual silence, spoke up. "What can possibly be accomplished by doing such a thing?" she demanded.

Klasidra chose her words carefully. "From what I am told, it would be easy to become complacent with what we have achieved. But if our conditions, the lower energies that are so much more harsh, impede us will we still believe in ourselves? Will we forget who we are? Will we flourish or will we surrender to the challenges and forget, drowning in the challenges we face? Can we manifest the truth of who we are in such adverse conditions?"

"Why would we create a reality of darkness for ourselves?" demanded Arteia. "It makes no sense. Why wouldn't we just continue to rise higher in our Knowing and Soul's possibilities?"

Though quiet, Klasidra's voice cut through the silence in a powerful way. "The success means nothing if it is not challenged. We created this under perfect conditions. Can we do it again? I emphatically say 'yes.' We can and we will." She paused. "And there is also this to consider.... There are others who find themselves caught in the darkness. They have lost so much hope that they can no longer see. If we are able to shine a light and show them the road, why would we not do so?"

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

You Are Infinite

***** *****

Saturday, September 16, 2023

"Called" Become A Star

This event took place on September 11, 2023. It is just today, Sept. 16th, that I was asked to post this as a blog.

I am overwhelmed, thrilled, touched, and blessed beyond any words I can find.

I was taken to an off-planet, open-air, space station. Twelve Extraterrestrials and three humans (apparently) had been working for two years on a project. This was the launch of the work they had been doing.

They had taken "Called," the first in "Other Worlds: The Series," and had been using a technique to turn the book into a semi-tangible energy form. The 2nd part of their work included creating a device that was capable of sending the semi-solid energy of Called into the Universe. I had been taken there to witness the launch. After everything had been explained to me, we walked to this device and they sent Called blasting into the Universe. It looked like a shooting star as it flew through the air. It finally stopped and Called became a star in the sky. As we all watched in awe, other stars in the galaxy began to unite with the energy of Star Called (as the ones around me were calling it).

I felt myself being gently placed back into this body. I opened my eyes and looked at my Guides. "I guess I did do some good while I was here on the planet."

"You did," one of my Guides said quietly.

And then a loud call from the Craft mentioned in Called .. The Esartania.

A voice was cast into the room. "You did. And now perhaps you should change your name to E.C."

"E.C.?" I asked.'

"Esartania Craft," was the reply. (For those who aren't familiar with this, The Esartania (craft) is the Craft featured in "Other Worlds: The Series")

Here is the link to Called and the other books for those who may be interested ...

***** To follow .. click on the top-left "Follow" of the top menu or "ATOM FEED" at the very-very bottom of the blog. There is also a blue button ("FOLLOW") on the right-hand-side of the blog. Other subscription options are elsewhere within the blog. To contact the author, please visit: *****