Copyright, L. Zimmerman, 2011
(An article as well as a “lead-in” for a book by the
same name and author.)
By Lauren Zimmerman
Without realizing that we’re doing it, many of us are resisting the complete process of being Fully Present on Earth. We read or hear the words that will direct us and assist us in the goal and yet, for various reasons, we have difficulty absorbing and expressing the full Truth of who we are into the very essence of our being.
What we’re returning to, in returning to being Fully Present, is an energetic form that is a balance of spiritual and physical and a full presentation of who we truly are being expressed through our physical forms. The energetic essence of who we are “becoming” (in actuality, who we are returning to) allows us to rise above the mental and emotional barriers of our physical presence on Earth.
There are many reasons for the past “dis-allowance” of physically expressing the Truth of who we are. Centuries ago the energetic grids that encompass the Earth-plane were altered by entities who were not originally from Earth. Their purpose was to control and benefit from the Earth and those who had incarnated here. One of the grid overlays that was placed has since been identified as a mind-control grid. Unfortunately, between the time this grid was placed and this present time, there have been Earth-incarnated beings who have participated in keeping this grid in place. However, throughout the last fifty years or so, this grid has been heavily impacted by many who are on Earth as well as many from higher dimensions. The work that’s been done to reduce its influence on Earth-reality has greatly reduced its impact upon us. The work to dissolve the influence of this grid continues and, without doubt, this energetic mind-control grid will be eliminated completely over time. The more people on Earth who focus on expressing their complete Truth and personal power and wisdom, the less effective this grid will become.
Because the energy of this grid overlaid the energy of the complete Earth, it had a significant impact on the human expression of personal power and sovereignty. In addition, intangible, energetic “veils” were placed in the physical energy field of almost all humans on Earth. These veils served to keep us from our Truths. Now, with the current evolutionary process and the incredible amount of work being done from all levels of existence, these veils are being energetically dissolved.
Because of the build-up over centuries from those who would wish us to be “dis-empowered,” most human energy fields are “clogged” with energies that negate the Truth and Divine Union that is the ultimate goal in the quest to evolve and empower ourselves. However, higher dimensional energies are pouring into Earth’s energy field at a pace never before experienced on Earth. With the right amount of focus and intention, these energies can be called upon to assist each individual’s efforts to overcome all influences outside of oneself and facilitate the understanding of how each person can empower him or herself.
It’s been said many times by many people … we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This fact alone is a key factor in altering one’s thought process and accepting the higher Truths. When we alter our thought process, basically adopting the opposite thought process of what we’ve been taught to believe throughout the last century, we begin to encourage the process of Divine Union and being Fully Present. It’s not enough to read and understand the concept of expressing full Truth. It is crucial to become that full Truth. To become that full Truth means that any thought or belief that negates, or appears to negate, that we are great and powerful Souls has to necessarily be dealt with and overcome. The healing of all thoughts and beliefs that cause a person to think that they are anything less than supreme expressions of God/Creator is the avenue through which one learns to become Fully Present.
Overcoming a lifetime of believing that we are at the mercy of the world around us seems like a daunting task. It isn’t. Each of us has within us the ability to become our Truth. But as we focus our attention on removing the veils that hide us from Truths, the energetic influences from outside ourselves, and the process of healing the dichotomy between what appears to be real and what is actually real, the challenges increase. As individuals who are manifesting a reality outside of ourselves in order to discover the absolute power and Truth within, we place obstacle after obstacle along our path in order to gain strength and wisdom. Often it appears that the more we dedicate our lives to becoming Truth, the more the exterior world tosses into our lives to prove that we’re barking up the wrong tree. With all of this can come the desire to admit defeat, to turn back to the lives we once knew, to turn our backs on the difficulties that go along with the reaching of the goal in order to achieve some kind of peace. But just when we feel the most defeated is when we should take a deep breath and take the next step. The more defeated we feel, the closer we are to our goal.
The above statement would seem to be one of the greatest dichotomies and apparent lies that we tell ourselves. But what is actually occurring is a Universal Process of what can be an extremely difficult task. That is the task of “erasing” the world behind us as we take a step further into “the void.” The void is where all new things are created. A void is empty of energy, which leaves it a place where new energy, ideas, realities, and manifestations can be birthed. If we do not “erase” the energy of what was, by transmuting and healing it as we proceed, we are re-creating a “new” reality with the old energy. In other words, we are re-creating the same reality we’ve been living in for the last century. It may appear different at first but, because it has a foundation of the old, it will, eventually, take on the old form/appearance.
Returning to the above statement about defeat, the explanation is this. The “old reality” will almost always fight for its right to exist and resist the changes we attempt to make. In actuality, as we push for the birth of a new reality, the old reality is fighting for its life. It is “dying.” Dying often has the energy/interpretation of defeat. The closer we are to giving birth to the new, the closer the old is to “dying.” Again, in actuality, nothing is dying. Everything is healing and transforming. As energy lets go of its original form and intent, it feels like a death. But … all death is actually new birth.
Being Fully Present is a matter of healing all energy that has held us within the belief that we are powerless. Being Fully Present is a matter of allowing the greatest essence of who we are to enter our physical energy fields in such a way that we are healed into being the best that we can be. It’s our Soul’s “birthright” to express itself fully. By dedicating our lives to the full expression of Soul, each of us will be making a significant impact on changing Earth-reality from a place where suffering and inequality exist into a place where Souls can express the great beauty of the never-ending union of each individual with the Presence of Creator God.
FULLY PRESENT will be presented, with many variations,
in book form when it’s completed. At this time, however,
the author would like to share small but significant bits
of wisdom that will help each reader accept the Truth
of who they are and where we, as a world-society, are going.
Watch for Part II of FULLY PRESENT
("Transcending Into The Divine")
in this blog:
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