Monday, July 9, 2012

Real As Opposed To Truth

 A faint blue tint seemed to envelope the massive bank of windows that looked out over the Earth.  Glancing away from the incredible sight of the planet and its surrounding stars, I glanced over my shoulder to see exactly where I was.  The room was about the size of three football fields.  The light was dim and, again, a soft blue tint dominated the air.  I looked up into the eyes of the tall, majestic-feeling ET standing next to me and fought back tears at the compassion that suddenly bathed me as though it was tangible.

The weeks prior to this visit had been especially difficult and so I turned from him abruptly so as not to be taken away by the sudden swell of emotions and my all-consuming desire to remain where I was.  I knew I would be taken back to the planet below.  It would be best to make the most of the moments that I had here in this awe-inspiring place.

His long slender finger pointed to the island below us, the water around it shimmering with reflected moonlight.  "This is one of the primary places where the magnetic shift is being polarized."

I was a bit surprised.  I had known the island played a part, but I hadn't realized just how big a part.

I watched as the link between the island and the huge craft was made visible for me.  I had never imagined anything like what I was seeing.  Captivated by the enormity, I simply stared in silence at the 'invisible' yet very powerful connection.  I listened in silence as he explained.  I knew I could never look at things the same from that moment on.

There's a reason for everything and so I didn't question my next thought.  I spoke it out loud.  "They talk of nothing being real.  Of a holographic reality."

He nodded.  "Yes.  I hear this and I hear the confusion that such a thought generates.  To be tangible and having tangible experiences, in whatever form they may be, and then to speak of these things not existing at all will, without doubt, create confusion.  That confusion creates resistance and that resistance is the wall behind which the Truth stands."

It made perfect sense to me.

He went on.  "It's all real.  Everything is real.  Even the thing that seems the most unreal, the money this planet uses to barter with, is real.  All things are real.  But the key is how each Being interacts with that form of real.  What is real will always exist.  And every person has the free will to interact, to touch upon, all aspects of what is real.  But the way all things can be real and sustain the resonance of the Truth is something altogether different."

It almost felt as though my brain became something other than what it had always been.  Reality through all time and space suddenly became crystal clear.  All things made perfect sense.

He smiled down at me with perfect love.  "You are supported in your efforts to make all things resonate with the Truth."

He moved his hand gently around my energy field.  What he left me with was almost unbelievable.  But it was something that I had always believed in.  There was nothing more to say in that moment.


In the book, THE MAYAN TILES, ancient tiles are spoken of.  The tiles have symbols of Truth etched upon them.  They were brought to Earth many years ago by an extraterrestrial society.

When I wrote TILES, I knew that there were other ancient tiles, filled with Truths that were waiting to be revealed.  During the last several days I have taken time off away from "life" and hidden myself away in order to bring my energy/vibration to the frequency that I needed it to be in order to once again visit with those who held the secrets.

This brief blog is my way of placing upon the planet the first 'threads of energy' of what has been given to me.  If you would like to support my efforts to get this next book written, or know someone who would like to assist, I would love to hear from you.  I've been told that I need to be open to assistance from around the world .. for reasons not yet disclosed to me.  Those who can offer assistance may contact me through the web site (listed below).

My heart-felt gratitude to all who believe in my work and who support the books through prayer and intention.

Lauren Zimmerman
Creator of

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Mind Control

I've received enough emails lately that talk about a "great war" going on in the unseen regions that I decided to take the subject matter into a conference with those I work with in the higher dimensions.  I am no stranger to "the dark side" of things and the "war" / struggle for the control of the human mind.  However, having lived through enormous conflict with all of this, and come out of it knowing myself and God more intensely than I ever could have imagined, I prefer to stay away from this subject matter.  But .. having it addressed by so many, via email, in the last few days makes me feel that I should actually address it.

The subject of mind control is far too vast for me to address all that it entails, and all that I've learned.  With that in mind, I asked the higher dimensional Masters to help me boil it down to manageable, and present my words in a way that will help people begin to generate their own understanding of what's really going on.

Rather than talk about the entire history of Earth and what purpose it serves as far as assisting souls to know themselves better, let's just talk about 2012.

With the entire population of Earth aware of the possible significance of this year, everyone has his/her own idea about what might take place.  Because all things are energy, including thoughts, all of these ideas are floating around in "the ethers."  Those who are in fear are generating fear-energy with their thoughts.  Unfortunately, that puts them in a vulnerable position as far as having an energy field that can easily be "manipulated."  (When we stand in pure Faith and Knowing, without doubt or fear, our energy field is as unwavering as our Faith.  When we stand in fear, we stand in uncertainty, making us vulnerable to the opinions and energies of others.)

In the meeting of last night, the Masters instantly showed me the energy field around Planet Earth.  It was swarming with thought-energy, of course, but the energy-thoughts about 2012 and "the end of the world" and "the war of the world" were the most prominent.  (They were showing up as a bright vermillion red color.)

The "war" going on is the "war" each person is having with themselves as they fight to take themselves out of the illusion and into the Truth.  Like attracts like.  The energy of fear will gravitate to those who allow themselves to fear.  Not as a "punishment" but rather as a tool of understanding.  The greatest gift we can give ourselves, in union with our infinite soul and why we are having this Earth-experience, is the gift of understanding why we allow ourselves to be manipulated by energies outside of our own Truths and connection to The Divine, God, Truth, or whatever "term" you wish to use.

The bottom line .. there is no universal war.  There is no war for our souls and our future, being fought by unseen forces who have infinite power and control over the future of Earth and its inhabitants.  When each person comes to the realization that all of these entertaining thoughts are nothing more than tools that are meant to create greater understanding, Humankind will be closer to creating the reality of harmony and peace on a universal scale.

Love and Infinite Blessings to all.
Lauren Zimmerman
nLight Press


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Inter-Dimensional Presence

All spectrums of the topic can't be addressed in this particular forum, but I'm intensely called to share what's going on, at the moment, with the extra-terrestrial presence that has increased its interaction since the beginning of 2012.  I share from the viewpoint of the information being shared with me by the extraterrestrials I interact with, as well as my inner knowing and remembering of how I am, and have been, involved.  Since Nov., 2011, it's been as though one million puzzle pieces have fallen together to give a bigger picture of what's going on.  There are too many pieces for me to address them all, but the ones here simply must be shared.

The question of an extraterrestrial presence in and around this planet has never been a question, as far as I'm concerned.  If we accept an "outside" presence, then the question becomes "why."  Why are they here and what is really going on.  I need to begin with a basic "key."  All things are energy and all energy impacts all other energy.  Also, all energy has a frequency, a "vibratory rate of existence." 

What called me to this blog / topic is the current "epic" storm in the Pacific Northwest.  I'm directly impacted by the energy of it, sitting on the Oregon Coast.  Weather does not "just happen."  An energy form impacts another energy form and ... weather happens.  It's the same for all things in existence.  I call it "cause and effect" ... and I've studied it intensely my entire life. 

Anyway, when I decided to focus on the energy of the storm, rather than how it might impact my everyday goings-on, the thrill of excitement that rushed through me was un-mistakable.  I followed the thrill into what might be called "the center" of the storm and uncovered a myriad of information, memories, and "knowings."

(I know I tend to wander from what appears to be one topic to another, but bear with me, if you will.  There's a method to my madness here.  And I apologize for the "hit and miss" sharing of information.  I get so much information that I find it impossible to share it all.  I try to hit the highlights, and hope that readers will use their intuition and "connections" to discern what there is not time enough for me to share.)

The 3rd book in OTHER WORLDS: The Series (PEACE MISSION) talks about a massive sighting of 1,000 crafts appearing over the Pacific Ocean.  Since this vision and apparent-coming-reality was given to me by the extraterrestrials that I work with, you can imagine why my thoughts rarely wander away from the possibility that this event is going to happen.  As I stepped into "the center of the storm" here, the vision came again.  But with it came what I will call an "opening up of history" as well.

This storm is being compared to a storm in the early 1940's that was dubbed an "epic" storm.  As I stood in the center of this day's energy, I was there during that storm as well.  And I was witnessing what followed.  The energy of the 1940's storm was caused by an extraterrestrial energy.  The energy of this one is caused by the same extraterrestrial presence.  The energy is intentional, an "outside force" playing a part in the events that occur on and around Earth. 

If you follow my thoughts, and what I was told during this download of information, you may notice the "non-coincidence" of the timing of the Roswell crash.  I was informed that the atmospheric energy, as well as the magnetic energy, of the planet is disturbed by the "insertion" of this other-dimensional energy, causing many changes and events.  The extraterrestrials aboard that craft were connected with the et-force that caused the storm. (From my understanding, their instruments were impacted by the magnetic/gravitational pull of the Earth and the re-calibration of energy, including their craft.)

Now we have that same et-force stirring up the energy again.  As I looked into the "why," the vision of the 1,000 craft appeared to me again.  Could this "energy storm" be preparation for a much, much larger showing of crafts than occurred in the 1940's?  My answer would be an absolute 'yes.'

As I mentioned earlier in this post, there's much more involved and not enough time to share it all.  I ask those of you who have been called to read this post, and those who feel as though this somehow has something to do with them, to go within to connect with your own Knowing.

The information that I was receiving from "the center of the storm" shifted direction.  It became more of a personal message to many who are here on Earth, but who know of their extraterrestrial origins. 

2012 brought with it the energy of remembering who we are and why we're here, to a greater extent than it's been in the past.  I was shown "energy capsules" being placed in the energy fields of many people.  I would perhaps call them "pills for awakening."  A set of directions was heard, calling people to remember their "jobs" down here on the planet.  If you're from an extraterrestrial origin, you're here for a specific reason.  It's time to not only remember that reason but to step into that "job."

Being of extraterrestrial origins does not make us special in any way.  Ego, as well as self-doubt, must be set aside.  You must become your own Truth.  You must remember.  If you came here to do a job, it's time to step into those shoes.

If it's true that 1,000 (or more) other-world crafts are preparing to enter Earth's atmosphere, or energy field, then it's imperative that each person here who is a part of this event step up to the plate and do the job they came here to do.  If you came here for that job that is yours, then obviously you have the ability to do it.  No more questioning. No more self-doubt.  No more hand-holding.

They went on to show me an example of how this is all meant to work.  If you're on a huge ship, there's a large population of crew members.  Each crew member has a job to do.  The captain of the ship believes each crew member knows his or her job and expects the job to be done.  He/she cannot walk beside every member and oversee, or help with, the job that needs done.  We know what we're here to do.  Let's do it and do it well.

Copyright, Lauren Zimmerman, nLight Press

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