Friday, January 9, 2015

The Reason for 'Non-Existence' .. perhaps .. said tongue in cheek

There is a primary thought that hovers in my mind, dominates my reality, overshadows every thought, word, and action. Some have told me to 'get over it.' Some have urged me to figure it out and then let it go. And there's been a few other suggestions that probably shouldn't be mentioned in mixed company. (chuckle) But I could not listen to any suggestions, or change my obsessive quest, if we want to call it that. The answer to what plagued me had the potential to change my life, and possibly the lives of others. To let it go would be a betrayal of my soul. Or at least that's how I've thought of it.

Since we're talking about something based upon a 1974 event, we can safely say that it's been a long quest. Here, in 2015, The Presence of God now quietly shows up to speak of it, and the relief flows through me like healing of the highest order.

Those who have followed my work have heard me speak of this before. Bear with me as I speak of it again, but from the point of view spoken of by God.

It has been next to impossible to describe the time I spent on 'the other side,' which has led me to speak of it very little, at least in any depth. For the purpose of this missive, and for those who are new to my attempt to explain the reality of 'dying,' I'll try again. What has had me 'stuck' all of these years is the fact that, in less than a nano-second, this 3-D Earth and its reality did not exist. I stepped directly into the energy and presence of God when I 'died.' My question, my obsession, has been ... if this 3-D reality did not exist when I was in the Presence of God, why does it exist now? Or does it? What is this 'reality' we are living? And where is it? Where is it located if it could not be found while I was with God?

It's funny, now that I'm typing this, that a realization comes to me. It never, not even for a second, occurred to me to think that the reality of the Presence did not exist and 3-D did. No matter how solid, how 'real,' how much pain it inflicted to assert itself, 3-D could not convince me that it was 'real.' The moments spent with God could be cemented over with two million years of life on Earth and life on Earth could still never do anything to make itself more 'real' than the Presence. I can't state that strongly enough. And I feel my words are inadequate. It seems imperative for my infinite soul to impart the truth that 'dying' is not real.

Now back to the visitation by God, here in 2015.

The night was not quiet, as I had hoped it would be. I had to deliberately decide not to be irritated by people who thought that 3am was a good party time and force myself to stay calm within my own space. I had set out to use the night as an opportunity to connect with God and people were not going to stand in my way. As I felt the energy around and within me begin to shift into the very-familiar energy of Divine Union, I was thrilled to have succeeded in setting aside the 3-D 'stuff.' I was even more thrilled when I realized that the Presence of God was going to speak to me about the question I had carried with me since 1974.

His voice was immediate in the room. "It was not that the 3-D world of Earth did not exist, daughter. It was that you did not exist within it. Your energy, your focus, your spirit, your soul, was entirely removed. All things exist. Yes. But they do not exist in all realms and dimensions. In other words, 8th dimension exists but, due to its vibrational frequency, it does not exist within the parameters of 3rd dimension. The dimensional frequency where we met and spent time in 1974 did not allow for the reality of 3rd dimensional energy to exist in the same space."

Slightly miffed at the delay of the conversation (a delay of over 40 years), I replied. "We both know that I'm aware of the information you just gave me. I've worked that out during my many years of trying to figure out exactly what happened on that day of 'dying.' I suspect that You didn't make this great effort to reach me just to tell me what I already know."

I could feel the smile behind the words. "You're correct. I did not. I came to give you the energy of your own infinity. You are omnipresent. As infinite souls who are in Divine Union with the energy of God, all people are. However, the various realities throughout time and space cause a necessary shift in focus. A narrowing, if you will. To reside in any particular dimensional reality, in order to explore all of existence, which, after all, is what this is all about, one must narrow one's attention and focus on the minutiae of the moment."

He went on. "As aware as I was of your constant questioning, it served you best to allow you to work through the energy of your life in order to gain the various perspectives that you needed. To put it another way, you reached the ultimate goal of your existence when you joined my energy in 1974. I sent you back to the starting line, to begin the journey again, with the absolute knowing of the end result. The end result was the proverbial carrot on a stick to drive you forward into your own Knowingness."

"All infinite souls know all things," I offered.

"Indeed. But, as you are aware, various energy frequencies are capable of drowning out all others. Precisely why, during your experience of 'dying,' 3-D did not exist. Likewise, for so many people who reside momentarily in the 3-D vibrational reality, the Presence of God energy does not exist. Which leads to the belief that they are separate from God. Nothing and no one, as you know, is separate from God."

"Of course," I replied. If 1974 had taught me nothing else, it had taught me that.

I thought in silence for a brief moment. With a sudden, surprising tear appearing on my cheek, I said, "The moment when I stepped into your Presence, when everything else ceased to exist, is the moment above all others that I will cherish throughout my infinity. My time with you was Real. Everything else seems like an illusion. I think everything else has the taint of a lie upon it because nothing, in any way, comes close to matching the energy of what we shared."

"That is precisely why you had the experience," He said softly. I felt the gentle breath of his love on my soul. "It was meant that you come to know the Real. That you spend your time looking for the Real within the energy of the un-real. Knowing the energy of the Real as well as you do, you now infuse that energy into the energy of the life you lead. All energy impacts all energy. Do you see?"

I do. I see. I understand. Which is why I write. This blog. These books. Every effort and every word. My quest to infuse the energy of the Real into the lives of those who listen. My hope ... to help you remember.

For more information on Lauren Zimmerman's work, please feel free to visit:

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  1. I feel this is happening to me without "dying", but I die daily as old perceptions die, or are transmuted into the truth of who I AM. With blogs like this it stimulates me. It helps me to keep remembering that I AM GOD.
    Thank you.

  2. Again I have been moved/inspired by your words..............
    I love the coming of realization that only the realizer/experiencer can comprehend, when you understand that to see 'self' as it were one must 'see' self upon reflection.
    When you wrote, ""It was meant that you come to know the Real. That you spend your time looking for the Real within the energy of the un-real", the nail was indeed 'hit' on the head!
    I smile each moment(and there are now so many) that I just recognize within that I am but a custodian of the flame as YOU and ALL is.
    As I listen to the gentle fall of the Sub Tropical shower I am moved once more by your perspective & experience.
    Once more upon this, yet another day in paradise shall I make my step and breathe easy knowing 'you' and many 'others' are that I Am.

    I don't comment on everything you write but I do indeed read and enjoy all your words :-)

    Thank you Lauren you are a worthy keeper of the flame.

  3. Thank you so much, John, for the always-kind and touching acknowledgements. I do feel your presence touching into my work, and we're connected even when we're not. (smile) Always love & blessings!

    And my deep gratitude to those who have written private notes. You are all the reason that I continue to do what I do, despite the massive challenges. If my soul and 'being' can serve yours, I consider myself blessed. And your words of acknowledgment and encouragement, and validation that the work is touching your lives as well as mine, mean more to me than words could ever express. My Gratitude and Love,

  4. I come from a place that is always here
    If I take a northward journey, I am 'still' in my movement
    If I take the south, I show my agelessness
    While the East and onto the my Suns path
    Existence is all part of my creative expression
    My heart is your home, your true smile is my Love
    My knowing is one of acceptance
    While sometimes it may seem cruel..............
    with experience comes great knowing
    I stand strong towards the winds of change,
    this is my breath that creates movement in this glorious realm of senses and such
    To feel me, know that I am and that you are that also
    There is no riddle, this is no lie
    Truth is all there is
    Once this is realised, the veil dissolves and light shines through


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