Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Change, Changes, Changed

I imagine there are many people who can point to a single moment, a single event, that changed them irrevocably. I've had more of those moments than I can count. All of them life-changing, dramatic, stunning in so many ways. I've had the Hand of God appear and remove cancerous cells from me. I've had guns pulled on me, angels appear, ETs dematerialize me and take me aboard their craft. In other words, it's been interesting. And so if anyone had asked if there was possibly something even larger, something soul-changing, that could happen that would change me more, I would have told them 'no.' I would have been wrong.

I did not know, until November 18, 2013, that an infinite soul could be impacted so dramatically that it changes. I would have told anyone, based upon all that I've ever known, that the infinite soul is all-there-is. It is all-encompassing. It knows all, past, present, future, throughout its own infinity. There is nothing unknown and nothing within existence could possibly change its nature. Certainly not an event in a temporary, and possibly holographic, Earth-reality. Again ... I was wrong.

A soul does change. I felt the reverberations through all time and space. I felt my existence change. I felt my soul change. There were moments when I called myself 'dramatic.' When I told myself I was over-reacting. But here, in almost-May of 2015, I know without doubt that I was not over-stating the fact that mere Earth-events can impact All That Is. I will have to wait until I get 'Home' to uncover all of the nuances. But here in this temporary Earth-life, I acknowledge the changes, take a deep breath, and ask God what's next.

Which brings me to two strings of thought. One is this. I have never in my life sat down in front of a television and watched drama unfold in the moment. I prefer to be aware of things going on but to stay away from the visuals, staying in silence and sending prayer and what I call God-energy to people and events. But last night was different and for the first time I found myself feeling as though I was standing on the streets of Baltimore. I found myself looking from side to side, and then looking up. I called out loudly for the manifestation of an 'angel of peace.' Mind you, I've had angels, ETs, and even The Presence of God (an aspect of) manifest in front of me and so I knew that I wasn't asking for too much. In my mind I could imagine the world changing as 100 or more cameras caught the image of an angel appearing, floating in the purest of lights, stopping all thoughts of violence and replacing them with awe and inspiration .. and peace. Inspired Hope. That's the vision I was holding.

Obviously it was not to be. I found myself wondering why. Knowing that an event such as that has the potential to catch the attention of every single person on this planet, I couldn't help but ask myself why. Why, if it's possible, wasn't it done? I don't know the answer but I do know that I was disheartened. In my mind, there are options for opening the hearts and minds of Humankind. And as much as I understand that God has a plan for this planet and the people, I still ask why things cannot be different. Which is a judgment on my part. I am not a person to judge anyone or anything but I do hold a deep hope that people can move beyond hatred, violence, suffering, and all of the other pains of this Earth. That a new reality of peace can be birthed.

I am also a person who knows that, if God wants something to change, it will change. Period. Which brings me to the state of mind that tells me there is nothing much that I can do. As they say .. it is until it isn't any more. There is a plan, I know, and I am not privy to how this will all play out. What I do know is that God's 'got this,' as they say. You either have faith and know that this is true .. or you don't. There's no halfway when it comes to faith.

I had planned on writing a blog yesterday. It was to be about a thought/message that has been careening about in my brain for a little while now. The reason the above story about an angel manifesting fits into the blog I meant to write (and into this one) is that the subject matter seems to be idealism. I was an idealist until November 18, 2013. I am now a realist. Which causes me to question 'divine messages' in a hundred ways before I agree to admit that they might be possible. Which is why I did not write the blog yesterday.

But now it occurs to me............

There is no such thing as an 'accident.' Perhaps the soul-change I had to endure was a necessity. Maybe, just maybe, it fits into the message I'm being asked to consider. Perhaps the 'who I was' could not have come to this moment and would not have been willing to entertain such an 'out there' message. We'll never know. But here is the message......

It is being suggested that some people will be 'called' to abandon their lives, their goals, their dreams. Called to switch paths and go in an entirely different direction than they had planned. Through the last months and years I've watched hundreds of extraterrestrial societies begin to interact more and more with this planet and with certain people. I've watched clients and casual acquaintances morphing into the higher dimensional frequencies of their souls, and accepting more of their extraterrestrial origins. Perhaps the days, months, and years were a 'testing ground.' Each person testing themselves to find out just how willing they are to let go of the consensual reality created by those who reside on Earth and immerse themselves in the unlimited reality that lives beyond Earth's 'boundaries.'

I've never denied my extraterrestrial nature. I couldn't even if I wanted to, I don't think. (lol .. ask anyone who knows me well if it's possible to hide) But the days and nights have become more and more about that 'side' of myself and less and less about this 3-D life. I've been 'chastised' an uncountable number of times for not living this 3-D life fully and setting aside all of the 'metaphysical mumbo-jumbo.' After all, they say, you are here and this is Earth and so you should succumb to the reality and be like everyone else. My tendency is to consider everything and everyone deeply, from all angles and dimensions, which is why I sometimes hesitate to speak of some of the more 'far-fetched' thoughts that traverse my mind. I think it is my 'purely ET side' that is causing the pressure I feel. The pressure to speak of things beyond the realm of 'ordinary.' The pressure to speak of 'drastic measures' on the part of some people who are willing to step fully into the extraordinary truth of who they really are. The aspects of themselves that express the full and infinite power of the soul, through all time and space, beyond all boundaries and limitations.

Is it possible that when I wrote 'Called' that the 'call' was meant to be much more than I allowed myself to think about at the time? Is it possible that the years since 'Called' was born, those 30+ years that I carried the hope in my heart, were all about getting to this day? Getting to this opportunity? Getting to this 'greater calling?' Is it possible that, all those years ago, 'my ETs,' my family, were preparing not only me but other people who are reading this blog, in this moment, for a 'greater calling?' Could 'Called,' the book, have been the 'tool' they used to lay the path to this very moment? What is possible? Is there anything that is not?

And I am 'called' back to this blog and asked to post this (below)......

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1 comment:

  1. I, for one, would be VERY interested in the 'far-fetched' thoughts that traverse your mind LZ. Much Love to you for all you are and all you do. Our paths are inextricably woven into the most beautiful of canvases, upon which we get to paint our soul's love. It's all been for Right Now, and Now, and Now. Thank you. <3


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