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This is not my picture .. but I've loved it since I first saw it. |
It was possibly 1992. (I'm not good with time, dates, calendars and so am not sure of the date.)
(adding a note ... after writing & publishing ...
Now that I am fully back on this planet .. I realize that I have the date completely wrong. It was about 2002. What can I say...... :-)
Excitement was in the air. I would fly to Denver where I would do book signings. CALLED was going to get it's send-off into the world. (I thought.)
For the first time in my experience of flying with someone else, my traveling companion and I were not seated together. Because this was such a huge event, and we were so excited, we were both a bit disconcerted. But I settled into my seat, alone, and put the seat belt on. Within seconds after take-off, I was not on the flight to Denver. I was somewhere else entirely.
There are no 3-D words to describe what took place or how it all happened. But then again, there are no 3-D words for most things I've experienced. And so, bear with me. I can only say this. I was not aboard the airplane. I was aboard a Craft. There was no physicality about me at all, there in the 3-D world of Earth. I was unaware of the entire flight that plane took to get to Denver. I was placed back into the plane just a minute or two before landing.
On some level of my soul's reality, I was aware of this Craft because there was no alarm at all when I found myself there. I was perfectly comfortable with greeting the Commander. Commander Wartauk was his name, which I somehow knew before he spoke it. He welcomed me aboard and began to show me around. Oh .. I should mention .. before I go too far into the story .. the Craft is as large as the United States.
Yes. That large. And it was sitting directly above the United States. Commander Wartauk showed me the perimeters of the Craft. In some fashion that I can't explain, we were able to travel from one end of the Craft to another in less than one second. I was enthralled. (Needless to say.)
We traveled down what I consider to be the central corridor. That took us from California to Florida. And then from the Canadian border on down to Mexico.
As we traveled the main corridor(s) we were passing door after door, room after room. All the while the Commander was explaining things he wanted me to know. There were 17 different ET societies that worked aboard the Craft. Their mission had everything to do with Planet Earth and not much to do with those who lived on the planet. The planet plays an essential part in the Universe and must be healthy in order to be in the role/position that it needs to be in. As well as .. an unhealthy planet impacts the entire Universe. Like a cancerous cell within a human body, the entire body becomes 'sick.' Such is the way with the Universe, if you think of it as a body. Which, in some ways, it is.
I found myself suddenly over Denver. We were standing in front of what can best be described as a podium made out of polyurethane. I'm sure that it wasn't, but the podium was clear and had a similar appearance in texture, etc. On top of the podium were maps. There were a stack of them. All clear. See-through, if you will. And so .. similar to thin-thin polyurethane sheets/film.
The Commander's shoulder gently touched mine as he leaned across me to lift the top map in order to show me the one underneath. A rush of honor swept through me. To be in this position. With this great Being. I fought back tears and looked at what he was showing me. I am still a bit unclear, even after years of thinking about this, what the maps were depicting and how to describe what he was showing me. The one most clear to me seemed to be a map of the system that feeds electricity to the city. To the region of Denver. Another seemed to be the underground sewage system. The one that I least understood, at the time, seemed to be a map of an energy-matrix, for lack of a better way to describe it. I didn't understand the matrix concept then, but I am ever so familiar with it now.
After the Commander had shown me all 12 maps he gently laid them down on the podium and .. voila' .. somehow I was above Florida. Standing in front of a podium. Looking at similar maps.
And then another city. And another.
There came a moment when I had apparently seen enough. I found myself standing, the Commander at my side, looking down at the entire Pacific Coastline. He pointed to 'openings' along the bottom of the Craft. Like skylights. But opening to the Earth below rather than the sky above. A mechanism that I could not possibly describe was issuing beams of light from the Craft to the surface of the planet. It is only now, approximately 24 years later, that I am able to identify what areas along the Coast were being 'hit' by these beams of light.
It was only months ago that I was shown the placement of what I call 'crystalline structures.' These 'crystals' are as large as a small town. They are crystalline in nature but are not exactly crystals as we know them.
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The depiction of the placement of the 'crystalline structures' is approx. ..but pretty darn close. There are more along the Coast but these are the 4 that I felt drawn to feature. |
After he was certain that I'd seen all of the 'light beams' for the Pacific .. voila' .. we were above the Atlantic Coastline of the United States. Beams of light were hitting along that Coastline as well. Whether there are 'crystalline structures' there .. I do not know. I've been working with the energy of the Pacific Region since 1975 and so am familiar only with this area. The portion of information about the north and south perimeters of the Craft were so fleeting that it couldn't have been more than a second or two. My memory is sketchy on this but .. if memory serves me right .. there was only one beam of light to the north, on the Canadian border, and one beam of light to the south, on the Mexico border. (approximately in the 'center' of the U.S.)
I have visited with Commander Wartauk many times since my first visit. This morning I was there again. I left with full-body-chills, which continued on for several minutes after I left the Craft. Along with the deeper insights I was given regarding my own purpose on this planet, the full impact of the energy of this Craft and it's purpose and influence touched every cell of my body. For the first time, Commander Wartauk asked me to share what he had given me 24 years ago. Though he didn't give his reason, the unspoken filled my entire being. I could not help but be overwhelmed.
In my 40+ years of interacting with other-dimensional Beings I can say that everything I have been given ends up having great significance. There has always .. always .. been huge significance and Truth. It may not always have been immediately known or understood. But as time passed, the reason was always revealed.
Such is the case with today's request to speak of this experience now, after my years of non-sharing.
Commander Wartauk and this Craft are part of another massive energetic effort that I have been witnessing with the Pacific Ocean. Everything is inter-connected and everyone is working together. I believe, with all that I am, that the energy of those who remain mostly unseen but who are here to save this planet, will impact in ways we cannot imagine. I also believe that the impact is why I was asked to share this story.
As you can see, the efforts of 'others' who are here to assist this planet have been on-going for years. What happened many years ago was preparation for what is happening now. What is happening now is preparation for what is to come.
There is so much more...... But, as always, it would take me a book .. or two or three .. or forty .. to tell all that I am witnessing. Your intuition and Knowing may be touched by this story. If so .. I've done my job. (smile)
++++ I'm going to add a personal note .... what I've not mentioned before, to those who follow my work ...... When I'm interacting with the higher dimensions, and when I'm writing, I don't eat, drink, sleep, or (really) function on this Earth-plane. That said, you'll see typos and mistakes quite often, I imagine. I do my best to bridge the gap and get things right .. but where I am when I'm 'out there' .. well .. there is no time or calendar .. and using 3-D fingers to type .. well .. you can probably imagine. (chuckle) Love to ALL and thank you so much to those who believe in my work and who put up with my idiosyncrasies.
For more information on the work of Lauren Zimmerman, and her books, please visit:
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