Copyright, L. Zimmerman, 2011
Lauren Zimmerman
(An article as well as the “lead-in” for a book by the same name and author.)
By Lauren Zimmerman
During the days of Lemuria, the veils between worlds and various realities were not present. The veils that were placed in the human energy field between then and now have served to dilute, obscure, and/or entirely hide the Truth. Before the veils were placed, before the energetic grids that contain the energy of Earth were altered, the human species was free. We are working to return to that freedom. The illusion is that we ever lost it in the first place.
We gave our power and freedom and access to the Truth away. We are in the process of reclaiming it. Each person is free to claim all or part of his/her Truth. Or to reject all or part. The ultimate goal and freedom most people seek, whether it is consciously understood or accepted, is to be fully present on Earth. To achieve this goal requires a union of body, personality, ego, spirit, Soul, and the Presence of God/Creator. Within this union lies the Truth of who we are, our purpose for being, and the peace we seek within ourselves and within our interaction with life on Earth. All events not based upon and expressing the harmony of this ultimate Union, which contains our personal Knowing of the Truth and our personal peace, are events we are creating, tools we are using, in order to understand, accept, and achieve the union of all aspects of Self and the expression of being Fully Present.
Ego, personality, and the emotions and judgments we form are “tools” we, as spirit and Soul, manifest in order to challenge ourselves to rise above the illusion that we are anything other than divine expressions of the Creator. Each human experience is yet another avenue through which we have the opportunity to interact with ourselves and the seen and unseen world in order to learn what it is within ourselves that would allow us to believe that we are out of control of our circumstances. Even the most dire circumstances are opportunities we manifest subconsciously in order to accelerate our progress toward the Divine Union of all that we are.
At this time in Earth’s history, the energies and grids of Earth are being impacted intensely by energies and entities beyond our vision and conscious awareness. These incoming energies are impacting each of us as individuals and Souls. Our bodies, thought processes, and emotions are responding to the pressure of these higher dimensional energies. As more higher dimensional energy impacts the denser energy we’ve been living in, the pressure and friction of the conflicting energies causes the denser energy to release. What occurs from the interaction are bodily aches and pains, emotional turmoil, and “re-visitation” of old emotional wounds and reactions. Every issue that is rising to the surface is an opportunity to react, feel, and interpret things differently. From a higher dimensional place of being, each one of us would respond differently to the situations we’ve lived through. From a higher dimensional place of being, each of us understands what it is we, as Soul, wanted to gain from that situation and that place of understanding brings us to a different emotional response.
Emotions are a critical tool of learning. As critical as they are, it’s important to pay close attention and to learn as much as possible from them. However, it’s equally as important to maintain power and control over emotional reactions, thoughts, and judgments. Because they are as powerful as they are, emotions can control our thoughts and lives. Many of us, in fact, make choices and decisions based upon our emotional responses, which makes it even more imperative to understand the foundation of each emotion. If life choices are made from an emotional base, it’s easy to see why it would be important to have control over an emotional response/reaction.
One of the most significant keys to learning how to use emotions as an evolutionary tool is to study the energetic flow. All emotions have a “direction,” a “flow,” of energy. In order to be contained, rather than erratic and uncontrolled, most of us subconsciously and instinctively contain our emotional energy in a spiral-like “funnel” or “tube.” Spiraling energy (circling energy) is either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Imagine a person standing inside a continually-spinning spiral of energy. If the energy is circling counter-clockwise, the energy is spinning downward. If the energy is spinning clockwise, the energy is spinning upward. Because our intention is to heighten the vibration of our energy fields, thus moving us into a higher vibrational way of being, it stands to reason that having emotional energy spin clockwise would be advantageous. Counter-clockwise energy and emotion keeps us, as the saying goes, in a tailspin.
When we are locked into an emotional response that is painful, we successfully lock ourselves away from the answers that can generate peace and higher awareness. Throughout history we have looked to friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. to help us find answers. The answers have been “tangible” and 3-D-based. With the movement of Earth-society into a higher vibrational way of being, more and more of the answers we seek are not tangible and will not be found in 3-D. We, as a society, are asking to become a more spiritually evolved race. It stands to reason that the solutions we used to count upon will no longer be as effective. Spirituality will begin to be a more and more solid place to look for answers. In actuality, all of the answers were always within the realm of spiritual understanding. It is only now becoming evident to some of us on Earth that this is a realm that we can trust. All others will follow the same path to trust and understanding, at their own pace.
This being said, the answer to the question many Light Bearers are asking …Why isn’t this working anymore? … is exactly that. As we accept and merge the Truth that we are higher dimensional beings interacting within a denser, lower vibrational energy, we are asking for the answers of Truth, not the answers that are temporary, 3-D illusionary answers and “fixes.” If we are to succeed at manifesting a “new world,” a higher vibrational energetic way of interacting with a 3-D reality, we have to be willing to let go of what we believed to be true and reliable and accept the “intangible” reality of spiritual awareness and Knowing.
Which leads us to the question of faith. What is it to live in absolute faith? What is it to be led by “blind faith?” Who or what are we having faith in? Is it God/Creator? Or is it ourselves? Or is it a Divine Union between ourselves and God/Creator? To be Fully Present, it’s the last. And it’s ourselves we have to trust implicitly before we will allow ourselves to create this Union. We are in the process of evolving, which is another way of saying … we are in the process of loving, accepting, understanding, and trusting ourselves. Until we do this, we’re going to believe that we’re not worthy of this Union … when in fact … we were never unworthy. It was all a part of the “master illusion” we created. And now we’re in the process of un-creating that illusion and creating a new one for ourselves.
Or should I say … returning to the old illusion we left behind when we entered into this one?
FULLY PRESENT will be presented, with many variations, in book form when it’s completed.
At this time, however, the author would like to share smallbut significant bits of wisdom
that will help each reader accept the Truthof who they are and where we,
as a world-society, are going.
Watch for Part II of FULLY PRESENT
("Transcending Into The Divine")
in this blog:
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