Friday, March 16, 2012

Mind Control

I've received enough emails lately that talk about a "great war" going on in the unseen regions that I decided to take the subject matter into a conference with those I work with in the higher dimensions.  I am no stranger to "the dark side" of things and the "war" / struggle for the control of the human mind.  However, having lived through enormous conflict with all of this, and come out of it knowing myself and God more intensely than I ever could have imagined, I prefer to stay away from this subject matter.  But .. having it addressed by so many, via email, in the last few days makes me feel that I should actually address it.

The subject of mind control is far too vast for me to address all that it entails, and all that I've learned.  With that in mind, I asked the higher dimensional Masters to help me boil it down to manageable, and present my words in a way that will help people begin to generate their own understanding of what's really going on.

Rather than talk about the entire history of Earth and what purpose it serves as far as assisting souls to know themselves better, let's just talk about 2012.

With the entire population of Earth aware of the possible significance of this year, everyone has his/her own idea about what might take place.  Because all things are energy, including thoughts, all of these ideas are floating around in "the ethers."  Those who are in fear are generating fear-energy with their thoughts.  Unfortunately, that puts them in a vulnerable position as far as having an energy field that can easily be "manipulated."  (When we stand in pure Faith and Knowing, without doubt or fear, our energy field is as unwavering as our Faith.  When we stand in fear, we stand in uncertainty, making us vulnerable to the opinions and energies of others.)

In the meeting of last night, the Masters instantly showed me the energy field around Planet Earth.  It was swarming with thought-energy, of course, but the energy-thoughts about 2012 and "the end of the world" and "the war of the world" were the most prominent.  (They were showing up as a bright vermillion red color.)

The "war" going on is the "war" each person is having with themselves as they fight to take themselves out of the illusion and into the Truth.  Like attracts like.  The energy of fear will gravitate to those who allow themselves to fear.  Not as a "punishment" but rather as a tool of understanding.  The greatest gift we can give ourselves, in union with our infinite soul and why we are having this Earth-experience, is the gift of understanding why we allow ourselves to be manipulated by energies outside of our own Truths and connection to The Divine, God, Truth, or whatever "term" you wish to use.

The bottom line .. there is no universal war.  There is no war for our souls and our future, being fought by unseen forces who have infinite power and control over the future of Earth and its inhabitants.  When each person comes to the realization that all of these entertaining thoughts are nothing more than tools that are meant to create greater understanding, Humankind will be closer to creating the reality of harmony and peace on a universal scale.

Love and Infinite Blessings to all.
Lauren Zimmerman
nLight Press


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Inter-Dimensional Presence

All spectrums of the topic can't be addressed in this particular forum, but I'm intensely called to share what's going on, at the moment, with the extra-terrestrial presence that has increased its interaction since the beginning of 2012.  I share from the viewpoint of the information being shared with me by the extraterrestrials I interact with, as well as my inner knowing and remembering of how I am, and have been, involved.  Since Nov., 2011, it's been as though one million puzzle pieces have fallen together to give a bigger picture of what's going on.  There are too many pieces for me to address them all, but the ones here simply must be shared.

The question of an extraterrestrial presence in and around this planet has never been a question, as far as I'm concerned.  If we accept an "outside" presence, then the question becomes "why."  Why are they here and what is really going on.  I need to begin with a basic "key."  All things are energy and all energy impacts all other energy.  Also, all energy has a frequency, a "vibratory rate of existence." 

What called me to this blog / topic is the current "epic" storm in the Pacific Northwest.  I'm directly impacted by the energy of it, sitting on the Oregon Coast.  Weather does not "just happen."  An energy form impacts another energy form and ... weather happens.  It's the same for all things in existence.  I call it "cause and effect" ... and I've studied it intensely my entire life. 

Anyway, when I decided to focus on the energy of the storm, rather than how it might impact my everyday goings-on, the thrill of excitement that rushed through me was un-mistakable.  I followed the thrill into what might be called "the center" of the storm and uncovered a myriad of information, memories, and "knowings."

(I know I tend to wander from what appears to be one topic to another, but bear with me, if you will.  There's a method to my madness here.  And I apologize for the "hit and miss" sharing of information.  I get so much information that I find it impossible to share it all.  I try to hit the highlights, and hope that readers will use their intuition and "connections" to discern what there is not time enough for me to share.)

The 3rd book in OTHER WORLDS: The Series (PEACE MISSION) talks about a massive sighting of 1,000 crafts appearing over the Pacific Ocean.  Since this vision and apparent-coming-reality was given to me by the extraterrestrials that I work with, you can imagine why my thoughts rarely wander away from the possibility that this event is going to happen.  As I stepped into "the center of the storm" here, the vision came again.  But with it came what I will call an "opening up of history" as well.

This storm is being compared to a storm in the early 1940's that was dubbed an "epic" storm.  As I stood in the center of this day's energy, I was there during that storm as well.  And I was witnessing what followed.  The energy of the 1940's storm was caused by an extraterrestrial energy.  The energy of this one is caused by the same extraterrestrial presence.  The energy is intentional, an "outside force" playing a part in the events that occur on and around Earth. 

If you follow my thoughts, and what I was told during this download of information, you may notice the "non-coincidence" of the timing of the Roswell crash.  I was informed that the atmospheric energy, as well as the magnetic energy, of the planet is disturbed by the "insertion" of this other-dimensional energy, causing many changes and events.  The extraterrestrials aboard that craft were connected with the et-force that caused the storm. (From my understanding, their instruments were impacted by the magnetic/gravitational pull of the Earth and the re-calibration of energy, including their craft.)

Now we have that same et-force stirring up the energy again.  As I looked into the "why," the vision of the 1,000 craft appeared to me again.  Could this "energy storm" be preparation for a much, much larger showing of crafts than occurred in the 1940's?  My answer would be an absolute 'yes.'

As I mentioned earlier in this post, there's much more involved and not enough time to share it all.  I ask those of you who have been called to read this post, and those who feel as though this somehow has something to do with them, to go within to connect with your own Knowing.

The information that I was receiving from "the center of the storm" shifted direction.  It became more of a personal message to many who are here on Earth, but who know of their extraterrestrial origins. 

2012 brought with it the energy of remembering who we are and why we're here, to a greater extent than it's been in the past.  I was shown "energy capsules" being placed in the energy fields of many people.  I would perhaps call them "pills for awakening."  A set of directions was heard, calling people to remember their "jobs" down here on the planet.  If you're from an extraterrestrial origin, you're here for a specific reason.  It's time to not only remember that reason but to step into that "job."

Being of extraterrestrial origins does not make us special in any way.  Ego, as well as self-doubt, must be set aside.  You must become your own Truth.  You must remember.  If you came here to do a job, it's time to step into those shoes.

If it's true that 1,000 (or more) other-world crafts are preparing to enter Earth's atmosphere, or energy field, then it's imperative that each person here who is a part of this event step up to the plate and do the job they came here to do.  If you came here for that job that is yours, then obviously you have the ability to do it.  No more questioning. No more self-doubt.  No more hand-holding.

They went on to show me an example of how this is all meant to work.  If you're on a huge ship, there's a large population of crew members.  Each crew member has a job to do.  The captain of the ship believes each crew member knows his or her job and expects the job to be done.  He/she cannot walk beside every member and oversee, or help with, the job that needs done.  We know what we're here to do.  Let's do it and do it well.

Copyright, Lauren Zimmerman, nLight Press

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Friday, September 16, 2011

"Fully Present" (Part Three)

Copyright, L. Zimmerman, 2011
Lauren Zimmerman


Transcending the Human Experience Into the Divine

By Lauren Zimmerman

            The initial phase of the concept that we are “outward expressions” of the Divine and aspects of God/Creator is easy for many of us to accept.  We can stand back and view the possibility that God/Creator created us in His/Her image and then sent us out into existence for one reason or another.  But that’s not the way it truly is and each of us, in our hearts, knows that.  Much of the unsettled, seeking feeling that we carry deep within ourselves is our quest to find and live the real Truth of who we are in union with God/Creator.
            The next phase of how we are inter-laced with God/Creator is not quite as easy for most people.  It is to accept that we are actual, physical expressions of God/Creator and that somewhere within us is the ability to be Divine and powerful and all-knowing.  To achieve this expression of ourselves requires a complex and sometimes confusing path of overcoming issues and beliefs, and healing mental and emotional wounds.  We tell ourselves that if it was true that we are actually aspects of God/Creator, we would be living different lives.  We would be living the magic and miracles that we know are “out there” somewhere.  This phase of the concept might allow us to believe that, if we were “healed,” living this aspect of our Divinity would be true.
            The final aspect of the concept of Oneness is almost inconceivable to most of the human population.  That we are true expressions of God/Creator and are capable of expressing the power of the Divine in our daily lives is almost beyond comprehension.  The level of suffering, in all its myriad forms, acts as a perfect contradiction to what we are working to believe.  To believe that there is no healing or “fixing” necessary and that we are perfect just the way we are.  And yet this part of our quest for Oneness is what all Masters throughout time have told us is the Truth and will apply the ultimate success to our exterior world.
            One of the key issues with all of the above comments is the that all of these Truths can be thought of as a “concept.”  If we cannot embrace and live the Truth of the fact that we are Divine Beings, the entire subject remains a concept, a theory, and never becomes a reality that we live daily.  If we cannot become the Truth that we are Divine Expressions of God/Creator, we will remain seekers.  Seekers, by their very definition, never live the Truth but instead are always looking for the Truth.
            How then do we become Divine Expressions?  How do we step into the role of being capable of miracles, in charge of our own moments, and in such union and harmony with God/Creator that there is no separation and the truths and answers of existence are readily available to us 24/7?  How do we achieve that peace that is so pervasive that questions are not asked, suffering is not existent, and harmony with life is all that exists?
            One of the keys is to understand that our emotions and reactions determine what we do or do not believe.  We are, literally, captives of our own interpretation of what is or is not real.  As we alter our interpretation of existence and our place within it, our reality begins to change.  But we cannot simply believe in what we want our reality to change into.  We must know it and become it.  As long as it remains a concept, an ideal, or a goal, it will remain something we seek rather than something that we are.
            Allow for a moment the Truth that we create our own reality.  With the acceptance of this Truth, we come to realize just how powerful we are.  We are creating the entire “picture of reality” that is happening in every second of every day.  When we think about how much power that takes, it’s awe-inspiring.  Take the next step in your own thought process and accept that each of us are generating that power, albeit subconsciously. 
            What is it that drives us to create the seconds, the moments, the events that make up our lives?  Our emotional interpretation and reaction to what we are creating.  Thoughts are generated by our emotional interpretation and reaction.  Thoughts are the base of all things that are manifested. 
            There are two things to take note of when this level of understanding begins.  One is that we are our thoughts, meaning that, however subconscious they may be, our thoughts create the world around us.  The second thing to understand is that we live in an energetic reality.  We are surrounded by energy.  We are energy.  And energy impacts/affects energy.  The thought forms of all people on Earth reside in the energetic field of Earth that we live in.  If we do not, as individuals, understand and take charge of our own energy and thought-formed-reality, we are at the mercy of the energy that exists in the world around us.
            What that means is that, if we do not control and manage our own thought-based-reality the energetic thoughts of other people, possibly even people we do not know, will manage our reality for us.  For example, a friend who lives across town wants you to comply with his wishes and join him on a bike tour.  You don’t really want to go.  He emits a strong and constant energetic thought form that you will change your mind and go along with his wishes.  You find yourself vacillating as his thought form/wish continues to enter your energy field.  If he is persistent enough, and you are not steadfast in maintaining the integrity of what you do or do not want, his energetic thought form will cause you to help him manifest his wishes by your sudden but reluctant agreement to go along with his desires.
            For centuries, Earth-reality has operated under the direction of energetic thought-forms.  Unfortunately, it long ago reached the point of, when something could not be achieved by thought, it was achieved by force.  At gunpoint, knifepoint, or via some other weapon, humans force their will upon others.  This terribly unfortunate turn of human events not only instilled fear of reality but is one of the reasons why Universal Understanding of Energy is now called for.  Though it is, at first, a difficult task to be responsible and aware of each thought we form, with practice it can become as commonplace as breathing.  It becomes second nature to achieve the state of awareness that assists us in realizing what we are or are not manifesting with our thoughts and reactions.
            Going back to the original point … when we allow the Truth of our own Divinity and Soul-Union to become the Truth we live, our perceptions, reactions, emotions, and interpretations change automatically.  We begin to think with an expanded awareness and point of view.  We begin to understand that nothing and no one is separate from us or from the Divine Source.  We begin to live in a constant state of forgiveness and understanding, as well as a harmonious surrender to the process of our Soul expressing through our physical life experiences.  We begin to operate from a base of pure trust and faith.  As we trust that we are expressions of Soul and Divinity, we learn to trust ourselves and to know that the reality/experiences we are creating are purposeful and have a major contribution to give to our Soul’s learning experience.
As long as the fact that we are expressions of Divine Source remains a concept, or a thought outside of ourselves, we remain separated from the Truth we seek to live.  Reality manifests from the thoughts and energies we generate from within.  As long as we allow our reality to be formed by any energy outside ourselves, we are allowing the possibility of being impacted by something other than pure Truth.  The process of becoming Divine and living the Absolute is nothing more than learning to trust ourselves.  As Soul-expressions in human form, we learn that any distrust of Self that we’ve had previously was nothing more than a process we went through in order to get to the point of trusting ourselves.  In other words, life-experience is a process of understanding who and what we are and allowing that process to teach us trust and faith.

The process of becoming Soul in human form is far-reaching and
cannot be completely addressed in this small format.  The author
is currently working on the book (‘FULLY PRESENT’) that will address more
Soul-process topics .  If you would like to be informed when
the book is released, please bookmark the web site at:


This weekend SESSIONS WITH THE MASTERS is being offered.  Via e-mail or phone, the Masters that work with Lauren Zimmerman will be offering hope, advise, and insight to those who feel called.  Please visit: for more information.



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