Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Putting Logic and Soul On the Manifestation Table

If we're honest with ourselves, there's probably not many who wouldn't like to manifest something different in their lives. And there's plenty of opinions, books, techniques, etc. that address the possibilities. But what if all of the suggestions don't work and all you come away with is a degree of frustration that leads to a temporary self-loathing and the thought that you're just not good enough .. you're not doing it right .. someone 'up there' hates you and doesn't want you to have what you desire, etc.? (And the list of 'negatives' could go on but I'll leave it at this small list.)

This is just my humble opinion and an attempt to express my thoughts about the well-meaning attempts to show people how to change their lives. What I've argued with throughout the years is the fact that none of the techniques will work for you if it's not meant to be. What I mean by that is ... as infinite souls we have chosen this lifetime for the purpose of learning. With the soul's goal as a priority, the ego/personality goals take a back seat. If your soul needs a particular experience, be it poverty or lack or an unhappy relationship or any one of the other several trillion experiences that life has to offer, that's what you will end up with.

I think we all know that. Or at least I hope that we do. But here comes the temptation to believe that, with enough perseverance, dedication, positive thinking, etc., we can change that which is not meant to change. That's where my issue comes roaring to the surface. Do all of the 'techniques' raise false hopes? And, if so, is this just another lesson in dealing with the 'negative emotions' of the illusion, whether it be called 'mind control' or something else? And in addition, I find myself thinking ... if a manifestation technique is foolproof, wouldn't every prison be empty and turned into a flower shop or something? Doesn't every prisoner want to manifest freedom? And if 'techniques' worked for everyone, then reality would be different for everyone. No exceptions.

I am of the opinion that false hope is equal to no hope. It may actually have an additional 'yuck' added into the mix because if we allow false hope we are allowing a lie to direct our experience.

My point .. this blog .. came to my mind for two reasons. One is that I witness so many people who attempt to manifest and come away feeling much worse than they did beforehand. It hurts my heart to see something that is meant to be so positive and hopeful causing so much pain. If we attempt to manifest and are convinced that others are successful, then the question of why doesn't it work for us raises it's ugly head. That can lead to loss of hope, distrust of self, depression, self-doubt, and questioning oneself on a myriad of levels. The second reason I am writing this is that I was awakened four times during the night with 'an ethereal request' hanging in the air, asking me to address this issue. Honestly, I have a faint recall of having written about this topic before but it's too faint for me to remember when or where I might have stored the end result. What is interesting is .. if I've written about it before, why am I so strongly urged to write about it again?

After a time of prayer, this is the answer that I returned with.

All souls evolve and one of the avenues of evolution is the human experience. To dis-allow your experience is to dis-allow the soul's dedicated devotion of its own growth into greater wisdom and knowledge. It is far more courageous to understand how to gain wisdom from the experience than to seek to escape or change it. It was never told to any soul that the human pathway would be an easy one, but yet it can be. 'Easy' comes into being when you accept that which you yourself are creating. You yourself are creating this human experience. Every moment of it. Rejoice in the fact that you, from an infinite soul point of view, are choosing to manifest some of the most intense and gratifying experiences available. The end result of your pathway to knowledge will be gratifying times ten. Or perhaps even times a million.

When your soul has gained the wisdom from an experience you can rest assured that your reality will change. It is a natural law and irrevocable. This truth leads to the wisdom of surrender vs. force. The Earth experience offers a tremendous amount of knowledge of the energy of cause and effect. You can, with enough force, cause change. But if the change you cause through force is in opposition to the path set by your infinite soul, the effect may well create an experience not of your liking.

The answer to the prayer for understanding continued.

Quote: "You are asked to address this topic not only for the smaller focus of the individual but for the much larger focus of the changes coming to this planet and this human reality. Force has no place in the current spiritual evolution and dimensional frequency shift. The end result that is sought is Divine Harmony. Force has no place within the energy of Divine Harmony. There is and will continue to be a natural progression of events on and surrounding Earth. This is a process and the evolution of any process takes time. This is not a change that will easily accept attempts to force people or things to change. This is a time for surrender, trust, Knowing, and Allowing."

As I attempt to wind this down and stop 'talking' in this blog, I realize that there is much, much more to say on the various topics that have just been briefly touched upon. I leave it to time and circumstance, the natural revelation of wisdom that is seeping into this Earth-reality as the energy of lies is slowly being broken down and the mind control illusions continue to lose their grip. Patience, compassion, trust ... these are some of the key components we need as we continue traversing the monumental changes that we all can sense going on 'behind the scenes.' Truth is the goal and nothing within existence can stop the progress of Truth.

To connect with other work & books by Lauren Zimmerman, please visit: www.nlightpress.com

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1 comment:

  1. I very very rarely leave a comment in any of the blogs I read. However after reading this article I feel compelled to do so. Thank you for affiming some thoughts that have been emerging in my own mind and Soul. I especially resonate with the parrt that says that is not about using force quite the contrary and - ''Divine Harmony is the the end result that is sought''. Thank you and many blessings to you. With much Love and appreciation. Namaste. - Rosidey.


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