Monday, July 20, 2015

An ET 'Clue' .. The Difference Between a Reason and an Excuse

(Note: Much of what you will read here are direct quotes, or paraphrasing what was said to me. I do not 'channel' .. I have direct conversations.)

It was a seemingly casual conversation, if there is such a thing when you sit around a table with a handful of ETs. We were addressing a topic that had come up before, but in much more depth. I had posted a sentence of an earlier conversation publicly, and it wasn't welcomed with a smile, as I recall. The sentence had to do with a viewpoint expressed by an ET friend who had offered the thought that human society was parasitic. I understood, at the time, exactly what he meant and still do to this day. But for some reason, on this night, they wanted to address the topic in a deeper way. I was more than willing. If they have insights that can, perhaps, help humanity evolve, I'm more than thrilled to be a part of it.

To boil the topic of conversation down to a few words ... there is a reason why human society is and has been the way it is. There is no excuse for it to stay that way.

One of the ETs in attendance spoke. He is from the society that I refer to as The Sapphire Blue Group. Very tall, very thin, very compassionate, with eyes that know your soul.

"In order for the next step forward to take place, certain things have to be realized. There is a power and control game going on in almost every interaction on that planet. The current ways of interacting are designed to make people powerless. Let me define that for you. If you don't say what I want you to say, I will walk away. If you don't do what I want you to do, I will walk away. You are powerless to stop me from walking away. When I walk away I am telling you that I don't love you. You need love from me but only I can give it. Therefore you are powerless."

I mulled that over while he studied me.

He continued after a moment. "If you do not have money we will not feed you. If you do not get fed you are powerless. If you do not follow certain ways of being, we will ignore you, we will ostracize you, we will attack you. If you say something I don't like, I may slap you. I may beat you. I may even kill you. Or perhaps I will only hate you. If you don't behave the way I want you to, I may put you in chains and hide you in the basement. Or I may simply take my caring away from you. You are powerless to stop my reaction to you. You are powerless to stop me from taking my love and acceptance away from you."

I met his eyes. "With all you say I would reply that we retain our power by choosing our reaction."

"Indeed. And that's a wonderful key to understanding yourself as a human being AND as an infinite soul." The way his eyes changed as he glanced at me made me catch my breath a bit. I knew something big was coming. "I'd like to address another step forward in understanding oneself. And it's a step that all humans may encounter on their path to spiritually evolving beyond the powerless situations that occur on that planet.

"Recently you went through a situation that devastated you. Something perpetuated by another human being. You went through all of the 'normal' processes of the heart and of the mind. Trying to forgive, trying to understand, trying to find a reason, trying to love through the apparent hatred that would need to be there for someone to do something so horrific. Because you do not have the reason, you do not have the answers. Without the answers, you feel powerless to understand." He paused and studied me. "And without understanding there is a slight feeling of powerlessness that is left within you. You have no control over what occurred and no way to reconcile things in your own mind."

I nodded. He was absolutely right. Understanding, in my world, always brings me comfort and acceptance of what is. I think they call it 'closure.' (smile)

"I want to use this as an example for the human race." He glanced around at the others who were studying us both intently, heads moving back and forth as though watching a tennis match. "Though it's almost impossible to imagine, there is a reason for most of the events that have taken place on that planet through the years. There has been much wisdom gained, much insight acquired, great spiritual growth attained. It has been an excellent study in Cause and Effect. Pain has played a big part in the task of gaining insight. And pain has been one of the keys to people being powerless. Whether that be physical or emotional pain. It is debilitating. Or it can be.

"And so it has been on Planet Earth. There has been a reason things have unfolded as they have. But there comes a time when the reason is no longer in place and it becomes an excuse. That's where the human society is at this time. There is no reason for the lessons of making others powerless to continue. There is a place established where souls can now go to learn in that way. It is not Earth's place to support that path of study any longer. This is one of the keys for what you and so many others know .. that life on Earth is meant to change. And IS changing." He turned his eyes to me and I felt the full impact of his soul. Our hearts seemed to merge entirely for a moment. "What was done to you might be said to have a 'reason.' It did not. It has an 'excuse.' This is why you are having such a difficult time with it."

I felt my soul shiver as I accepted his words and knew they were true.

After taking a few deep breaths, I ventured a comment. "People's interactions need to change," I ventured. "When we think about it the way you pointed out, that every interaction is, beneath the surface, a way of taking or keeping power, then that's a huge key that we need to think about."

"Absolutely," he agreed.

One of those in attendance, who resides aboard The Esartania, spoke up. "May I offer some comments? In the reality of All That Is, in the truth of every person being an Infinite Soul, and in the reality of all people, all souls, having an origin of only love and only light, the way of interacting would be easily changed if all of these things were kept in mind." He glanced around at the others. "We all maintain Divine Harmony at all times. We all have the common goal of being our own truth, of exhibiting the best of our own souls through every action and word. There is equality. There is no fight for one to be 'more' than another. Nothing is gained and everyone loses in such a scenario."

"Exactly," I agreed, a bit too loudly. I apologized for my enthusiasm.

"You're the one in the middle of the fray. No need to apologize. Besides which," he added, with a twinkle in his eye, "it's your job to be passionate about the change. It's why you're down there."

I raised a sarcastic eyebrow at him. He chuckled. We all knew how thrilled I was to be away from my home, my origin.

The tall Being spoke again. "As you're aware, there has been a great influx of energy coming from those who are not on Earth at this time. We have all come together with a common goal, which is to infuse as much higher dimensional energy into the consensual reality as possible in order to support those who are there to plant the energy of change. With this, we are hoping that people will begin to remember and embrace their other dimensional frequencies and bring them into the grid as well. The potential is great. The more people who infuse the truth of who they are into their daily lives, the more the energy of the grid, the planet, the reality will raise. You have a unique opportunity on the planet at this time. You can all take reality from a place of victimization to a place of oneness. What greater goal could there be?"

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