Friday, August 12, 2011

An Exchange With Commander Korton

It was a rare moment to sit with Commander Korton, quietly talking in the control room.  I doubt I could have been any more content.

The huge expanse of the Universe drifted mutely outside the large bank of windows above the control panel.  The screens above the windows flashed with every scene imaginable, and many that were not.  He sat on my right, comfortably relaxed, his small foot resting on the footrest below the panel.  Looking at that small foot, I again noticed that it very much resembled the shape of a small garden trowel.  There was something touching about that.  It was so rare to see him so comfortable and uninvolved in the activities of the great craft that I simply took a moment to study him.  When the love I had for him threatened to spill over into tears, I turned away.

"The people have a lot of questions," I murmured.

"I would imagine they do."

"One person wrote to ask why the craft can't be seen by the people on Earth."

"That's a simple one.  All things are energy, including the craft, and all energy has a frequency, a vibration.  You can tell her that it's similar to a dog whistle.  People can't hear it, but dogs can.  Because of the frequency of the sound.  It's the same with this.  If you're not in tune with this frequency, you won't see or hear us.  Unless we want you to, that is."

I smiled slightly, hearing his droll sense of humor behind his words. 

"Actually, while we're on the subject, you can tell her that it's the same with dimensional realities.  Every dimension has a vibrational frequency.  The thing that keeps the dimensions separate from one another is the vibrations themselves.  But, like you, when you learn to alter your vibration, your frequency, to be compatible with frequencies other than your own, you're, how do they say, in like flint?

I had to chuckle.  He was in a rare mood indeed.  In like Flint?  Where had he heard that?

He suddenly looked up at one of the screens.  Studying it for a second, he leaned forward, adjusted a gauge of some kind, and leaned back, still studying the scene that was going on.

"Exactly what is all of that, that we're seeing?"

"Activity that's going on within the Universe.  Any environment where free will reality is supported."

I was surprised.  "Really?  That's utterly cool!"  The idea of those on Earth some day realizing, or should I say accepting, that life on Earth was the do-all, end-all of intelligent life within the Universe delighted me.  What if the scenes playing out above us could suddenly, somehow, take over television sets all over the planet.  We could call it, oh, maybe, Day of Awakening.  Or maybe Day of Reckoning.

I could feel Commander Korton studying me.  His gaze felt like a warm, fluid energy moving over me.  I glanced at him and he shook his head at me, as though I amused him.

"You have such a liquid mind," he said.


"Perhaps nimble would be a better word.  You leap from one possibility to another like a deer across an empty green pasture.  But they're not just thoughts.  They're like change-everything-in-existence-in-a-single-moment thoughts."  He shook his head again, clearly amused at me.

"I like change," I murmured, in my own defense.

"The only constant is change and so it's good that you like it.  However, you always want to look closely at your reason for wanting change.  If desire comes from discontent, then it suggests resistance to the experience.  Resistance to any experience is resistance to the understandings to be gained from the experience.  On the other hand, if you desire change because you wish to see more and more possibilities flow into a constrained space, then you're much more in tune with the Universal Will of Expansion, existence morphing itself."

For a moment that, I know, made time stand still, our eyes met.  Our spirits moved through the small space between us and, just for that brief second, I was he and he was I.  Our time together, and actually all time, all exchange, was existence morphing itself. 

It was a lot to take in.  It was a lot to love.  It was about to change my life.  And I knew it.

(continued in next blog ....... )
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

False Reality

"One event can create a false reality.  False realities are built upon your emotional and intellectual perception (judgment) of an event.  Understand though that the event could have been a falsehood unto itself. 

This is how false realities are born.  This is how suffering thrives.  Souls suffer when they stray from their own Known and Universal Truths.

Earth-life 'pretends' to enforce a separation from your personal Truths in order for you to learn how to always find your way back to our own Truths, despite the strength of the illusion."

~ Lauren Zimmerman ~

(Copyright, nLight Press, 2011)

Monday, August 8, 2011

"S--t We Tell Ourselves and S--t We Listen To From Everyone Else"

(© nLight Press, 2011:  A blog but also an upcoming book, currently in the works)

On Monday there was an article splashed all over the planet about how eating eggs will kill you.  On Wednesday there was an article splashed all over the planet about eggs being the 'savior food,' the best thing imaginable for the human body.

The reason this 'conflict,' and every other one like it, can be perpetrated upon Humanity as a whole, is because we allow it.  We are so unsure within ourselves that we eagerly look for any clue, through any avenue, to tell us what to do and what to think.

If we take a minute to think, instead of just 'eat' and absorb what the 'information avenues' are feeding us, we would probably be appalled at how illogical things really are.  It's our own refusal to live in our own power, our own refusal to trust our own truths, that allows our lives to be manipulated.  If we don't trust ourselves, in the full capacity of our own role in creating this reality, then this reality will manipulate us, twist us into knots, confuse us, and generally make us crazy with trying to figure out what's true and what's not.  The reason so many people are so incredibly uncomfortable is because the desire to fit in, to go along with 'the norm,' to desire to be accepted .. and accepting, is the main priority of life.

The only reason everything going on here on Earth has the power to mess us up is because we allow it.  We allow it because we don't believe in ourselves.  We don't trust ourselves.  Our natural instincts, intuition, and wisdom have been dumbed down by our passive submission to the influx of information that everyone else chooses to lay out in front of us.

The whole point I'm going to make is not about people standing up and dying their hair purple with green stripes in order to make a statement that they are individuals, not tied to the reality everyone else is weaving.  The point I'm going to make is that we are infinite souls, capable of creating entire realities, and this moment in time is the challenge we've set for ourselves.  The reason everyone knows (or suspects) that we are infinite beings, but that we still can't get a handle on our own reality, is that we don't know how to trust ourselves.

Let's just take this one concept:  you need to go into your internal silence to listen to your own wisdom.  That's where you'll find your Truth.  The next suggestion is:  you need to find a community and become a part of that.  If everyone is of like-mind, your Truths will be found there.

Is it any wonder that we're a confused society?  Is it logical to admit that we ourselves are the ones allowing the confusion?  Our distrust of self, and our belief that we are separate from our own truth, wisdom, infinity, and Creator / Origin is an open door to chaos.  Is chaos 'bad?'  No.  Nothing is 'bad.'  Everything is an avenue of learning, no matter how much we may dislike that avenue.  On the other hand, does there come a time when we decide that it's time to actually learn, rather than keep the lesson going?  Absolutely.  Maybe that time is now.

What set me on this path, this quest, was the life-changing event of having 'reality' disappear entirely ... in less than a nano-second.  One second I was in a solid, tangible,
3-D world, the next second it did not exist.  (For more information, see the blog-page regarding 'life after death')   If that can happen .. and it most definitely did .. then where is this world?  Where are we exactly?  How can this world be tangible and real and yet simultaneously non-existent?  And if it is something we ourselves are 'designing,' then that simple fact points to the reality that we can change that design.  But if we're going to change it, it's necessary to first understand what we're doing, why we're doing it, and how to change things in a way that more accurately supports our truth and allows for a more harmonious, less confused state of being.

( ... more to follow ... how do get there from here ... )

(Excerpted from:
 "S--t We Tell Ourselves and S--t We Listen To From Everyone Else"
Copyright, nLight Press)
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