Saturday, July 2, 2011

Black Pearl Crafts

Recently I was aboard the craft that I travel to almost nightly.  I was blessed to witness the entry of 5,000 small crafts, entering Earth's atmosphere.

The crafts are configured to move through dark matter and dark energy while holding the interior light form intact.  As mentioned in the post of this morning, dark matter and dark energy .. solidity of any kind .. bends, warps, and / or deflects light, thus altering its original form.  This is one key to why life on Earth seems distorted to those who seek to live in the pure form of their infinite soul / light.  By entering this energy form of reality, our 'original light' has been 'warped' by the density of 3rd dimensional energy.

To go back to the crafts, the vibration of pure light-energy from outside the borders of this Universe is held within each craft.  The crafts themselves, looking quite similar to shiny black pearls, were designed to "be dark matter without being dark matter."  (that's an exact quote from an extraterrestrial source)  They have the exact configuration necessary to move through dark matter by matching the vibrational energy / frequency.  The interior of a craft, however, is not altered, no matter what frequency the exterior encounters.  (This SO resonates with me as far as the solidity of the human body, the experiences we encounter, and the light we hold within .....)

To sum it up, pure light vibrations, in as pure a form as possible, have been 'inserted' energetically into Earth's atmosphere, via these crafts.  The balance of light and dark within Earth's reality cannot help but be impacted.  Change is upon us.  We can move more easily through this change by focusing on keeping an open channel to receive the vibrational frequency of our own light.

I've found the Crystal Ray to be of primary importance along this path.  You can find a free PDF file on the basics of the Crystal Ray by visiting this link  ( )

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