Monday, July 11, 2011

The Morning Scene in the Conference Room

The day I was taken aboard a craft that is, literally, the size of the United States, was one of the most exhilarating days of my life.  As I entered the conference room with Commander Korton, the map spread out on the large table reminded me of one of the maps that I'd seen aboard the large craft, that I had since dubbed "the U.S. craft."  (Note:  many of the terms I use, such as 'table,' are to describe the other-worldly things in Earth terms, so as to make them easy to visualize.)

Commander Korton stepped to the table and rested his thin fingers on the edge.  He looked almost non-present, as though his thoughts had taken him elsewhere.  I found myself unable to follow his thoughts and so I waited, staring idly down at the map that turned out to be a map of this planet.

"It's funny to me how little people understand the concept of energy, and the truth that there are no boundaries for energy."

I knew what he was talking about, having tried to talk about the reality of what that really means for years.  I nodded in agreement.  "Very true," I murmured.  I gestured at the map.  "Things look much different here than there."

He nodded slightly.  "Earth is going to change.  Nothing can stop that.  Nor should it.  It's part of the eternal changes of existence.  It's the way it's meant to be."  He paused and then turned to study me intently.  "The energy of the Universe will, inevitably, impact the Earth.  But in addition to that, the energy of the Earth will impact the Universe."  His eyes pierced mine as his thoughts intensified.

Commander Korton is about 5' tall, rail-thin, with large almond-shaped eyes and ivory skin.  His presence, his essence, makes him seem twice as tall as he is.  He commands your attention simply by being.  I've seen entire gatherings of up to fifty attendees fall absolutely silent the instant he appears.  But the beyond-comprehension amount of love that he is, despite his commanding aura, always brings tears to my eyes.  I find myself reaching for the comfort of the link between us, no matter where I am.  And I always listen intently to every thought he gives me.

"Part of the change that is going to take place is being created out of necessity, due to the presence of Humankind and their use of that planet.  But I want to add that the fact that almost every human is going to take the planetary changes personally should not be lost on you," he said.

I was puzzled.  "What do you mean?"

"The lack of understanding what energy is all about, what life itself is all about, causes a very narrow vision of things.  With a narrow vision, a soul loses the bigger picture and becomes focused only upon self and events that impact self.  By doing so, narrow little realities are built.  Narrow little realities are the cause of 100% of mis-alignment of Universal Energies.  Mis-alignment of energies causes the rest of existence to, let us say, 'erupt.'  The Universe has to rearrange itself based upon the individual energies it has to absorb and adjust to.  Thus we have uncontrolled chaos.  

"Existence has controlled change, which some might perceive as chaos.  But, again, that relates back to the limited vision of things.  When a soul participates in a lifetime where great change is scheduled to occur, being aware of the bigger picture and bigger truths can eliminate much of the personal chaos and 'taking things personally' emotion that follows."

I studied the map for a second, thinking about what he said.  Earth certainly looked much different.  And I knew he had just given a great key / hint as to how to propel through the changes.

(continued in next blog..........)


  1. Thank you, Louise~!~ And thank you to all who have left the "must reads." I appreciate your support greatly.

  2. When I read your words.....I feel as if I've been transported to another 'place and time'......

  3. Thank you again, Louise. That's precisely the point, I think. (smile) I often wonder if the constant "transportation" that takes me there is so that others may go there as well. To absorb this energy feels like peace. To bring it back to the life you live here feels like Service to the energy here. Blessings.

  4. You've opened my mind to much bigger possibilities.


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