Saturday, July 2, 2011

Truth written as fiction........

"A world where each person was in union with their soul, where po...wer was not fought for but accepted as each person's due, to be used for the benefit of creating more possibilities and better worlds."

"Now, my son, it is time to remember. To call your soul to you. It was meant that the soul lead the body and the mind toward all new possibilities. The soul knows all worlds. It is not limited by this experience. It is the way of man that says that the world must consist of only what he can see and understand and label."

"His words seemed to usher in an invisible pulse. Like standing in the center of a heart, it beat and pulsed around him, absorbing him. His world began to throb. He was helpless to resist. In seconds he BECAME the pulse and it was then that he knew that he was in union with the Creator of All That Is. Indeed, he had never been separate. Only the illusion of separation has stood between him and the union he had been seeking. He was the pulse, the heart of all that is."

"Your memories were deliberately taken away,” the voice told him. “Remember that it was your decision so that you could concentrate on where you were rather than where you wanted to be.”

"......The dream was dark, making Paul's surroundings almost indistinguishable to him. It became clear that he was in a hallway. To the right and left of him were walls of cubicles, each the size of a coffin. In several of the...... cubicles were dim lights. Beneath the lights lay figures as still as death. His stomach twisted in anxiety as he wondered if they were actually dead. Instantly he heard a voice behind him. He turned to see a small figure draped in an aura of violet. She was five feet tall with alabaster skin pulled tightly against her bones. Her head was bald and angular. Her large, almond-shaped eyes gave back his reflection, like mirrors. She answered his questions by placing thoughts into his mind. It seemed as natural as breathing.

"These are transmutation chambers. The people within them are currently visiting other universes in spirit form. The function of their bodies will return when their spirit returns from its journey."

From "CALLED" 

First Volume of OTHER WORLDS: The Series
by Lauren Zimmerman

Truth written as fiction

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