Friday, July 8, 2011

A Mothership: A Brief Glimpse

The first brief glimpse into one of the crafts that I visit often.  The Esartania.  I consider it my "home craft" due to my extensive, almost-nightly interactions with it.

Approximately 100,000 beings live aboard The Esartania, varying little in their appearance and even less in their intention to assist Earth.  This craft was built with the intention of entering various planetary systems that need help with major transitions, whether of the people or the planet itself.

The control room is fairly large and totally uncluttered.  A large bank of windows, shaped like half of a football, spans the entire front of the room.  Beneath the windows is a control panel, following the curve of the craft and the windows.  Three sleek, thin, black chairs sit directly in the middle of the control panel.  The light in this great room is dim.  The bank of windows gives the view of a silent, magnificent universe floating silently outside.  The view of life, from that perspective, changes you forever.

Much of the time, Commander Korton is standing, thin hands draped over the back of a chair, staring silently out at the vastness.  Tonight was no different.  He turned slightly as he sensed my approach.  I looked into his large, almond-shaped eyes and felt his emotion fill me.

"Greetings."  The word was a thought-form.  We never spoke verbally.

I returned the greeting and moved to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him.  The sight outside the bank of windows was stunning.  As always, I let it change me, let it take away my human perspective and fill me with the vast truth of the bigger picture.

The Commander's thoughts filled me in much the same way.

"The time is rapidly approaching for essential change."

I agreed.  There could be no doubt that the flotsam and jetsam of Earth was impacting the galaxy.  Change is essential.  The arrogance and narrow-mindedness of Humanity was not lost on me.

"The entry of the black pearl crafts didn't have as much impact as we had hoped."

"Do you know why?" I asked.

He shrugged his rail-thin shoulders just a bit.  "Making an impact on the imbalance of light and dark, in an energy form as dense as Earth, is difficult, to say the least.  If the darkness would stop perpetuating itself, it would be much less of a problem."

I felt more than saw a slight twitch of his thin, almost-invisible lips. 

"From Earth's perspective, one might say it's rather like housecleaning in a house that holds a dozen unruly children.  The work is never done.  The chaos never stopped."

I nodded.  "Exactly," I murmured.

We turned as though we were one unit and headed toward the hallway that leads off to the left.  Though the lighting is dim, I can still see my way.  Once in the hallway, we took the first door to our right.  The conference room. 

(continued in next blog......)


  1. I left a comment it's not here....none the less...Excellent as always!

  2. Thank you so much~!~ There might have been a glitch in the comments communication, since the blog is so new. Getting the wheels moving, perhaps? Thank you again. So glad you enjoyed~!~

  3. Thank you for sharing... love your blog! Please keep posting. Your book 'Called' arrived in the mail today. Am eager to start reading it, and will order your other books too. You remind me of Kryon, and Dolores Cannon's writings. You all say the same thing, and the confirmation seals it in my heart!


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, and for taking the time to write. I appreciate your comments! Blessings to your Journey.

  4. Thank you for sharing it was very insightful and intriguing thanks again :)


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