Friday, August 7, 2015

One of the Biggest Lies of the Matrix?

As I thought about the points that need to be covered in the topic I'm about to address I realized that this could easily turn into a book. A very large book. And so, please read this blog with an open mind, using your intuition to expand the possibilities of what might be true and what might be a lie.

What I'm about to say may not be very popular. But as an explanation, let me say this: My entire life, since I 'died' in 1974, has been about finding the Truth and finding the deepest connection with God that is possible here in the density and suffering of this planetary reality. The road has been beyond belief and beyond explanation. My mind has been expanded to the point where I am able to 'process' the reality of one billion existences. The word 'existence' seems to suggest 'all that is.' I've been shown that such is not the case. The existence in which this Universe is real can be multiplied by one billion. I would not have believed it, or even thought about it, if I had not been shown this with my own eyes.

I was also shown myself (and many others) coming from 'another existence' and entering this one. Honestly, this is such a truth that I don't even have to wonder about the possibility. What I DO wonder about is why we came here. But that's a topic for another blog/book.

Now to the topic that may raise some eyebrows and question marks. I was never interested in the subject of twin flames until I met someone that I was convinced was mine. All of my Divine Guidance, and even The Presence of God, assured me that I was correct. But then things went terribly, terribly wrong and I was pushed into several million questions about the truth of twin flames and what this is really all about.

At one point in my questioning I found myself outside of this existence, looking back. Similar to the artwork/picture of the 'strings of universes' piece that is featured on the side of this blog .. but much, much larger. (Times one billion) I was 'one.' There was no 'split' of myself, nothing to suggest that I was one half of a soul, or one half of anything else at all. I was Whole. As I stood there pondering why I was One when I stood there, but didn't feel One when I was here, I witnessed myself 'split' as I stepped back into this existence. To me that suggested that 'twin flames' only existed within this 'region,' this existence. Which, of course, made me wonder why.

My nights and days are consumed by my inner search for Truth and so it goes without saying that I couldn't let this go. It seemed to me that the devastation of my 'twin flame' experience held the key. As it turned out, I was right. And so .. without further delay .. here's the Truth that was handed to me.

There is no such thing as a 'twin flame.'

Let me tell you how it was explained to me. Again, everything I was told would take up an entire book but in my zest for sharing Truths with you, I'll cover the key points and leave your intuition to do the rest.

This quote came from The Presence of God. "How can anything be more 'as one' than something else? If everything is As One within the existence of God, how is it possible that one person, or one thing, is more As One than another?"

I love pure logic.

Of course, now, my full attention is focused on learning more. I almost stopped breathing as I listened for more insights.

"How can you not be Whole? If you are as aspect of God, as all things are, how can there be a part of you missing? Let me tell you this. The search for 'your other half' is part of the programming of the current Earth reality. The BELIEF in separation within the current Earth reality is the cause of separation. The belief that there is a part of you that you need to find is the belief in separation. Belief in separation is a lie."

"Please go on," I murmured, listening intently.

"As long as people believe they are separate from their innate Divine Union with God, there is a crucial part of themselves not participating in their reality. You are dis-empowered. You are lost. You are seeking outside of yourself. You are feeling unloved, separated, unworthy. You are questioning your own value. You are thinking that you need something or someone else to give you the value of yourself that you, yourself, can't find. Therefore you can see that if the belief in having 'another half of yourself, a 'twin flame, if you will, is a belief that encourages you to be powerless. It suggests you are not Whole. As far as someone or something controlling you, what better way to do that than to have you constantly distracted by a search for something you think you don't have?"

"Indeed." The thought made me breathless because it made so much sense.

"I would suggest that if people are looking for something that seems to be missing they look for their relationship with their own Divine Union with All That Is."

I nodded. It had been my quest for over 40 years. "But let me ask you this. Why is it that when we step into this existence, if I can call it that, is there a feeling of separation? Why do we even bother to step into a lie? Why do we feel as though we are split in two and need to even bother looking for 'the missing piece' of ourselves?"

"How better to discover the truth of who you are then by revealing the truth of who you are not?"


"How better to discover the impact of cause and effect than by immersing yourself in a study of cause and effect? A study of what is True and what is not?"

"How better to understand your Oneness with All That Is than to pretend that you are not One with All That Is?"

I DO love Truth. Indeed. And ... how can anyone be more As One than anyone else ... in God's Reality?

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Saturday, August 1, 2015


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Thursday, July 30, 2015

More About the Crystal Ray

I'd like to begin with something basic that I was shown many years ago. 4th dimension.
Here we are in 3rd dimension. We're creating and sending out energy 24/7. That's not just one of us. That's about seven billion of us. Everything being energy, thoughts, emotions, actions, well, everything .. everything .. is energy. We're creating it. But where does it go when it leaves us? I can tell you what I was told .. and shown. And it wasn't pretty.

I was hovering above the energy of 4th dimension, looking down. Have you ever stood on a hill and looked down at a refuse plant? Heaps and heaps, acres and acres, of refuse. Filthy. Rat-infested. Cast-offs from life.

3rd dimensional energy that no one wants any more.

Have you ever thought about it? Where does all of the 3-D energy we create go? Well, now you know. At least, you know from my perspective. What I was shown. Believe me, the vision stuck with me. I think about it daily.

And then I think about housekeeping. The endless job. You clean and before you know it, you have to clean again. If you're an 'energy worker' who is here on the planet trying to help with raising the energy of Humanity and the planet, you know where I'm going with this. No sooner is a thought 'healed' (transmuted to a higher vibration) then another thought is tossed into the mix. But not just one. Seven billion. Which is why I've been so hot on the topic of personal responsibility for one's energy all these years. The energy you create has to go somewhere. What energy do you want to contribute to 'the whole?'

Now ... how does the Crystal Ray fit into the point I'm trying to make?

I've put the link to the free PDF for 'The Crystal Ray Basics' here in the blog. Basically, the Crystal Ray is a vibrational 'tool' that is crystalline in nature and helps connect people to the higher vibrational frequency of their infinite soul. If you can imagine it this way.....

Let's imagine that the dimensional frequencies/realities look like a stack of pancakes piled on top of each other. Each pancake is a dimension. They are touching, but they are separate 'entities.' But the picture, as a whole, incorporates all energies within this existence. Every pancake, energetically, is one with all of the others, making up the 'full picture.'

The Crystal Ray, again, resonates with the frequency of your infinite soul. If you are in the 3rd dimension 'drawing down' the energy of your higher frequency soul energy using the Crystal Ray, you are necessarily impacting the other dimensions through which you pass. I've made a very crudely drawn picture as an example/visual.

Though I've had this information/visual aid for about 30 years, it was only after the huge-huge night that just unfolded that I was told it was time to make it a little more public. It's not rocket science. It's very logical. But it's not something most of us think about on a daily basis. I was told it was time for more people to start thinking about it.

Here's a brief run-down of part of the night's conversation.

The task of raising the Earth's vibrational frequency comes with the realization that Earth will, eventually, no longer support a reality that thrives on suffering, pain, karma, mayhem, etc. It will continue as a host to those who study cause and effect, but the way in which study is done will be vastly different.

The work of many who have come to the planet to assist in the raising of frequencies has reached a point where Universal Law allows for direct action with the energies that are keeping the planet in the 'box'/role it has been playing. This is why the topic of 'the matrix' has become almost a household conversation. The control that the 'matrix grid' has had upon the consensual reality of Humanity has broken down to the degree that the next step of the work can begin. (By the way, the matrix grid is, from what I've been shown and told, is a 4th dimensional effort.)

That said, the 4th dimensional energies, the 'garbage dump,' if you will, 'lays on' the 3rd dimension. It makes sense, right? The 4th pancake lays on top of the 3rd. And so, necessarily, the 3rd is impacted by the weight of the 4th. (so to speak .. bear with me on this) If we lessen the weight of the 4th, we ease the energy of the 3rd. This is where the Crystal Ray comes in.

If we use visuals again, which is always one of my favorite tools, think of the Crystal Ray as needle-thin. That needle penetrates all of the dimensions, touching everything it 'passes through.' Therefore, the energy/vibration of the Crystal Ray as it passes through the 4th dimension, the 4th pancake, would impact the energy of the 4th, right?

And so, logically, the more people in 3rd dimension who 'draw down' the energy of the Crystal Ray, through all dimensions and into the 3rd, the more impact there will be upon 'the garbage dump.' Can you see it?

I don't know about you but I'm all for 'putting holes' in the 4th dimensional story. Right? (smile)

Click on this link for the free PDF: Crystal Ray Basics:

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