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As most of you who follow my work know, I was physically contacted by an extraterrestrial society that I had not (knowingly) been interacting with before January 16th of this year. I have learned much from them and have been asked to share this piece. This information has been given to me by them. With the deep understandings they have shared with me in the last several months, I have come to understand this offering in a deeper way than I could have imagined. I give to you as a gift, from them, to our human society, for your consideration.
The energy of Twin Flames is meant to lead the way into a new reality on Earth.
The reality of a Twin Flame is far beyond the 'romantic interpretation' Humanity might assign to it. In the beginning of Creation, souls were one, a unified entity, if you will, contained within a single 'space.' To further explore the Infinite Existence available to a soul, the soul became two, divided but never separated.
As with all things within existence, a solid, unified force contains more strength, more power. 2013 is assigned as the year in which a group of 'divided' Twin Flames will reunite energy in order to share the full impact of the energy of a 'unified' soul. The purpose is to assist Earth in the unique and unprecedented process of changing its dimensional frequency.
Your human questioning will ask, and we hear you before you form the question; will the physical presentation of both 'halves' meet in person on Earth and live within a physical relationship? We answer in this way; not necessarily. Keeping in mind that all of existence is made up of dimensional frequencies, Twin Flames are not necessarily 'living' in the same dimensional frequency at the same time. The goal is to unite energetically, and that need not be physically. If a soul has determined that the combined energy would be more beneficial if one were in one frequency and one were in another, such will be the case.
Of primary importance is the understanding that both 'halves' are called to live, as much as possible, within the original vibrational frequency of the original 'unified' soul. What becomes apparent. in simple terms, is that an each 'half of the whole' who is playing a part if the Twin Flame 'mission, takes on the responsibility of living (vibrating) at a higher dimensional frequency. This calls for a deep, cellular process of healing all energy that does not resonate with your soul's truth.
The conclusion you can draw from this is: 'logical' ways of being must be maintained within the relationship between Twin Flames. Because Twin Flame relationships are extremely intense, the intensity can stimulate/activate the exact opposite energy of the harmonious goal you seek to reach. The reason for this is that each 'half' is attempting to bring to the surface, both in themselves and in the other, any and all energy that is not harmonious with the original soul energy. 2013 is meant to be the 'energetic year' of going within these oppositional energies with the goal of understanding and healing lower vibrational energies in order to clear space for your higher dimensional energies. As the 'two halves of a whole' clear energy to reunite with the original soul energy, they bring that original soul energy to Planet Earth. As Planet Earth integrates that energy, the planetary vibrational frequency rises. This is the work for the now. The work of 2013 will be revealed when it is time.
Lauren Zimmerman
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