Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Simple Truth In Pictures
My gratitude to "A.I: The Movie" for one of the best pictures I've ever seen portraying an interaction from one dimension to another. It gives me the perfect format to express some simple truths .. which I do with the hope that what is given will touch one person at a time. And one person at a time is how we, as a society, will create a kinder world.
My deepest wish for ALL, my deepest hope for ALL ... May your Holiday be truly blessed and may this New Year bring ALL of Humanity closer to PEACE ON EARTH.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
You Leave An Impression
The greatest gift in my life is the honor bestowed upon me by God; the welcoming visitations that are filled with insight and wisdom .. and 'hints.' My life is a constant study of the dichotomy between who we are as infinite beings in oneness with God and Awareness, and who we are when we exist in the density of this 3-D Earth-life. Perhaps it is my refusal to give up my need to understand that allows me the visitations. Whatever the reason, I am grateful for them and grateful for the ability to share some of the tidbits with those who may find interest in my mental meanderings.
The gift of last night's visitation was filled with so much that it left me wanting to touch every soul on this planet and, with that touch, somehow infuse them with the simple truths of the unnecessary dichotomy. The dichotomy that allows people to forget who they are in union with God.
Here's a really simple thought to ponder. If ALL is God, all people and things exist within the energy of God, and there is no separation between something that is all-one, then everything that happens to the one happens to the all.
Logical conclusion to draw from that fact ... what impacts one impacts all. All things being energy, and energy having no boundaries, the 'cause' that happens within the energy field of God 'affects' the entirety of God.
I have a memory of walking to work along the quiet morning streets of Sacramento. I was probably about twenty at the time and so it was some years ago. A woman riding a bicycle was approaching me. I am always lost in my own thoughts when I walk and so paid little attention. But when she came close enough to me she caught my eye. "God bless you," she said.
All these years later and the impact of that five-second encounter is still with me.
Every word you say, every action you take, every smile you give, every tear you cause ... you leave an impression. But you can extrapolate that realization out to a much greater degree. If you are leaving an impression on a person, you are leaving an impression on God.
Something to think about. Something to ponder.
Perhaps a KEY to causing change.
Perhaps a KEY to healing the belief in separation between you, God, ALL.
Perhaps a KEY to causing the healing of this human society in order to take a step forward into a kinder reality.
May this Holiday and the ending of this year, 2015, bring Humanity a little bit closer to Peace, to Love, to Oneness, and to Divine Unity with All That Is.
Love and Peace to ALL, from LZ
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
Healing Through Infinity
There is (and maybe always has been) much talk about having a human experience and the fact that it is a temporary experience for an Infinite Soul. I have zero doubt about the truth of that. Why then does the reality of Humankind continue to express itself with suffering, murder, abuse, and every other imaginable way of one Soul causing pain to another Soul? Why do humans allow themselves to forget the Infinite Truth of who they are and not express that Truth to the fullest extent possible here on Earth?
I had been 100% certain that I would wait a while before writing another blog but, left to my own devices (not working during this time), my natural state of being a writer and an explorer of dichotomies kicks in. As I sat contemplating this morning .. thinking about not writing a blog .. this idea for a blog came skipping in. It declared itself to be a great idea and so .. here we are .. exploring a question that I'm sure millions of souls have asked for thousands of years.
I, personally, have dedicated my life to the quest of understanding the dichotomies of life here and life on 'the other side.' Having spent some time there, having been exposed to the wisdom and the almost-unfathomable degree of love, compassion, and acceptance for ALL, I suppose it was a natural path for me to take .. the exploration of the unbelievable difference in who we are in one reality vs. another.
The piece of the puzzle that came tripping in to talk to me this morning (for the hundredth time) was about the process of loving beyond pain. The pain of this Earth-life is temporary. The love we find when the pain is gone is infinite. And we are each Infinite Love. Believe me. I've been there. I've seen it for myself. And the experience of knowing all souls as their expression of infinite love has not left my mind for a single moment since. There have been, of course, moments of such deep pain and confusion that I have fallen into a spiral of not understanding. The dichotomy, the separation between the Truth and this life-experience too great for me to fathom. But these moments became my tool, my path, to greater understanding. For it is pain (I speak of emotional pain, not physical) that drives the quest for understanding, for a deeper search, for answers. And one of the answers was this.......
If you know you are an infinite soul, if you embody and live that Truth, then you know that the emotional pain is temporary and not a part of the infinite truth of who you are, who the other person/people are. When you leave this temporary Earth-experience, you will not take the pain. It will not be a part of you. If it is not a part of your infinite soul then why would you embrace it as your Truth here on Earth? If you wish to walk the Truth of your soul here on Earth, then you can make no exceptions. You cannot pick and choose what is Truth for the infinite soul and say it is not Truth for the earthly body. To do so is to encourage a belief in separation. But you are not meant to be separate from your own soul.
What then is the answer? How do you arrive at a place of peace and leave the pain behind? It might sound 'new-agey' or unrealistic .. idealistic .. or whatever term you might wish to use .. but the answer is love. In soul to soul relationships we are pure love. There is nothing else. Anything other than a state of love is an un-truth in the soul's experience. I realize that I may sound totally 'out there' by stating that it is possible to Be Love despite everything that unfolds here on Earth. And yet it is my Truth. I live it because I've seen it for myself and it is an experience that one cannot forget. It is my hope and intention to pass this Truth along. Perhaps, one person at a time, this Truth can resonate around our planet and through this understanding we can change our world. I think it's a viable idea. But then again (smile) they call me idealistic. (I disagree.)
I can state for a fact that staying in a state of pure love, despite the worst of circumstances, is possible. I have lived it. If it is possible for me it is possible for you. Maybe I am just here to state the obvious. (smile)
I am Love. You are Love. We are One .. through Infinity.
To view more of Lauren's work/books, please feel free to visit:
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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Revelations from God
That moment when God touches your dream, tells you your story, gives you a song.
You wake up to an understanding as far-reaching as your soul. Here is 3-D and here is your understanding. And now you will change. Your world was never what you thought was real but in the back of your mind you knew how it was meant to be. You spent your years bringing the pieces into your dreams, examining them like tiny, fascinating shards of glass. Waking moments of wandering, searching for the pieces that you knew were meant to come together to give you the picture of your life.
Now you sit, slightly dazzled by the dream, by the touch of God, by the reality of the day. But the song haunts you. Quietly. Growing louder as you attempt to go about your regular 3-D morning. I will not be ignored, it whispers, sounding like your soul. Finally you stop, make the computer your friend, slip on the head phones, and look for the song. But you don't have to look. You open the massive web site and it is the first song on the site. Waiting for you like an open door.
As the words crawl through your cells with clues there comes a shadow. Standing in silence. Watching. Regret and sorrow. The road not taken is bathed in light and you both turn to stare at it in disbelief. The shadow weeps. Your soul reaches out to comfort. The light on the path dims until darkness is all you see. The song grows quieter until silence takes over.
Slipping off the head phones you stare in silence at the future. The shards of glass, the pieces that were the picture of your life, fall away. Souls go astray. Destinies die. New paths are born. Souls find a way. They are infinite.
God speaks now of a destiny unknown. A path un-charted. He has shown a light upon that which was meant to be. He speaks to me of what could have been and why it went astray. In this revelation I become more Whole. He gently closes that door and with His touch He turns me away. His touch lays upon my soul and a peace fills me as I step away from that which was and turn toward that which will be.
It is a path unknown but it is God. The song plays again and this time I allow it to fade. It is the song of the past and it is saying good-bye. The path of my life, the shards of glass, the reality that was never born ... I allow it all to fall away. I turn to that which will be, place my hand in the hand of God, and open the door to my destiny.
PS: In response to a "mis-interpretation" of the blog ... a further explanation ... People speak of destiny and set-in-stone lifetimes that 'must' follow a certain path. But there were two paths .. two destinies .. not inter-twined but running parallel. I have walked my entire life with an awareness of both .. and gained an understanding from both that goes beyond 'the norm.' It's been fascinating, to say the least, and so very informative. The understanding of both paths has now merged into a Oneness with God that is ripe with understanding and brings with it a heart so open that it touches all souls with the utmost of love and compassion. In some odd way I have walked both paths, loved both paths, learned from both paths. On both the love of soul has been monumental, often overwhelming. I feel doubly blessed by the dichotomy.
We are One. Always One and forever One.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Life Happens
(Link to radio interview is below)
I could have made several thousand predictions and not one of them would have had anything at all to do with how things unfolded. I understand, from my years of talking to other 'sensitives,' that getting 'intuitive insight' into one's own life is right up there next to impossible. I can understand that. There are things we would avoid at all costs. And it often turns out that those things are the things that teach us the most. That said, I have learned so much in the last couple of years that it might equate to one thousand years .. all piled into such a short span of time. I was contemplating 'life' a couple of weeks ago when I heard what I call an 'out loud voice' in the room. (That happens often .. other dimensional thoughts being spoken .. made loud enough for me to hear.)
"You will take the last weeks of this year to yourself. To simply be. To assimilate the energy of what you've learned, how far you've come. To heal the final vestiges of pain and release them to the winds. We would like you to think of this: What if you were able to heal the impact of your life experience?"
I followed that thread of thought diligently because it intrigued me. All things being energy, all events/experiences have an energetic impact upon our energy fields. I have, for many years, attempted to turn 'pain energy' into wisdom. To learn something out of anything that causes me pain and then place the knowledge/wisdom into the energy-space that the pain is taking up. But it had never occurred to me that the actual impact of an energy/event could be reversed, if you will. The possibilities, quite simply, thrilled me.
I let my mind play with some thoughts. What if 'the matrix,' the mind control energy field,' is real and all events are orchestrated by the entanglement of you being trapped inside this matrix-illusion? What if, because everything within the matrix is an illusion, the impact of what occurs within the illusion could be 'erased' and your energy field aligned back into the Truth of who you are .. who you were before you entered the matrix?
Ahhhhhh .. the tantalizing hope.
Of course I decided to take the hint and remove myself, to some degree, from the rest of the world and go into my own ruminations and contemplations. And found myself absolutely enthralled with everything that began to unfold. One of the things that had a major-major impact on what was happening was orchestrated by an angel-on-Earth who has quietly been assisting me for many years. She works behind the scenes without many knowing the full impact she has on my life and my work. Without being asked, many years ago, she stepped in to assist me with MySpace, and then FaceBook, Twitter, and much more. This, in itself, is a daily blessing and amazement to me but even more amazing is her ability to bring things out of hiding and post them publicly at the EXACT moment they are needed. Yesterday was no exception and I found myself re-visiting, this morning, what she posted yesterday.
The link is below, for those who are interested. This is a radio interview I did in December 2012 with Bryan Whatley. I re-listened to it this morning and found myself smiling throughout. It was such fun to connect with his curiosity, his humor, and his intelligence. And I admit that I don't have an accurate word to describe how I felt about hearing myself repeat things that I have been saying for over 30 years. I realized that I am saying now what I said then .. in 2012. The Truths do not change. I believe that, for centuries, these Truths have been attempting to show Humankind the way to generate change .. and yet here we are.
But I won't go off track with that thought. My original thinking with this blog was to say .....
I heard a hopeful confidence, if there is such a thing, in my 'prediction' that the books of nLight Press would be published in hard-back in 2013. I believe I mentioned that twice in this interview. Now we are on the last step going into 2016 and I am both astonished and hopeful. But there are no physical books to be had. I won't go out on another limb and state that 2016 will show us that success. We will just have to see how things unfold. Perhaps it is not meant that the books go into physical form, but remain as 'etheric' as the energy they contain. (smile)
It will be an obvious statement from me when I say that listening to what was said in 2012 and looking through the months and years .. and events .. since then caused me to go into some very deep introspection and spiritual questioning. (Oh .. that was interesting .. my computer stalled after I typed the first part of the word 'questioning' .. 'quest' .. and isn't that the truth of all questioning .. a quest for truth.)
I often say that if you live in total faith, you don't need to plan. Planning suggests a lack of trust in the Divine Unfolding. I realize now, here in my own life, how true that is. I could never have predicted (or planned) how things have turned out. I compare the truths that were shared in this radio interview with Bryan to the un-truths that happened behind the scenes and marvel at the massive discrepancies. In my own mind I have decided that the path has been all about revealing some of the most intricate, detailed, and honest Truths that I might not have otherwise uncovered. I celebrate what I have learned. I celebrate those who have trusted me to assist them in remembering who they truly are. I am blessed by the lives of the people I've touched in the last year.
I understand the 'Grand Plan' more intimately than I ever imagined possible. The 'matrix energy' has fallen away to such a degree that we, as a human society, have more ability to access the Truth than we've had for thousands of years. I revel in the glory of that and stare, open-mouthed, at the plethora of possibilities and what this could mean for Humanity.
I am not even certain, in my own mind, why I felt so overwhelmingly called to write this blog. I feel it 'rambles' it's way through a maze of thoughts. But, as with everything I write, there is an energy and a multitude of layers unspoken beneath the words that now live here. I hope you enjoy (or 're-enjoy') the interview with Bryan, despite the poor quality of my microphone. I was in a motel, at the time, and the acoustics (and mic) left a lot to be desired. Still .. I thoroughly enjoyed re-visiting this hour and my deep gratitude to 'Earth Angel' for bringing it back to my attention.
YouTube Link to the Interview Between Lauren Zimmerman & Bryan Whatley:
You can find Bryan Whatley on FaceBook at:
You can find more about Lauren Zimmerman & her books/work at:
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Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Soul Does Not Fall Silent
We put on pretty dresses. We slip on pretty shoes. Tighten the belt, straighten the tie, check the crease in your slacks ... smooth the lipstick and check the mascara. The mirror does not lie. We look ready for the day. One last glance into the mirror. Oh, yes. Remember to paint on the smile. Yes. We're ready to step into the living world that breathes outside the door.
Every person has a story. Every soul has a life. More often than not, the two are not the same. Perhaps it is time for that to change.
As a child I looked at the brutality of the world with wide-eyed wonder. Observing the damage one person does to another. Confused within my memory of being one with God. Wondering why everyone did not have that memory. And why they did not act upon it. How can one aspect of God destroy another aspect of God? There is no doubt that I am not the first person to contemplate the dichotomies of life. What a joy if I were allowed to be the last. If the world would suddenly blink itself awake, shake itself off, and begin living soul to soul, heart to heart, love to love. That's who we are. Do you remember that?
But our stories go on. Our hearts break. Our souls weep. Our smiles fade and our hope escapes us.
What would the story be if the infinite soul stepped into the broken heart? The healing of God unfolded and the story began anew?
I hear now the tapping of All Infinite Souls. Tapping upon the closed doors that hide the stories and the lies we tell ourselves. Truth is seeping in through the cracks in the veneer and the falsehoods. It is time to tell our Earth-stories to our own Infinity. To allow that vastness of our own Truth to wipe our tears, heal our hearts, teach us to live in the Knowing that All People are aspects of God.
One aspect of God does not steal from another. One aspect of God does not abuse another. One aspect of God does not murder another. And the list goes on.
Our souls are weeping as we continue to exist within lives that are not abundant with our own Truth. But our souls are at the door, calling.
They call me 'idealistic.' They call me 'insane.' To believe in a world that could be one of kindness and equality. Where the mayhem can stop, the callousness end, the quiet desperation fall away into nothing more than a distant memory. But the truth of it is ... we are Infinite Souls with the power to bring the Essence of God into every moment. Every word. Every action. Why then does another reality seem impossible? If it is only a matter of infusing the Truth of the Infinite Soul into the temporary body we wear?
We can heal through the avenue of Truth that is our Soul.
We can dry our tears, heal our hearts, tell our stories and then move on to a greater reality. One that we ourselves create. Create because we have the power to do so. It's not as if we don't have the tools. We ARE the tools. The avenue through which change can happen. We are aspects of God, which allows us the entirety of Existence to draw upon. I find it impossible to believe that we, as a human society, cannot create the miracle of a world that understands God .. and each other.
Take a moment to tell your story. Your eyes speak it anyway. Let your heart speak it too. Your soul will listen and your soul will dry your tears. Your soul will also bring you the greater essence of who you are. The essence of strength and truth that resides in your connection to your own infinity and God. When your story is told you may be ready to begin a new one.
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Saturday, December 5, 2015
A 'dream' that was not a dream
Every once in a while I receive a 'dream' that has a message that will impact the reality on Earth, in some way. The changes may end up being subtle, but still evident if you know what to look for. This said .. here is the message from last night. Quite significant, in my humble opinion.
All woman of Earth were gathered, having been called together to hear a message. About 10% of the male population wandered through the crowd, curious to hear, and waiting with the women. A stirring happened on the edge of the crowd and a tall, imposing woman with jet-black hair swirled her way through the crowd. As she neared me she met my eyes. My sense was that she was defiant and yet regretful. A curious mix of emotions and so I watched her carefully. The pride she had in who she was emanated like a visible aura and soon the entire crowd became silent, watching her.
She would have been described as brazen as she began to address the crowd. My instinct was to distrust her and I never took my eyes from her as she swirled through the crowd, her floor-length gown highlighting her thin figure. Women began to shuffle their feet anxiously as the woman continued speaking. It was some type of apology that she was attempting to deliver. I could sense the resistance in the women, and feel their anger at her growing. No one believed what she was saying.
Finally noticing that she wasn't being believed, she turned and made her way back to me. Our eyes never parted as she steadily pushed her way through the throng of people. She must have read in my eyes my unwillingness to buy into whatever it was she was trying to sell. She stopped in front of me, finally, and told me this.
"I was responsible for the birth of inequality of men and women on the planet. The role I played was to create a great division in understanding, respect, value, and even the roles women play in the society of Earth."
Honestly, I wasn't shocked. I knew that she was somehow representing an 'event' in human history, a crucial time when all people, no matter what gender, were equal and treated with the utter respect and equality that God Himself would give.
She began her apology again, speaking directly to me, our eyes interlocked. But still I was hesitant. And she recognized that. I watched as something changed in her eyes. Suddenly I could see her soul and it was the saddest soul of All. Her eyes filled with tears and she sank to her knees before me. Still our eyes were interlocked. I looked down into her tear-filled eyes and now a sense of amazement filled me as her black gown changed into one of black and white. Even more amazed, I realized that my attire had changed too and I was now wearing a floor-length gown of black and white, the two colors swirled to clearly represent the Yin and Yang symbol.
I think it was this that caused me to realize that what was unfolding was meant to be Universal.
I reached my hand out and helped the woman rise from her knees, I gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. For a moment we stood silently, two Yin and Yang symbols, facing the world. Our combined energy of hope and determination to change the energy of the Earth to one of deep respect and balance spread above the crowd, almost visible in its strength.
With the power of this dream that was not a dream I believe the energy of division has been planted by ALL, into the energy of this Earth-reality. May each person on this planet embrace the essence and begin the Change.
Peace and Love to ALL
Lauren Zimmerman,
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